The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 34: Red line (1)


After tossing around at twelve o’clock, I was already exhausted, and now I am back in the arms of my father and mother, and naturally I slept very comfortably. I slept directly until more than ten o’clock in the morning the next day. It wasn't Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan who came to call me "play", I'm afraid I'm going to sleep.

My mother also knew that I went to bed late last night, so she didn't wake me up deliberately.

When I got up and ate something casually, I was just about to go to the river with Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan to catch crabs, when my mother grabbed me by the neck and slid back for me: "You can't go out today, Master Liu brought me with you. When the lunatic went out, he specially instructed that the three of you can only play in the yard today, it's not safe outside."

Hearing my mother's words, I immediately thought of the paper figurine that came to life yesterday.

Before I could ask, Zhao Yuan asked my mother, "Auntie, what's wrong, what's the danger? Where is Master Liu?"

My mother said, "After eating early in the morning, I took the lunatic, Xiaoyong's father, and your father up the mountain to find something. I'll be back by noon."

"What are you looking for?" Zhao Yuan continued to ask.

My mother pushed Zhao Yuan's head and said, "I don't know either. Don't ask. When your father comes back, you can just ask him if he is wrong."

My mother must know what to look for, because I told her about it last night, and she didn't tell Zhao Yuan, probably because she was afraid of Zhao Yuan's guessing.

There is no way we can only play in the yard today. Although Zhao Jie and I are going to be in the first grade, we are still obedient in front of Zhao Yuan, so the three of us play rubber band...

And when I was playing, I kept muttering in my heart. Last night, Master Liu clearly said that he would take me there the next day, but why did he get up early and run so fast? Is it because he was afraid that I would ask him for sorbet

We danced for more than an hour until lunch time, Zhao Jie's mother came over and called Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan home, and also chatted with my mother a few words, after confirming that Master Liu and the others did not come back, they also Just go home.

At noon, my mother and I were alone for dinner, and I asked my mother if Master Liu could beat that paper figurine, but that paper figurine could fly.

My mother stuffed me a steamed bun and said, "What are you worrying about eating your meal?"

I could only say "Oh" and eat honestly, but my mother muttered to herself, "Why is my heart beating so hard, I always feel like something is going to happen."

We were eating, and when my mother was cleaning the dishes, I heard someone shouting loudly: "The car has rolled over, the car has rolled over..."

I couldn't help but want to go out to see the rare, but my mother stopped me: "Go and do your homework, or you will be beaten."

I can only honestly go back to the table to take out my workbook and start writing and drawing on it, but my heart has already flown out, overturned? Could it be the big turn again

After a while, Zhao Jie's mother came over with Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan, and said that she wanted to find my mother to see the rarity. People in the village were very lively, and my mother was no exception. As soon as Zhao Jie's mother fooled me, she immediately kept it. No longer.

My mother was going, and I naturally wouldn't be left at home, so I was taken there. As I expected, the accident was still on the side of the big bend, but this time the car was empty. , but half of the car was suspended on the edge of the cliff and did not fall.

The people in the car have been rescued. There are only two people in this car. One is in the car basket. They have been rescued. Now, I heard that half of the head was lost. When we went, we only saw a pool of blood, and the people had already been sent to the village.

Listening to everyone's conversation, I also understand the general situation of the car accident.

The people in the village are also increasingly guessing. Some people say that there is a "ghost" in this big turning. They specially find the passing driver, and then pull it down to be their own ghost.

As soon as this word spread, everyone immediately believed it, and many said that they would stay far away from this big turning in the future, and they would be dragged away from their backs.

As for the matter of the Wang family, many people in the village also know about it. Those who have a heart also link the car accident with the disappearance of the paper figurines, saying that the paper figurines of the Wang family ran away last night. The soul is bent.

After watching the car accident for a while, my mother felt that there was nothing to look at, so she took me back. Zhao Jie's mother saw my mother came back, so she came back, and asked my mother along the way: "Hey, Sister, you said that the Wang family's paper figurines are true and false, how can a paper figurine really run away? I have also watched Master Liu's plastered paper figurines, are they really paper figurines?"

My mother said, "I don't know that either. Master Liu didn't say anything when he came back last night. My boy came back and said that the paper figurine flew away, but I always felt that it was blown away by the wind."

I couldn't help but interrupted and said, "It wasn't blown away by the wind, it really flew by itself, and it's still talking."

My mother knocked on my forehead and said, "You're talking nonsense, how can a paper man talk?"

We went home, Zhao Jie, Zhao Yuan and I were doing homework and playing at my house. It wasn't until after four o'clock in the afternoon that Master Liu, the lunatic, my father and Zhao Jie's father came back from outside. When they got back, the four of them started drinking water, and the lunatic drank the water and laughed and said, "It's overturned, it's fun..."

My mother said to prepare some food for them, Master Liu shook his head and said, just a little bit of water. They ate all the dry food they brought. They were either very hungry or thirsty.

And I leaned over to ask Master Liu if he found the paper figurines. Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan also came over to listen when I asked Master Liu about the paper figurines.

Master Liu took a sip of water and said, "I didn't find it, but he couldn't run out of the three-mile area around the village."

When I asked why, Master Liu took out a ball of red thread, put a thin needle on the head of the red thread, pointed at the needle and said, "My town seals the life of the paper man. The door, if he walks too far, the door of life will be torn apart, and at that time he will be seriously injured, even if he doesn't die, he will not be far away from the ashes."

I didn't understand, so Master Liu patiently explained to me: "Do you remember the red thread I asked for from the Wang family last night?"

I nodded, and Master Liu continued, "I sewed part of the red thread on the paper figurine's chest, and then sealed his life gate. In case the paper figurine loses control, it just came in handy now."

I still didn't understand shaking my head, Master Liu touched my head and said, "This is like a curse, and I use the red thread in my hand and the curse under the needle, like tying the reins to a cow with a nose ring. , If it wants to break free from the reins, it will remove its painful nose. And the red thread I sewed on the paper man is thousands of times stronger than the 'nose ring'."

When Master Liu said this, I understood. To put it simply, Master Liu put something like a 'nose ring' on the paper figurine and tied it with a 'rein', but the rein was a bit long. , you have to look for it slowly, but one day you will find it.

I originally had a lot of questions to ask, but my mother pulled me aside: "Don't ask, Master Liu and the others just came back, they are very tired, go and do your homework."

I pouted and went to the side with Zhao Jie and Zhao Yuan.

Master Liu smiled, and then his expression gradually became serious. He, Zhao Laohei, and my father whispered for a while, and then they talked for a few breaths.

After a while, my mother cooked the mung bean soup and served it to the four of us. This summer, the mung bean soup was used to relieve the heat, so I, Zhao Jie, and Zhao Yuan also drank a bowl.

After drinking the mung bean soup, Master Liu said to my father, "Tomorrow, I will leave the lunatic at home. At noon, someone from the village will come to pick him up, so in the morning, please take care of him. "

My father asked Master Liu, "Master Liu, I don't need to go up the mountain with you tomorrow?"

Master Liu nodded and said, "No need, Lao Hei and I will just go. There are so many people going, but it's a little inconvenient?"

At this time, I came up and asked, "Foster father, who will pick up the lunatic tomorrow?"

Master Liu smiled and said, "When we came back, we went to the village chief's house to make a phone call. I dragged a friend of mine to find a place for the lunatic to live in the county town, and he will pick him up tomorrow."

I was going to continue to ask where to pick up, but my mother pulled me aside again: "Why are you there? Finished the homework?"

At that time, the homework was a lot of perverted. I was doing it while playing. If I could finish it, it would be hell, so I said, "Not yet!"

Then we talked about the car accident, Zhao Laohei asked Master Liu if the car accident was caused by paper figurines, Master Liu shook his head and said, "No, there is no trace of the paper figurine there, the accident is a coincidence. , it's just that someone died again, and it was an accidental death, and most of them will form a 'ghost' again. If the resentment is shallow, it will dissipate after a few days, but if the resentment is heavy, it needs to be cleaned up, but generally it is considered an accident. , the grievances will not be so severe that they will not dissipate."

Hearing what Master Liu said, Zhao Laohei also nodded and said, "There is also a problem with repairing the big bend. If you repair such a big bend, why not just open the mountain and make a straight path out."

Everyone brought up the topic of repairing the road again, and our children were bored, so we went to the side to play by ourselves.

In the evening, when everyone dispersed, I went to Master Liu to play with him. In fact, I mainly wanted to ask him if he had any chicken cakes...

When I went in, I was very careful, because there was still a madman in the room at this time, and I was still somewhat conflicted. After all, there was a headless monster hanging from his back.

Seeing me coming in, the lunatic gave me a "hehe" smile, and then "wow" and said a bunch of things I didn't understand, Master Liu also looked at me and said, "What's the matter, Xiaoyong, I have something to do with you. ?"

I felt my brain and said, "Foster father, when will you teach me my skills? I'm almost in the first grade."

Even though I am young, I have to be cheeky and know that I can't directly ask for something to eat, so I thought of an argument temporarily. I have to say that my brain is still very bright.

Master Liu was stunned for a moment and then said, "I want to learn my skills, that's fine, then I'll teach you boxing first, Dahongquan, my housekeeping skills."

From that day on, I really started to learn skills from Master Liu, and the skills I'm about to learn have helped me more than once in my life, and even saved my life!