The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 30


At that moment, everyone stood up, even Claire opened his mouth wide, staring at the muzzle in front of Luan Zhu in disbelief.

In just one more second, Luan Zhu would be decapitated in the artillery fire.

Charlie closed his eyes in fear, held his breath and waited for the terrible explosion—the wait seemed extremely long, and that second seemed to be infinitely frozen, and he could even hear his heart beating and contracting in the silence.



"..." Charlie opened his eyes carefully.

The smoke and ash cleared in the open space, Luan Zhu maintained his forward movement, and the muzzle of the gun in front of him did not fire—in the palpitating silence, the black mecha stood stiffly carrying the gun, like a lifeless stone.

"Lasgard..." the technician trembled, "...we are also controlled..."

Dean was dumbfounded, and suddenly realized after a while: "Gavin, is that you?!"

Gavin stood by the front window of the technician cabin, expressionless and focused. Luan Zhu's mental belt shrank far behind him, trembling with fear.

Two spiritual forces that surpassed ordinary people twisted and fought in the air, screaming and roaring silently. A few seconds later, the side that launched the attack first was defeated, and the girl's pupils constricted, and she suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Lasgard!" The technician suddenly stood up!

Claire yelled, "It's now—"

Amid the dull bang, the mecha Xuan Bing retracted his knife and jumped up, the white flanks reflected dazzling light in the sun. At that moment, it was like a wild dancer, its steel body swung in a semicircle in mid-air with the opponent as the axis, and then the muzzle stretched out at the highest point, rotated, and aimed at the target.

Immediately, flames spurted out wildly, and Xinzi, who was bright red like a poisonous snake, blasted the black mecha backwards in an instant!

Luan Zhu's mental restraint was immediately released, and Dean rushed forward without hesitation! At that moment, there was no gap between Luan Zhu and Xuan Bing's cooperation. As soon as the latter's gunfire went out, the former brazenly activated the electromagnetic cannon!


The entire valley kept shaking, and boulders fell from the top of the cliff like raindrops. The towering ancient trees were uprooted, wrapped in thick branches and clods of soil, and rolled down from the mountainside at lightning speed, like a galloping army of thousands of horses!

Claire yelled: "Dangerous! Run!"

Dean turned and pounced backwards, rolled halfway and picked up the cockpit of the opponent he had just defeated. His movement was really close, the surging rocks almost engulfed the red mecha right behind his back, smashing it into a pile of pitted iron blocks in an instant.

In the next second, Luan Zhu rushed out of the valley and fell heavily to the ground.

"Claire?! Charlie?!" Dean woke up from his dizziness and immediately grabbed the communicator and shouted.

"Yes, yes..." Charlie's trembling voice came from the headset, and then Claire roared violently: "What's your name if you're not dead! Gavin? Gavin, are you okay?"

Dean's anger turned from evil to courageous, and he immediately retorted: "He's not dead either! Take care of yourself! If it weren't for us... eh? Gavin?!"

The technician cabin was reflected on the side view screen on his left, and he saw that it was a mess inside, the seats were empty, and the emergency rescue door was still wide open.

Luan Zhu said timidly: "He jumped out..."

"Damn it!" Dean said with a thunderous bang, "It's all fine!"

At the same moment, fifty meters away, the last boulder crashed down, crushing the barrel of the black mecha deeply.

Countless rubble crackled like bullets on the towering flanks, and on the other side of the flanks, Rasgard was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, holding a tungsten steel saber tightly in both hands.

The edge of the blade was pressed against the arc long knife in Gavin's hand, making a harsh rattling sound.

The technician rushed out of the cabin, caught a glimpse of this tit-for-tat scene, and immediately stopped at a loss.

After a while, he opened his mouth in a daze, and the lollipop in his mouth dropped: "Thank you for putting the wings up..."

The moment the mountain top collapsed, the mecha was already under control, and Gavin took it to escape the whole time. At that moment of life and death, he didn't even forget to erect his wings to block Rasgard who was standing outside the mecha.

The technician felt a sense of admiration in his heart—what a man!

"The way you express your gratitude is a bit unexpected." Gavin said coldly, "stab—" with his wrist, forcing the opposite saber away.

Rasgard took the opportunity to stand up and slashed down again without saying a word, "Dang!" It hit Gavin's oncoming blade with a loud sound. In an instant, the two looked at each other, and the veins on the intertwined arms burst out at the same time, and the blades of the two blades trembled slightly due to the huge force of mutual oppression.

"My name is Fei Lengcui," the girl looked at him closely, "Fei Lengcui Rasgard. What's your name?"


"The same to you-?"

Gavin smiled slightly, his thoughts turned, and the shattered black mech immediately raised his hand, and the technician flew out with a whoosh!

Rasgard: "..."

The technician gracefully flew more than ten meters in the air, and then fell to the ground with a plop. After a while, he raised his head with a bruised nose and a swollen face, two lines of blood came out from his nasal tube: "Did I provoke you?!"

"Sorry," Gavin said sincerely, "The direction is not aligned, shall we do it again?"

Technician: "..."

Gavin exerted a sudden force on his wrist, and forced the saber back with a whimper. Lasgard staggered back half a step, and did not attack again, his eyes were a little blank: "Why did you also..."

"What's so strange about this?" Gavin retracted his knife and said casually, "The universe is so big, you will never be the most special one, maybe there are people like you somewhere, but we don't know yet That's all."

"But I only saw you..."

"So what? You and I are human beings too. What's the difference between eating, drinking, living, and walking?"

Gavin waved his hand in disdain, turned around and jumped off the fallen mech. Lasgard chased after him for two steps, only to see that he put the long knife on his shoulder without looking back.

"Your technician is not my opponent, and neither are you. But I will let you go now. In return, you all leave the field and don't make any more troubles."

"... who are you?" Rasgard said loudly.

Gavin didn't answer.

- who am I

As he walked forward, the wind carried smoke and dust across his face, and gradually turned into yellow sand roaring all over the sky. In a trance, he saw a large piece of green blood blooming in the distance, and an old man wrapped in a rough linen cloak stood holding a sword. The direction pointed by the sword tip was a young man kneeling on the sand with a hostile face.

"... only me, always only me! Who are you? Where did you come from?!..."

The old man's face was full of vicissitudes and white hair, but his figure was quite burly. Hearing this, he laughed loudly, with a strong confidence in his voice.

"Idiot, how special do you think you are? You're just an ordinary person who eats, drinks, and sleeps! What a naive coward to use those trivial pains as an excuse to go into the darkness!!"

The young man struggled to stand up, but as soon as he moved, he was slapped down by the old man with a sword: "Coward, you still have too much to learn! From now on, learn from me, do you hear me?"

"Shut up!" The boy was immediately irritated, and shouted hoarsely: "Who are you? Who are you?! Let me go!..."

Who are you

Who am I

The girl's sharp voice seemed to be far away, hazy and unreal. Gavin closed his eyes heavily, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of confusion.

The history he saw repeats itself, as if a train honks its horn and goes on its way again after it stops at a station. The old man has disappeared on the far away platform, and all the separation and sorrow and joy are gone, only he is sitting in the car blankly, facing the next endless repeating journey.

"Gavin! What's wrong with you, Gavin? Come here quickly!"

Gavin woke up suddenly, and turned his head to see the dazzling sunlight in the valley. Dean strode over, grabbed his hand and looked it up and down: "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Gavin frowned tightly, always feeling like he remembered something just now, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt a splitting headache: "No... nothing."

He rubbed his eyebrows and shook his head suspiciously. Dean swept him up and down and checked again and again that he was not injured, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Lasgard and the others have left, and it's time for us to go too. Do you want to cut a few more people to save points?"

"No, no... It's not necessary." Jia Wen was quiet for a while, and finally his thinking became clear, and he said, "It's almost enough to enter the semi-finals, and we can't fight anymore."

Dean naturally had no objection, and turned around with him and walked towards Luan Zhu.

It was already the fourth day of the forest cross-country race, and most of the teams had crossed the entire sea of trees and arrived at the destination to gather for the next round of competition. The public frequency broadcasts the rankings of the players over and over again. The highest score is a seed school player from the frontier of the empire. However, the most promising Royal Military Academy and Galaxy Military Academy before the game did not score high, which fell below the spectacles of the principals.

Caroline was fine, but Dana was panicked and kept pleading guilty to the emperor: "This year our students underestimated the enemy, in fact, their level is not like this! Please don't blame your majesty, I will educate them well when I go back! "

"Ai Qing, don't worry." Heinrich sat in the box in the hanging corridor, with a kind smile on his face: "Young people are always a little impetuous. I also came from that era, how could I not understand it? ?”

Immediately there was a sound of singing praises to His Majesty the Emperor.

"Anyway, it's really gratifying that these teams can escape from the kidnapping session I arranged temporarily." Heinrich nodded to the principals present, and said politely: "At the same time, I hope The unauthorized actions did not cause trouble to the competition committee—after all, these children are the future of the empire, and I am just eager to see those new hopes."

The principals didn't doubt him, they all stood up and said that they didn't have any troubles, the emperor's decision was really correct and wise.

Caroline looked at Heinrich suspiciously. She was a person who had really fought the emperor, and she always felt that the emperor's behavior was unreasonable, and there was something wrong in everything.

However, on this occasion, she questioned that it was purely courting death. Caroline was thinking about it, and suddenly saw a flash of light floating on the wall: "The next one to finish the game is the two groups of players from the Royal Military Academy—Luan Zhu and Xuan Bing! We can see two mechas walking along the main road, the armor is neat and clean, which is very rare... "

One of the guards outside the box stood up, and when he turned around, he revealed an inconspicuous scar on his side face, and glanced at the emperor as if unintentionally.

The emperor nodded slightly.

The man with the scar immediately looked away and strode towards the bathroom.

"Let's take a look at Luan Zhu's score: 7,520! Although not high, it is enough to enter the semi-finals, not to mention that the mecha is in such a good state that it has hardly suffered any damage. This will bring a lot to the players in the semi-finals The advantages… "

The chattering voice on the public radio was really harsh, and Dean moved impatiently.

"She's right," Gavin said calmly, "We do have an advantage in the second round."

"—but this score..."

"It's not suitable for eating or drinking, so why do you care?"

Dean's brow twitched and finally subsided.

Mecha Luan Zhu and Xuan Bing strided forward on the flat track, one in front and one behind. The dense trees on the side of the road are gradually thinning out, and soon they will walk out of the forest along this road, go to the tarmac to wait for the final result, and prepare to enter the next round of semi-finals.

This kind of operation of going all the way forward is actually very boring for the driver. After a long while in the cabin, Dean couldn't help but have nothing to say: "Gavin?"


"Did you hear anything?"


"... It may be that Luanzhu's knee joint is damaged."



"People just don't want to talk to you, can't you hear it?" Claire's gleeful voice came from the communicator: "Come on, my master will teach you. Generally speaking, Omega means to refuse, which means you are annoying. He's not interested in you..."

Dean and Gavin scolded at the same time: "Shut up!"

"At this time, you need to make persistent efforts. Of course, the more likely result is that you will be listed as a rejected account by Omega from now on, and you will never be ignored again..."

"-Shut up!"

It was Gavin who roared again, and Dean was taken aback for a moment, only to hear a sudden buzzing sound from the sky behind him.

The sound quickly became louder in a few seconds, and then it was deafening. Dean turned his head to look, and was immediately stunned. He saw a black shadow like a large group of dark clouds appearing in the sky at some point, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be countless flying black insects!

"this is… "

Luan Zhu raised his hand to block it, and the black worm seemed to have found its target immediately, overwhelming it like a raging dragon.

"—Gold Eater!" Dean roared, "Run!!"

Without him saying it a second time, Luan Zhu and Xuan Bing ran wildly at the same time in an instant!

Gold eaters are one of the most terrifying species in the primeval forest, and they are the number one natural enemy to steel mechs—they don't easily appear in daylight, but as long as they appear, they can chew up a steel giant that is standing tall and upright in a few minutes. Eaten so that there is not even a nail left!

"Didn't it say that they are about to become extinct? Why are there so many!" Claire yelled in the loud buzzing voice, "Run, run, run!"

Countless bugs gathered into a torrent and pounced on the shell of the mecha. When the acid corroded, puffs of white smoke were emitted, and the flanks, joints, etc. were gnawed into pits and pits in a short while. But at this time, they didn't even care about their fear, and they could only run forward desperately. At the same time, Dean grabbed the communicator and shouted: "The competition committee! The competition committee! We have encountered a gold-eating bug, please help !Request support!"

With a muffled bang, Xuan Bing's knee bearing was finally melted, and the steel giant fell down earth-shatteringly. In the confusion, it tripped over Luanzhu, who was caught off guard and fell to the ground violently, and the whole ground was shaken continuously.

And those bugs only stayed in the air for a moment, and then rushed down, covering the two mechs in an instant!

That moment was simply thrilling, and everyone felt that this time it was really going to be over.

In the cabin, Gavin was hit so badly that his forehead was bleeding, and he tried his best to push the joystick, trying to use pure violence to get Luan Zhu to stand up. However, the impact just now turned the entire technician cabin upside down, and he was stuck between the seats, unable to reach the command platform no matter what.

There were dense buzzing sounds from outside the cabin, and in at most two minutes, the entire shell would be corroded.

Gavin gritted his teeth hard, concentrating on trying to connect Zhu's chaotic nerve network. However, it was difficult for Luan Zhu to cooperate with him under such circumstances. Gavin's cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and suddenly he heard a forceful shout from outside the cabin: "Who's in there? Hold on!"

"This is here to save you!"

With a bang, the mountain shook, and the golden mecha landed proudly in the hurricane, instantly sending the gold-eating bugs flying away.

Gavin was so dumbfounded in the cabin that he even forgot to push the joystick. Through the overturned porthole, he saw the majestic and coquettish appearance of the mecha, as if it had a Goldfinger max halo all over its body, and its back looked very familiar—it was the golden dragon.

Emperor Heinrich, he actually appeared in person!