The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 112: runaway


But after living in Yan Baozhen's house for three months, Xi Yun seems to have grown up a lot.

He looked at Su Tian with the restraint, restraint and apprehension that adults only have in his eyes.

He asked, "Like... like Xi Zhiqiang?"

He still remembered that in order to get rid of Xi Zhiqiang, he had no choice but to send him to prison.

Is he going to send Yan Baozhen in too

He thought of Xiaobao, who was only five years old, the loving and sweet couple, his eyes flickered, and he said in a trembling voice: "So... so..."

What about Xiaobao

Su Tian froze for a moment, and laughed, "No, where did you think? It's just to discuss with your mother and transfer your account to our house."

He Qingwan: "Is this feasible?"

Why would any mother give up her son to someone else for no reason? This is too incredible.

What's more, Yan Baozhen is not like a person who is short of money, so he will not sell his son.

Su Tian: "Try it, if it doesn't work, let's think of another way."

She looked at Xi Yun, the most important thing was Xi Yun's thoughts, what was he thinking in his heart.

Xi Yun bit her lip, her mind was in a mess.

He used to long for his mother to come back, but now he is disappointed. Yan Baozhen is good to him, but it is also true that she loves her younger son more.

Do you want to leave Yan Baozhen

The attraction of being a family with his sister and aunt was so strong that he even thought that it would be great if Aunt He and his sister were his family, so that he would not have to struggle.

But things in the world are always difficult to have the best of both worlds.

"Then what about my... mother?" He asked hesitantly.

Su Tian: "It's still your mother. You can still call her mother. If you want to live in her house, you can go back anytime. Just like you came here."

Xi Yun's eyes lit up.

Su Tian: "Think about it slowly, and tell me after you think about it..."

"I've made up my mind!"

He couldn't wait to speak.

Su Tian: "Huh?"

Xi Yun: "I'll be back."

Yan Baozhen and his wife woke up two mornings and went to the bathroom to wash up. Her husband called Xiaobao to wake up in the bedroom, and Yan Baozhen went out to make breakfast.

Before making breakfast, she called out, "Xiaoyun, get up and eat."

There was no answer in the room, and she didn't care, and went to cook by herself.

After breakfast was ready, my husband also took Xiaobao out, and the family of three sat at the dining table to eat.

Xiaobao is a very picky eater, the husband and wife are busy coaxing Xiaobao, sweating profusely from exhaustion, completely unaware that Xi Yun keeps showing up.

But Xiaobao remembered that there was one person missing in the family, and asked his brother why he didn't eat.

Although Yan Baozhen and his wife dote on Xiaobao, the child has an innate closeness to his older peers. There are three people in the family, and he listens to Xi Yun the most.

Yan Baozhen glanced at the closed door and said, "Brother is sleeping late."

Today is the first day of the May 1st holiday. Since he doesn't think about it, she doesn't bother to shout over and over again. If there is something at home, he can just get up and cook something by himself when he is hungry.

Xiao Bao jumped out of his father's arms and yelled for his brother to feed him.

Yan Baozhen had no choice but to swear: "I don't have a long memory, brother blames you for forgetting?"

But the child was young and didn't know how to hold grudges, so he ran to Xi Yun's bedroom door and knocked on the door, "Brother, brother, get up and eat!"

After knocking for a while, there was no answer, and Xiao Bao burst into tears again.

"This child, why is he so angry!"

Yan Baozhen was a little annoyed, and was held down by her husband as soon as she stood up, "Don't blame him, just talk about it."

Yan Baozhen took a deep breath and knocked on the door, "Xiaoyun, get up and eat. Xiaobao has been calling brother."

No one answered.

Yan Baozhen: "Xi Yun?!"

Still no answer.

Xiao Bao stopped crying, and asked with his eyes open, "Is brother not here?"

"No longer able to go..."

Yan Baozhen's heart skipped a beat halfway through her speech, and she also felt that something was wrong, so she pushed open the door forcefully and exclaimed, "Husband, Xiaoyun is gone."

The quilt on the bed was neatly folded, and the fish tank that was always on was turned off. There was a note on it with three words:

[I am leaving]

Yan Baozhen took a look, feeling very cold.

But just slapped him a few days ago, and he learned to run away from home.

Thinking of what my husband said that night, this child is really not familiar.

The husband came over to take a look, and quickly said, "Don't worry, call the police first."

Yan Baozhen hugged Xiaobao and said lostly: "I'm not in a hurry, he's amazing, I just feel cold."

Husband looked at her, then at Xiaobao, hesitant to speak.

He turned and went out to call the police.

Yan Baozhen hugged her younger son, "Xiaobao, you can't learn from your brother in the future, you have to be filial to your mother, you know?"

Xiao Bao didn't care about her words, he grabbed her hair and asked, "Hello, brother! Hey, brother!"

Yan Baozhen: "My brother is gone."

Xiaobao doesn't care, anyway, he just wants his brother to feed him, and he will cry if he doesn't feed him.

Yan Baozhen's heart was broken by Xiaobao's crying, so she couldn't care less about Xi Yun who ran away from home.

When the police came, they saw Yan Baozhen coaxing Xiaobao in his arms, and the man was also coaxing the child. He asked suspiciously, "Did your family report to the police?"

Looking at it like this, it doesn't look like the children of the family ran away from home.

Only then did Yan Baozhen hand Xiaobao to the man, and told the story.

The police asked her how long Xi Yun had been missing, and she couldn't tell, "This kid is too naive. I came back late yesterday, so I thought he was still angry, so I didn't call him."

police:"… "

The co-author disappeared last night.

The policeman looked at Yan Baozhen and was speechless for a while. The eldest son was sensitive and the family relationship was complicated, so it was no wonder that the eldest son ran away from home.

Now I just hope the kid is lucky and nothing unexpected happens.

While taking notes, the police phone rang. He answered it, and quickly said, "Yes, yes, it's Xi Yun's parents... That's great! Okay, okay, I see, I'll tell Xi Yun's parents right away... Ah? Isn’t it?… Yes, yes, yes, I understand, and I promise to complete the task.”

Yan Baozhen was at a loss, and when the police hung up the phone, she quickly asked what happened.

The policeman stood up: "Okay, don't make notes, your son has been found."

Yan Baozhen: "...???"

Police: "The Los Angeles police called and said that your son is now in the home where he was temporarily fostered, and he is safe."

Yan Baozhen said angrily, "Why didn't you call me?"

Police: "They called you several times. Your phone was turned off. If you couldn't be reached, they contacted you through the police station. I was afraid that you would be worried."

Yan Baozhen: "..."

She quickly took out her mobile phone, but the screen of the mobile phone was black.

She just remembered that Su Tian called not long ago, and she turned off the phone in a fit of anger. When she didn't need the phone in the past two days, she even forgot to turn it on.

Yan Baozhen's face was hot, she turned on the phone, and a dozen missed calls popped up, all of which were numbers in Los Angeles, and there was also a text message:

[Auntie, I'm Su Tian, Xiaoyun is at my house now, he's fine, please don't worry, we'll send him back soon.]

When the policeman saw it, he pouted quietly.

It's a mother's job, and I don't care too much.

When Yan Baozhen sent the police away, the police saw no one around and said, "Your son, you have to worry about it in the future."

Yan Baozhen flinched and asked why.

The policeman laughed, "Isn't that obvious? Reorganizing the family is full of conflicts. Now the two children are still young, but when your eldest son grows up, he will go to school, work, marry a wife, buy a house... There must be places to spend money. Is your husband willing? There is only so much money, if you spend it on your eldest son, you will definitely wrong your younger son."

Yan Baozhen: "It won't cost much."

The policeman snorted and said, "You should watch the legal channels and newspapers more. Some of them are because of family property disputes."

Yan Baozhen's face darkened, "Go slowly, I won't see you off."

Said, slammed the door.

The police outside the door: "..."

Still don't believe it

What kind of policeman is this? Where is there anyone who curses other people's brothers

Xiaoyun from her family will definitely let her brother be her brother, and Xiaobao will definitely treat her brother well when she grows up.

But after the atmosphere passed, she felt uneasy, and remembered what the police said, and pulled out all the old newspapers at home.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it, so many brothers and two collapsed because of family property.

The most frightening thing is that she also saw a replica of her own family, also her mother remarried, two half-brothers of the same mother, and finally...

The elder brother hacked the younger brother to death.

Yan Baozhen was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Especially thinking of Xi Yun's reddened eyes that day, so cold, the way he looked at himself and Xiaobao, it didn't look like he was looking at his relatives at all.

So when Su Tian and He Qingwan brought Xi Yun over, she hugged Xiaobao and was even a little afraid of the thirteen-year-old boy who was following Su Tian.

The two parties sat down, Su Tian was still a child, and took Xi Yun to sit aside, while He Qingwan went to discuss with Yan Baozhen and his wife.

Xiaobao was very happy to see Xi Yun and Su Tian, and ran over to play with him with him. Yan Baozhen, who was talking to He Qingwan, saw him and quickly hugged Xiaobao into his arms.

Seeing everyone looking over with strange eyes, she smiled awkwardly, "Xiaoyun is tired, Xiaobao don't bother brother."

Xiaobao didn't listen, so he cried.

Su Tian: "Auntie, let me take Xiaobao to play, you talk."

The girl is soft and cute, she smiles very pleasingly, she looks like a good girl at first sight, Yan Baozhen hesitated, handed Xiaobao to Su Tian, let them play in the toy room, don't run around.

Su Tian took Xi Yun and Xiaobao to the toy room.

He Qingwan said: "Actually, there is one more thing I want to discuss with my sister when I come here."

As she spoke, she took out a stack of test papers from her bag, "This is Xiaoyun's previous test papers..."

He Qingwan chose her words carefully: "Is Xiaoyun not very used to the new school? His grades have deteriorated a lot..."