The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 48


In the darkness, neither Gavin nor Heinrich made a sound, they quietly stared at the shopkeeper's movements. The black figure hesitated for a while, then called softly: "Mr. Seth?"

He even called out several times, but Heinrich didn't answer, pretending to be overwhelmed. After a while, the shopkeeper was finally relieved, and walked towards Gavin lightly.

In fact, this is also quite interesting. Most people don't pay much attention to Omega's combat power. The shopkeeper didn't even call Gavin to make sure he was asleep. He walked to the big bed and waited for a while holding his breath. Seeing that the two of them were really quiet, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to the door: "It's all right! Come in."

There was a commotion in the corridor, and several Beta residents filed in, leading a red-haired person to ask, "Will you wake up?"

"No, that dose can overwhelm an elephant, so it's easy to stun these two people." Someone asked again: "What about this Alpha, kill it?"

"It's too wasteful, why don't you hand it in together, maybe next month's share can also be waived..."

They murmured and discussed for a while, maybe they were still not brave enough to kill someone by themselves, so they all agreed to this suggestion. Immediately, the shopkeeper pulled out something out of nothing, walked to the bed, and stopped.

Gavin and Heinrich stopped breathing at the same time.

Just when they were about to open their eyes and start their hands, the shopkeeper suddenly heard crying: "I'm really sorry, both of you, we were forced to do this, please don't blame... who told you to come here?" What? Those people want us to send people from town to feed the snakes every month, we really can't resist!"

Gavin and Heinrich were stunned at the same time—feed the snake? !

"If you two have spirits in heaven, blame those lunatics and snakes, don't blame us! We really have no choice but to set up a tombstone for you in the outskirts of the city when we come back, and pay homage to them every year..."

The shopkeeper wiped the corners of his eyes, couldn't continue, and trembling, bent down and tied Heinrich's hand.

However, at this moment, Heinrich suddenly raised his hand and buckled back, shouting, "What are you doing!"

Everyone in the room was shocked. Gavin opened his eyes and got up, grabbed the red hair closest to him, and hit his head with an elbow, which made him go limp on the spot. Only then did a few residents react in a panic, roaring and rushing forward to arrest them, but how could they be the opponents of these two

Heinrich knocked the shopkeeper unconscious with one punch, and then the two rushed forward at the same time. He didn't hide, grabbed the necks of the two with one hand, pushed them directly to the window and threw them down. The other two didn't dare to provoke Alpha, and rushed over to try to restrain Gavin, but Gavin yanked the belt around the red-haired waist, and there were two crisp and clear snaps, and the two screamed in unison. The left and right cheeks were instantly slapped!

"You fucking—" the two of them rushed forward covering their bloody mouths, Gavin shook his head and said nothing, and slapped his hands again. This blow was really fast, precise, and ruthless. The metal buckle of the belt hit the head of the man on the left, and he immediately fell down with a spurt of blood from his mouth and nose; Bloody broken teeth.

"Stop, stop, stop..." The man rolled on the ground begging for mercy in pain, subconsciously trying to hug Gavin's thigh, but was kicked to the corner by Heinrich.

Gavin shook his head and sighed, threw the belt away, looked at the scum of war all over the floor, and didn't even bother to tie them up.

"I beg you to spare your lives... please..." The man was actually quite young, only in his early twenties, with blood, tears and saliva all over his face, and he looked a little pitiful.

According to Heinrich's temper, it's time to tie up this group of people and torture them one by one for interrogation. The more they beg for mercy, the harder the beating may be. But when Gavin saw him like that, he couldn't help feeling a little pity, and just kicked him lightly and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's us who are blind, and we are obsessed with ghosts. Please forgive us... Cough cough cough! Please don't hit me!" Seeing Heinrich raised his hand again, the young man was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, and grabbed it. Gavin's trousers begged for mercy: "I'll say it! I'll say it all! Don't beat me to death, please!"

Heinrich's complexion sank, and the young man was scared out of his wits before he could yell at him. It was Gavin who interrupted Heinrich, and asked coldly, "What's the matter with feeding snakes and eating people? Where do you want to catch us? Tell us honestly and everyone can live, otherwise..."

Heinrich thought to himself that they could live without confessing, anyway, you can't kill people, so maybe they will be released after the onset of Virgin Mary's disease... Celia's problem seems to be forever.

But the young man didn't know, and was immediately taken seriously by this bluff threat, and said with snot and tears: "We are really forced to do nothing, the Gemini Empire will not come to occupy this planet, and we don't have a consul, it is said After the Galactic War, it became a three-way zone. For so many years, there is not even a person who helps everyone make decisions... "

After shooting countless arrows into Heinrich's knee, the young man finally explained the whole thing tremblingly: it turns out that this planet belongs to the constellation of Ophiuchus, but it was not developed until hundreds of years ago. After the Galactic War, the Ophiuchus became a battleground for the imperial border garrison and the remnants of the Alliance. In order to avoid war chaos, many people moved here one after another with their families, and gradually formed several relatively large settlements. A town is one of them.

Everyone was living a good life until more than 20 years ago, a group of strange warriors suddenly came to the settlement—they were masked and black armored, kept giant snakes, had the ability to travel through space at will, and were said to be able to directly control people the spirit of.

Shurong Star was originally sparsely populated, without a decent army, and almost all the black-armored warriors were strong beyond human imagination. They occupied the entire planet as soon as they came, and killed all those who disobeyed them. In order to prevent them from seeking help from the outside world, the communication facilities in all settlements are strictly monitored, and almost no one has been able to escape for so many years.

"Fortunately, they didn't enslave us, but they believed in a strange religion. They raised giant snakes in every town, and asked us to provide living people to feed the giant snakes every month... This town has not been developed for a long time, Almost everyone in the town knows each other, so how can they get along with each other?"

The young man coughed up a few mouthfuls of bloody saliva, and cried, "Originally there were still Omegas in the town, but giant snakes like to eat Omega the most, and those warriors asked us to provide them first, and gradually the Omegas in the entire settlement disappeared. it's..."

Heinrich and Gavin looked at each other, and their expressions changed slightly.

The black-armored warrior travels through space and breeds giant snakes...

—Dark Star Hall!

There are countless random landing points in the space tunnel, and they happened to land on the site of the Dark Star Hall!

"We didn't want to attack you, but those warriors knew that Omega was coming to the city, and we didn't take the initiative to donate it. How could they spare us?" : "Those samurai kill without blinking an eye. We can't beat them at all. The two of them can wipe out the whole town..."

The shop owner and other residents also struggled to wake up one after another, and wept bitterly when they heard the news.

Gavin couldn't bear it, he frowned and said nothing. Heinrich looked at him for a long while before suddenly asking: "Why does the Dark Star Church feed the snakes with living people?"

This question is nonsensical. If Celia deliberately wanted to conceal her connection with the Dark Star Hall, she would just say that she didn't know and it would be over.

But Gavin didn't think too much about it. His memory of the Alliance is very fragmented, but his memory of the Dark Star Hall is complete. Hearing this, he casually said: "It's just a cult. That kind of snake is the source of belief in the Dark Star Hall, hello!" People are just a means of deterrence, just like they can sweep thousands of armies, but they force the residents to provide living people themselves."

Heinrich nodded, and asked strangely after a while, "What's the relationship between you and Yunes?"

"...Why are you asking this?"

"just asking."

Gavin was quiet for a moment, then answered the wrong question: "Yunes can't be here, a Dark Star warrior of his level will only sit in the Yuanxing headquarters... Especially if he just lost a battle, he must go back and plead guilty to the elders. He was sent out The warriors stationed on this third-class planet are either apprentices or rookies, and they may even be disciples of the Dark Star Hall after they came out of the fifth-dimensional space."

He turned to the shopkeeper and asked, "Are there any weapons?"

Everyone's expression changed when the words came out, and the shopkeeper asked tremblingly, "You, you, are you going to..."

"You can't escape, you can't hide, you can only fight to death. Where do you usually send the living?"

The owner of the shop was completely petrified, never thought that this Omega would not run away, nor kill them to silence them, but would take up arms to help them resist!

"I, we send people to the law enforcement office, and there will be warriors who will come out and take people away. Sometimes they don't like the people they send, and they kill them all at will..."

Gavin looked relaxed, just nodded casually, and asked the shopkeeper to take him to find the weapon. After the Dark Star Warriors took over the planet, they took control of all electric heating, electromagnetic, and nuclear energy equipment. The shopkeeper only had a few ordinary shotguns. Gavin threw them away after a glance, and took a fruit knife from the kitchen.

Heinrich stood at the door of the kitchen with his arms folded, and asked with a sneer, "Are you going to use a fruit knife to deal with the Dark Star Warrior?"


Gavin flicked the blade with his fingers, and looked up at Heinrich. The tall man was wearing a white shirt and uniform trousers, with the cuffs rolled up to the elbows, revealing his muscular arms. He didn't look like an emperor, but rather a commander who had just come off the battlefield for vacation.

Kaleyan always called him a jerk, and he did have the capital to be a jerk.

"Most Dark Star warriors are self-confident and don't come out to contact ordinary people in person. Those stationed in this city may only be apprentices." Gavin twirled the blade between his fingers and said lightly: "This kind of apprentice I took one in each hand... I just crushed it to death."

Heinrich stared at his face, with a sudden malice in his heart: "Let me go, your current situation is quite special—"


"Don't you know?"

There was silence in the kitchen, and the two stared at each other for a long time. After a while, Heinrich narrowed his eyes and said, "You may be pregnant."

Gavin stared at Heinrich with calm eyes. A moment later, he pointed the knife horizontally at the emperor, and the tip of the knife slashed across his throat.

Heinrich was taken aback.

But then I saw him withdraw the knife and go out.

… What does it mean

The emperor rubbed his throat frantically, but nothing happened. There was not even a shadow of the scene in ancient novels where people's heads flew up.

... so this is a threat? joke? Awkwardly shy way? Or a premonition of death

The emperor was full of doubts and thought for a long time to no avail, so he had to go in the direction Gavin left angrily.