The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 68


"Help us..."

"Help us..."

"Come on... come and save us!"

Like endless ghosts in the abyss, the tragic cry hovered from the bottom of the unfathomable elevator shaft. Celia glanced at her feet, and instantly felt as if there was an invisible layer of gray mist covering it!

"Gavin—" The Griffin's panicked voice didn't fall, Celia grabbed it, and at the same time withdrew the spiritual link with it that had never been broken, and it completely diverged in an instant!

The narrow metal space was instantly filled with a silent but shocking scream: "Save us! No matter who it is, I beg you to save us!"

As if lightning pierced through the night, countless images suddenly popped up in the back of Celia's mind: he was standing on the space battleship command platform, and the console was full of excited researchers. The countdown to the test launch of the interstellar railgun echoed in the hall. Thirty seconds later, this unprecedented gigantic railgun would drag its long and brilliant tail light across space like a meteor.

The young alliance commander lowered his eyes, and suddenly felt an insignificant wind passing by his ears, and then a distant voice gradually sounded: "Is there anyone? Can anyone hear us?"

"Please hear us!"

"Stop it... stop this!"

"Please hear us!"

Celia raised her head suddenly: "Who are you?"

"Marshal?" Everyone around turned their heads in surprise. At the same time, a researcher in front suddenly got up, pointed at the surveillance video and said in surprise, "What is around Marshal? There is fog!"

"It's an unknown electromagnetic wave, quickly pull the Marshal away!"

The guard captain Heinrich rushed forward, but before he could make a move, Celia stopped him with a wave of his hand. He closed his eyes and concentrated his thoughts, only to hear the helpless call for help in the wind, and it became clear instantly: "We are space star people, and we live in the form of electromagnetic waves!"

"Stop the missile launch, the electromagnetic interference will kill us!"

"Please, Human Commander! Only you can hear us, please!"

— Celia's face changed instantly.

"Fourteen, thirteen, twelve... Nine, eight, seven, six..." The countdown in the hall became louder and louder, and the missile experts stared at the monitoring screen, only to see a dazzling white light suddenly flashing from the electromagnetic muzzle outside the ship. Just when the missile was about to launch, Celia suddenly opened her eyes and shouted: "—Stop!"

"Yuan, Marshal?!"

Everyone was inexplicably horrified. Celia drew his gun suddenly when the army fired, and smashed the green launch button on the console tens of meters away: "I said stop! Stop firing, immediately!"

With a loud bang, the chief engineer subconsciously flew out, and instantly pushed the power push lever to the bottom!

"Three, two, one—launch program abort, warning, warning, launch program abort..."

The red light flashed in the hall, and the missile barely stopped in the barrel at the last second. Everyone around was still in shock, the chief engineer turned his head while holding the lever, panting and looking at the alliance commander.

The surroundings were extremely quiet for a while, and Celia breathed a sigh of relief under the eyes of everyone:

"Sorry, I just found out that the magnetic field in the vicinity is different. Let the Academy of Sciences investigate and submit a report... The missile test continues, and the entire army is notified to jump to a light-year away before bombing."

No one knew that just as he was saying this, the Stars of Youkong gathered into a breeze and whispered in the ear of the Alliance Commander: "Thank you, Human Commander!"

"You Kongxing owes you a favor, we will meet again!"


The memory picture suddenly disappeared, and Celia suddenly came back to her senses, only to feel a whirlwind blowing in the elevator without warning: "Please! Human Marshal! Please hear us!"

"Hurry up and save us, the Dark Star Hall is coming to kill us!"

"... the space star?" Celia extracted this important term from the flash memory: "Have we met before?"

There were many small and trivial voices in the wind, probably because the people of Youkong Star communicated with each other with their unique frequency. After a few seconds, they chirped at the same time: "Yes, you saved us! Come to Youkong Star to beg us Help, but there is a traitor among us!"

"Dark Star Hall caught us in the anti-magnetic field and forced us to hand over your legacy!"

"But your legacy has already returned to Youkong Star, and we will die in the anti-magnetic field if we are locked up again!"

It is very strenuous to communicate with the space star people, they confuse and merge with each other in the form of electromagnetic waves, and when they speak, they are noisy and mixed together. Celia immediately interrupted them: "Wait, it was 'I' who was looking for you at the beginning? I might just be a replica after the refraction of the soul..."

"Souls cannot be copied!" The Ukrainian star said sharply, "Yes, you are the one who came to us!"

Celia was stunned for a moment, and then an indescribable complex feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.

It turns out that the experiment on Red Saturn was a success, and I was indeed...

But what is the so-called legacy, and why "already returned to Youkong Star"? Younes brought the Uranus Starman here again because—

"Please help us destroy the anti-magnetic field!" Maybe the elevator is getting closer to the 250th floor, and the power of the anti-magnetic field is getting stronger and stronger, and the voice of the Youkong star suddenly became sad and desperate: "I want yours!" Inheritance, come to Nether Sky Star, but watch out for Yunes!"

"mine… "

"You must come to Nether Sky Star! Be careful of Yunes! The Dark Star Hall is going to the Ophiuchus constellation—"

Ding dong!

The number above the elevator was fixed at 250, and an extremely uncomfortable aura suddenly enveloped the small metal space. The air was filled with static electricity, and the voice of the Ukrainian star had suddenly disappeared.

"... Counter-magnetic field," Celia murmured.

He grabbed the griffin, turned it into a glove in an instant, stood up suddenly and clinged to the top of the elevator, his whole body was like a thin layer of paper. At the same time, the elevator door slowly opened, and there was a short corridor outside the door. At the end, a Dark Star apprentice who had been patrolling here turned around and looked suspiciously at the empty elevator.

"Who's there?"

All was quiet.

"Who's there?"

The apprentice became vigilant, raised his gun and slowly approached the elevator. The surroundings were so quiet that only the sound of his own breathing could be heard, but the moment he stepped into the elevator door, there was a sudden gust of wind above his head, and Celia fell down in the air, with her knees tightly clamping the apprentice's head, a beautiful and neat Twisted his waist and pinned him to the ground!


The apprentice couldn't make a sound at all, but was pushed out of the elevator by Celia in lightning, squeezed to the corner, grabbed his right shoulder with one hand and snapped it, and at the same time covered his mouth like iron clamps: "Don't bark! Or I'll kill you!"

Lightning-like pain pierced through the nerves, and the apprentice's face was dripping with cold sweat, but he could only make a helpless sound of "uuuuuuuuuuuuu".

"Where's Barnett?"


Celia relaxed her hand a little bit, but the apprentice immediately shouted: "Come on—uuuh!"

With a crackling sound, his left shoulder was snapped cleanly, and the severe pain caused the apprentice to collapse to the ground immediately, without any strength other than trembling. Celia picked up the gun he had dropped on the ground, and said slowly against the apprentice's temple: "For the sake of being an apprentice, I won't kill you... Where is Barnett? Where is the magnetic field control room?"

The apprentice trembled, and his eyes couldn't help showing fear and begging for mercy. Celia looked at it quietly for a while, and then slightly let go of the hand that blocked his mouth. Sure enough, he heard him trembling in a hoarse voice: "Area 3, 3B, Mr. Barnett lives in Area 3B—"

"What about the magnetic field control room?"

"I don't know, I really don't know..."

As soon as Celia moved her hand, the apprentice immediately collapsed and screamed: "Don't kill me, I really-"

With a bang, Celia smashed the handle of the gun heavily on the back of the apprentice's head, knocking him unconscious immediately.

"Griffin, scan Area 3B."

Griffin, the winking little light brain, found out the result before Celia ordered it a second time, and quickly projected the shortest path to the destination in the air, and at the same time wondered: "Eh—that's not right, 3B Why are there so many people in the district... ”

Those people were all green thermal images in the projection. Celia quickly took off the apprentice's black robe and put it on himself, grabbed his gun and walked forward.

The entire 250th floor is like a large intricate maze, and most of the walls on both sides are made of temporary electromagnetic materials, which can be seen to be transformed into this in a hurry. These materials constituted a counter-magnetic field, and at the same time largely interfered with the scanning system of the Griffin. Celia had several narrow encounters with other Dark Star apprentices on patrol along the way. Fortunately, relying on camouflage, she narrowly escaped each time.

Soon the sign of Area 3B appeared on the wall in front of him. Celia pressed against the wall and silently stretched his head to look at the corner. Suddenly, his pupils dilated slightly—

Outside the corner, there was a figure curled up quietly.

It was a naked young man. Under the light, the large area of honey-colored skin made people dare not look directly at him. His head was drooping deeply, and most of his face was hidden under the bangs, so he couldn't see what he looked like clearly.

But Celia recognized him instantly—it was herself!

It was the self who had just woken up on Red Saturn and had not undergone genetic modification!

Celia's brows were completely wrinkled, and when she looked forward from the corner, her expression suddenly turned into an unconcealable disgust and disgust—the test subject's upper body was blue and red intertwined, his legs were wide open, and his lower body showed signs of being ravaged. You can imagine what Barnett did to it here, and then just left it here, like a discarded sex toy!

"This pervert..." Celia said in a low voice, and suddenly heard the Griffin carefully say: "Uh, Gavin?"


"I received a communication request, it's... from Qu An..."


This is the first time Griffin has received communications from other imperial mechas after "losing his body". Its significance is no different from that of a traitor who fled to a foreign country and suddenly received a call from the president of his country one day. The Griffin connected to the video with an uneasy mood, and it was Heinrich's voice that was unexpectedly heard, full of uncontrollable excitement: "Gavin, I—"

The voice stopped abruptly, and Heinli looked forward to the boy in front of him, his expression blank.

"... You misunderstood." Celia grabbed the griffin and twisted it to herself, calmly said: "It's not what you imagined."

"No you're-"

The voice stopped abruptly again, and Heinri looked forward to the adult Celia in front of him, his expression blank.

"... There is no misunderstanding about this." Celia touched her face: "—gene modifier."

Heinrich's mind was instantly filled with all kinds of unsightly pornographic scenes. He pointed at Celia and the test subject back and forth with trembling hands, and opened and closed his mouth several times before he managed to make a sound: "You—you—you —”

"You've watched too many pornographic movies," Celia teased, "Barnett did it."

Heinrich was immersed in the sweet imagination, and it took him a long time to realize who Barnett was. At the beginning, he invaded the Royal Military Academy with Osrod in the Mech League, and was beaten back by Bi An and Phoenix afterward. , I didn't expect that this cannon fodder was still alive, and dared to do such a thing to Celia as a test subject!

Heinrich only felt an evil fire rushing to the top of his head in an instant: "Where are you now? What's going on?!"

As Celia proceeded carefully, she explained the matter briefly and quickly. The emperor is indeed a genius who plays politics. As soon as Celia said that he was looking for Barnett, he immediately reacted: "You want to assassinate this person on the territory of the parliament, and use this as an excuse to stir up disputes between the Dark Star Hall and the parliament?"

"Not only that, but Barnett belongs to Osrod's faction, and Osrod and Younes have been fighting each other for power and have been suspicious of each other for a long time."

The emperor immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "But your plan is too hasty, it is impossible not to leave any flaws, I'm afraid it won't make Osrod turn against Yunes, right?"

Celia bowed and swept across the corridor, only to see two half-open bedroom doors at the end, with soft and luxurious lights and lewd sounds coming from the cracks in the doors. He stared at the crack of the door, raised one corner of his mouth, and there was something cold in his smile: "No, Osrod doesn't care about flaws, he only lacks a reason... Younes can still see the big picture, but Osrod, is just a waste who can only see small profits in front of him."

At this time, there was only a creaking sound, the bedroom door was pushed open, and two identical test subjects came out.

The Griffon's light brain flew by Celia's ear, and the camera was facing the bedroom door, so Heinrich also saw this scene that made his blood pumping: the two were dragging another test subject in their hands, but they could only Lying limply on the ground, it looked like all the bones in his body were shattered, obviously he had been severely sexually abused and beaten!

"Barnett!" Heinrich stood up abruptly, his eyes burning with terrifying anger: "I must—must!"

"I didn't know how deep your love for inflatable dolls is." Celia said casually, and when the two test subjects came to her, she suddenly reached out and hooked one.

The test subject has no soul, and acts purely by mental instructions. This one was hooked, and the other didn't stop, dragging his companion numbly and continuing to move forward. Celia didn't care about it, just stared at the eyes of the test subject in his hand, and at the same time raised his mental threshold to the limit—

Just like connecting the virtual nerve plug of the mech, the test subject bounced suddenly, and looked back at Celia.

Celia's brows twitched in an instant: After all, the test subject is a human being, and the setting of the mental plug in the brain is much more complicated than that of the mecha, and even he feels powerless.

But immediately after the test subject stretched out his hand obediently, Celia let out a slight breath, and turned the griffin into a tiny light dagger into its palm.

The test subject turned around and stood there for a while, as if the two contradictory instructions in the spirit bolt were fighting with each other. After a while, the command from Celia finally prevailed, and it shuffled as it came, and walked slowly towards the bedroom door.

No one spoke in the corridor, only the sound of the test subject's footsteps fell to the ground, and the air was so tense that it almost froze. Ten seconds later, the test subject finally stood in front of the open door, raising the light dagger in his hand.

In the bedroom, Barnett must still want to enjoy the gentleness in the country, and he didn't even notice that a sex doll that looked like a walking corpse had already shown him a butcher knife—

At this moment, the light dagger automatically focused, and the test subject suddenly raised his hand and slashed down, and the blue fan-shaped electromagnetic light slashed towards Barnett with a whoosh!

Everything happens in the same second, so fast that the naked eye can't see clearly—

At the moment when the blue light burst out, Barnett suddenly jumped up from the big bed, and fell into the air like a huge bird of prey: "Who—"

With a loud bang, he kicked the test subject to the ground, and twisted its head with a fist!

Blood gushed from the test subject's head and neck. Barnett snatched the light dagger from its hand, and was about to examine it carefully when he suddenly realized something was wrong: "Mecha?!"

At the same time, at the end of the corridor, Celia suddenly raised her hand and yelled loudly just before Barnett threw the light dagger away: "Griffin—"

At that moment, no matter how fast Barnett reacted, it was too late. The five-dimensional alloy instantly deformed, and the griffin turned into a barb that was half a meter long. With a puff, it blatantly pierced Barnett's hand. throat!

With a plop, Barnett collapsed to his knees, his eyes fixed on the figure at the end of the corridor, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a few words: "Si... Celia..."

As soon as Celia stretched out her hand, the griffin suddenly turned into a saber and flew back.

"You, you really..."

Every time Barnett said a word, there was a big stream of blood coming out of his mouth, but Celia was expressionless, watching him coldly, and fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" "What sound?" At the same time, the sound of footsteps came from the depths of the maze-like corridor, and the patrolling apprentices were startled. Celia quickly took a look around, and saw that there were countless corridors extending in all directions, and it was impossible to tell which direction the Dark Star apprentice was rushing from.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Griffin suddenly pointed the tip of the knife in the direction of two o'clock in front of him: "Over there!"

Celia rushed into the tunnel like lightning, and after a few steps, the terrain changed again, and there were four forks on the left and right. The Griffin was scanning the escape route nervously, when suddenly there was a rush of running from the fork, and in an instant a black shadow rushed out from the exit of the fork!

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, the attacker raised his knife in the air and slashed down. At the moment when he was attacking head-on, Celia drew his knife backhand to block——


The bright sound of the gold and stone clashing was so ear-wrenching, Celia stared at the apprentice's face, and finally revealed a look of surprise: "——Claire?"