The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 27: The body behind the madman


"Who's looking at my head..." Zhao Laohei said these words coldly, and immediately startled me, Zhao Jie, and Zhao Yuan's three children.

Zhao Laohei smiled when he looked at us and said, "Don't worry, even if it involves dirty things, it has nothing to do with you, just remember not to go to play under that low cliff in the future. Okay, aren't you going to catch crabs? Go, go..."

After listening to Zhao Laohei's instructions, the three of us continued to go to the river ditch in the west of our village. At that time, the river in the village was full of water, and there were also many fish, shrimp and crabs. Now the crabs are not fat in summer, and they will become fat in autumn. During the season, the crabs caught in abundance will taste much better than the ones we caught at this time.

But for us children, we can't catch many crabs. Most of the crabs we catch are used to raise and play, not to eat, but in most cases, the crabs we catch are not viable. , After a few days, he will die, so our actions at that time can also be said to be "grassy life".

When we were walking to the village Xihegou, there was a small road that passed near the low cliff. It was very close, but after listening to what Zhao Laohei said, our three children took a detour and took a long way. As far as the crab's excitement goes, it's nothing.

After playing for a long time, I caught a dozen or so small crabs. When we went home for dinner at noon, the three of us invariably forgot what Zhao Laohei reminded us about the low cliff, and we didn’t think about it until we got closer. stand up.

At noon, it was very hot outside, and it was lunch time, so almost no one moved around outside the village, just the three of us.

When I was near the short cliff, I remembered what Zhao Laohei reminded me, and turned to ask Zhao Yuan: "Sister, let's change the road, but your father reminded us not to go from there."

After Zhao Yuan suffered from the loss of "Xiaochun Erniang", she also had some fears about dirty things, but if we took a detour, we would have to ride in for more than ten minutes. At this time, it was hot and we were tired, so Zhao Yuan Yuan hesitated for a moment and then said: "The detour is too far, so let's wipe this way, don't make a sound, it should be fine, even if there is dirt, it should be the driver who died in the spring, we have not had a holiday with him. , it should be fine."

Zhao Yuan has always been Zhao Jie's and I's child's head. She said so, and the two soldiers naturally followed.

When we got to the bottom of the low cliff, I took a few more glances at the place where the car had rolled over. It didn't matter, but when I saw it, my legs felt weak, because I saw a man wearing a military coat with a A man in an army green hat is lounging under a low cliff.

To know that this is summer, who would wear a military coat in summer and stare at the scorching sun...

Of course, it wasn't the man in the military coat that scared me, but a brainless guy crawling behind him with an empty neck, but I vaguely felt that the empty place was facing us...

Seeing that I stayed where I was, Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan also looked over there at the same time. Zhao Jie froze for a moment and said, "Is that a lunatic, wearing a military coat in the summer, not afraid of lice?"

At this time, Zhao Yuan let out a "Huh".

Zhao Jie and I asked what was going on at the same time, and Zhao Yuan said, "I think I have seen that madman. He has been to our school, and he is still asking for dinner at the gate of our school. At that time, he was wearing this military coat, as if It's spring time."

Hearing what Zhao Yuan said, Zhao Jie and I also had an impression. We did see this madman on the playground of our school in the spring. I remember that every time after class, Zhao Jie and I would run out of the classroom and go to the playground. Looking at the madman, of course, we also look at it as a rarity, but we have no malice, just simply feel strange, and don't know what kind of madness a "madman" is.

I remember Zhao Jie and I went up to someone to give him some lunches we brought to school.

Thinking about it again, the days when the madman appeared seemed to be the time when the car accident happened under the low cliff. The specific days, for those of us who don't remember anything, can't be said.

Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan only saw the madman, but I was different. I saw a guy with no brains on the back of the madman. He climbed on the back of the madman. No, it was more like a maniac. It grows on the back of the madman, making the madman look very penetrating...

I may have looked a little pale at the time, so Zhao Yuan asked me, "What's the matter, Xiaoyong, a lunatic scared you, I remember when you were in our school, didn't you give him food? ?"

I pulled Zhao Yuan and said to her, "No, I'm not afraid of lunatics, yes, it's something behind lunatics, with no head, feet hanging in the air, and bloody body..."

When I said this, Zhao Yuan and Zhao Jie hurriedly looked at the lunatic again, but they couldn't see these things, but they knew a little about my eyes, and they naturally believed my words.

So Zhao Yuan took my hand and said, "Xiaoyong, if you dare to scare us, I have to beat your ass into eight pieces when I go back."

I shook my head vigorously: "I didn't scare you, sister, really, really..."

Seeing the troops on my face, Zhao Yuan also said nothing, pulled me and Zhao Jie and ran in the direction of home, while I subconsciously looked back, just in time to see the madman turning his head to look at us, and still vaguely I feel that the headless body also notices us.

We hurried home and happened to meet my father and Zhao Laohei talking in front of our house. Seeing us hurriedly running back, my father and Zhao Laohei came up at the same time to ask us what happened.

I was scared at the time, and because I was so breathless that I couldn't speak, Zhao Yuan took a few breaths and said, "Mad, mad, ghost... without a head..."

Hearing Zhao Yuan's words, Zhao Laohei's face collapsed and he said, "Did you go to the short cliff? What did you see?"

Zhao Yuan said: "We just saw a lunatic, but Xiaoyong said that there was a headless ghost behind the lunatic..."

After listening to Zhao Yuan, my father and Zhao Laohei looked at me at the same time, and I nodded desperately and then gave a heavy "um".

Hearing my affirmation, Zhao Laohei asked, "Are they chasing you?"

I shook my head and said, "No."

Zhao Yuan then added: "The madman didn't follow, and he was still wandering under the low cliff."

Zhao Laohei then let out a sigh of relief: "Don't go near the low cliff in the future. Anyway, this is the summer vacation, you don't have to go to school, you can just stay at home and do your homework in the future."

But soon Zhao Laohei added: "But if you are lucky, I received a letter from Uncle Liu today, saying that he will come back to our village in the past few days, and wait for him to deal with the affairs over Ai Ya. , you can go out and play in peace again."

"Master Liu?" Me, Zhao Jie, and Zhao Yuan asked at the same time.

Zhao Laohei, my father and I nodded at the same time. Obviously they were talking about this at the door just now. I suddenly remembered Master Liu's invitation to us to eat ice cream, so I missed him a little.

Unsurprisingly, for the next two days, Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan were both grounded and had to stay at home to do their homework.

At the same time, more and more people in the village know that there is a madman under the low cliff who has been wandering around, and this madman will come to the villagers' homes to ask for food, so everyone regards him as a lunatic begging for food, like this People are not uncommon in our village. In the past, almost every year, such a person would come out to beg for food, and the villagers who were knocked out would also give more or less food.

On the first day, the madman went to the three households of Wang Qi, Wang Yumin, and Wang Yushan to ask for food. On the second day, the madman went to these three households, and these three households also gave it to them, but they arrived. On the third day, the lunatic still only went to their three families, so the daughter-in-law of Wang Yumin's family was unwilling.

She asked the lunatic, why there are so many households in the village, why are they asking three of them, and they owe him

The lunatic didn't say anything, just smirked "haha" at Wang Yumin's wife. As a result, the lunatic didn't arrive for lunch that day, so he was hungry all day.

Of course, I didn't see it with my own eyes. I heard about it when my mother and Zhao Jie's mother were gossiping, so I went up and asked my mother, "What happened after that?"

My mother said, "Write your homework, adults talk, don't interrupt."

I said "oh" and could only obediently go back to the low table to continue my boring homework. Of course, I was with Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan.

My mother also continued to tell Zhao Jie's mother that it was a lunatic who didn't ask for lunch from Wang Yumin's house, and he didn't go to Wang Yumin's house to ask for it on the fourth day, and he didn't go to other homes to ask for lunch. After eating, I only went to Wang Qi and Wang Yushan's two homes to ask for it.

Wang Qi and Wang Yushan knew about this, and they also said that they would no longer provide food for the lunatic, so now the lunatic did not eat breakfast and lunch on the fifth day. If not, you will be hungry for a day.

Hearing this, I felt a little pitiful for this lunatic, and said, "What if he doesn't eat and starves to death?"

My mother said: "Don't worry, if he really doesn't have anything to eat, my aunt and I (Zhao Jie's mother) will go and deliver some to him. Besides, aren't there a few religious (Catholic) people in our village? They also I'll take care of it."

I let out an "oh", but I quickly remembered the body behind that madman, and I couldn't help but tremble again.

In a blink of an eye, another two days passed, and there was still no news of Master Liu coming, but the story of the madman became more and more serious in the village. I heard that the madman could not get food from Wang Qi, Wang Yumin and Wang Yushan's house, and it was in the middle of the night. At the time, he smashed the door of the three houses with a stone, and while smashing his mouth, he shouted, "Give me back your head, give me back your head..."