The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 116


The mighty coalition fleet soon descended on Fabras Fortress, the warships sank into the armory one after another, and the giant mechs also slowly drove into the underground apron. Numerous metal hatches opened one by one, and the pilots lined up in a long queue to walk across the bridge, preparing to return to the base for handover.

The titanium-silver phoenix landed slowly amidst the bang, and the moment the hatch opened, Isaac ran out of the cockpit with a healing device in his arms, "Admiral! Admiral Aaron!!"

Aaron was talking with his adjutant and walked off the battleship. Before he had time to react, Isaac rushed towards him in a panic and almost knocked him down the bridge: "Admiral Aaron! No, no, no! Help! Help help-"

Aaron bumped into the adjutant with a bang, and almost fell off the 100-meter-high bridge with a group of people. He finally grabbed Isaac and stood firm: "What's the matter?! I told you that seasickness is inevitable. The hangar is very dark, and the pain in the head is not caused by ghosts beating you, but a normal reaction of an emergency landing, can you stop being so worthless for such an adult... eh? Your Majesty?"

Heinrich stood in front of him coldly, looking past Aaron to Isaac who was trembling behind him.

"..." Aaron subconsciously stood between the two of them: "Your Majesty! Think twice!"

Heinrich said coldly: "Get out of the way."

"Even if Isaac is seasick, it's not a big mistake, you can't kill him!"

"Step aside."

"If you want to kill, you can't kill you in front of so many people. At least find a place to hide, and my buddies can dig holes for you!"

"Step aside!"

"How the hell do you hate me, Anders Aaron!" Isaac finally couldn't listen anymore, kicked Aaron away with his leg, turned around and saw Celia walking out of the hatch with his cuff buttons buttoned up. Like a drowning person who sees a life-saving straw, he rushes forward: "Marshal! I will never forget the grace of saving my life. I will definitely be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay your great kindness——"

Celia stretched out two fingers like lightning, and instantly touched Isaac's forehead.

The two looked at each other at an arm's length away. Five seconds later, Isaac said in tears, "Marshal, I was wrong. I will never dare again..."

"Where did you go wrong?"

Yes, where did I go wrong? Isaac himself was puzzled, and asked with a sad face for a while, "... shouldn't he wake up so early?"

Celia shook her head.

"...woke up without breaking the porthole and jumping off the ship?"

Celia shook her head again.

"That… "

Seeing Isaac's troubled face, Celia finally patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely, "You followed the wrong boss."

After speaking, he walked through the messy Isaac in the wind and the black-faced Heinrich, shook his head and left with a sigh.


The battle of the Mira Hipple star field was won with the joint cooperation of the empire and the alliance. In one fell swoop, 1,300 medium-sized warships and one large biological mech were annihilated in the Dark Star Hall. Among them, the high-level warrior Quentin Cassano also died under the teeth of the fire leopard, which greatly boosted the morale of the whole army.

—Combined warfare is like this, if you don't fight, you will never be able to unite. Because if people are not forced to that point, they will not have the mentality of working together to fight the enemy with blood.

Although this mentality has not come to Fabras Fortress until now, fortunately, it is not too late. The vigilance and tense atmosphere that filled the fortress before the war finally gradually disappeared, and the Shining Legion and the Ninth Fleet also started an unprecedented cooperative special training.

In the eyes of middle and lower-level commanders, although everyone knows that a big war is imminent, it is not an exaggeration to call the Fabras Fortress calm; if this positive pre-war atmosphere can be maintained, it will secretly It is also possible that Star Hall can be defeated and driven out of the empire in one fell swoop.

—However, only a very small number of high-level officials in the empire and the alliance knew that after the victory in the Mira Hipple star field, the battle really entered a more treacherous and dangerous state.


"The main force of the Dark Star is missing?" Isaac stopped and said in surprise, "Why does Your Majesty think so?"

In the military command building of Fabras Fortress, officers shuttled back and forth with their own optical and magnetic screens in the bright corridors, and the lifting board swished up and down from the floor-to-ceiling glass wall. Everyone in the hall who saw them stood still, saluted, and then quickly walked around, but the two people in the center of all eyes didn't notice it.

"The marshal also agrees with this view." Aaron shrugged while holding a cup of coffee, "They have very consistent views on this matter, and they are currently spending all day on the top floor of this building calculating the hidden position of the main force of the dark star." .”

The two generals walked up the wide elevator side by side, similar black military uniform cloaks fluttering behind them with their steps. Aaron accidentally caught sight of the metal wall beside him, and suddenly turned around and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Isaac had a constipated expression on his face: "...they stay on the top floor of the building all day..."

"Discuss military affairs, what's the matter?"

The man with the scar looked at Admiral Aaron's serious face, as if thousands of mud horses roared past in his heart: "No, it's nothing."

Aaron glanced at him with a rare and strange look, and suddenly saw something when he turned his head, and immediately pushed back with his elbow: "Hey! Look! Wagner!"

On the other side, the female Brigadier General Alpha Wagner was holding her ten-year-old daughter and slowly descending the elevator. The little Omega girl has beautiful big eyes like sapphires and a small mouth as soft as petals. She curled up in her mother's arms like a pink and lovely doll and looked around. Then her curious eyes fell on Aaron and Isaac.

In the next second, the two generals showed (what they thought) cordial and charming smiles at the same time: "Hi~"

Omega girl: "..."

As soon as the elevator went up and down, people from both parties passed by.

Five seconds later, there was an earth-shattering cry from behind: "Wow! Mommy's two sorghums are so scary! Wooooooooooow!..."

The two generals fled in the face of the strange gazes around them, and from far away they could hear Brigadier General Wagner's distressed comforting voice: "My dear, the strange Shushu has already run away. Don't be afraid, my dear..."


"I knew I couldn't hang out with you, the second most unpopular Alpha in the empire!" Isaac hurriedly turned into the corridor, covering his face, and said angrily, "There is no future with you! That little girl died yesterday! Laughing at me! It's all your fault!"

Not to be outdone, Aaron said, "Stop talking nonsense there. You haven't been laughed at by an Omega since you were born! She saw me yesterday!"

"Seeing you must have scared me to tears. Do you know that the Omega Protection Association is going to list the five words Anders Aaron as the first forbidden word in the empire? Have you ever touched an Omega's little hand since you were born?!"

"Say it like you've touched it! Tell me honestly buddy when was the last time you saw an Omega, five years ago or ten years ago?!"

That's a good question. Isaac frowned and looked up, thinking for a while, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "Yesterday!"

Aaron raised his eyebrows in disbelief, and saw Isaac's expression solemn: "I saw Marshal Celia when I was eating in the cafeteria yesterday..."

"..." Aaron said, "That doesn't count."

Shrouded in the black air of resentment, the really unloved duo of imperial generals walked through the corridor towards the office.

Silver-white metal gates opened layer by layer in front of them, and then slowly closed behind them. The number of middle and lower-level commanders on this floor was significantly reduced, and the surroundings were quiet. Occasionally, core figures such as secretaries and guards passed by. The two generals saluted silently, then quickened their pace and left.

"Actually, I was also very popular with Omegas when I was in the military academy." After walking for a while, Aaron finally couldn't help but want to get back on the scene: "At that time, there were many Omegas in the alliance, and there were many in our school, and my buddies we When he was young, he was handsome and talented... "

"Hehe—" Isaac said expressionlessly.

"At that time, the Omegas of the Alliance were much more open than the empire is now. Every night in the woods, couples secretly hid and kissed each other. It's just that I am slow and a late bloomer. In fact, those little Omegas look at me with hot eyes! They often run away Come and get close to me, for example borrowing my homework to copy, deliberately throwing snacks on me, sneaking your feet to trip me while I'm walking... "

Isaac stroked his chin and said, "I can see that, I really hate you."

"Tell you, my buddy almost had a relationship with the most beautiful little Omega in the school!" Aaron was completely immersed in the memories of the good past, and he said happily as he walked around the corner: "That's because he took the initiative to get to know me. One day in the corridor, he suddenly came and bumped into me, and the book in his hand crashed to the ground! Then I helped him pick it up like in the campus green novel, and I got to know each other like this. Now that I think about it, I really miss it hahaha —”


The moment he turned the corner, Aaron bumped into him, and fell to the ground on his back! During the dizziness, he only felt that countless things were crackling from the top of his head, but he couldn't hear anything clearly during the severe pain, and he opened his eyes dizzily after a long while: "This... this is..."

I saw books all around me, Kaleyan knelt aside in pain, covered his head and asked, "Anders Aaron, do you have eyes yet?!"

Aaron: "…"

Isaac, who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, is still clutching his stomach and pounding the wall desperately: "Campus green novels! What a wonderful first encounter! Hahahahahaha!!"

"It's enough for you two!" Kaleyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he covered his head and got up to pick up the books all over the floor.

He was dressed very casually today, wearing a black shirt and jeans, a pair of elegant gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and even a light brain pen in his jacket pocket. At first glance, he looked no different from a student who went to the library for self-study; Aaron felt his heart, liver and lungs twitch together, and couldn't help but ask for a while, "What are you doing here?"

"I went to the dormitory to get something, and Marshal Celia asked me to bring him some old books." Kaleyan took the book back from Aaron's hand, and said coldly: "Don't look, little boy No. 2, your IQ is not high can not read it."

"Who is Little Boy No. 2?! Isn't this just an ordinary novel?"

"For you, as long as the words are not ordinary, then did you graduate from the military academy?"

One sentence hit the nail on the head, and Admiral Aaron went dumb for an instant.

Kaleyan then tidied up the messy pile of books, put them in his arms, and was about to get up and walk forward; suddenly Aaron noticed something sharp-eyed, and stopped him: "Wait! This is a photo album? "

"What album?"

Monk Kaleyangzhang was puzzled, and before he could stop it, Aaron actually pulled out a Guangxun album from an old book!

——The thin optical and magnetic cover looks a bit old, it is obviously the style of many years ago, and it is not conspicuous when it is sandwiched in a pile of old books just now. It's hard for Aaron to recognize it at a glance, and immediately turned his back to open it with great interest: "Yo, the marshal also has the habit of taking pictures, let me take a look..."

Kaleyan said angrily: "What are you doing! Give it back to me!"

"Take a look! Don't be so stingy!"

"Stingy sister, the Marshal's stuff is what you want to see? Why don't you steal Heinrich's little boy's photo album and show it to us?!"

Kaleyan chased after him, and Aaron ran away with the photo album. The corridor space was already small, and the pile of old books in Kaleyan’s arms took up space. As a result, he failed to catch up with him a few times, but was almost tripped by Isaac, and Aaron hit the wall with a loud “Bang!” ;The photo album was thrown out of his hand immediately, fell to the ground with a bang and spread out, and a holographic projection popped up in an instant—

Hundreds of years ago, young Celia and Edna stood side by side at a dinner party. The former was wearing a slim black suit and white shirt, with a white rose pinned to his chest, with a handsome and graceful face; The wearer wore a long silver dress, with shiny long brown hair, and looked at the camera with a bright smile.

The holographic image faithfully recorded the scene at that time, and then with a click, Celia's voice from hundreds of years ago began to play: "In the year 3126 of the Milky Way Era, it was taken at the celebration dinner of the military department. Edna's new perfume I’m dying, it’s said that it was sent by Kaleyan, why did Kaleyan give her perfume? I have always suspected that this guy has something wrong with Edna, and if he finds something wrong, he will have to beat him up.”

The corridor was silent, Kaleyan let go, and the book fell to the ground with a clatter.

"... Marshal..." Kaleyan said with tears in his eyes, "What did I do wrong and you slander me so much?!"

The new Union Marshal squatted to the corner crying, the scene was so sad that those who saw it were crying, even Aaron patted him on the shoulder sympathetically; Then, before he dropped his hand, he suddenly felt something wrong: "Wait, why did you give Edna a bottle of unpleasant perfume?"


Aaron, who was no longer in the way, rushed over to pick up the photo album, and flipped through another page. I saw that there are quite a lot of things stored in this album, the photoelectric signal paused in the flickering light, and then another picture popped up—

Young Ender Aaron grinned at the camera at a picnic, surrounded by a circle of young officers, all slightly drunk, lying on the grass in disarray and glee. Not far away, Kaleyan and other senior seniors with higher ranks were chatting and laughing around the tea table, and Celia was sitting in the armchair concentrating on reading a book—that calm demeanor, elegant temperament, and those who made a mess in the middle of the camera Young people are very different!

"Galaxy era 3284, taken at Anders Aaron's promotion party... This idiot is patronizing drinking, the meat and fried fish have been burnt for several rounds, what will I eat if this continues? After all, this guy is in the end Do you have the self-consciousness to invite people to dinner, do you not want to be promoted in the future?!"

The corridor was silent again, every inch of Aaron's body was petrified, and then he was blown into ashes inch by inch in the wind.

"Call me an idiot..." Aaron said in disbelief, "It's not true, but call me an idiot..."

Isaac reluctantly put away his ugly gloating face, patted the shoulders of both of them with one hand, and walked over to close the album. Unexpectedly, when he squatted down, his hands slipped, and he accidentally turned to the last page, only to see that it was Heinrich who came out this time—

That was Heinrich in his youth many years ago, wearing a Union military uniform with medals on his chest, sitting on the command ship and looking ahead. At that time he looked younger than now, his face was still very handsome, his ice blue eyes were full of sharp light, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, which seemed to indicate the master's unyielding and unconvincing character.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is a perfect photo. Kaleyan, Aaron, and Isaac all moved forward in an instant—

What would Celia say about Heinrich? How will Heinrich, who was not seen by the Marshal hundreds of years ago, be ridiculed (happily)

"Galaxy Era 3293, Heinrich at the awarding ceremony." Sure enough, the background sound once again lived up to everyone's expectations, and Celia said calmly: "I have to say, Heinrich is really—"

In the next second, the sound in the album stopped abruptly.

The three of them looked up at the same time, and saw Celia standing in front of them with a closed photo album and smiling slightly in the corridor.

Heinrich poked his head around the photo album behind him, as if he really wanted to grab it and listen to it, but Celia didn't give him this chance. He shook the photo album, and his smiling eyes swept over the faces of the three of them one by one. After a while, he seemed interested and asked, "What else do you want to say?"