The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 131: Leave


More and more people gathered around, and when they saw the little girl on the ground, they all gasped.

No one around said anything, they were all immersed in this sudden tragedy and couldn't get back to their senses, only the security personnel didn't know whether it was excitement or fear, and they were spitting all over the place, saying that they had reminded them many times to let the little girl buckle up. The safety lock, saying that the child is so young, she shouldn't be allowed to ride the roller coaster alone, why don't parents take care of the responsibility as much as possible.

No one spoke, not even an emergency call. Everyone was silent, allowing him to complain to his heart's content.

What's the use of calling 911 when the person is already dead

If it is useful to shirk responsibility, what is the law for

The director of the amusement park finally rushed over. He was a short, fat middle-aged man. When he received the call, he had already asked the situation clearly, and he even asked what clothes the child was wearing. When he heard the little girl Dressed up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother and sister are not like rich people, they should be easy to deal with, and the money can be spent.

He came over, slapped the chattering security officer, and cursed: "Is it time to shirk responsibility now? Why don't you bring the other passengers out of the car?"

The security officer covered his face, a little aggrieved, and seeing the boss wink at him, he reacted instantly, quickly answered yes, and trotted back to ask someone to bring the passengers out of the car.

The principal walked up to the boy, bowed to the little girl, and said, "I am deeply sorry for what happened, but the matter has come to an end, and both of us are responsible. If your parents have any requests, as long as they are reasonable, The garden will be satisfied."

The boy lowered his head, as if he didn't hear, and gently wiped the blood on the little girl's face with his sleeve.

The little fish is very stinky, and when he wakes up later, he must be angry when he finds that his face is dirty...

When she gets angry, she will make troubles and make herself feel restless, so she needs to wipe it clean.

The director was a little embarrassed and called someone to come over and remove the little girl's body.

They didn't want such a tragedy to happen, but the amusement park had to do business, so they couldn't just leave the corpses hanging out like this.

Two staff members came up with pale faces. Before their hands could touch the little girl's body, the boy who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Don't touch my sister."

The voice is gentle, but I don't know if it's because of the dead, it makes the people around feel cold.

Dead man, everyone is an honest commoner, who is not afraid

For a moment no one dared to move. The atmosphere stalemate again.

"Tiantian, are you sick? Shall we go back?"

Contrary to others, Yu Cai's attention was always on Su Tian. From just now, Su Tian seemed to be immersed in some unknown emotion, and now his face was even more ugly.

He had never seen Tiantian show such an expression, cold anger.

Su Tian didn't hear Yu Cai's words at all, her attention was all on the system.

Su Tian was not surprised that another boss came, after all, it had been a long time since Ye Luo, but she did not expect that she would meet in such a tragic way this time.

The last time she met Ye Luo, she was a little angry. If she could have met Ye Luo earlier, she would have been able to prevent Ye Luo from poisoning her. There will definitely be a criminal record in the file, and he will bear the shackles of criminals all his life.

Last time, I could only blame myself. I went to Lijiagou late. When she met Ye Luo, everything had already happened.

But this time, the tragedy was entirely avoidable.

When she was queuing, she met the siblings.

The boy's name is Lu Lu, nineteen years old, and the girl's name is Lu Yu, thirteen years old. The two brothers and sisters are orphans and grew up in an orphanage.

Lu Lu loves his younger sister very much. He works hard to earn money. He saves money on food and expenses, but gives all the good things to his younger sister. Today is Lu Yu's thirteenth birthday. He has saved money for a long time, and finally he can bring his younger sister to the playground , I didn't expect it to become like this.

However, this was only the beginning of the tragedy.

The amusement park used the reason that Lu Yu did not fasten the safety lock as required, and believed that both parties were responsible, and wanted to pay 100,000 yuan to expose the matter. Lu Lu disagreed. Is his sister's life only worth 100,000 yuan? dollars

Not to mention one hundred thousand, even one million, ten million, one hundred million... can't get his sister's life back.

Moreover, he didn't believe that his younger sister hadn't fastened the safety lock. When sending his younger sister up, he specifically told her to be careful.

My sister is very sensible and will not be disobedient.

And even if my sister really didn't lock it properly, she is only thirteen years old, and she shouldn't be responsible. This kind of equipment should be checked by employees.

He suspected that no one checked at all, and the security of the equipment was not enough. His sister died under the negligence of the staff.

But he has no evidence, so what's the use of suing

The court just ordered the amusement park to compensate itself more money.

Does he want money? He wanted his sister's life.

Lu Lu took the money and left. Five years later, a new playground popped up next door to this playground, with more sophisticated equipment, more exciting projects, more favorable prices, and better security...

No matter how you look at it, it kills this playground in seconds, and even the only son of the owner of this playground especially likes a bungee jumping project of the opposite family.

In less than a year, the playground was squeezed out of business.

Misfortunes never come singly. When the boss's son went to play bungee jumping again, he accidentally fell down due to irregular operation and died on the spot.

The boss lost his beloved son, coupled with the blow to his career, he couldn't afford to get sick.

The most hateful thing is that the other party actually sent over 100,000 yuan, which is considered a reconciliation.

The boss naturally disagreed and chose to sue. According to the regulations, the court ordered the other party to pay him 200,000 yuan.

It wasn't until he got the 200,000 yuan that the owner of the amusement park suddenly realized that his son's death was not an accident at all, but a murder.

The 200,000 yuan was obviously paid by him to the boy named Lu Lu five years ago.

Lu Lu's revenge did not end there.

After the boss's playground went bankrupt, all the employees in the playground were poached by the next door, including the staff of the roller coaster.

On Lu Yu's memorial day five years later, there was heavy rain that day, and after the amusement park closed at night, Lu Lu detained quite a few of them on the roller coaster, including the owner of the amusement park.

He didn't lock the safety lock, and finally asked the truth about that year.

My sister is very obedient and obedient. She really put the safety lock on, but the safety lock where my sister was sitting was loose. The repairman who did the inspection that day ran away, thinking that there was no serious problem, and planned to wait for the guests to leave at night before repairing it. , But unexpectedly, the tragedy just happened.

After speaking, a group of people cried and begged for mercy.

Lu Lu was smiling, and the rain dripped down his cheeks into his eyes, sore and painful.

He started the roller coaster with a smile, and watched with a smile that the roller coaster was getting faster and faster, and the centrifugal force was getting bigger and bigger. He smiled and watched them all terrified and unable to grasp the handrail of the roller coaster, and looked at them one by one. They were thrown out one by one.

That night, the whole playground was stained red with blood.

When the roller coaster finally stopped, there was no one on it.

Holding an umbrella and a box, he walked to Lu Yu's cemetery in the rain.

Put the box down, open the umbrella, open it, and there is a big cotton candy inside.

Round, pink, light and soft.

He gently placed the marshmallow in front of his sister's gravestone, put the umbrella over it, and turned to leave.

His body was found the next morning in the river outside the city.

Su Tian watched the whole process at a glance, and called out the system in a deep voice.

"Why didn't you tell me before Lu Yu died?"

System: [Only when the host has contact with the quest object, can the quest branch be activated.]

Su Tian's voice was even colder: "So, all you care about is the mission, not human life at all."

System: [Host, Lu Lu is not the focus of your mission, he is just a small branch, and will not cause too much harm to the future.]

After all, the system is just a system. Although it feels that Su Tian seems to be angry, it has no idea what Su Tian is angry at.

"Cause too much harm to the future?" Su Tian asked rhetorically, "That is to say, if Liu Kaiyan, if Xi Yun, if you Pinyan, if Ye Luo, they are incapable, even if they are tortured to death, there will be no one Nevermind, right?"

System: [I thought you, the host, understood from the beginning... ]

Of course Su Tian understood, but she was who she was then, and she is who she is now.

She agreed with this concept at the time, but it does not mean that she also agrees with this concept now.

People can change.

Su Tian: "How to remedy it."

System: [... I don't quite understand what you mean.]

Su Tian: "How to bring Lu Yu back to life?"

System: [I can't do it, it's impossible.]

Su Tian: "What if I am willing to promise you any other conditions? I am willing to work for you all the time, even giving up the chance to go home. Can Lu Yu come back alive?"

System: [... host!]

Su Tian is usually a good talker, but if she binds herself to the system for the rest of her life, how could she agree without any struggle

She had also bargained with the system in private.

One of them is that Su Tian helps the system work hard to straighten those bosses. After completing the task, Su Tian can choose to stay here or return to the original world.

In fact, Su Tian has been hesitating all along.

This world is good, and she is reluctant to part with He Qingwan, but after He Qingwan dies, if she is still alive, she will definitely choose to go back.

Even after going back, she will change her body.

But now, she actually gave up the possibility of going home.

Su Tian didn't want to say anything more, and asked directly: "Do you agree or disagree."

Of course the system wants to agree, but...

[... Host, I don't have this ability.]

Su Tian: "Then who has this ability?"

System: [Perhaps, the people around you have.]

Su Tian: "...!"

System: [Yu Cai is a genius in the field of life sciences. He does not have this ability now, but it does not mean that he will still not have this ability ten or twenty years later. And now the land fish is only physically dead, not brain dead yet, if it is frozen, medicine will be developed enough in the future...]

"Sweet? Did it scare you..."

Su Tian came back to his senses, and saw Yu Cai stretching out his hand to touch his forehead with a worried expression on his face.

She hurriedly stopped her, Yu Cai was a little surprised, Tiantian's reaction was so strange, she couldn't be really scared, right

Thinking of this, his eyes turned slightly cold.

Su Tian looked at him, and suddenly his eyes turned red, as if he was about to cry.

Yu Caixin tightened all of a sudden.

People who never cry are the most distressed when they cry, especially Su Tian is the one who is going to cry at this moment.

Yu Cai panicked: "Tiantiantiantian, what's wrong with you? You... don't cry."

As long as she doesn't cry, it's fine for him to give her his life.

Su Tian also couldn't think of any other way for a while. She could only do this. She took Yu Cai's hand and said in a crying voice, "Yu Cai, can you save that little sister? She's still so young..."

Yu Cai: "Okay, okay, I'll save... I'll save..."

His mind was so hot that he had completely forgotten that the little girl was dead, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call someone he knew.

"Doctor Xu, please send an ambulance over immediately, XX Playground, a girl fell to her death..."

He was on the phone when suddenly a girl's cry came from behind him.

Su Tian turned his head and saw a little girl about the same age as Lu Yu was crying loudly with her arms outstretched, and the staff of the playground next to her seemed to want to pull her out.

With her arms still outstretched, the girl cried out out of breath, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Grab her... wow—"

The staff next to her were shaking and anxious. They were ordered to lock up all the safety devices, especially the seat where the little girl was sitting, but the girl kept crying and refused to move.

I said it several times in a good voice, but the little girl still kept crying, crying while saying that she wanted to catch her

In the end, the staff became impatient, and they were upset when something like this happened, or they might lose their jobs.

Together, they grabbed her arm roughly and were about to pull it out.


Suddenly there was a scolding sound, and everyone's heart skipped a beat. When they looked up, it was a young girl, and they felt relieved again.

The man who was slapped by the head of the garden just now was a small head. He came over and said angrily: "Little girl, someone died, hurry up, don't make trouble for us..."

Su Tian didn't move, his face was covered with frost, and he raised his mobile phone, "Human life is at stake, I have already called the police, I hope you will not destroy the scene."

The people around were either people who had just been on the roller coaster, or those who were going to ride it. They were all frightened by Lu Yu's death, especially those who were with Lu Yu, their legs were weak, and they were all helped out by the staff .

It's terrible, the feeling of passing by the god of death.

Even though it was safe, fear still climbed from the tailbone to the scalp like electricity.

They couldn't think about it for a while, but when Su Tian opened his mouth, the frightened crowd immediately reacted.

The playground must be responsible for this incident, why are they so eager to drag everyone out? Do you want to eliminate the evidence

The people who were being supported by the staff to come out did not go out anymore. Everyone sat down on their buttocks and must wait for the police to come.

The little head was so angry that he threatened, "If you don't leave, I don't care if the roller coaster starts again later."

In a word, everyone became uneasy again.

Compared with the truth, it is obvious that one's own life is more important. One more time, who knows if he will be the next one to be thrown out.

Only the little girl was still crying.

Just when everyone reluctantly stood up again and was about to come out, there was an angry shout from the control room: "Little bastard, you want to die!"

Su Tian turned his head and saw Yu Cai jumping out of the control room, followed by a repairman holding a big wrench.

The repairman was cursing, holding up a wrench as if trying to beat Yu Cai.

Yu Cai jumped out, raised the big scissors in his hand, and smiled at Su Tian: "Tiantian, I cut their wires."

Su Tian looked at him, momentarily absent-minded.

The faces of the principal and the staff all became extremely ugly.

After all, their faces were not very pretty.

The crowd of onlookers also silently surrounded the control room, preventing these people from entering.

In the dead silence, I finally remembered the piercing whistle.

The ambulance arrived before the police car.

Lu Lu hugged the little girl, not allowing them to take his sister away. Su Tian went over to persuade him, "Your sister is just dying of heart. If you send her to the hospital in time, maybe you can be saved."

Hearing this, he quickly let go of his hand, crying and laughing to help the doctor send Lu Yu to the ambulance.

The emergency doctors who came knew that the little girl was dead, but they all kept silent and started CPR in front of Lu Lu.

The ambulance had just left and the police car arrived.

Director Ji appeared on the scene in person.

A group of policemen ran over quickly and checked the entire roller coaster.

"Preliminary inspection shows that the safety lock should have been suddenly disengaged in mid-air after being locked. Except for the position where the accident occurred, the safety locks of at least three seats did not meet the requirements."

When the results came out, several girls sitting in the seats were scared to tears.

Even Su Tian couldn't help the chills down his spine, and he was terrified.

If she was unlucky enough, she would have been thrown out just now.

Yu Cai obviously also thought of this possibility, and sneered: "I think these people are murder."

The repairman holding the wrench was blown up by Yu Caiqi, and cursed: "Little brat, what are you talking about?"

Ji Shaoheng, who had been sullen and silent all the time, suddenly went up and kicked the repairman, "Go to hell, you called me the little bastard too?!"

Even if he punished him today, he would beat this bastard up.

There is a problem with the safety of the roller coaster, and it is absolutely inseparable from the repairman.