The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 55: The Secret of the Flying Corpse (1)


If it is dead, then it is not human!

I took a deep breath and rubbed Zhou Tong's back again, Master Liu said, "Abolish our Daoism? You're a bitch, don't play tricks behind you, come and try it in front of this Dao if you have the ability. skill!"

"Naughty beast!?" Hearing Master Liu's name for it, the one in leather shoes couldn't help sneering: "Haha..."

The low and lengthy laughter echoed in the tomb, making people shudder. Looking at the big black snake spirit, crawling on the ground, the whole body trembled.

Anyway, it is also a snake spirit with hundreds of years of practice, how can it be so afraid? When I was talking to Master Liu just now, I had never seen it so scared. Could it be that the guy in leather shoes is more powerful than Master Liu

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. If Master Liu couldn't beat the man in leather shoes, then we would not be in danger, so I subconsciously prepared to run away.

At this moment, Master Liu gave a "hum", and the deep and lengthy laughter suddenly dissipated the fear of seven points. Instead, it was Master Liu's majestic snort that filled the tomb.

Suddenly I wasn't so scared anymore.

This was the first confrontation between Master Liu and the man wearing leather shoes, and the two sides were evenly matched in power.

"Da-da-da", after three more leather shoes, a shadow came out from behind the snake dragon. Yes, it is used to walk, not jump, isn't it also that flying corpses jump? But why did that thing go.

Now Master Ge can't hold his breath anymore: "Liu Chun'an, you didn't say that he was a flying corpse at most, but why did he leave? If he did, and he could speak clearly, then it wasn't a 'daughter' one. A supernatural power monster?"

Master Liu shook his head: "Impossible, the corpse aura on its body has already indicated that it is just a flying corpse, it is absolutely impossible to be a '魃', as for it can speak clearly, and walk on foot, there must be something else in it. Mystery, don't be fooled by it."

"Da-da-da", it was the sound of three leather shoes again, it had already walked in front of the big snake, and we could finally see its appearance clearly.

This guy has short hair, an unusually pale face, dull eyes, wearing a gray tunic suit, and shiny leather shoes. Some of them look like college students in the TV series during the Republic of China.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of the "he" recorded on the papers that Master Liu read in the cave before. Could this flying corpse be the "he"

Master Liu couldn't help but stunned for a moment and said suspiciously: "Is it you? The kid who followed your master to the tomb?"

The one in leather shoes froze for a moment and said, "Master!?"

But for a moment it laughed wildly: "This body belongs to that kid, but unfortunately it has now been used as a container by this Dao. I use him to absorb yin and yang, and one day my body will be resurrected. At that time, I will be worthy of the name. The '魃', ask who else in this world can compete with me?"

"Container!?" Master Liu asked in surprise, "Are you the founder of this underground Taoist temple?"

The one wearing leather shoes smiled and said, "That's right, this Dao Guiyuanzi, the master of Lingling Temple!"

"Guiyuanzi!? Could it be that you were the one who harmed Guiyuan, the northern corpse road during the Ming Jingnan Battle?" Master Ge couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Master Liu asked Master Ge, "Lao Ge, have you heard of him?"

Master Ge nodded and said, "We have a secret book that does not pass on. It records that my patriarch surrendered Guiyuanzi in the Hebei generation, but the secret record says that Guiyuanzi's body was destroyed, but... "

Gui Yuanzi immediately smiled and said: "Destroy me? Don't be naive, that patriarch of yours covets my method of longevity, but he just brought me back to the Jingling Temple, sealed me, and was taking me to the meeting. On the day of Qianling Temple, your master made a rash murder, killing twenty-seven of my disciples, you are a veritable hypocrite!"

Master Ge defended: "Hmph, those disciples of yours are all disciples of your demonic way, and they must all be disciples with bad intentions. That's why my ancestors will eradicate them all to prevent them from being like you in the future. It's the same disaster."

Master Liu didn't seem to know about the secrets of Master Ge's family, so when he heard this, he asked Master Ge, "Lao Ge, did your sect mention this, or how to seal Guiyuanzi?"

Master Ge shook his head: "No! It's only mentioned that there is such a thing, not even the specific location!"

Gui Yuanzi touched the head of the Black Snake Spirit with one hand, and shouted in the sky: "I didn't expect that I would meet a disciple of that stinky Taoist here. Today, I am here to avenge my revenge for being sealed."

Saying that, Gui Yuanzi jumped out, and his target was Master Ge.

I screamed "Ah", took a few steps back in fright, and leaned directly against the door frame, while Master Ge waved the copper coin sword in his hand and slashed directly.


That Guiyuanzi's body was hit by Master Ge at once, and there was a burst of sparks, and Guiyuanzi cried out in pain and backed away.

Then Gui Yuanzi opened his big mouth and roared at Master Ge with a "roar", and then I saw that the two tiger teeth in his mouth grew a bit longer.

"Corpse? How come it's just now?" Master Ge was stunned.

Master Liu reminded Master Ge, "Don't be careless, if I guessed correctly, its corpse should have something to do with the time at night. After all, this body is not its body, but a container, so I guessed that it will only arrive when it arrives. You can only use this container to show your strength at night, and during the day it is a puppet at most, so we have been here for a long time, and it has not dared to show up."

Hearing Master Liu's analysis, Gui Yuanzi snorted and said, "Hmph, late born, whose disciple are you, you seem to be stronger than that guy because of your spiritual energy."

Master Liu sneered: "Nie animal, which faction I am has nothing to do with you, you only need to know that encountering this way is your doomsday."

Speaking of that, Master Liu actually took the initiative to attack, and the peach wood sword in his hand stabbed directly at Guiyuanzi's chest, Guiyuanzi smiled "haha" and patted the black snake spirit on the head, the black snake spirit immediately changed. The ferocity was extremely fierce, and he opened his mouth and rushed towards Master Liu.

Master Liu had no intention of hurting the black snake spirit, so he jumped to one side, and the black snake spirit jumped to the side, and then turned around to bite Master Ge. The sword slashed directly.


"Roar!" The snake dragon wailed and curled back again, but his eyes were still extremely fierce.

Master Ge's body was also knocked a few meters away, but he didn't fall, but staggered a few steps and leaned against the wall.

Master Liu quickly asked, "Lao Ge, are you all right?"

Master Ge said, "This snake spirit wants to hurt me, but it's still a little tender."

This snake spirit was negotiating with Master Liu just now, and suddenly it became so tyrannical. I was really puzzled, so I asked Zhou Tong, who had been protecting me, why, and Zhou Tong said: "The snake spirit has been robbed by that man wearing leather shoes. controlled by witchcraft."

"Can zombies still use witchcraft?" I asked Zhou Tong rhetorically.

Zhou Tong wondered for a while and then said, "It is logically impossible, but..."

I didn't know what to say on Monday.

At this time, Master Liu said to Zhou Tong: "Zhou Tong, you take Xiaoyong and go outside first. The next fight here may bring danger to you."

Zhou Tong said, "Then Master Liu and Master Ge, be careful!"

As soon as Zhou Tong finished speaking, he was about to carry me out when he saw Gui Yuanzi wave his palm and the bronze door closed with a bang. If it wasn't for Zhou Tong's fast pulling me, my little hand would have been caught. In the crack of the door.

There was a "pop" in my heart, and I looked at my little hand with some fear, and my little heart was beating wildly.

Zhou Tong smiled bitterly and said, "Master Liu, it seems that they are not going to let us out."

Master Liu said: "Zhou Tong, then you are responsible for protecting Xiaoyong, Lao Ge, you should deal with the snake spirit, but try not to hurt it, after all, it can't help itself, as for this Guiyuanzi, leave it to me to deal with already."

Saying that, Master Liu squeezed a finger, then squeezed out a thunder talisman and quickly finished the incantation, and shot it directly at Guiyuanzi.

Gui Yuanzi jumped to dodge, but Master Liu did not rush to chase, but directly stuck the talisman on the iron cage where You Xiaoqing was.

Seeing Master Liu's actions, Gui Yuanzi, who jumped away, was furious and said, "Bold, how dare you seal my Yin Spirit!"

Master Liu smiled slightly: "It seems that I guessed right, the black snake spirits caught them back, and the cure is one aspect, but it is your idea on the other hand, you want to train this little girl into a yin spirit, and then Re-practice the medicinal pills that can make you more corpse, so that you can quickly reach the level of '魃', right?"

Gui Yuanzi hummed and didn't speak, obviously Master Liu guessed it right.

On the other hand, Master Ge also confronted the big black snake for another round. In the end, Master Ge took the upper hand, because the copper money sword in Master Ge’s hand was the perfect nemesis of Yin spirits.

After repelling the black snake spirit, Master Ge suddenly shouted to Gui Yuanzi: "I ask you, are the people who will be responsible for sealing you every fifty years from now on, are they from my sect?"

Gui Yuanzi smiled and said: "No, how can you hypocrites have such a high level of consciousness, you will only try to deceive my secret method of longevity, and there is someone else who seals me, and it is that person who defeated you. Patriarch, take him out of the Lingling Temple and make him make a solemn oath not to mention this to the outside world, and never to return to this temple for life."

Master Ge suddenly seemed a little disappointed, but Master Liu said to Master Ge, "Forget it, Lao Ge, your faction is weak, and it is customary to not have a classmate. Don't think about those useless things."

At this time, the Cisco fangs in Guiyuanzi's mouth grew more than an inch long, and they continued to grow, and its corpse was still continuing...