The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 52


Inside the battleship of the Dark Star Hall, Yunes threw away his helmet heavily, and shouted: "Notify all fleet members, prepare to make a leap to the Ophiuchus star Shurong!"

The helmet knocked loudly on the alloy podium, several low-ranking warriors were puzzled, and watched him leave in a hurry with a burst of murderous aura.

"As expected of Lord Yunes, even with auxiliary equipment, it is so easy to control the Snake of the Nether Space across the galaxy..."

"It is said that the spiritual threshold of Lord Yunes is comparable to that of Gavin Silia, the commander of the alliance. This is the excellence of high-level warriors." Another person picked up the helmet and said in a low voice: "If Silly If Marshal Ya really comes back, how will the two of them compete?... "

The door closed quietly behind him, cutting off the whispers. Younes stared straight ahead with a cold face, without any trace of traces on his face, but his heart seemed to be torn fiercely by an invisible claw.

To decide who is better

He and Celia can never be distinguished, just as people from the two worlds can never mix together, and water and oil can never mix.

He still remembered that year when he first entered the Dark Star Hall, that rebellious young man sat on a high platform, controlling a few dragonriders to fly around at will, rushing into the sky and crashing into balls of brilliant sparks; There were bursts of exclamation and admiration, and they all looked up, dazzled.

"I'm Celia, what's your name?"

"I... My name is Yunes."

At that moment they held hands, and no one knew that hundreds of years later, these two teenagers became the commander of the alliance who died in battle, and the high-ranking officials of the Dark Star Hall who were so powerful.

History has condensed that scene into a yellowish painting. On the front side, the young brothers fight side by side, and on the back side, they turn their faces into enemies and die endlessly. At a certain moment when the page was flipped gently, their lives seemed to be pulled by the hand of fate, and they were completely separated from then on, drifting away towards the extreme light and darkness.

Younes walked into the command room, squinted his eyes and looked around: "Where is Kaleyan?"

"Vice Admiral Kaleyan heard that there was something going on in the ship, and he left just now, and said he would come to visit another day." Seeing the change of expression on Yunes' face, the middle-ranked warrior who answered couldn't help asking in panic, "Is there something wrong?"

"This old fox has gone back to rescue soldiers. The hateful Alliance Council... wants to take advantage of the fire to take back Shurong Star." Yunes thought for a while, and sneered: "Leave them alone, the gains and losses of a planet are just minor details, the important thing is to kill Death of Emperor Gemini, and control of Celia in our hands."

He turned around and walked into the door, and suddenly saw Osrod standing in the shadow of the command room, and asked with a slight sneer, "—is it in our hands?"

Yunes ignored him.

"I thought the agreement between you and the alliance was to hand over Celia to the parliament... Now it seems that your plan also has a lot of ulterior motives."

The jump is about to begin, and the entire battleship begins to bump and vibrate. Yunes walked to the seat and grabbed the seat belt, without turning his head, said: "You think too much, Osrod. The political significance of the Alliance Army God is the focus of our competition. Both the parliament and us need Recover the Legion of Glory in the name of Celia, and disintegrate the Heinrich Dynasty spiritually. As for your dirty and dark thoughts... "

He turned back and taunted, "The value that Gavin Celia can bring is much more important than just letting you vent your animal desires, you know? You idiot."

Osrod's eyes were sharp, and the two looked at each other for a few seconds, and turned their heads with a snort at the same time.

At the same time, outside the battleship, the transition gate glowed with a brilliant light. The space is rapidly distorted and connected, sucking the entire dark star warship in, and turning it to the Ophiuchus constellation deep in the vast universe.


At the same moment, Shurong Xing.

Gavin stared at Heinrich and asked, "How did you get in touch with the Imperial Legion?"

The streets were torn apart, collapsed buildings piled up into hills, and countless branches, leaves, bricks and stones were scattered all over the ground, making it almost impossible to stand on.

Heinrich's face was profound, and he looked ruthless by nature, but there was indeed a trace of teasing in his eyes: "How can I tell you this—we are enemies, have you forgotten?"

"I forgot." Gavin smiled slightly: "So what are you going to do now?"

"What do you think I should do, Celia? In fact, according to my temper, I should take you back to take a good look at the empire... Although you have forgotten everything, even showing off is not very interesting." Heinrichton After a pause, he continued to say: "But thinking about how you will live on the land of the empire from now on, it is indeed a memorable thing."

Gavin shook his head and said nothing, as if he felt a little ridiculous.

"You think I'm whimsical?" Heinrich smiled and said, "No, Celia, my request is not too much, because you have nowhere to go but the Empire—you were secretly resurrected by the Alliance Government-in-Exile, but became Omega, there are obviously some conspiracies that you don’t know about; the old enemy, the Dark Star Hall and the Alliance, are currently rounding up you all over the universe. Guangda will not be able to establish a second Celia Dynasty. Among the existing forces, only the Empire really welcomes you."

"I only hope that you can make your home in the Egret of the Empire." Heinrich said leisurely, "You just need to take the time to discuss state affairs with me, and you don't have to come forward for other things. It is best to have a child with me... as In exchange, you can take back the mech phoenix, how about that?"

Gavin was silent for a moment, and said slightly mockingly: "It's so generous, so generous that I feel a little bit ashamed. Is this treating prisoners of war? Why does it look like treating political asylums?"

Of course, the treatment of prisoners of war and refugees is completely different. Even if the former is given preferential treatment, it is just that they will not freeze to death or starve to death, and barely have a bite to eat. Only the latter will be subject to such weird and strict monitoring and protection.

Heinrich didn't say so, but in fact he was a prisoner of war in relation to the Empire and the Alliance - and he is now a prisoner of war wherever he goes in the universe. The most important thing is that even the Alliance Parliament, which is supposed to be the most solid backing of Celia, has exposed the clues of conspiracy at this moment.

If it was Celia standing here at this moment, then he would be able to figure out the key point immediately: the Alliance and the Dark Star Hall are both unpredictable, and going to the Empire may give them a glimmer of life instead. Although the empire is an old rival, it is easier to deal with each other because they are old rivals, each of them has their unknown weakness, and they can plan it slowly to move later.

— but it was Gavin standing here at the moment.

For Gavin, the most important thing is not personal safety, but to quickly find out who he is: Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. Now he is not only unfamiliar with the enemy, but he doesn't even know who he is—isn't he courting death

"So you agreed?" Heinrich pretended to be puzzled and asked, "I should leave now in time for dinner in the palace tomorrow morning..."

He stretched out his hand, but Gavin took half a step back: "What's the menu?"

"What do you like?"

Before Gavin could answer, Heinrich mocked: "Omelette, fruit and tea, eight hundred years of unshakable breakfast recipes—you don't like it or not, you just get used to it."

Behind him, the brilliant sea of light from the Ninth Fleet gradually approached, and countless fighter jets swarmed down, reflecting the dazzling light net in Gavin's eyes.

Heinrich took a step forward against the light and reached out to pull Gavin's hand.

However, at this moment, Gavin took a half step back: "What if I don't want to?"

At that moment, the two stood at the junction of light and shadow, their reflections reflected in the depths of their eyes. Immediately afterwards they moved at the same time—

Heinrich jumped forward, Gavin flew back and shouted: "Griffin!"

The griffin deformed in an uproar, combined into a red gold saber and swung it sharply, forcing Heinrich back a few steps. Immediately afterwards, Gavin bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed the blood on the blade, and the scattered blood droplets immediately seeped into the five-dimensional alloy.

"Energy value is 26 percent!" Griffin roared.

At this moment, dragonriders finally appeared in the sky—the dark star warriors from several nearby towns finally arrived. The vanguard of the Ninth Fleet was making an emergency landing across the board. As soon as the two sides came into contact, a fierce exchange of fire broke out, and countless fireworks-like flames burst into the sky.

The air defense siren sounded over the town, and the artillery fire made Heinrich's eyes slightly red: "Do you have other plans, Celia?"

Gavin regretted: "Sorry, I don't think there is any future in going to the Empire!"

Another round of shells exploded in the sky, and the two dragonriders were hit by the giant cannon and fell to the ground. The shock caused them to rush forward at the same time. In the confusion, Gavin turned around and ran towards the end of the long street. Heinrich chased after two steps, and suddenly a fighter jet swooped down behind him, throwing a black ring shining with golden light from the hatch.

Heinrich didn't even look at it, and said in a deep voice, "—Quan!"

The black ring disintegrated and deformed in response to the sound, forming the head, hands and feet of the 3S mecha in mid-air, and the cockpit dived rapidly from the large parts, and immediately caught Heinrich on the ground!

The mecha was assembled at the moment the gunfire fell, and the fire flow poured over Bi An's body from head to toe.

Immediately afterwards, the mecha giant came out of the flames, its whole body was covered with light that was hard to see directly, like the sun falling on the ground, reflecting half of the town as if it were daytime. Residents screamed in the distance, but Heinrich ignored it and only took a step forward and stretched out his hand to Gavin—

This is actually very dangerous. The 3S mecha is too big, and people are like ants, and they can be crushed to death if they don't pay attention.

Gavin turned around abruptly and said without hesitation, "Griffin! Now!"

Without his ordering a second time, the griffin immediately disintegrated and transformed into an indomitable red-gold giant the moment it was patted by Bi An's palm. With a bang, the two planes collided, and the Griffin grabbed Bi An's hand firmly, and pushed it suddenly with all his strength!

The sudden brute force caused Bi An to stagger half a step back, and then he drew out his two knives backhand: "Everyone in the Ninth Fleet obeys the order!"

Thousands of warships in the Ninth Fleet received frequent battle messages from the emperor at the same time: "The main force dispatched to round up the Mecha Griffin and capture the pilot alive!"

"The vanguard formed a team to destroy the Dark Star Dragon Knights, no need to surrender, just kill them on the spot!"


In the Ophiuchus galaxy, a fleet of black ghosts is quietly approaching the atmosphere of Shurong Star.

In front of the command platform, a mid-level warrior was bowing his head and reporting to the officers: "The Ninth Fleet has fully occupied the airspace of Shurong Star, the local garrison has almost been killed, and Admiral Aaron's spiritual link has also been used by the Imperial Army. Control it... We only have the Serpent of the Nether Space ambushing in the underground armory, and can monitor the latest movements of the Ninth Fleet at any time."

"Protect the intelligence source," Yunes said lightly, "activate the Trident, once the Ninth Fleet begins to assemble, immediately locate and send the interstellar nuclear bomb."

The men took orders and left.

Yunes turned to Osrod again: "Take your men and prepare for ground warfare. After the nuclear bomb is sent, you must go down and catch the alliance commander, and don't let him fall into the hands of the emperor. Come back as soon as it is done—"

In front of everyone, his tone was almost commanding: "Don't make the mistake of last time, or you won't have to come back."

Osrod gritted his teeth, but finally smiled foolishly: "Huh..."

The old and new generations of the Dark Star Hall have been fighting each other for power for a long time. Osrod, as the younger generation of high-ranking warriors, and Yunes, who represents the traditional forces, have repeatedly confronted each other, but most of the time they missed each other.

This is due to the fact that Younes is deeply trusted by the elders, but it is more because of his outstanding military strength and outstanding status: after Silia defected for the first time, the position of chief warrior was replaced by Younes, and he has monopolized power for decades , until Celia joined the Dark Star Hall for the second time as the commander of the alliance, reorganizing the power structure at that time.

And when Yunes and Celia were fighting to the death, Osrod was just a newcomer, and neither of them bothered to pay attention to him.

Therefore, Eunice's identity, qualifications, and connections in the Dark Star Hall are quite deep. No matter how much Osrod calls the wind and rain in private, he can't openly resist his orders on the surface.

Younes didn't want to tell him too much, and just as he turned around, he saw a communication flashed on the screen, which was from the front-line vanguard ship: "Request the headquarters, request the headquarters! We have found another fleet ahead of us, the estimated size is about 200 battleship legions!"

Now everyone stood up: "Who is it?"

The corps of 200 warships is neither big nor small, at least it has the strength to fight a connecting battle. The vanguard officer faltered for a moment, seeming to say something in the noise of the current, and then the communication frequency suddenly changed: "Gentlemen, good evening."

The others hadn't heard it yet, but Yunes' gaze sank in an instant.

"I'm Kaleyan, the acting commander of the Alliance's Glorious Legion. I'm very glad to meet you here—" Kaleyan paused, and asked lazily, "I heard that there was a civil riot in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Alliance. ?"

Everyone froze at the same time.

The Ophiuchus Galaxy belongs to the Empire in theory, but actually belongs to the Alliance. The Dark Star Hall is just taking advantage of the force to force the garrison there. This is actually a tacit fact that everyone knows.

Younes sneered, "A starving dog with no bones can run faster than you, Kaleyan."

"Thank you for the compliment, I'm even embarrassed." Kaleyan asked politely, "Is there anything I can do to help?"


Kaleyan almost completely inherited the marshal's mantle, Yunes stiffened for a moment, and said coldly: "Thank you for your concern, our garrison is trapped on Shurong Star, and now we are going to rescue them."

"Our people are trapped on Shurong Star, and now we are going to drive away the Ninth Fleet of the Empire—since everyone has the same goal, let's act together, let's go first?"

Everyone knew that the side that went down first would take the initiative in the ground battle, but Kaleyan's question was taken for granted, and his tone was as casual as a chat.

Younes narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth for a while and said, "You guys... let's go first."

In the vast universe, the Legion of Glory turned around one by one and dived into the atmosphere of Shurong Star; the warriors of the Dark Star Hall followed closely in their footsteps, and the two fleets rushed towards the planet shrouded in artillery fire one after the other.

On the ground, the Ninth Fleet of the Empire is rapidly gathering, preparing to launch a final assault on the local garrison.

At this moment, no one expected that the first battle between the imperial army, the government-in-exile, and the Dark Star Hall would kick off unexpectedly under such hasty circumstances.