The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 133: I like you


Su Tian had a lengthy dream, and the dream was full of things from his previous life.

Bizarre, hysterical, noisy voices came from all directions, there were men, women, old people, children...

Water gushes from all directions, flooding the nose and mouth, eyes and ears, and the top of the head...

Hee hee's laughter clearly drummed the eardrums, his hands slanted over the top of his head, stretched into the water, and pulled himself out...

Su Tian suddenly opened his eyes, meeting a pair of black eyes.

Beautiful eyeballs.

The eyelashes are thick, like crow's feathers, they are pressed down heavily, covering half of the pupils. The pupils are even darker, and between the crow feather and the pupils is a slightly bluish white.

His eyes blinked, worry replaced by joy.

Yu Cai: "Tiantian, you finally woke up."

The mist in Su Tian's eyes disappeared as quickly as possible. She lay still, staring at the eyes that were close at hand, and asked, "How far away are you from me?"

What are you doing? "

She could lick his lips with her tongue.

Yu Cai's face was flushed red, her eyes wandered, and she asked, "Tiantian, you've been sleeping for two days."

Su Tian: "..."

This technique of changing the subject is not clever at all.

But... "Where's my mother?"

Yu Cai: "Aunt He has taken you here for two days, and you just woke up when Ji Shaoheng took you away."

Su Tian silently counted his eyelashes in his heart, and said, "Then why don't you go to rest?"

It was dark outside the window, and it was very quiet outside. It should be late at night.

Yu Cai smiled: "I have rested."

For the past two days, he has been guarding Su Tian, sleeping on the bed when he is sleepy, and watching her when he wakes up.

Touching her hand, counting her eyelashes, almost counting how many hairs she has grown.

He looked closer at her just now, but he didn't expect her to wake up suddenly.

Su Tian let out an "oh", remembered the business, and asked, "Where are those people in the playground?"

Yu Cai: "It has been found out that the entire playground, not only the roller coaster, has serious safety hazards. Many places have been in disrepair for a long time. The police are collecting evidence, and it will be submitted to the procuratorate soon..."

Su Tian had just recovered from her fever and was still a little weak. She squinted her eyes and listened to Yu Cai's words.

Today's results are much better than what I saw from the system. The system recorded that because the situation was chaotic at the time, and Lu Lu only cared about landing fish, no one noticed that the owner of the playground had signaled the staff to exclude the applause. It can be explained by Lu Yu not fastening the safety lock.

But now, a serious safety hazard has been found, and the playground is definitely responsible. The boss can't say it, but the repairman who neglected his duty and the staff responsible for checking the safety locks of the passengers are absolutely inseparable.

A crime of negligent death is a certainty.

Su Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, at least Lu Lu and Lu Yu were given an explanation.

Even if this explanation may not be satisfactory.

But as long as Lu Yu still has hope, Lu Lu will not completely lose control.

The future is long, everyone can wait and see.

After Yu Cai finished speaking, she continued to stare at Su Tian. It was amazing. He had been staring at her for two days, but why he couldn't get enough of her. Whenever he saw her, his heart felt soft and warm...

Su Tian smiled suddenly, raised his brows slightly, and his somewhat pale face instantly became vivid.

She smiled and asked, "You are so close, do you want me to kiss you?"

Yu Cai's already red face turned even redder in an instant, he was so teased by this sentence that he broke out in hot sweat, and the top of his head was almost smoking.

Just when Su Tian thought he was going to jump up and back, he actually stood still and moved closer. He was so ashamed that he didn't dare to look at her, but he nodded embarrassingly with his eyes down. .


He wanted her to kiss him.

Su Tian: "..."

She also laughed suddenly, wrapped her arms around his neck, raised her head slightly under Yu Cai's disbelieving eyes, and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Yu Cai: "...!"

Su Tian smiled: "Is that enough?"

Yu Cai: "...!"

Su Tian: "Isn't that enough? Then kiss again..."

As he spoke, he pecked lightly on his lips again.

Yu Cai still looked at her stupidly.

Su Tian: "Isn't that enough? Then... ah!"

"Kiss again" could not be uttered, but was blocked by the young man's hot lips.

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her mouth forcefully, the tip of his tongue pried open her teeth presumptuously, biting and biting to kiss her.

Su Tian whimpered, numbness like an electric shock spread from the tip of her tongue to her scalp, and the young man's hot fingers ran through her hair, making her scalp tremble.

In the end, Su Tian's brain was completely confused, and she couldn't tell whether it was caused by her body being too excited or lack of oxygen.

In the end, it was Yu Cai who stopped shouting, his heart was still beating wildly, and his body temperature was scorching hot, it was hard for him.

He and Su Tian lay side by side on the bed, squeezed her hand and kissed her for a while, and then leaned over to kiss her face, and after kissing, he asked, "Tiantian, you like me too, don't you?"

Su Tian squinted his eyes lazily, ignored him, and he was not discouraged, he kept asking and asking, which was very annoying, with a silly smile on his face all the time.

He knew that Tian Tian would definitely like him.

He knew it from the beginning.

"...don't say you like me, I'll keep kissing you."

Unable to get Su Tian's answer, he began to threaten shamelessly.

Su Tian looked at him with a half-smile.

Yu Cai's cheeks flushed when she saw her, and said viciously: "After the kiss, I will do other bad things to you, are you afraid?"

Su Tian asked lazily, "What's wrong?"

Yu Cai blushed: " know."

Su Tian just smiled and said nothing.

He leaned close to her ear and said in a hoarse voice, "Do something bad that can give birth to a baby."

Su Tian couldn't help laughing.

Yu Cai was ashamed and annoyed, and continued to say viciously: "Aren't you afraid? It's useless for you to cry then."

Su Tian hugged his arms and trembled, and said, "I'm so scared."

Yu Cai felt that she was insulted, and looked at her angrily and said nothing.

Su Tian smiled: "Okay, okay, you promise me one thing, and I will say that I like you."

Yu Cai's eyes lit up.

Su Tian: "Help me save Lu Yu."

Yu Cai pursed her lips and became even angrier, "It's impossible within ten years."

He looked at her angry and aggrieved, as if he had been bullied by Su Tian.

Su Tian: "What are you thinking? Just say it if you promise me, and you don't say it until you succeed."

Yu Cai instantly revived with full blood, "I promise!"

Even if Tiantian doesn't need this in exchange, as long as she asks, he will do it.

After speaking, he held his breath and looked at Su Tian.

He's never been so nervous. Even when he was waiting for Su Tian to kiss him, he was never so nervous.

He stared at Su Tian's pink and tender lips, not daring to blink, for fear that if he blinked, he would miss it.

Su Tian smiled, his eyes were as bright as his.

She opened her mouth and said six words softly.

She said, "Yu Cai, I like you."

I can't tell when it started, maybe it was at Ji Shaoheng's house, he pulled himself to feed Nemo and Xiuxiu, or maybe it was the night of New Year's Eve, when he ran from the imperial capital with a fever and stood in the snow Looking at myself, maybe now, he is pestering himself to say that he likes it...

No matter the reason, since she is not planning to return to the original world, it's okay to like him.

She likes him.

Pure and stubborn boy.