The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 136: Final goal


Yang Kaiming casually took the list handed over by Su Tian, skipped the long list of lists above, and directly fell on the total amount at the bottom.

When he saw it, his eyes were instantly as big as copper bells.

With a bang, he threw the list at Su Tian's face and said angrily, "Are you two here to play with me? What kind of medicine did you use to spend so much money?!"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lu Lu reached out to stop the list, put it in front of Su Tian, and glanced at Yang Kaiming, "Boss Yang, please be polite."

"Please be polite?! How can I be polite to liars?"

He extinguished his exhausted cigar in the ashtray, and sneered, "You guys are taking me for a fool. Let me advise you, people should be kind, don't think that if someone died in your family, you can use it to blackmail me." , Exchange human life for money? You have the face to ask for it."

What he said was just and righteous, and he looked like a righteous passer-by. If people who don't know who are inside listen to it, they may think that Su Tian and Lu Lu are animals who blackmailed by the death of their family members.

Not to mention Lu Lu, even Su Tian was a little angry.

She firmly pressed Lu Lu's hand, handed the list to Yang Kaiming again, and smiled: "Boss Yang, please read carefully, this is a detailed record of expenses, and every item can be checked, if you don't believe me , you can go to the hospital for investigation."

Perhaps it was a coincidence of location, Yang Kaiming glanced and saw the items with the largest amount.

Cryonics... Kidney transplant... Spleen transplant...

There is also a series of organ transplant operations below.

Just these few items accounted for 99% of the cost.

He stood up abruptly, pointed to the list and said in disbelief, "Isn't this... isn't the person dead?"

How can cryopreservation be used for organ transplantation

Also, the human body is frozen, isn't it sent to the morgue, and then sent to be cremated

Su Tian smiled: "That's right, so we contacted the Human Cryogenic Research Center in Country M and sent Lu Yu there to put her body into a deep sleep. When medical science develops in the future, we will wake up Lu Yu and do manual surgery for her." Organ transplant surgery…”

Following Su Tian's words, Yang Kaiming's face gradually became dull.

This, this... What is this talking about? Can dead people be resurrected after being frozen

Su Tian smiled brilliantly, "...Of course Boss Yang will bear the cost, don't you think so?"

Yang Kaiming finally came to his senses, jumped up against the table, pointed at Su Tian and said, "You designed me?!"

No wonder she insisted on adding the word "all" just now. They planned it a long time ago. They first induced themselves to sign the agreement and then paid the required amount.

They planned to cheat themselves from the very beginning!

Yang Kaiming looked at the list in his hand and became more and more angry, he tore it into pieces and threw it on the ground.

Su Tian looked innocent: "How could it be? Boss Yang is so generous, how could he renege on his debt? What's more..."

She laughed, "We signed the agreement, didn't we?"

That's right, Yang Kaiming's eyes lit up, as long as the agreement is ruined, at worst they will sue, even if they go to court, the compensation will be hundreds of thousands at most, compared with this bill, it is a drop in the bucket.

If he really wanted to pay according to this bill, he would be bleeding profusely.

Just in time to hear his slapping voice, the secretary knocked on the door and came in: "Chairman, may I ask..."

Seeing his eyeballs move, Su Tian knew what he was up to.

"Boss Yang—" she said suddenly, interrupting Boss Yang's words, and was about to call the secretary to shout, "Have you ever heard of cryonics?"

Of course, Yang Kaiming has never heard of it. This technology has not been introduced into the country yet. Not to mention ordinary people, even professionals will only regard it as a plot in a science fiction novel.

Su Tian didn't wait for him to answer, and said to himself: "Cryonics technology can freeze the dead, and wait for the day when the medical science is developed enough to wake them up and bring them back to life. It is also called—"

Yang Kaiming's heart moved, and he looked at Su Tian uncontrollably.

Su Tian: "—resurrection."

Resurrection? !

Yang Kaiming's heart suddenly boiled hot.

Su Tian bent down to pick up the scraps of paper, put them together on the desk little by little, and said as he put together: "This technology hasn't been introduced into the country yet, and Boss Yang shouldn't know about it. Lu Yu is the first one in our country." People who use cryonics technology may still be recorded in history."

Listening to Su Tian's words, Yang Kaiming's eyes moved quickly, obviously engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

These few words of Su Tian contained too complicated information, so he had to go over them carefully.

To be able to manage such a large amusement park and do it so well, Yang Kaiming is naturally not a fool, on the contrary, he is smarter, sharper than ordinary people, and knows how to seize the opportunity.

He immediately extracted the important news revealed in Su Tian's words.

If this technology is real, it would be too tempting, who wouldn't want the chance to be resurrected from the dead

Especially those with money and power, who live such a happy life, of course want to live and enjoy forever.

And if Lu Yu is really the first case in China, why should such a magical technology be used on a little orphan? Even if you want to use it, you have to use it on the top group of powerful people.

To have the opportunity to invite experts from abroad to temporarily freeze and hibernate a little orphan girl, the power and status behind this... makes people shudder.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt hot and cold all over.

As long as the news that Lu Yu used human cryogenics is true, this bill is true...

Su Tian seemed to have seen through Yang Kaiming's concerns, she pulled Lu Lu to stand up, "Boss Yang must not believe our one-sided words, so let's give Boss Yang three days for you to check slowly to prove that all the money was spent on On Lu Yu, you will pay after three days. At the hospital, it should be delayed for another three days. We will leave first."

Yang Kaiming took a deep breath, calmed down, and said to the secretary standing at the door with a confused face: "Send Miss Su Tian and Mr. Lu Lu back."

Secretary: "...yes"

Su Tian and Lu Lu came here by taxi, but luckily, there was a special car to see them off when they returned.

Yang Kaiming's car took Su Tian and Lu Lu to the downstairs of the ward, they got off the car, Lu Lu looked at Su Tian and hesitated to speak.

Su Tian smiled: "Okay, you've been holding back all the way, let's ask."

Lu Lu: "Tiantian, what exactly do you want to do?"

Su Tian looked at him and smiled, "Are you willing to get the compensation?"


Lu Lu: "Of course not!"

How could he be willing? If it wasn't for Su Tian and Yu Cai, his younger sister would be gone. Even so, it is unknown whether the younger sister will wake up in the future.

Why do those people make such a big mistake, and it can be smoothed out with money

Why? !

Su Tian: "I asked someone to investigate Yang Kaiming. He is stingy with his life, and he will definitely investigate human cryonics. Everyone is afraid of death. After the confirmation, he naturally wants to get this life-saving talisman, but whoever wants to use cryonics can use it." It can be used, Yu Cai...he can only come to beg us to match up, but sometimes the medical expenses will naturally have to be paid for."

Lu Lu frowned: "For a person like him, life is a disaster. Do you really want to help him?"

Su Tian laughed, "How come? Getting the money back is only one of the purposes. For the rest, let me keep a secret, and you will know later."

Her ultimate goal is to send Yang Kaiming to prison.