The Sword Named No Way Out

Chapter 89


Because of the effect of the life-and-death technique, the ghost prince's body could not leave Xuanjing River for more than a hundred steps, and it was only his projection that appeared in the upper heaven at this moment.

Ying Kai stared at him for a moment, then replied calmly: "The divine power is not enough to support it, so it must be extinguished for seven days, and then ignited again."

The ghost prince silently "Oh".

Ying Kai asked, "Why are you here?"

The Ghost Prince let out a long sigh. He didn't seem to have any intention of continuing to ask the previous question. He sighed: "I thought you had already realized this the moment you saw the Eastern God returning to his place."

After a pause, he said, "I need your help to find the lost godhead for my master."

Ying Kai was not surprised: "From Xu Shuangce?"

"No." The Prince Gui turned around completely, the corner of his mouth was still smiling, but a bloody chill flashed in the depths of his pupils: "From Gong Wei."

The glorious temple fell into silence.

Ying Kai's eyes flickered, and after a while, he asked, "Why? Isn't Xuan Jinghe's own godhead given to Xu Shuangce?"

"You don't understand." Prince Gui said lightly, "Gong Wei's biggest limitation is that he is young, he is still a child in mortal terms, but his innate godhead is very pure and perfect, which has determined him for thousands of years. In the future, I can go further. What my master gave to Xu Shuangce was nothing but an acquired godhead that mortals ascended... It’s incomparable with a pure innate godhead like Gong Wei.”

In the depths of the Yellow Spring, in the ethereal void, the ghost prince paced through the blood pool of the altar and stood in front of the Xuanjing River.

He leaned down, slid his fingertips across Xuan Jinghe's lifeless cheeks, and smiled suddenly at the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows curved and said: "Everything given to Master must be the best in the world, I am not Has it always been like this?"

"..." Ying Kai said: "But the innate godhead is born with it, and it can't be separated from Gong Wei's body at all."

The Prince Gui said, "That's just because no one knows how to peel it off."

He stood up from the edge of the altar, and stretched out his back to his cervical vertebra, as if something had been pulled out of his body - countless layers of silver light burst out, and the divine power made people unable to open their eyes, Ying Kai brows suddenly jumped!

The magnificent divine light gradually condensed, and I saw that Prince Gui was holding an object in his palm, slender and white, engraved with incantations, and there were bloodstains between the lines.

That turned out to be the bones he pulled out of his body alive!

Prince Ghost tightened his fingers, and a dazzling streamer streaked across the bones. It suddenly turned into a blood-colored dagger full of magic spells in the light, exuding endless evil and cold air.

"My divine body is invulnerable to swords and spears, and naturally it is invincible." Prince Gui held the dagger in his palm, and held the blade in front of Ying Kai: "You can use it to cut out the godhead from Gong Wei's body, and then bring the godhead to the Huangquan Underworld with your own hands. pass it to me."

Ying Kai's eyes fell on the blade, but he didn't reach out to pick it up. After a while, he turned his eyes away and refused: "No, Gong Wei didn't ever feel sorry for me."

The ghost prince didn't care: "Would you like to make a deal?"

"… "

"You send Gong Wei's godhead to Guiyuan, and I will pull out the seed that was planted in your soul nine thousand years ago."

Ying Kai's expression changed, and he suddenly looked at the ghost prince.

"Don't pretend to be surprised, when you ascended to the harem, you already told you, right?" Prince Gui said lightly, "I once gave you a morality that is absolutely absolute and tolerates no flaws, but Gong Wei's current divine power cannot help you. You can peel it off, but I can. After peeling off this layer of moral shackles, you will become very relaxed, and your soul will become unburdened. Don't you want to experience what a normal person feels like?"

Ying Kai's pupils dilated slightly, his hands clenched into fists by his side, and after a long time he squeezed out a word: "You..."

Prince Gui interrupted him with ease: "And Gong Wei really doesn't have anything to feel sorry for you? Don't forget that in the two-choice game nine thousand years ago, he led me to you."

Ying Kai suddenly silenced.

"If the moral shackles I bestowed on you didn't fall on you, but fell into Xu Shuangce's soul, guess what would have happened later?" Prince Gui seemed to find it particularly interesting, looked up and down at Ying Kai sympathetically, and smiled at him. The answer came out: "--Nothing will happen. Xu Shuangce's cultivation base on the Tao of the Heart has reached the pinnacle, and this moral shackle will not have much impact on him. When the flood comes, he will not run to control the water at all. To say that all the disaster, resentment and pain over the years will never have existed from the very beginning."

Ying Kai froze in place, as if he had stopped breathing.

"Nine thousand years, Beiyuan. For you, the shackles of the soul that you cannot get rid of are nothing to Xu Shuangce—but even so, when I asked Gong Wei to choose one, he still led me to You are young and ignorant."

The Ghost Prince took a step forward with his hands behind his back, and leaned into Ying Kai's ear with a smile.

"… "

"You and Xu Shuangce clearly met that little fox at the same time. Why did he choose to protect Xu Shuangce, but gave up on you?"

The surroundings were terribly quiet, and after an unknown amount of time, Ying Kai finally made a hoarse voice:

"... Your ability to speak eloquently is indeed slightly better than it was 9,000 years ago, Qu Xie."

The Ghost Prince shrugged lightly: "I'm a mirror. The more evil people have, the more powerful I am, what's wrong?"

Ying Kai closed his eyes, his muscles stretched out clear lines because of the stiffness.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, and the entire northern wall made a dull roar, and it was the strong sword light that hit the barrier ruthlessly - no help!

Xu Shuangce and Gong Wei had already reached the heavenly realm!

Ying Kai closed his eyes suddenly, as if he had finally made a decision after being cornered, raised his right hand tremblingly, and tightly held the projection of the dagger hanging in front of him.

At the moment of the tentacle, blood light flashed from the void, and the entity of the dagger above the blood pool of the altar was transported to the Beiyuan Temple, and it was really in the hands of Ying Kai!

Another sky-shattering sword light slashed on the barrier, and the huge northern wall was shaken, the ground kept shaking, and the decorations in the hall rustled.

The subtle movements of the cracks sounded from all sides, and the platinum barrier was cracked by the helpless divine power, and it was about to collapse completely! "—Ying Kai!" Xu Shuangce's cold and stern voice pierced through the heavens and resounded in the sky: "Come out!"

The Ghost Prince stretched out his hand and pressed it on Ying Kai's shoulder, and silver light erupted from his body instantly - it was the unimaginable divine power of the Ghost Prince passed into Ying Kai's body. The Dingshanhai suddenly burst into turbulent energy, and even shattered all objects within a few meters around it at the same time!

"Go and complete your revenge, Lord Beiyuan." The ghost prince was polite and bowed slightly: "I will help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise outside the hall - bang!

The platinum barrier that enveloped the northern wall was broken into tens of thousands of pieces, but the sword light swept in, smashing the ninety-nine-level white jade long steps in front of the temple.

Xu Shuangce swung his long sword and flew into the barrier, seeing that the next sword was about to slash at the closed door of Beiyuan Temple——

At the same time, Guiyuan Underworld.

The Ghost Prince stepped back half a step, stood beside the blood pool of the altar, raised his sleeves and waved violently!

Huangquan, which was flying straight down, suddenly stopped, and then poured frantically, breaking through the exit from hell to the world.

The ghosts who have been suppressed for thousands of years screamed and broke free from their shackles. Along with 10,000 tons of yellow springs, they spewed straight up and rushed out of the world!

Xu Shuangce's sword light that was slashing at the gate of the palace suddenly stopped. He turned his head and met Gong Wei's equally astonished gaze, and then the two of them looked down at the same time.

Through the vast sea of clouds beneath my feet, I saw countless ghosts and ghosts, like a blowout, continuously sprayed into the world from all directions in the south, south, north and west, and the billowing black air instantly covered the entire land.

The various Xuanmen families immediately opened up their powerful formations to defend against it, but that power was simply insignificant compared to the entire Huangquan. Hundreds of millions of Specter quickly spread out, the realm of the world fell into the eternal night, and the grievances of the sky rose to the sky!

"...Opening the gate of hell without authorization will be punished by heaven," Gong Wei murmured incredulously with every word in his mouth, "Is Qu Xie crazy?"

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs. For Tiandao, Beiyuan launched the war to destroy the world at the beginning just to exterminate the human species, but now Qu Xie opened the gate of hell, but it confuses the operation of the three realms, and is a move that truly violates the rules of heaven and earth, even if it is a natural god. Will not be forgiven lightly.

What made the ghost prince suddenly become so crazy? !

Xu Shuangce was about to tell Gong Wei something when a voice suddenly reached the heavens, and Yu Chi Rui's roar sounded in their ears at the same time: "Is there anyone!!"

Gong Wei was caught off guard and was shocked: "What's wrong with Changsheng?"

"—I can't stand it anymore!" Inside the Ye Jinmen, Yu Chi Rui stood in the center of the school grounds with a sword, and the huge spiritual power rushed in all directions with the Divine Sword Rakshasa Tower as the center, but the defensive formation above was still crumbling. Specter is neighing and keeps hitting the barrier. Yu Chi Rui roared to the sky amid the cries of countless civilians behind him: "Is there anyone down here to help! Hurry up!!"

Gong Wei didn't hesitate to fly to the lower realm, but Xu Shuangce grabbed his arm, pointed to the closed Beiyuan Temple behind him and asked, "Is the ghost prince inside?"

Gong Wei felt a moment of concentration and shook his head: "He is in Guiyuan."

The ghost prince is not there, Ying Kai alone is not a threat to Gong Wei. Xu Shuangce pondered and pondered for a moment before saying, "I'll go down to help, you stay here, but don't break in easily. Once Ying Kai comes out, let me know by voice transmission, do you understand?"

Gong Wei said earnestly, "I don't think senior brother will ever again..."

However, Xu Shuangce interrupted him: "Never face Ying Kai alone, remember?"

Gong Wei finally said "um" under his urgent gaze and nodded.

Only then did Xu Shuangce let go of the five fingers that were clasping his wrist tightly, and just as he was about to lift his foot to the Human Realm, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and stood still, taking something from his right wrist.

It was a very familiar golden ring with three twisted wires connected end to end.

Gong Wei was stunned.

"In the twenty-eighth year of Taiyi in the present life, I wore this ring to ascend to Xiantai, and then entered the butterfly death dream on Shengxiantai. In the twenty-fourth year of Taiyi in the dreamland, Mrs. Xu in Taoyuan Village personally agreed to marry me, and I gave it to me. Give this ring as a token of marriage."

Xu Shuangce lowered his head and pulled Gong Wei's left hand, put the golden ring around his elbow, and said calmly, "Now it's finally back to the original owner."

Gong Wei looked at the golden ring on his forearm and opened his eyes slightly.

Then an uncontrollable arc emerged from the corners of his lips, Gong Wei raised his hands and hooked Xu Shuangce's neck, with a bright and clear light flowing in his eyes, and said happily, "Mrs. Xu has no money, and I have nothing to give back, so I will give it to you. A kiss!"

The next moment, a peach blossom kiss fell on the thin, unsmiling lips of the Eastern Heaven God.

The lips and tongue are deep, and it is separated at a touch.

Xu Shuangce's expression was calm, but his cheeks seemed to be a little hot, and he wiped the corner of Gong Wei's mouth with the belly of his thumb, and said, "I'll be back in no time."

Gong Wei stepped back half a step and warned uneasy: "There is a danger of sound transmission to me!"

The world in the distance is already full of demons, but Xu Shuangce said, "There is nothing to be afraid of." He drew his sword and flew down, but reluctantly cut through the cold and black air that filled the world, and rushed toward the world like a shooting star!


As if the waterfall fell into the deep pool, the moment when the God of the East came to the world, the divine power burst out with dazzling golden light, rushing out layer by layer to cover the earth, and the ghosts who were biting in the crowd, as long as they touched it, they immediately turned into ashes. cigarette!

Gong Wei was always paying attention to the situation below from the heaven, and when he saw this, his heart relaxed, but a gust of wind suddenly set off behind him.

When he turned his head, he saw that the giant door of the Beiyuan Temple in the distance had been opened, and a clear light poured out, and behind the door was a familiar figure of Ying Kai.

Gong Wei stood up immediately: "Senior brother?"

Ying Kai lifted his foot and slowly stepped out of the threshold, standing above the ninety-ninth white jade steps, his eyes turned to Gong Wei from top to bottom.

"..." Gong Wei whispered again: "Senior brother?"

He was hesitating whether to transmit the sound to Xu Shuangce now, but Ying Kai stared at him, raised his hand, and said hoarsely, "Awei."

This title was like a small hammer, hitting his heart neither light nor heavy, causing Gong Wei to hesitate for a moment.

——Gong Wei in Die Di Meng’s life grew up in Fai Ya, Ying Kai only called A Wei when he was very young. Later, Xu Shuangce came up with "Zhengyu" as the word, and Ying Kai called it by the word. Since then, he has never called this nickname again.

With a hint of pleading in Ying Kai's eyes, he said, "Come here, let me see you again."

"… "

Gong Wei's taut shoulder blades finally loosened slightly under the gaze of the incomparably familiar gaze, and he lifted his foot up to the steps in front of the temple.

The ninety-ninth-level Baiyu Kuanjie was already destroyed by Xu Shuangce's sword. Gong Wei was light and agile. He stepped on the scattered gravel and leaped to the top until he stopped in front of Ying Kai. : "Did you just put out the fire that will destroy the world?"

Gong Wei's eyes are very good-looking, because there is a faint light in the eyes, which is actually the most beautiful expression of Godhead. Ying Kai looked at him deeply, as if through these eyes he saw the fiery little fox nine thousand years ago. He would always sleep on the windowsill when the disciples of Cangyang Sect had their morning class, sometimes with his tail raised and stretched out. With a long lazy waist, he looked at every teenager in the class with interest while licking his paws, and waving his tail comfortably no matter who touched him.

Ying Kai looked a little nostalgic, and raised his hand to touch Gong Wei's head, but then his movements stopped in mid-air, and then he slowly lowered his hand and held the hilt of Ding Shanhai's sword.

"...Awei," he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, Miyako's eyes changed.

I saw the Dingshanhai sword in Ying Kai's hand bursting with energy, the cold light overflowed, and it was clanging out of its sheath!