The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 61


"Gavin," the black-robed boy walked up to Celia and kicked him lightly with his toes, "Why did you sleep here? Gavin?"

The hoarse voice was so iconic that Heinrich confirmed it almost instantly—it was Yunes in his youth!

At that time, Yunes was not as pale and treacherous as he is now, but his eyes were deep-socketed, his brows were high, his lips were tightly pursed, and his face was full of hostility. He stood and waited for a while, and saw that Celia seemed to be really asleep, so he sat on the grass and stared at him blankly.

There was the sound of night insects in the distance, and the brilliant galaxy ran across the top of the head like a band of light. Celia's face was extremely calm under the starlight, Yunes stared at him for a while, then slowly lowered his head to kiss his lips.

However, at the moment when the two breathed intertwined, Celia suddenly opened his eyes and blocked him with one hand: "What are you doing?"

Yunes froze.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Celia raised one corner of her lips, and her eyes were a bit evil.

"I just..." Yunes stammered, but Celia got up and left without waiting for him to finish.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, as if an invisible hand was waving in front of Heinrich, and his eyes turned into a hazy sky full of wind and sand.

The flying gravel hit the face and brought burning pain, and then not far away, blood rose into the sky, and Celia yelled: "Master!"

Before he finished speaking, the head fell, and the headless corpse fell to the ground with a plop, and the black gold spear in his hand slammed heavily on the sand.

"Master! Master!" Celia's voice was almost weeping blood, and she staggered and wanted to rush up, but was held down by several Dark Star warriors at the same time. Immediately, a few dragonriders flew down from the sky, and the high-ranking warriors were all covered in blood, as if they had experienced a hard battle. Yunes was at the head of them holding a long knife, watching Celia condescendingly.

"How is it?" His expression was cruel and careless, as if he had just finished a wonderful performance, and his voice even enjoyed it: "Give me an evaluation, Gavin?"

Celia was forced to knelt on the sand and cried bitterly, struggling violently almost with the strength of dying, and wanted to throw herself at the teacher's gray-haired head several times, but was barely held down by the Dark Star warriors. During the turmoil, Yunes suddenly raised the knife to provoke Celia's chin, and the tip of the knife pierced the skin instantly.

"You knew that such a day would come, why did you betray?"

Celia was forced to look up, blood dripped down her throat and into her collar, her teeth were almost trembling: "Yunes... Younes!"

The hatred in that voice was almost overflowing, his right hand suddenly broke free from the shackles, grasped the blade tightly, blood flowed down the palm of his hand immediately: "Either you die today, or I die!"

Yunes' face changed suddenly, and several people didn't hold Celia in an instant. The boy turned around suddenly while grabbing the blade with his bare hands, and cut the throat of the warrior behind him!

"Hold him!" The high-level warriors yelled in unison, and Yunes flew down the dragon rider, but before he could reach Silia, he was knocked out by the flying dragon rider with a "boom!" !

That scene was simply dazzling. Surrounded by the Dark Star Warriors, Celia roared, her voice piercing into the sky. Dozens of dragonriders moved after hearing the sound. Let's have a blast together!

The flames eclipsed the sun, and a torrential rain of flaming debris poured down from billows of black smoke, all shouting and scattering. Yunes rolled twice on the sand and got up, raised his knife and rushed towards Celia, but was grabbed by the neck head-on and pressed heavily to the ground in an instant!

"You fucking! Why don't you fucking die!"

Celia was almost crazy, just choking Younes tightly, without even noticing that someone had stabbed him twice in the back. It wasn't until he was hit in the middle by someone during the third knife that he fell down suddenly spurting blood!

Yunes coughed wildly and quickly got up, picked up the bloody Celia, and said angrily, "You traitor—"

Before he could finish speaking, he was knocked down head-on by a dragonrider coming from the sky, and rolled down the sand dune in a state of embarrassment. I saw that dragon rider scooped up Celia in the air, and flew towards the headless corpse not far away like a meteor, and then Celia reached out and grabbed the black gold spear, grabbed his teacher's head, and hugged him tightly.

"—Dark Star Hall!" The dragon rider sprinted away, only to hear Celia's shrill cry echoing far away, tearing everyone's eardrums with blood: "You are destined to perish by my hands! Death without a whole body! Star Hall!!"

Before Heinrich heard Edna's description, he thought that Celia returned to the alliance immediately after the death of the teacher to form the Glory Legion, and from then on he practiced military affairs to avenge the Dark Star Hall, but now he knows that is not the case.

The young Celia buried his teacher in the depths of the desert, knelt in front of the simple stone tombstone and wept all day and night; then he built a straw hut, lived there, and began to guard the small tomb.

The wind and sand here are extremely strong, and drinking water is hard to find. Celia relies on the black gold spear to hunt sand bats for a living. Every morning, he would carry a bucket to look for ancient wells far away. During the day, he took advantage of the strong sunlight to nitrate sand bat skins. Occasionally, a caravan passed by in the evening, and he would exchange these skins for some daily necessities.

These memories are trivial and dull, but Heinrich can feel the subtle changes in Celia's mentality—with the repeated work day after day, it seems that something in his heart has really stabilized, impetuous and hostile. All gradually faded away, and the green and sharp edges were smoothed quietly, as if the rough amber had been repeatedly polished by time, and finally glowed with a warm and subtle light.

Caravans traveling to and from the desert have gradually noticed this young man guarding the tomb alone. The legends about him are always shrouded in mystery and charm. Finally one day, after exchanging goods, a caravan leader suddenly took Celia's hand and asked sincerely, "Will you come with me?"

"..." Celia shook her head and gently withdrew her hand.

The merchant chief was very disappointed: "But for-why?"

"Because I have other things to do."

Celia looked at him slightly apologetic, and at that moment Heinrich found that the evil in his eyes had disappeared without a trace, replaced by peace, firmness and unshakable.

The caravan leader's words were like an opportunity, marking an important event: Celia had been guarding the tomb for three full years.

This is the rule of desert travelers. After the death of the teacher, the students have to guard the grave for three years before leaving. These people who live and hunt in the desert have come here every generation. And this rule seems harsh and unreasonable, but it is actually the last protection and restraint of the predecessors for the descendants. There are many fights in the desert, and the powerful teachers often leave weak and hateful students behind. There is no mandatory rule of guarding the tomb, and the students may immediately set out to take revenge, and in the end, their lives are often wasted.

Of course, there are also people who are full of a strong desire for revenge. They study hard during the period of guarding the tomb, and immediately succeed in taking revenge as soon as the period expires, which has become a good story spread in the depths of the desert. However, it is obviously unrealistic for Celia.

He is just a young man living alone in the desert, but what he faces is the powerful terrorist group Dark Star Hall that has spread across the star system for hundreds of years, and even the alliance is helpless.

That evening, when the caravan passed by again, it was seen from a distance that the thatched hut was burned. The burning fire merged with the endless sunset, and the black smoke could be seen far away. The caravan thought that the hut had been attacked by desert robbers, but hurried over to take a look, and saw the young man standing quietly in front of the fire, wrapped in a coarse cloth cloak, holding a black gold spear, and turned his head to them with a smile: "I I'm leaving here, can you take me with your merchant ship?"

The merchants looked at each other, and finally the leader asked worriedly, "Where are you going?"

"Alliance." Celia paused and said, "The capital of the alliance is Lan Xixing."

Twenty years after the teenager Gavin Celia left, he finally returned to the alliance's political and military power center.

In the same year, he was appointed as a major, and he was stationed in the capital as an army guard; in the next year, genetic engineering experts judged that he was less dangerous than normal, and his body indexes exceeded expectations, so he was appointed as a lieutenant colonel, and sent to the battlefield as a mid-level commander .

The frequent small-scale battles during this period accelerated Celia's promotion path: in the spring of the second year, the surrounding small countries invaded, and the commander of the local alliance garrison was killed. After returning to the situation, he was promoted to colonel; after a while, the local garrison mutinied, and the parliament was in a state of desperation. Silia came forward to mediate the fierce conflict between the local garrison and the government, and was promoted to major general.

It was a period of hardship and patience. Celia went from being really alone to starting to make a fortune, and then to many fans. She experienced the baptism of artillery fire and fighting for decades. Under the direct order of the Alliance Council, he traveled to the battlefields of various galaxies, and his military rank rose again and again with the accumulation of military exploits, and gradually won the favor and support of most of the middle and low-level officers.

In the third millennium of the Milky Way Era, with the expansion of frontier wars, it is difficult to unify the garrisons in various places, and the calls for the establishment of an alliance directly under the army are getting louder and louder. In the reelection of the parliament in the same year, the former speaker Conceitlin, who had already stepped down, was successfully re-elected. The first military order after taking office was to approve the formation of the first full-featured elite combat force directly under the military in the history of the alliance—its official name is "" The No. 1 Air Combat Force directly under the Central Committee", later generations called it the Glory Legion.

And Gavin Celia was finally officially awarded the rank of general and became the commander-in-chief of this army.