The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 62: my old brother


After the matter of Qianlingguan was resolved, Master Liu left us, and our area gradually returned to calm, but the matter of the Japanese arsenal was still rumored, and it was later featured in the newspapers and TV of our county. news.

After the summer vacation, Zhao Jie and I got our wish and were promoted to the third grade. You Xiaoqing's body also recovered and she started to come to school, but the snake spirit in her body was completely gone, it felt as if the little green snake had never been with her. The same happens in life.

In addition, at the beginning of this semester, a major incident happened in our school, that is, a new teacher came to our school, teaching sixth grade Chinese, and when he came, he brought his son with him. Now, it is Shang Haoming, whom Master Liu once mentioned to Wang Zhangan.

And this Shang Haoming is also in the third grade like me, so he was transferred to our class. I don't know why, from the first day he was transferred, I felt that he was not pleasing to the eye, and I felt like I wanted to slap him when I saw it. .

Of course, this is not to say that Shang Haoming is ugly. He looks like a normal person, but he is the tallest in our class and has a sturdy body. At first glance, I thought he was in the fifth or sixth grade. Woolen cloth.

So as soon as Shang Haoming turned around, he became the sports committee member of our class. You must know that I am a lively and active sports committee member before. Well, I don't think Shang Haoming is pleasing to the eye, because he robbed me. Sports Committee.

Because of this, I deliberately tried to embarrass Shang Haoming in a gym class, and we got into a fight. I wasn't as big as him, and I wasn't as strong as him. We still couldn't beat him, so Zhao Jie also came to help, and we both beat Shang Haoming reluctantly.

But because of this, we were also punished by the teacher to stand for a long time. When we got home, we were beaten by our respective fathers. The reason was naturally that we did not learn to bully people well at school.

This made me and Zhao Jie feel that Shang Haoming is even more hateful.

In a blink of an eye, a semester has passed, and the war between Zhao Jie and Shang Haoming has not stopped. We earned from physical education class to math class, and then from math class to Chinese class. In short, none of the three of us will lose to the other. In such a competition, the results of the three of us have improved.

When it comes to grades, I am a little proud. Although monk Haoming's father is a teacher, his scores are always lower than mine, and his name is always behind me. As for Zhao Jie, his progress is quite obvious. , the ranking has already entered the top ten in one semester.

This winter vacation this winter, when Shang Haoming and his father went back to their hometown, Zhao Jie and I were overjoyed. We always felt that Shang Haoming was defeated and driven away by us. In fact, our thoughts were typical of Ah Q. , the mental paralysis of the ego.

It snowed a few times this winter, and it was extremely cold, so during the Chinese New Year, I went to our village chief's house and made a phone call to the number left by Master Liu, wanting to wish him a new year.

But it was the voice of a strange man who answered the phone. After asking me about my identity, he asked me what I was looking for with Master Liu. He said, "I will tell Master Liu!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone without asking me if I had anything else to do.

As for me making this call, my father and mother naturally agreed, and they also had to be a benefactor of our family, Master Liu. It was always a good idea to make a call during the Chinese New Year.

In the past six months, there is one more thing that makes people in our town feel excited, that is, a primary school and a junior high school in our township, the two teaching buildings have basically completed the framework. It is expected that we will be in In the fourth grade, you can move to a large and bright new classroom.

So Zhao Jie and I were looking forward to being promoted to the fourth grade soon, while Zhao Yuan was looking forward to being promoted to the first grade soon, so that she would be a junior high school student and a big girl.

After the new year, we grew another year, and I finally reached ten years old, and my age became an even number, which means that I am an older child again.

After the winter vacation, the school started again, so the war between me, Zhao Jie and Shang Haoming started again, and soon after the school started, the three of us had a fight. The reason for the fight was very simple. Zhao Jie and I were going to let Shang Haoming Hao Ming made a fool of himself, so he stole his "Winter Vacation Life" (obviously a homework book with a change of direction, I don't know why it is called life), and then threw him into the ditch, waiting for the teacher to check the homework, he couldn't take it When I came out, I was scolded by the teacher.

But there is no airtight wall in the world, and I don't know how this matter reached Shang Haoming's ears. After class, he tore up Zhao Jie's workbook in front of us, so Zhao Jie The monk Haoming started fighting. As a buddy, I naturally couldn't stand by and fight Shang Haoming.

Later, this incident naturally came to the teacher. The teacher figured out the cause and effect and punished Zhao Jie and me to stand outside the classroom for a long time, while Shang Haoming only stood for two classes.

When I got home that night, Zhao Jie and I were beaten up by our respective fathers again. I was ten years old, and I was beaten up. There was no reason. It seems that I have to grow older. My fourth grade , come quickly.

Shang Haoming's father and I are both teachers, so in order to ease the relationship between me and Shang Haoming, in the spring of that year, my father and Shang Haoming's father came up with an idea, that is, "worship the old brother", that is, the child When they became brothers, both families became relatives.

Usually the two people who worship the old brother are playing it, but it is the first time that an enemy like me and Shang Haoming have sworn to worship, so when my father mentioned this to me, I was firmly opposed, but What I objected to in exchange was my father's anger, but I had no choice but to obey.

But since we want to swoop, how can we be without Zhao Jie, so I put forward a condition that Zhao Jie is also included. To swoop, three people must worship together. What is the relationship between me and Zhao Jie, we grew up playing on the urinal together. , so my father and Zhao Laohei have no objection, and Shang Haoming's father finds another brother for his son, so naturally he has no objection.

So after some time, the three of us had a meal together, and the three of us kowtowed and bowed our heads, and promised in front of the adults to live in peace and support each other in the future.

Among the three of us, Zhao Jie had the biggest birth month, so he was the boss, followed by Shang Haoming, and finally me.

So after the sworn swastika, I reluctantly called Zhao Jie and Shang Haoming "brother". Zhao Jie smiled happily, as if he had forgotten that Shang Haoming was our enemy.

I feel a little bit that I shouldn't bring Zhao Jie into this game, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I counted everything, but I didn't count my birth month as the smallest...

The three of us became sworn friends, and we started to talk to each other about the situation, and we got to know each other a lot. Zhao Jie and I also found that Shang Haoming is actually a good guy, at least when we were bullied by the senior students. , he was able to come forward and save us, after all his big man was sitting there.

Gradually, the relationship between the three of us became really good. Now that the relationship is good, the three of us will not fight. We think about how to go out and play all day. out of the top ten.

For this reason, the three of us were beaten by our respective fathers. This is called a brother. When we were beaten, we had another companion.

The summer of 1995 was very hot, and it didn't rain much, so our wheat this season was all harvested, and the output was less than one-tenth of that in previous years, so this year, our villagers all received the above-issued wheat. relief food.

In addition, after the summer vacation this year, we will move to a new school, so in order to express our praise and praise to the "superior", the students of our township held a theatrical performance on the stage in the township to sing praises to the motherland and the party.

In order to participate in this performance, I, Zhao Jie, and Shang Haoming also carefully rehearsed a program. Our program was very simple, we just played a set of Dahongquan...

In fact, I originally wanted to perform magic tricks by myself, but I was afraid that my father and mother would beat me up, so I gave up.

When it comes to asking for magic, after Master Liu left, I practiced hard day and night, and finally succeeded not long ago. Although it only lasted for five minutes, the indescribable power in my body still made me excited. I had a few conversations with the ghost I had brought in, and he was so disdainful of me that he left without even asking my name.

The leaders of the township also attended the performance, and they also gave speeches before the performance. In short, the scale of the performance was unprecedented, and many people from ten miles and eight villages in the township came to see it.

Through this performance, the relationship between me, Zhao Jie and Shang Haoming has truly become best friends, and we have lived and died together countless times...

Back then, the drought in 1995 did not last forever. In the autumn, it finally rained heavily, guaranteeing our autumn harvest here.

Regarding the drought of 1995, some old people here said that it was our area that had a "drought", but this must not be true. If it was a drought, then Master Liu, Master Ge, and Zhou Tong would definitely Came here early.

After the summer vacation, we moved into a new school, which is a two-story teaching building. The windows of the classrooms are all glass, which is bigger and brighter than before, and we no longer have to bring our own stools, because there are still Equipped with new tables and chairs.

When I was in the fourth grade, we had students from other villages in the township here, and the number of students in our class reached more than 60 at once, and I immediately felt that my life was enriched.

But not long after we entered the fourth grade, something happened that completely broke our quiet life that had been going on forever.

Of course, this happened because I was meddling with my own business, and I got into trouble with a guy I shouldn't have...