The Sword Named No Way Out

Chapter 81


Dongtian and Beiyuan soared at the same time.

The ancient gods transformed by heaven and earth will not reside in the upper heaven. Only the immortals who ascended by mortals will live in the heaven for a long time. Among them, there are those who are willing to be enshrined in the human world, and naturally they must bless their believers, otherwise it will be a serious obstacle to their practice; Clean up, just want to return to Taixu as soon as possible.

At that time, there were several immortals and gods in the upper heaven who were able to soar, and they had basically passed the stage of enjoying the incense offerings of the human world, and belonged to the latter. However, the newly ascended new gods are more or less mortal believers, so Dongtian is responsible for the abundance of spiritual energy in the mortal world and is free from natural disasters, while Beiyuan is responsible for the peace and order of the world.

Different from the myths and stories of mortal legends, there is actually no distinction between the gods and the gods in the heavens - they are all gods after ascension. Without one side, any restraint or interference is impossible to talk about.

But Gong Wei was very worried about Ying Kai's killing obstacles, so he often visited the northern wall of the heavens, and had a conversation with Ying Kai.

Ying Kai may have been depressed for a long time in the Cangyang Sect, and he had no entertainment, so he even learned to make wine by himself. It happened that peach blossoms were planted all over the sky, so the peach was used in the wine, which was very sweet. Gong Wei often fell asleep in the middle of the discussion. When he woke up, he was already in the Eastern Temple, with a soft cloudy couch under him. Xu Shuangce sat upright. Holding the ancient scroll beside him, his posture is straight and his face is focused.

Gong Wei waved his tail and said with a smile, "Xu Bai, Xu Bai, why have you turned me into a little fox again." Then he skillfully jumped up on Xu Shuangce's knees, stuck his head out from the table, and laid his front paws on his back. On the edge of the table, read a book with him.

Xu Shuangce's voice came from above his head: "Is peach wine good?"

Gong Wei did not hesitate: "Delicious!"

After a while, Gongwei went to Ying Kai to talk about Taoism, and found that there was only tea and no wine on the table, Ying Kai said with a bewildered face: "Shuang Ce said that the peach blossoms are blooming just right, and I want to learn how to make wine, so I have borrowed my wine making tools. It hasn't been returned for many days. He said he doesn't want me to teach, and he will invite me to drink when he learns, but I really don't know when he will learn..."

The two looked at each other, and the air was quiet for a while.

Gong Wei made a decision: "Let's go, let's talk to Xu Bai."

The two came to the Eastern Heaven Temple together, and Xu Shuangce readily agreed, so he took out his freshly brewed peach blossom wine and drank it with Ying Kai. As a result, Gong Wei saw that there was chicken to eat, and everything was thrown into the clouds. After a few bites of spicy food, he had to drink a sweet one, and when it was sweet, he couldn't help but want to eat spicy food. His mouth kept happy, and he was drunk. Then listen to Xu Shuangce and Ying Kai chatting. The two chatted for a while about the war in the mortal world, and suddenly Ying Kai fell silent for no reason, and said, "I have a question in my heart, and I am often confused."

Xu Shuangce said: "But it doesn't matter."

Ying Kai said: "If I didn't go to control the water at the beginning, I would simply let the people downstream be submerged by the flood. Is it true that now the war has stopped, and the world is in harmony, no one needs to die in battle?"

Xu Shuangce was startled.

Gong Wei was reclining on the soft couch and hugging Xu Shuangce's pillow. He was already half-drunk at the moment. He rubbed against the pillow with a smile and said, "Not necessarily."

Ying Kai asked, "Why?"

"If you don't control the water, the people will die and the fighting will stop. This is one of the karmic factors in the world. If you control the water and save the people, the fighting will stop and thousands of people will die. This is the second karmic karma in the world. Everything is the cause of everything. Everything is the result of everything. Therefore, you really don’t have to take the results of the ongoing war on yourself, you must know that the causal cycle of heaven and earth reciprocates, and you were only a part of the great cause and effect of this world when you went to control the water.”

Ying Kai just listened quietly, noncommittal.

"By the way," Gong Wei suddenly realized something: "Where did you think of this, did someone say something to you?"

"..." Ying Kai looked away, no one could hear a trace of concealment in his words: "No, I thought of it myself."

Gong Wei comforted him: "The general trend of the world is that if it is divided for a long time, it will be united and divided. There is really no need to think about it."

Ying Kai nodded silently and stopped talking.

They drank and chatted until late that day, and Gong Wei fell into a deep sleep early, so soft that he couldn't even pull up. Xu Shuangce got up and sent Ying Kai out the door. , won't there be so many noisy voices anymore?"

Xu Shuangce didn't hear clearly: "What kind of noise?"

Ying Kai said, "The cry."

"Where is the cry?"

The surroundings were clearly silent, Xu Shuangce thought he had missed something, but saw Ying Kai was silent for a while, and said, "No, I heard it wrong."

Xu Shuangce frowned, and for some reason a trace of unease suddenly appeared. However, before he could ask further, Ying Kai shook his head and laughed: "Shuangce, your wine is too strong, can you let me personally give you some pointers? When will you be able to return the wine set to me? "

Xu Shuangce immediately flicked his sleeves and put his hands behind his back, and said lightly, "No. Winemaking is like seeking the Tao, and everyone's way is different, how can you give random pointers!"

"..." Ying Kai murmured while holding his forehead, "Understood, I'll never want to take it back for the rest of my life."

Xu Shuangce sent Ying Kai away and returned to the temple, only to see Gong Wei intoxicated in the most familiar scent of white sandalwood, subconsciously turning into a related form - a little fox.

The warm and soft little fox was lying on the cloud couch, its fur was smooth and long, its two pointed ears were lying on the ground, and the fluffy and shiny tail of its tail fell down to the white jade floor tiles. Its whole body was as soft as a puddle of water, Xu Shuangce stood on the edge of the couch for a while, breathing a little faster, and reached out to turn the little fox back into Gong Wei.

The young man was as white as the moonlight, his lips were open unconsciously, the overturned wine jug splashed the sleeves of his robe, and the skin of his wrists was soaked with the mellow fragrance of wine and peach blossoms.

Probably because of the silence in the middle of the night, Xu Shuangce looked at him, his heart pounding heavily in his chest, and countless thoughts that had been suppressed in the past suddenly popped into his head.

Why does he always have to run to Beiyuan

Why is he always wandering around the world, not thinking about Shu

Why does everyone and everything in this world occupy his mind and time

Why... Why is he no longer my little fox

Once these thoughts were born, it was like a demon quickly growing into a towering giant vine, tightly wrapping Xu Shuangce's mind. He leaned down and stared at Gong Wei who was sleeping, his eyes fell on the open red lips, his thumb rubbed for a long time, and finally he gave a kiss.

Breath staggered, lips pressed together, and the soul burst into violent tremors.

The emotional barrier suddenly rose from the heart, dragging the gods into the abyss.

With a bang, Xu Shuangce got up and staggered back, knocking over the table, chair and wine cup. But he didn't even feel anything, because the stormy waves in his mind devoured everything, the primordial spirit collapsed, dizzy, and at the same time, a strong energy erupted, even shaking the entire east sky, causing the clouds to make a bang.

"Xu Bai? What's wrong with you, Xu Bai?" In a trance, he heard that Gong Wei seemed to be awakened, staggering and stumbling over in a deep drunkenness: "Have you gone crazy? What happened?"

Xu Shuangce looked at the surprised face of the young man in front of him. He had never wanted to possess him so strongly, hurt him, and make him feel the same pain as his own heart twitching. He also wanted to hold him in his arms and tightly protect him. Without a shred of wind, without a drop of rain, all the precious and beautiful things in the world are presented to him together with his heart and liver.

Great joy and sadness hit the heart at the same moment, the contradictions tear the soul apart like claws, and are filled with the acid of jealousy. Xu Shuangce opened his mouth, but he couldn't hear what he said in the confusion. With his last reason, he escaped from the temple, and Yuanshen rushed into the boundless Lingxu.

That was the first time that the Eastern Heavenly God had gone crazy.

He began to retreat and meditate, and he didn't even dare to think of Gong Wei's face in his mind.

He lost forever the indifferent Taoism that was like an iron wall.

At that time, Gong Wei didn't understand what happened, and he didn't have time to pester Xu Bai to get to the bottom of it, because a major event happened immediately after that night——

Ying Kai returned to the north wall, and sent an oracle to the mortal world, and sealed up the gold with the soldiers of the world, forcibly stopped the war, and extinguished the war.

The three worlds shook.

Never before has any immortal or god descended on the world with such a strong and absolute oracle, and Ying Kai was the first since the creation of the world.

Not only Gong Wei, but also other immortals and gods had a premonition of the disaster coming.

But Ying Kai is the god in charge of order and peace in the world, and no other god can easily interfere with his decision. Only after Xu Shuangce heard about it, he forcibly exited the customs regardless of the emotional barrier, and immediately flew to Beiyuan with his sword, Ying Kai looked at the helplessness in his hand, and slowly asked, "Are you here to force me to take my life back? "

Xu Shuangce put down his sword and said in a deep voice, "No, I'm here to discuss the Tao with you."

Ying Kai stretched out his hand to the opposite side of the table: "Please."

Although there is no superiority or inferiority, if there are differences among the immortals and gods, they can solve the problem by discussing the Tao. If your Dao convinces me of my Dao, then I will naturally have doubts about Dao, and I have to rely on meditation to clear my confusion, and the differences will cease to exist.

Dongtian and Beiyuan discussed Taoism for seven days and seven nights, arguing with each other, with countless illusions, and there was no difference between the winner and the loser. The eyes of the whole heaven were focused on the closed door of Beiyuan Temple. No one knew that when the morning light was faint on the eighth day, the Beiyuan God in the deep temple asked the Eastern God a question:

"If the cause and effect of this world should go with the flow, then the gathering and dispersal of love and hate should also go with the flow, right?"

Dongtian said, "Yes."

"When you were not flying up, you were inseparable with the young fox, intimate, and even accompanied in life and death. This is 'gathering'. Now after flying up, Jing Xian loves all things in the world and thinks about all beings in the three realms, and no longer belongs to you alone, this is 'San' - you should also accept the status quo calmly and not make any demands, right?"

Dongtian suddenly froze there.

Beiyuan was pressing step by step, every word pierced into his soul like a hot steel needle: "If there is a cultivator with the destiny of soaring in the world again in the future, the mirror fairy will accompany you just like the transformation of the past, and the transformation of the lower world will accompany the newcomer. , inseparable and intimate, you can also look at it calmly, right?!"

With a bang, Xu Shuangce stood up: "Shut up! Gong Wei, he's just—he—"

He's not just my little fox.

Xu Shuangce's voice stopped abruptly, and the pain of the heart pierced through his chest, causing his mind to rumble.

"Shuangce," Ying Kai's sympathetic voice seemed very close and far away in the chaos, he said, "You can't even convince yourself with your unforced remarks. Do you think you can convince me?"

Xu Shuangce's qi and blood boiled, and he couldn't hold back any longer, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood!

Dongtian and Beiyuan discussed Taoism for seven days and nights, and their hearts were full of demons, and they were defeated and retreated.

So far, no one has been able to stop Beiyuan Shang Shen's obsession with the world's great harmony. His absolute oracle completely suppressed the world and forcibly maintained peace for decades.

However, what Ying Kai didn't want to think about was that the world would not be forever grateful.

Soon Fengyan came again with the disaster, and the people's call for war became overwhelming, and even resented Ying Kai, who had controlled the flood and stopped the war, overturned his shrine and toppled his statue.

The ghost prince finally made his debut.

"Among all beings in the world, only human beings can avenge their kindness and revenge, only human beings can mutilate their own kind, only human beings can exchange children for food, and only human beings can slaughter for pleasure rather than survival."

"The flowers, leaves and plants in this world are worth it, birds and beasts are worth it, ants and mayflies are worth it, but only people. People are not worth it."

The peach blossoms, which represent killing obstacles, bloomed in the heavens overnight. The God of Beiyuan summoned giant soldiers and set off a war to destroy the world.

Ying Kai wants to eradicate all the evil in this world, and the only evil in this world are people.

Gong Wei finally understood what happened that late night hundreds of years ago. The "extremely pure and ultimate morality" given to young Ying Kai by the Prince Gui is not a gift at all, but a highly poisonous seed.

But now it's too late to regret it.

For the first time, Jing Xian, who has always been kind to her relatives, summoned a very evil appearance for the first time. At the same time, the God of the East wanted to kill the soldiers of the world, but was blocked by the God of Beiyuan. The two gods suddenly broke out in a bloody battle, once leveling the heavens.

Even the sky was dyed pale gold by the blood of the gods, and the tragic and heroic battle of that battle was epic. In the end, Dongtian and Beiyuan had no choice but to make a bet on the throne. The key to the bet was the last battlefield in the world - Tianmenguan.

Juzong Xuanjinghe perished with the soldiers who destroyed the world at Tianmen Pass.

The God of Beiyuan, who lost the bet, was so angry that he brought down a terrible catastrophe on Xuanjing River. However, at the critical moment, Gong Wei arrived and personally protected the Dharma. skyline.

Since then, the war of destruction has finally come to an end.

The ghost prince was imprisoned in the depths of Huangquan, the god of Beiyuan was removed from the heaven, and the newly ascended Xuanjinghe sealed the god of the west.

When the ten thousand zhang clear light shone on the sky, the entire Three Realms looked up at the new god in admiration, only Xu Shuangce saw the scarred and cracked mirror carrying the Xuanjing River. At the same time, he heard a ghostly young voice from his ear, saying, "Have you seen it? That's Gong Wei's real body."

Standing above the clouds, Xu Shuangce asked, "So what?"

The ghost prince was locked in the deepest chaotic realm of Huangquan, but he seemed to pay no attention to the dark prison: "Have you forgotten what the mirror likes most? - imitation. What you show to it, the mirror will be given to you. Look what. You put the most humble and sincere love in your hands, and the mirror reflects this love back as it is."

"… "

"The world comes and goes, but the mirror always stands in the same place. It reflects you now, and it will reflect others fairly in the future." Prince Gui's voice was as low as a devil, and he smiled: "Do you understand, God of the East? It's the biggest frustration of your life."

Xu Shuangce closed his eyes suddenly, and the majestic divine power burst out from all over his body, dispelling the Prince Gui's voice abruptly!

No one could see his hand clenched tightly against the Sword of Reluctance, the back of his hand burst with blue veins and trembled slightly.

After the War of Destruction, how to deal with the guilty Beiyuan became the biggest problem in the heaven at that time.

Gong Wei made a blood oath when Ying Kai ascended, once Ying Kai fell into the killing barrier, he must be executed immediately. But now when it was time to answer the oath, Gong Wei was full of hesitation and contradictions, so he invited all the gods in the upper heaven at that time. These gods who had not met once for hundreds of years gathered together and discussed it over and over again, but he still couldn't think of it. A method of both.

In the end, Xuan Jinghe tentatively made a proposal: "Since the blood oath was made to kill obstacles, now we might as well start with killing obstacles. If the God of Beiyuan can pay off all his sins of destroying the world, and kill obstacles as well. If all are resolved, wouldn't the blood oath be resolved with the flow?"

Xuanjinghe's soul was severely injured when he was soaring, and he has not fully recovered yet. During this time, Gong Wei has been using his divine power to make up for his soul, so they stayed together inseparably, hearing the words in distress: "But such a serious killing How can the obstacles be resolved?"

Immortals all over the hall shook their heads.

Gong Wei turned his head and asked expectantly, "Xu Bai?"

"… "

Turning into a little fox for many years before, Gong Wei has developed a temperament that likes to rub against people. Now he and Xuan Jinghe are on the same seat. Fortunately, Gong Wei is small and Xuan Jinghe is thin. That's why they were able to squeeze in, so Xuan Jinghe was almost pushed to the ground by Gong Wei, who was not seated.

Xu Shuangce lowered his eyelashes and covered his cold and heavy pupils: "I don't know."

Gong Wei was extremely disappointed: "I don't even know about Xu Bai." He held his cheeks and sighed, and could only say: "Then please think about it more tonight, everyone, and discuss it tomorrow."

The smoke in the world dissipated, and the bright moon in the heavens seemed to be extraordinarily round and bright.

In the middle of the night, Xu Shuangce meditated for a long time, and his heart was suffocated. He got up and walked out of the Dongtian Temple. After walking in the sea of clouds for a while, he found that he was habitually in front of a vast palace that reflected the moonlight. It was Gong Wei's residence in the heavenly world. .

Gong Wei loves the human world and wanders around the world all year round, but this place is nothing but a lonely Qionglin.

Xu Shuangce stood quietly for a moment, and was about to turn around and leave as usual, but suddenly heard the gentle breeze blowing towards Xuan Jinghe's soft voice: "Then what? Is the Eastern God angry?"

Xu Shuangce suddenly stopped.

Gong Wei smiled and said: "How could that be! Xu Bai never really got mad at me. Xu Bai cut off a bunch of my tail hair as a punishment, and then found an ice cube for me to hold it in, and only after half a bowl of ice did I feel Better - that saliva chicken is really too spicy! Xu Bai never allowed me to eat it again!"

The night pearl illuminates the palace, the mirror fairy and the god of the west are sitting opposite each other, and the fragrance of tea is curling. After thinking about it for a while, Xuan Jinghe couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Dongtian was so arrogant and arrogant that there would be such a narrow time."

Gong Wei blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "That's natural, Xu Bai thinks a lot, he also taught me that when I grow up, I can't go to a female fox, and I can't cultivate and transform if I'm too infatuated with love. It's a fox."

Xuan Jinghe almost spit out the tea.

Gong Wei shook his head and smiled, with a gleam in his eyes, and the smile faded after a while.

"Looking back on it now, it should be the happiest time." He sighed softly and said, "If I had known that today's result would have happened, it would be better not to fly up and stay in the world forever."

In the bright moon and breeze outside the hall, Xu Shuangce's pupils widened slightly and he stood there.

"..." Xuan Jinghe seemed to think about it for a long time, suddenly got up and bowed down, and said, "I have a method for the killing of the obstacle by the God of Beiyuan."

Gong Wei was about to get up to help him when he heard the words and said in surprise, "What method?"

Xuan Jinghe said: "I hit the eight characters to break the evil, attack the poison with poison, and overcome the obstacles. I am willing to exchange fate with the God of Beiyuan, and reincarnate until the killing obstacles are exhausted. This dilemma can be solved. What do you think?"

Not only Xu Shuangce outside the hall, but also Gong Wei was stunned.

"No, absolutely not." Gong Wei reacted and waved his hand immediately: "Ying Kai's killing obstacles will never be finished until thousands of years. Your soul has not been completed. Reincarnation is too dangerous."

Xuan Jinghe said seriously: "I understand, but this is the safest and safest way to resolve the obstacle to killing, otherwise you can only completely kill Beiyuan Shangshen now - but isn't that just following the Ghost Prince's will? He planted a seed in the heart of the ascension monk, we can't remove the seed, we can only kill the monk, is there really only this way of heaven's response to good and evil?"

"..." Gong Wei pondered, frowning beautifully.

"I'm the best candidate to resolve the obstacles to killing. If you don't worry, you can visit me in the lower world every life." Xuan Jinghe paused and said with relief: "You can turn into a little fox, and every life will be yours. Pass by the door where I was reincarnated, so that every time I am born, I will remember the promise I made with you. After thousands of years, I will wear off all the obstacles, and I will meet you again under the gate of heaven, isn't it good?"

The night pearl is shining brightly, and Gong Wei's quiet face is clear and clear in the brilliance.

Outside the hall at this moment, Xu Shuangce stood in the wind, as if he had stopped breathing.

"...No, I am the best candidate." After a long time, Harem Wei finally spoke slowly.

Xuan Jinghe was puzzled: "But—" "I didn't perform my duties well, and left a chance for the ghost prince. I didn't protect the cultivator who was about to ascend, which caused the destruction of Xuanmen today. Tragic situation." Gong Wei said calmly, "I should be the one who suffers from the thousand-year reincarnation."

Xuan Jinghe's voice became rare and severe: "How can you think so! The person who proposed this method is me, and my fate is the most suitable, how can I give up the near and seek the far!"

Gong Wei laughed, and he had a kind of escapism and naughty unique to a teenager: "Because I don't want to become a little fox and go down to see you."

Xuan Jinghe did not expect this answer, and was stunned for a moment.

"Because I'm just Xu Bai's fox." Gong Wei held his cheeks innocently, and his clear eyes seemed to light up: "If I turn into a little fox to see you again, it would be a breach of the original promise, and Xu Bai would be angry with me. of."

Under the broad and cold moonlit night, the breeze blew through, raising the temples and robe sleeves of the God of the East.

After a long time, Xu Shuangce closed his eyes tightly.

At dawn the next day, all the immortals and gods gathered in the heaven again, but they were still unable to do anything to resolve the obstacles to killing Beiyuan.

The God of the East, who has always been taciturn, suddenly appeared more and more, and his words were firm and unquestionable. In public, he asked himself to go down to earth and exchange fate with Beiyuan, and use the suffering of thousands of years of reincarnation to resolve the killing obstacle that destroys the world.

This is also the first time since the creation of the world that the upper heaven has been shaken again.