The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 48: Tomb


After another day, Master Liu, Master Ge and Zhou Tong went out together. This time I didn't take me with me. I also got the opportunity to rest at home for a day. Mom's supervision.

On this day, I showed off my two latest treasures to Zhao Jie: Tongmei and Xiao Compass.

Although I don't quite understand the supernatural powers of these two things, I will use my imagination, so I said that these two things are more powerful than Sun Wukong's golden hoop. Zhao Jie was also envious. It's not that I will be as powerful as Master Liu in the future, I just said, I will definitely be more powerful than Master Liu.

In the evening, Master Liu, Master Ge and Zhou Tongcai came back together. Because the four of us were sleeping in the same room, I also heard some of their conversations in the room for three nights.

According to what Master Liu said to Master Ge, some people from the army will probably come back tomorrow. They didn't say the exact number. In addition, it seems that the County Cultural Relics Bureau will send some people over.

I listened in a daze beside me, so I asked Master Liu, "Foster father, shall we go to the tomb?"

Master Liu said, "Come down, of course, we will enter the cemetery from the abandoned well of bitter water at twelve noon tomorrow."

I asked Master Liu, "Can you really go in that well?"

Master Liu smiled and looked at Zhou Tong, and Zhou Tong said: "Last night, we had already gone to explore while you were wondering, there is a secret passage under the well, and you can enter the tomb tunnel through the secret passage. , but last night we were not well prepared and didn't go too deep."

The next day, our village became lively, because there were seven military trucks, a white bus, and two military green jeeps near the primary school in the village.

Except for the bus, all the people who got on and off the bus were all soldiers. After they got off the bus, they immediately surrounded the primary school in the village. Then the white bus got off a group of people holding shovels, shovels, brushes, etc. The tool people, I heard Master Liu say, those are the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau.

The leaders of our township also went to the scene to greet us. Of course, many people from the township also went to watch it. Some people have never seen this scene once in their lives.

Immediately, people started to talk about it. In order to stabilize people's hearts, the leaders of the township sent out a message saying that important cultural relic sites had been discovered under the primary school in the township. excavation.

The leaders of the township also promised that because of the discovery of important cultural relics in the primary school in the township, the finance of the township decided to build a new primary school and a middle school for the township, and then cancel all the dilapidated schools in other villages in the township. , to concentrate all the students in the township to the township for centralized education, and at the same time to optimize the teaching force and so on.

Immediately, many onlookers started talking about the cultural relic site to the school. Everyone said that thanks to the discovery of this cultural relic site, otherwise the children's new school would have to wait until when it would be built.

Everyone was surrounded by a large circle and couldn't get close to the school, but more and more people gathered, and there was no intention of dispersing.

After Master Liu, Master Ge, and Zhou Tong took me to the countryside, a man in black casual clothes came to pick us up, then led us into the circle from the side, and then took us to the bus.

After getting into the car, the man in the middle introduced himself and said, "Master Liu, Master Ge, and Comrade Zhou Tong, I am Wang Zhangan, the temporary commander of this operation. You can call me Xiao Wang or Zhang An. I have read the information and heard the leaders say something, so this time we have to rely on the three, what do you need, I will order my people to do their best to cooperate."

Master Ge was wearing the same Chinese tunic suit as Master Liu today. He leaned back on the seat and said, "I was invited by Liu Chunan. This is his plan. I'm here to listen to him."

Zhou Tong also nodded.

Master Liu said, "Comrade Zhang An, have you prepared the four sets of diving suits I asked you to prepare?"

Wang Zhangan nodded and said, "I'm ready, and one of them is for children, right?"

Master Liu nodded and said, "Yes, it is for my adopted son, and he will come with us this time."

Saying that, Master Liu pointed at me.

Wang Zhangan looked at me and was slightly surprised, but he quickly calmed down and said, "The underground matters are yours to arrange, Master Liu, who you want to take down is up to you!"

Master Liu stopped talking nonsense, and let us change into the black diving leather jacket in the car. It was very awkward for me to wear it for the first time, especially the crotch position.

Apparently mine is a little too small.

After getting dressed, Master Liu handed Wang Zhangan a stack of yellow talismans and said, "These are peace talismans. You should put one in each soldier's arms, just in case."

Wang Zhangan nodded, and then asked Master Liu, "I brought a few more pieces of this diving suit. Would you like some comrades from the Cultural Relics Bureau to follow along?"

Master Liu glared at Wang Zhangan and said, "Let them go down and die?"

Wang Zhangan smiled but did not answer.

However, Master Liu added: "When we clean up the bottom, you can send them down again. By the way, it may take four or five days for us to go down this time. You should guard outside and don't let anyone approach. ."

Wang Zhangan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will leave the things on the ground to me."

Then Master Liu put the things he was carrying into a black leather suitcase, and handed it to Zhou Tong to carry on his back. The four of us tied ropes around our waists and lined up to go to Kujingkou. There is a fence, so when you go there, people around you can't see it.

At this time, the grinding disc above the mouth of the bitter well had been removed, and several soldiers stood at the mouth of the well. Obviously, they wanted to pull the rope for us and send us down.

If you want to ask me how I felt at that time, I would naturally be unwilling, but before I came to the village, Master Liu had already explained to my father and mother, saying that there was a spiritual purpose under the cemetery to heal me. Good medicine needs to be picked and eaten now, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties, so take me there.

In order to save my spiritual eyes and let me live longer, my father and mother could only be cruel and let me go to the grave with Master Liu and the others.

When they got to the well, Master Liu said, "I'll go down first, Zhou Tong and I will be behind, then Xiaoyong will be the third one, Laoge, you are in the back."

After assigning the order, we put on the respirator. This respirator has the amount of oxygen for fifteen minutes. According to the darkness distance detected by Master Liu and the others, this oxygen is enough for us to go back and forth to the dark channel twice.

Master Liu was the first to enter the water, and then he turned on the water lantern underwater, followed by Zhou Tong, and then me. Although there are several large ponds around our village, I also go to play in the water with the village children in summer. I haven't learned to swim yet, and I'm still a landlubber, so I was a little nervous when I got into the water, for fear that I would drown when I went down.

So after I got into the water, I threw myself a few times, and Master Ge shouted from above, "Stabilize your breath, dive into the water, don't be afraid!"

I tried to take a breath. At this point, the temperature of the water had passed through the leather and touched my skin. I couldn't help but shiver. The water in this well is really cold.

Seeing that I didn't move, Master Ge urged me again, so I had to bite the bullet and dive down, because I have no diving experience, so after I dived, Zhou Tong immediately stopped my waist and unscrewed my head. Lamp, made a quiet gesture to me.

Immediately he hugged me and dived. The water was dark and the space in the well was not large. I could only vaguely see Master Liu's shadow exploring the way below, and soon I heard a burst of sound from above. The sound of falling into the water, and then a black figure swam down from behind, needless to say it was Master Ge.

We dived about four or five meters, and found a half-person-high horizontal hole at the bottom of the well. Master Liu was already standing in the hole waiting for us. Zhou Tong hugged me and dived in. Then Master Ge, the four of us After everyone had arrived, Master Liu took the lead and dived into the depths along the horizontal hole.

At that time, I couldn't help but wonder, is there also the Dragon King at the bottom of the well from Journey to the West under this well? Are we going to the Dragon Palace at the bottom of the well

The waterway became wider and wider as we went inward. After walking for about 20 meters, Master Liu took the lead to dive up. After diving for about two or three meters, we came out of the water. After we got out of the water, Master Liu took off the respirator. Said: "We are here, ready to go ashore!"

Later I found out that this underpass is actually a sloped village, and the terrain we dived in was very high, under a high slope, so if we went up two or three meters, it would be higher than the water surface in the well.

After I dived out of the water, I found that in addition to the light of our headlights, there was the slightest light around. This kind of darkness, the fear of darkness, and the low water temperature here, I couldn't help but shiver.

Zhou Tong took me out of the water, found a respirator for me, and said, "You need to save this oxygen, or you will have to learn to hold your breath when you go back."

For such a long distance, forget it!

When I got ashore, I found that we were on a bluestone slab, and the bluestone slab was also engraved with strange symbols, like the ripples of water, and it looked like a tadpole swimming.

The top of us is also capped by blue stones, and hesitant is very close to the water side, so there are still drops of water hanging on the blue stone plate.


A drop of water fell, and the entire bluestone plate was echoed, which was particularly crisp and heart-pounding.

Master Liu took out his belongings from the black leather box, and then took out a battery flashlight and said, "We can go down this road and enter the corridor of the tomb. We still don't know the environment inside. , so everyone stay too far away, especially you Xiaoyong, take me, Master Ge, and the baby Zhou Tong gave you, if you feel something is wrong, take it out."

I said "um" and took out the Tongmei that Master Ge gave me.

What will await us next