The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 64


If the Union Marshal is not Celia, just change to someone with a slightly smaller mind, Heinrich's life will be over.

But why is Celia called the God of the Union Army by later generations? She not only has the fighting skills like a god, but also has a broad mind like the Virgin Mary. Even being able to tolerate things like false estrus, which makes thousands of horses flash in one's mind, it's not surprising that Heinrich'an continues to be his chief guard.

In the 3290th year of the Galactic Era, the third engagement between Marshal Celia and Miss Edna failed.

The conflict between the two has been going on for a long time. According to Heinrich, although Celia behaves iron and blood, she has an idealized tendency towards absolute democracy in her bones; There is a very obvious appreciation for the political system. These two people have different identities, positions and political views, and many views cannot be reconciled.

At that time, Celia was leading an expedition to Red Saturn, and when the news of the cancellation of the engagement came, the war was at its most intense stage. He himself was not too shocked because he had a premonition, but the Union Parliament was very intolerable, especially Edna's father, Speaker Douglas Consettrin, severely warned his daughter: "It's been too long, You must settle the matter with the marshal immediately this time!"

—Douglas’s attitude is very understandable, the military department is already very dissatisfied with the parliament because of Celia’s hopeless marriage, and every time the power of the military department increases sharply during the war, Celia’s prestige is high, and the public opinion pressure is too much for the parliament .

But the bad thing about this is that the relationship between Edna and Major General Caroline suddenly increased at that time, while her anger towards Celia and her dissatisfaction with her father were quite high. Facing her father's questioning, the first thing she thought of was - Celia actually put pressure on me through the parliament!

I worked so hard to mediate the conflict with the council for you, but you turned around and used the council to put pressure on me? !

Agitated, Edna made the first irreparable mistake in her life, which has been remembered by later generations of historians: when Edna was blocked by reporters at the door of her house that night, she fell down angrily. The media light brain, and declared: "I will not get engaged to Celia... Yes, because he is a Beta, we can't be together at all!"

One stone stirred up waves, and the news that the Marshal turned out to be Beta was instantly broadcast by tens of thousands of media outlets, and within a few hours, the alliance network exploded!

How much Edna regretted that night is unknown to future generations. What people know is that there was a mutiny on the front line as soon as the news came out, and more than half of the front line commanders retreated the next day, urgently requesting to see the marshal!

Celia's holographic image was projected on the steps of the command office. It was still in white military uniform, gloves, and titanium silver saber. His handsome face was expressionless, and his eyes gleamed coldly like blades.

"No matter what I am, it will not affect the situation of the alliance. The focus of your attention now should be Red Saturn. In the face of the overall interests, please give in to all personal emotions for the time being. If you have any questions, you can ask me in private."

"As for the most serious case of gathering people to block the door, it can be regarded as a mutiny. You are all front-line commanders brought out by me. You must be well aware of how serious the crime of mutiny is. Please remember that the parliament sits in the rear. I don't want to Your performance is a disgrace to the Union Army."

Although the commander's emotions were agitated, the marshal's power has been accumulating for a long time, and a few words temporarily stabilized the situation.

Everyone looked at each other under the steps, and then looked up at the marshal, but Celia just nodded, and the three-dimensional projection suddenly disappeared.

"This group of cowards who don't know anything, they only know how to fan the flames!" Aaron put down the surveillance camera not far away, and scolded angrily: "The marshal is really, just say whoever refuses to accept it, just come up and fight, I don't believe anyone can do it!" Can you beat the marshal?! You only know how to deceive yourself and others because of your gender all day long, this slap of the marshal should have slapped them in the face long ago... "

"Calm down, Aaron."

"What did you say?"

Heinrich leaned against the wall with his arms folded, looked at the group of people coldly, shook his head for a while and said, "We can't provoke them now, the most important thing is to be safe... The marshal has only two options, either to turn the tide with a clever tongue, Pull all the floating hearts to your side; or don’t say anything, because it’s wrong to say too much, it’s better to wait for the heat to cool down and then plan slowly.”

"The first method is dangerous and beneficial, but do you think the marshal is the kind of person who is good at arguing? He is already on the cusp of the storm. Wouldn't it be worse if he makes any mistakes? Therefore, the marshal did not place a bet after weighing it, but adopted it. The relatively safe second method, although doubts and contradictions have not yet been resolved, but at least won a little buffer time."

Heinrich paused, and then said: "If these Alpha situations are stimulated now, it will really be irreversible—Of course the Marshal can easily defeat them, but what they need now is not a defeat, but a beautiful and complete victory … Only victory can restore their respect for the marshal and their confidence in the military.”

Heinrich looked up at the sky, and the huge halo of Red Saturn was slowly rising from the horizon.

The blood-red light reflected in his eyes, as if indicating that a war was about to break out.

In the winter of 3290 years of the Galactic Era, the Alliance Army won a great battle on Red Saturn. After returning home, Celia made a public speech, acknowledging her Beta status in front of the citizens of the entire Alliance.

The entire Milky Way caused a sensation. Countless people were angry, questioned, refused to believe, and even declared in vain that this was just a conspiracy conceived by the parliament to slander the military. However, in the state of national boiling, the parliament first released its goodwill to the marshal. Speaker Douglas made a public speech and declared: "Marshal Celia's contribution to the alliance is indelible, and the trust of the parliament in him will not be shaken in the slightest."

Immediately afterwards, the military department, the court, and the major ruling provinces all sent the same official letter, stating that the marshal's gender will not affect the alliance's military power system.

The statements of the bigwigs finally began to affect the direction of the wind, and the victory of Red Saturn made the media and public opinion more tolerant. Soon after, the public gradually began to accept the marshal's gender.

—Of course, this turmoil could not be without any sequelae. When the doubts gradually subsided, the public suddenly and excitedly reacted to one thing: Beta has the ability to reproduce!

Oh, and of course Alphas are fertile too, but Betas can get pregnant!

How exhilarating it is!

Less than two weeks after the incident, the military department held a military parade in the capital. When Marshal Celia led a group of generals to appear on the rostrum, suddenly there was a commotion in the VIP seats, and then an official from the ruling province came out with flowers in his hands, directly past the shocked audience and the guards who tried to stop them , ran to Celia and knelt on one knee!

"I have always admired you, respected Marshal Celia." The Alpha officer raised his head and said excitedly, took out a dark blue diamond box from the bouquet and opened it reverently: "Please believe in my sincerity and dedication, if you can accept my fiery love I hope that from now on we will form the happiest family... ”

At that moment, the blooming bouquet, the brilliant diamond ring and Celia's slightly astonished face all passed through the camera and projected to every corner of the galaxy at the same time.

There was silence on the rostrum, and everyone was stunned.

At that time, the marshal's guards were surrounding the field, and Heinrich was the first to notice something was wrong, and immediately strode towards the rostrum.

"..." Celia was stunned for a short moment, and immediately reacted, smiling and reaching out to support the Alpha official, her hand was very strong but did not seem to have the slightest sign of strength: "I must thank you for your sincerity and kindness, But Edna and I are getting engaged, and I'm so sorry to have to let down your enthusiasm...”

Edna, who was wearing a long white dress, came from the VIP seat, reached out to hold Celia's arm, stood side by side with him and looked at the official with a smile. At this moment, they were like a pair of golden boys and girls. The official's shocked eyes lingered on their faces, and he stammered after a long while: "But I thought... I thought..."

"Sir, the military parade is about to begin." Heinrich walked quickly, and naturally put his hand on the official's shoulder: "Please follow me back to your seat."

The distraught official was subconsciously taken away, and the media camera stayed on him for a few seconds, which seemed to be a mixture of sympathy and meaning. Immediately afterwards, everyone on the rostrum sat down one after another, with different expressions on their faces, and the military parade officially began after the 28-gun salute.

This incident slightly eased the military officials' dislike of Edna, but it did not stop the lust of countless people on the Internet. The Alpha official's proposal incident was like a fuse, suddenly making everyone aware of this explosive fact: as Beta Celia, it is possible to combine with Alpha, and even give birth to offspring.

—Although Beta has a low chance of conceiving and can only give birth to Beta, if Celia can give birth, how many do you expect

Almost overnight, Celia went from the number one ideal object of many Omega to the number one fantasy object of Alpha. The marshal's office receives all kinds of fanatical courtship letters all day long, the TV shows the true and false news one after another, and the interstellar network is full of all kinds of jaw-dropping absurd pictures and texts. The smugglers who want money and life have even developed a simulation doll that is very similar to Marshal Celia. It has been sold for millions of Union coins in the underground black market, and it is often out of stock because of its popularity.

— Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Celia's patience has finally come to an end.

The frenetic situation was finally stopped by the alliance military two months later. Not only was the black market transaction cleared, a large number of programs were suspended, and related blocking words were set up on the Internet. All kinds of obscene pictures and texts that exploded on the Internet disappeared, and some website leaders who went too far were even detained by the gendarmerie.

However, what annoys the military the most in this farce is not the Alpha who secretly rubbed himself YY on the Internet, the celebrities from all walks of life who have attracted attention on TV, or even the fact that Marshal Celia has vacated the young, young, middle-aged Year's edition of the Black Market Merchant.

—The one that pulled the most hatred was the Alliance Council, or in other words, Edna Consettrin who announced the marshal's gender secret.

It is difficult for an outsider to know whether Celia and Edna still have old feelings in their hearts, but as far as Heinrich sees, the relationship between the two has dropped to freezing point. The pull at the military parade only maintained a false balance on the surface, but only a few close guards knew what the actual situation was—

On the way back after the ceremony, Edna connected to the marshal's airship communication, and asked tearfully, "What exactly do you want?"

"... I want to be alone."

They looked at each other through the light screen. After a long time, Celia reached out and cut off the communication.

This press seemed to be a signal, announcing that the period of harmony between Silia and the Alliance Parliament had officially ended.

Without Edna's mediation, the various frictions between the military department and the parliament became more and more obvious. At this time, a border rebellion happened to break out. On the eve of the departure of the Glory Legion, the council forcibly stuffed several supervising troops on the command ship, which aroused great anger from the entire military department.

In the spring of 3294 years of the Galactic Era, the Gemini rebellion broke out, and Celia led troops to the expedition.

In the same year, there was a major conflict between the parliament and the military, and Celia retreated urgently.

Immediately, the conflict escalated, and the parliament forcibly detained Celia, who had rushed back to the capital, which aroused the anger of the military, and the famous "burning of the parliament" incident broke out.

A week later, Celia got out of trouble and immediately rushed to the front line of Gemini to command the battle. And behind him, the situation in the capital is on the verge of breaking out.

At the same time, Heinrich, Aaron, and others who were temporarily in command on the front line cooperated with each other and successfully sniped the rebel army out of the Gemini galaxy. In recent years, these two men have often led troops under the name of Celia, and established a high prestige in the army. After the victory, they led the entire Glorious Legion back to the Gemini Galaxy and began to build the Chenqiao Fortress.

When Celia arrived, they were sitting at the Egret Headquarters for a meeting. Hearing the news of the Marshal's arrival, Heinrich immediately took everyone out of the ship to greet them—but the moment Celia stepped onto the bridge, everyone was shocked. Surprised: "Yuan, marshal..."

Celia's face was pale and calm, but her forehead was covered with a messy bandage, and it could be seen that only emergency treatment had been done. The blood stains on the gauze and under the collar are still clearly visible. The bandages in the shirt of the upper body are wrapped around the shoulders to the base of the fingers, and the left arm bone is a little abnormally bent.

Heinrich only felt the blood rushing to his head in an instant: "What's going on, Marshal! Douglas ordered it to be done? Those bastards from the gendarmerie—"

Celia raised her hand to stop him.

"Lead the troops back," he said in a low voice, "The parliament needs to call in troops."

- Celia once again compromised with the parliament, but this decision cannot be said to be immature. How much and in what way to compromise are all deliberate.

However, in the eyes of other members of the Legion of Glory at that time, the aggressiveness of the parliament and the repeated concessions of the Marshal had reached the limit of their patience; fuse.

Several people present exchanged a hidden look with each other, and then all looked at Heinrich. However, Heinrich seemed unaware, nodded very casually, and immediately stepped forward and said: "I understand the Marshal. Please go to the medical cabin and lie down for a while. The finishing work of building the fortress will probably be completed tomorrow afternoon."

Celia glanced at everyone's faces, and seemed to feel that something was wrong in the atmosphere, but he couldn't tell where it was; after a while, he finally put away his doubts temporarily, nodded politely, and followed Heinrich to the military doctor. walk around.

What Celia never expected was that at the moment he turned around, the largest internal rebellion in the history of the Union Army finally kicked off—

In the 3294th year of the Milky Way Era, on the Egret of Gemini, the senior officials of the Shining Legion hijacked the marshal and proposed a declaration of independence and self-government to the Alliance Council.

In the statement, he lamented the shortcomings of the parliament, announced the damage suffered by the military department, and called for the establishment of a dictatorship centered on Marshal Silia.

This civil strife directly led to the split of the alliance and the establishment of the Gemini Empire in the future, known in history as the Chenqiao Mutiny.