The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 86


Speaker Consettrin's move was beyond the expectation of the military department, and even Kaleyan, who is famous for his wisdom, did not expect it at all.

The attack on the Congress Hall completely exposed the contradiction between Marcas and Conceitrin. Although Douglas Consetlin is already the predecessor, Marcus is just a puppet he has set up to listen to the government behind the curtain. Now that the puppet has its own will, of course it must be eliminated in a hurry.

But implicating Gavin Celia? ——The Manchu army is supposed to be able to fight this one. Douglas is the main fighter. Who will help him fight the empire if Celia is brought down

"There's nothing that can't be understood. In Douglas' eyes, the military can do a lot more." When Celia said this, her face was normal, but she didn't seem surprised at all: "Over the years, he has infiltrated the camp of senior officers. You all know how much you have paid with your toes. If the military is in his hands, he will be able to promote his own people as soon as the battle starts. By then, the number of military exploits and the distribution of war profits will be large. If you go, it will be very easy to take the opportunity to kill one or two generals who are not against you."

The seven or eight generals and lieutenant generals on the helicopter were all listening at this moment, and the surroundings were silent.

These people shouldn't have swarmed into a plane, but such a big incident happened in the parliament, and now the military department is panicking. All they want is to come to see Celia as soon as possible, so that they can be a minute and a second sooner. All good. If it weren't for the limited load capacity of the helicopter and the heavy fire support in the cabin still occupying most of the space, maybe half of the generals of the military department would have to squeeze in like filling sardine cans.

"If I am resurrected as they expected, Douglas will have an extra tool in his hand. But now I am a thorn in his flesh, and I can't wait to get rid of it immediately, even the treason is on display."

Celia shook her head and smiled, and Kaleyan asked: "Then what should we do now? Douglas is contacting everywhere. Once he persuades more than half of the members, he can reconvene the parliament and put you and Speaker Markas on trial..."

It is said that it is a parliamentary trial, but as long as Douglas wins half of the votes, the result of this trial is up to him. The Union Marshal has not returned for fifty years. There must be more people who killed him than wanted him to live.

Kaleyan and the others looked at him worriedly, but Celia raised the corner of her mouth, "Call for a vote, parliamentary trial... Douglas will take advantage of my weakness if he moves according to the rules of democracy and the rule of law."

Kaleyan couldn't help but said angrily: "Do you think that what they play is real democracy? You can only be killed if you engage in democracy with them! After so many years, you still don't know how to learn your lesson. I think you really—"

"Who said I'm going to engage in democracy with them?" Celia interrupted him.

Kaleyan choked up immediately, but he only heard him say coldly: "Don't Douglas like to advocate the theory of military dictatorship? Let him see this time, what is real military dictatorship!"

In 3452 of the Galactic Era, the Alliance announced the resurrection of Marshal Celia, and held a press conference to openly form an alliance with the Dark Star Hall. Unexpectedly, the auditorium was attacked at the press conference, and the Imperial Army marched into the alliance capital Gold Mercury without anyone knowing it. The exchange of fire was known as the "Golden Mercury Congress Incident" in history.

In the same year, Douglas Conceitlin, the former speaker of the alliance, accused the current speaker Marcus and Marshal Gavin Silia of collaborating with the enemy. Half of the members seconded the vote and held a public trial and re-election in the Capitol.

Since the downfall of the Conceitlin family fifty years ago, the Alliance regime has once again encountered turmoil, causing an uproar from all walks of life in the universe; The marshal submitted a subpoena, requiring him to appear in court on time for a public trial.

Marshal Celia readily agreed.

Mercury in Andromeda, Union Capitol.

Douglas Consetlin walked out of the Juguang Gate under the heavy protection of bodyguards, and countless reporters rushed up from the steps: "Excuse me, did the parliament submit a subpoena to the military department today?" "How did Marshal Celia die?" Resurrected?" "Is the news that the Marshal readily accepts the subpoena true or false?" "The parliament has always been at odds with the military. How likely is it that this move will completely remove the Marshal? Are you paving the way for re-election as the speaker? ?”…

Douglas was pushed around by the crowd, and finally couldn't bear to pick up the microphone of the reporter closest to him: "The parliament and the military are both important parts of the coalition government! We are harmonious and one, and we are united and cooperative for the revival of the coalition Yes! Any words that alienate government agencies are destined to be seen through by the sharp eyes of the people—”

The crowd roared with laughter, and several reporters shoved their microphones into Douglas's face: "Once Speaker Markus is convicted of treason, the parliament will vote for re-election. Have you signed up as a candidate?"

Douglas kept a dark face and did not answer. The bodyguards yelled loudly and rushed left and right, but the reporters followed his footsteps: "We have the right to know!" "We will know when the list of candidates is announced." Mr. Lin!"

"Yes! I am also honored to be nominated by the Parliament!" Douglas finally grabbed the microphone and roared furiously: "The people of the Alliance have the right to get a new speaker who is loyal to the country!"

The reporters fell silent, then rushed over with even more excited screams, and countless questions mixed together were deafening. Fortunately, at this time, the guards in the Capitol rushed out in a riot vehicle, and the reporters dispersed. Douglas took the opportunity and the bodyguards rushed to the bulletproof shuttle across the square.

"These journalists can also sneak in, the security system of the Capitol is getting more and more lax! Those unfamiliar white-eyed wolves of the gendarmerie—"

Douglas slammed the car door, and couldn't help yelling, when someone beside him suddenly handed him a glass of red wine with a smile: "Why do you have to be as knowledgeable as those reporters, Speaker Concettering? The gendarmerie is your important ally against the military. .”

Douglas turned around, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight: "Why are you here?!"

On the car seat beside him, a man in black was sitting comfortably with his legs crossed. Although he was smiling, there was a trace of murderous aura cultivated in years of fighting between his brows, and a streak across his cheek The scar on his face was even more hideous. Douglas was terrified after just a glance, and his voice was wrong: "How the hell did you get in, Lieutenant General Isaac?!"

The man with the scar took back the red wine and said with a smile, "We might as well talk about this later, we have more important things right now."

Douglas felt his heart pounding, and walked around involuntarily.

The people on this shuttle are all cronies, but now he knows that quite a few people are already unreliable—the Lieutenant General of the Empire can appear on his private shuttle without anyone noticing, even though he said he wanted to discuss something , but he can appear here, in itself is a naked threat from the empire!

"I... I know, I'm just worried that you will be discovered." He reacted quickly, and immediately changed the tone: "You still came here for the last peace treaty?"

Isaac continued kindly: "His Majesty the Emperor has returned to Egret now, and everything is ready. I just want to know how you think about it, Mr. Speaker?"

"—I'm not the speaker yet..." Douglas laughed, got up and took the crystal goblet, poured himself a glass of red wine, and said in a casual yet meaningful tone: "I already know the sincerity of His Majesty the Emperor, peace talks I have also carefully read the treaty. According to the map of the division of power in the galaxy proposed by His Majesty, after the war begins, we will send troops from Venus Mercury, and occupy the galaxy along the way that will be assigned to us after the war according to the contract, and the Imperial Army will not avoid confronting us. Start the war. Afterwards, the Alliance will take the initiative to end the Second Galactic War, and sign a series of customs clearance and trade treaties with the Empire to ensure that the Empire will obtain benefits commensurate with its generous help. This is all perfect, but I still have one problem. "

Isaac asked lazily, "Aren't you the speaker?"

Douglas affirmed: "I'm not the speaker yet."

The shuttle flew over the Alliance Government, and the carriage was silent.

"It's nothing for the time being." Isaac took a sip of wine and said lightly: "After the public trial, there will be a reelection of the parliament. Isn't Mr. Douglas also on the list of candidates?"

This is a bit ambiguous. Douglas didn't answer, and slowly shook the blood-red wine in the crystal glass, and said after a while: "It doesn't mean anything to be on the list of candidates, and nothing counts until the vote is voted; even if the vote is cast, the result I can't be sure before it's announced... Not to mention that I only won half of the councilors now, even if all the councilors follow me out of their minds, it's nothing until I officially get the power of the speaker."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at Isaac with a smile: "After all that has been said, does the lieutenant general still not trust me? I have already shown you my hole cards. As long as I can sit in that position, the contract All the terms in the speech can take effect immediately, and there is a lot of room for negotiation on the distribution of benefits after the war; but if someone else becomes the speaker, everything His Majesty plans today will be uncertain."

Isaac tapped his fingers on his knees, feeling amused in his heart: Speaker Douglas is recognized as the number one main fighter in the alliance, and he shouted louder than anyone else to counterattack the empire—Marshal Celia refused to surrender and died in battle A true hero, now he has missed a shot in the camp of the main combat faction, which shows how prominent and active he is.

But it is such a prominent and active leader of the main war faction, who is sitting here and hinting to him that "the distribution of benefits after the war also has a lot of room for negotiation"...

"Your Majesty is aware of your current predicament, but there is still one thing you don't understand." Isaac adjusted his sitting position in a more comfortable position, and asked, "—Since I have made up my mind to tear myself apart from the Marshal, why don't you make the Patronus plan back then?" released the inside story?"

Douglas changed color instantly: "How do you know about the Patronus' plan?!"

His voice was so sharp that Isaac's eyelids twitched suddenly, but fortunately, his voice did not reveal any abnormalities: "Mr. Douglas, calm down—Your Majesty knows a lot. The Imperial Military Intelligence Service has been established for more than a hundred years. You think I have nothing to do today?" Are you going to negotiate with you empty-handed?"

Douglas stared at him incredulously.

In fact, Isaac didn't know anything about this plan, and now everything is being fooled: Heinrich did know the name of the Patronus Project, and vaguely guessed that it was related to human genetic engineering technology, but what happened specifically? , but after returning to the empire, they couldn't find out.

This is also normal. According to Yunes, the Patronus Project is the top secret of the alliance, and it has been covered up by history for more than 500 years. In the past five hundred years, there have been frequent wars and changes in the world. After the establishment of the empire, construction projects were carried out in various galaxies. Even if there were any clues back then, it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. How could the Military Intelligence Department find it

But Douglas didn't react - he had been stunned by Isaac's fascination, and he took a long while to pant and shake his head: "No... It's useless, more than five hundred years have passed, and who would believe it even if the evidence is presented now?" ?”

Isaac leaned forward unconsciously: "So there is evidence?"

"Of course there is! Celia himself is the evidence! But it's too late to say this now. Although the public's resistance to artificial humans may push Celia down from the position of supreme military commander, the parliament that appointed him as the commander of the alliance You can't get rid of the relationship, not to mention that the Concettering family is still the main planner... "

Douglas shook his head subconsciously, and said: "The more important thing is that so many years have passed, and the public's acceptance of Celia has been very high. Will they really believe it? Once this matter is exposed, it will definitely cause an uproar. Celia refused to admit it, how can we still tie him up and do an autopsy in front of tens of thousands of people?"

Isaac's ears were buzzing, the hand holding the cup was trembling, and he even forgot to breathe.

However, Douglas did not notice his strangeness, and was immersed in his own calculations: "I would say that exposing this is worse than exposing him as an Omega. Although the Alliance's attitude towards Omega is not as extreme as the Empire's, it will definitely affect him in the military. The position of the Ministry—how can those Alpha generals tolerate themselves being subservient to Omega? If he accepts the mark and becomes pregnant again, hehe... "

Isaac didn't care to hide it anymore, and blurted out: "No!"

Douglas was taken aback: "Why... why not?"

Only then did Isaac come to his senses, thinking why not? Our emperor has lived for two hundred years and is still a member of the death group. He finally had the courage to mark his old boss. Now he probably even has children. If you don’t enjoy family happiness for a day, you want to beat him back and die Dead group? How can this work!

But he couldn't find the next step for a while, so he shook his head and said, "Your Majesty promised to provide a huge amount of funds to support your campaign, but he didn't say that you can make a fuss about the marshal's gender. I have to ask His Majesty for instructions on such a big matter. Answer, let’s talk about the downfall of Speaker Marcus for now, and let’s talk about him later.”

——If Celia is a serious problem, then Marcas is absolutely hated; Douglas immediately changed the topic when he heard the words, and began to elaborate on his series of arrangements for the public trial of Marcus, and then took out the contract with Issa Gram to discuss specific details.

He didn't notice Isaac's absent-minded eyes and slightly trembling hands.

In the eyes of Douglas, this secret meeting is just the beginning of cooperation, but in Isaac's view, all goals have been achieved. He was no longer in the mood to deal with this cunning and greedy politician, so he got up and said goodbye before the airship entered the private residence of the Consettrin family. He did not let the airship land, and jumped directly from the hatch a few meters above the ground.

The hem of his shirt was blown up by the wind, and he landed steadily like a black bird of prey. He got up and walked towards the endlessly flowing street in the distance.

The airship flew over his head, and his hair was whipped up in the strong wind. Isaac reached out his hand inadvertently to brush his temples, and put a miniature spy communicator into his ear with his little finger. The device immediately shrunk to the size of a mung bean when it touched the body temperature, and crawled into the ear canal automatically with a buzzing sound. Moved.

"Have you heard it all..." Isaac walked away without turning his eyes, and only whispered from the corner of his mouth: "—Your Majesty?"

The communicator was silent for a long while before hearing a steady voice: "En."

"What are you going to do?"

This time the emperor did not make him wait: "Marcus must be removed. Although this person is a dove, he is too easy to be manipulated. We must cut off all of Celia's hands and feet. As for Celia himself, there is no need to do it now. Kill them all, and save him to fight against Consettine, otherwise the old fox may not be obedient after he comes to power."

"You want to restore the Alliance to the state it was in when the First Galactic War ended?"

"That's ideal."

The two were silent for a long time without speaking to each other. It took a long time for Isaac to consider and ask: "Your Majesty, about the Patronus plan..."

At this time, he had already walked onto the street, and the setting sun of the Alliance City reflected large swaths of light on the glass walls of the building. There are robots walking around on the road selling things, a few students cross the road with their schoolbags on their backs, and the girls secretly look back at this handsome man with scars on his face.

Isaac waved at them, and the little girls laughed and laughed.

"The Patronus Project is the key to the fact that Celia's spiritual threshold is higher than that of ordinary people. Younes has been working on this secret for hundreds of years, but he has never found anything. That's why he went to Youkong Star to find Celia's memory. Consetlin said this project It was led by their family..." The emperor's voice was cold and calm, and he said: "Perhaps they wanted to create a military god as the family's political capital back then. This plan was launched not so much to protect the alliance, but to protect Kong Sai It's a pity that the genetic adjustment is too perfect, and the Patronus has shown its hideous true colors to all enemies that endanger the spirit of democracy, even Conceitlin himself was not spared."

Isaac opened his mouth, and said with difficulty for a long time: "...Your Majesty, it may be more than genetic adjustments... Douglas is talking about artificial humans..."

Cloning has no human rights, let alone artificial humans. Even if he condenses the most cutting-edge genetic technology in the universe, has experienced a long lifespan of 500 years, and even made numerous military exploits for the Guardian Alliance... he can't erase the blood in his roots, just like the clones created for organ transplants lineage.

What worries Isaac even more is that the artificial man has no offspring.

It's not that the cloned people will have no reproductive function, but to prevent a series of contradictions in blood relationship ethics, the alliance law has long stipulated that "medical clones must have their reproductive organs removed". After the establishment of the Empire, this law was also inherited, and related extension clauses such as "the offspring of artificial humans have no right to life, no right to inheritance, and no right to the body" were added. Since the establishment of the empire, the concept of artificial humans without offspring has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, just as it is natural that humans would not reproduce with animals in the ancient earth era.

Isaac didn't know what was going on between the emperor and Marshal Celia, but the emperor did everything he could to get Celia's descendants, which was seen by the entire Military Intelligence Department. Once the patron saint plan is exposed, this little prince who has been entrusted with the future of the empire may lose his right to inherit, not even the right to life...

Isaac felt that if he was replaced by himself, he would probably have the heart to enter the alliance and slaughter the city.

"Consetlin has not come to the end of the road, and will not overthrow this matter in front of everyone. At present, only you and I, Celia, the Consetlin family, and Younes from the Dark Star Hall are the only ones who know about it."

The emperor's voice stagnated for a moment, and when he spoke again, he was a little hoarse:

"You and I won't say it. There's no need for Celia to say that Yunes is destined to die at my hands in the future. There is only one Concetlin family left. After the plan to restructure the empire is completed, I will send them on their way."


Douglas Consetlin's impassioned speech in front of the Capitol quickly spread throughout the universe, causing a huge wave of public opinion. The refreshing speed of major news websites has reached an unprecedented 3 minutes per time. The Interstellar Express sent a terrifying 4.2 trillion copies that day. If it were really printed into paper, it is estimated that the entire Venus would be buried in the ocean of newspapers.

Countless people are excited, angry, expecting, and joyful... The eyes of the entire universe are focused on the Alliance Government. The major galaxies sent countless reporters to try to interview Marshal Celia, but the protagonist of the incident never showed up.

No one knew what the marshal had done during this period of time. It was not until seven days later, when the public trial opened, that the armed military airship landed on the tarmac in front of the Capitol in a huge whirlwind.

Celia is wearing a white military uniform, carrying a titanium silver saber at the waist, white gloves on both hands, and a gold military emblem on the chest and shoulders, representing the military power of the sea, land and air forces in the ancient earth era. When he got off the airship, he was followed by more than 20 high-ranking military officials, including General Abel, Lieutenant General Kaleyan, and Lieutenant General Mowen, and more than a hundred soldiers of the Glory Legion who were fully armed followed in a mighty manner. He crossed the square in front of the Capitol.

Crowds of journalists crowded outside the cordon around the square, and countless interview planes flashed bright lights in the sky, screaming one after another: "Marshal, how are you preparing for today's public trial!" What do you want to say about the accusation?!" "Are you confident, Marshal, will we go to war with the Empire if Consetlin returns to power?" "Marshal, please look here and here!"…

The gendarmerie had been waiting in full force at the entrance of the building, but they were shocked by the formation. At this moment, Celia stepped on the first step, stopped suddenly, turned her head and raised her hand to the boundless crowd, and pressed down.

— With just such a movement, the voices of overwhelming voices miraculously fell silent.

"Thank you for your love, I will never let down your trust."

Celia bowed, turned her head and walked up the steps. However, at this time, the surrounding area exploded like a bomb, and the reporters rushed up against the riot police, and some even passed out screaming on the spot, and some people shouted at the top of their lungs: "Marshal! Marshal! You must win, Marshal!"

What is popular opinion? This is called the heart of the people.

The gendarmerie tried to rush over to stop the situation several times, but they all retreated in embarrassment under the violent enthusiasm of the people, so they could only scream around with their loudspeakers in vain. Seeing this scene, several high-ranking military officials looked at each other quietly, with unconcealable surprise in their eyes - the congressmen in the Capitol must be on pins and needles now if they went to the city before the battle was fought

Kaleyan, who was walking up the steps, also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and looked up at the marshal, with mixed feelings of relief hidden in his eyes.

These people didn't notice the change in the Marshal... If it was fifty years ago, the Marshal would never have said such things in public. There is no "I" in his dictionary, only "Alliance". He will not say "I will not let you down", but only: "Please people trust the government."

But he doesn't say that now.

This hidden hint quietly gathered over the head of the alliance system like a dark cloud, but the fanatical people didn't notice it at all.

Celia stepped on the last step, and the captain of the gendarmerie was about to come over to speak, when suddenly a female reporter was pushed into the cordon by the crowd, stumbled and screamed: "Marshal! You still insist on democracy, right? You still Strong supporter of multi-party parliamentary system, right—?!"

For some reason, Celia's footsteps stopped, and she turned her head and smiled at her.

"Yes," he said, "I will always be a champion of the spirit of democracy."

In an instant, another round of unimaginably terrifying sound waves erupted from the crowd, and the entire square was buzzing. Numerous cameras flashed light one after another in mid-air. Silia raised her hand to cover her face, and turned to Lieutenant General Mo Wen: "—Assist the gendarmerie to clear the square. No journalists are allowed within five kilometers around the square today, and all video equipment will be confiscated."

Lieutenant General Mo Wen nodded: "Yes!" Then he took the order and left.

The anti-riot vehicle was dispatched urgently with the air shielding device, and slowly pushed the bright yellow warning line outward, so excited that the crowd was forced to keep retreating. A few minutes later, an opaque electromagnetic barrier was raised around the square, erected hundreds of meters from the ground into the air, blocking half of the Capitol inside.

Celia walked into the congress hall and looked up at the rows of suspended ladders above his head. Hundreds of soldiers followed him and stopped.

"From here up to the parliamentary trial court, you can see that the most corrupt and ugly core of this country is picking a new body for parasitism. Those rulers who enjoy dictatorial power under the banner of democracy, although usually for their own interests They fought endlessly, but when they faced us, they made concerted efforts to raise the banner of class camp struggle... "

Several generals looked at the same time, only to see a smile slowly appearing on the corner of Celia's mouth: "What a blessing."

Captain Patrick of the Gendarmerie came in a hurry, and while holding his gun, he looked vigilantly at the group of heavily armed senior officers: "Marshal Celia, all members are waiting for you in the trial court upstairs, please hand over your weapons and come with me—"


The bullets splashed out of a deep hole under Patrick's feet, and the captain of the gendarmerie seemed to be strangled by someone suddenly: "Yuan, Yuan—Marshal—"

Celia raised the smoking muzzle of the gun, and at the same time Kaleyan suddenly drew the gun upwards, firing more than a dozen shots in a row!

"Ahh!" Shrieks immediately rang out from all around, and countless staff members threw their things and ran away, and the whole hall suddenly became a mess! The gendarmerie rushed over with roars, but before they got close, all the soldiers of the Shining Legion drew their guns and blocked them!

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Stop it!" Before Captain Patrick rushed forward, he was held back by the gun pointed between his eyebrows, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead. The expression of Marshal Silia, who was holding a gun, did not change. He just raised his chin at him: "Everyone squats to the corner with their hands on their heads. Please disarm and surrender immediately to the gendarmerie. Those who do not obey will be punished as treason. Those who resist violently Killed on the spot."

"The military will take over this building within 4 hours from now, and all non-military members will be treated as prisoners of war—"

"I declare that it is now time for war."