The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 109: The baby fish is born


After a year, You Pinyan left, Xi Yun left, and only Liu Kaiyan was left beside Su Tian.

The news about the Lijiagou woman abduction case was being broadcast on TV, especially the news published the diary of one of the women surnamed Ye. The diary contained resentment and despair, and I don’t know how many viewers in front of the TV cried.

People are gnashing their teeth. Kindness to the criminal is cruelty to the victim. As for the local police and government who turn a blind eye, they are even more hateful than the criminal.

Many conscientious media appealed, while paying attention to the human rights of criminals, please don't forget the victims

—They are the ones most in need of social care.

Not long after, the local court's first-instance verdict on the case was reported on television.

Ye Luo's father was sentenced to death, and three other people from the same village were also sentenced to death, all because they intentionally or unintentionally beat a bought woman to death.

Others in the village were also sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from five to twenty years.

As for the local government, some were dismissed, some were demoted, some were expelled from the party, and some were imprisoned.

Because of its bad nature and too much social impact, everyone is severely punished.

The Ministry of Public Security also publicly stated that the police in various regions will carry out population screening work one after another, and vigorously crack down on criminals who are fleeing.

When Su Tian saw the verdict, he called Ye Luo.

He had already heard the verdict from his guards in the juvenile detention center, but when Su Tian called, he still couldn't hold back and cried while holding the microphone.

Starting tonight, when that woman who died with regret comes again, he can finally tell her that I have avenged you.

Su Tian waited for him to cry enough, and then comforted him softly: "Yu Cai said that when you come out, he can make an exception and admit you to his laboratory."

Ye Luo was not yet sixteen years old, plus he surrendered himself and offered an antidote plan, which saved many people's lives, and the sentence was not severe, only two years in the juvenile detention center was enough.

And if the performance is good, there will be a reduced sentence.

Yu Cai said that if nothing happens, he will be able to come out in a year.

In the microphone, he answered hoarsely, "Okay."

After a pause, he asked, "Where's Xiaomi?"

Su Tian told him that Xiao Mi was taken away by You Pinyan and raised, and she ate so much that she was about to grow into a ball.

Yesterday, during the video with You Pinyan, she still hugged Xiao Mi to show her, saying that she was only four months old and so heavy, wouldn't it be crushed when she was an adult.

The call time of the juvenile prison was limited, and Ye Luo was about to hang up before the two of them said a few words.

"Wait a moment."

Su Tian finally called out again.

Ye Luo responded.

"I will take the college entrance examination next year. If you come out early, you may be able to be my classmate, otherwise you will call me senior sister."

Ye Luo couldn't hold back the corners of her mouth.

"I won't call you senior sister."

Su Tian smiled, hoping so.

On the day when I finished talking with Ye Luo, Baby Yu was finally born amidst the long-awaited calls of a group of people.

Yu Cai said that the technical term is "take off".

The baby clownfish took off at night. Before Xi Yun left, he still couldn't forget to see the baby fish. Su Tian specially bought a camera when he took off, recorded the whole process and sent it to Xi Yun for viewing.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for many people.

Needless to say, Su Tian's mother and daughter, Liu Kaiyan didn't go back, and stood by to fight.

Yu Cai needs remote guidance, so naturally he can't sleep, and Ji Shaoheng is also lying beside him, checking his presence.

With the flashlight on, under Yu Cai's remote guidance, the baby fish took off one by one.

Three "midwives" hurriedly took the baby fish out of the big tank and put them into the "young tank".

Su Tian, who was sweating profusely from work, counted with a flashlight, and a total of 30 baby fishes took off.

She happily told Yu Cai the result.

Yu Cai was also very happy, and said joyfully, "Tiantian, you have to take good care of our baby."

After speaking, his face flushed red.

Him and sweet baby...

Will she be so happy when he and Tiantian's baby are born in the future

It seems that she wants a sweet little princess, and Yu Cai thinks that her heart will be turned into a cute one after thinking about it.

Seeing it from the side, Ji Shaoheng gave a disgusted "tsk".

Promising, I didn't molested anyone, I was ashamed first.

As for his glorious history of selling miserably, heck, anyway, only Su Tian knows about it.

Su Tian didn't care, and was a little worried: "Thirty articles, should I change to a bigger tank?"

Yu Cai: "No, it takes about half a month for baby fish to be reared. During this time, some unhealthy ones will be weeded out one after another, and only one third of them will remain in the end."

After hearing this, Su Tian didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Yu Cai asked her if she would like to let the mother fish have a baby, Su Tian thought about it and shook her head.

It is enough to experience this kind of experience once, and she is not a fish seller, so there is no place to raise so many fish.

Yu Cai said that sending her other fish food can restrain the two fish from estrus.

The next day, Su Tian sent a copy of the recorded video to the other two bosses.

You Pinyan hugged Xiao Mi to watch, Xiao Mi scratched the computer screen with her paws, meowing in excitement.

You Pinyan: "..."

I want to ask if Tiantian’s idea of having two parents is wrong? Xiao Mi estimated that he would eat the fish.

Xi Yun also received the video from Su Tian, he watched it for a while and turned it off, then opened the door and went out.

Yan Baozhen was playing with Xiaobao, when he saw Xi Yun, he immediately asked him to come and play with his younger brother.

Xiaobao giggled and asked his brother to be his horse.

Xi Yun went over and said, "I want to raise fish."

Yan Baozhen owed her eldest son, and she thought that she was just a fish, that's fine.

She agreed, "If you want to raise it, you can raise it. You play with your brother, and my mother is exhausted."

Xi Yun responded, coaxing the five-year-old kid to play with toys.

Yan Baozhen sat on the sofa next to him and turned on the TV to watch it.

Since taking Xiaoyun back, she has become much more relaxed.

The next day, Yan Baozhen bought a small glass tank and a pair of small goldfish for five yuan.

Xi Yun met and said that he was not going to raise this kind of fish, and showed her the accessories for raising clownfish, such as sea tanks, flow pumps, heating rods, sea salt, sea anemones, coral lamps, fish food and sea anemones to eat food…

Buying these things is not a small expense.

Yan Baozhen flatly refused, "No, it's too expensive. Ordinary goldfish are also raised in the same way."

Xi Yun looked at the toys of Xiaobao in the room, many of them were more expensive than the set of sea tanks he wanted.

He was silent for a while, and said, "I bought it with my own money."

Yan Baozhen's face changed slightly, "Where did you get the money?"

Xi Yun: "Aunt He gave me the money."

Yan Baozhen: "That's what I gave her before she gave it to you."

Xiaobao was still young, so he couldn't feel the tense atmosphere, so he ran over and stared at the little goldfish in the fish tank.

After a while, he actually caught the goldfish out with his hands, and ran over to pull Xi Yun to play with him.

Yan Baozhen yelled at him: "Who told you to catch fish?"

Xiao Bao was stunned for a moment, and burst into tears, grabbed the little goldfish in his hand and threw it at Yan Baozhen.

The little goldfish was not dead yet, it jumped hard twice on the floor, and didn't move.

Yan Baozhen hurried over to coax her, and brought the small fish tank over, "Okay, okay, Xiaobao won't cry, mom will accompany you to catch this one, okay..."

Xi Yun turned his head and went into his bedroom.

In the evening, he texted Su Tian, saying: [Sister, I miss you and Aunt He.]

Su Tian saw it, sighed, and asked him what was wrong.

Xi Yun refused to say.

Su Tian couldn't guess either.

After a while, Xi Yun said again: "When the baby fish grows up, I also want to raise two."

Su Tian froze for a moment, then asked, "Does your mother agree?"

Xi Yun: "Whether she agrees or not, I will raise her."

Su Tian: "..."

Isn't this kid entering the rebellious period

It's over, the little kid in the rebellious period and the complicated family relationship are simply a mess that cannot be cut.

She asked cautiously: "Xiaoyun, it's not impossible for you to raise it, but you must support it from your family, otherwise Xiaoyu will be very pitiful. You always have to go to school. When you are not at home, Xiaoyu will be taken care of by your family..."

Xi Yun looked at Su Tian's words and thought coldly, my sister always thinks so well of others, but...

Xiaobao has so many toys, I don't know how many sea tanks he can buy.

Yan Baozhen is not willing to spend money for herself, it's just that she doesn't love herself enough.

But the thirteen-year-old boy still stubbornly wants to test, to test the other party's bottom line, to test his own position in the other party's heart.

If he grows up, he will know that the human heart is the most vulnerable to temptation.

A broken relationship can never be repaired.

But he is still young and full of anxiety about the new environment.

Only by testing can he feel at ease.