The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 79: Initial system character (1)


Master Ge stayed at my house that night. I slept with Master Ge in the matching room. In the evening, I asked Master Ge about drawing talismans, and Master Ge gave me a brief introduction.

First of all, there are ten precepts for the person who draws the talismans: first, abstain from greed, not to use the talisman to accumulate wealth, but only to take a small amount of money; second, hesitancy, when drawing the talisman, it must be done in one go, without pause in the middle; the third abstain from being reckless; The sixth precept is to kill without reason; the seventh precept is lustful and drunk; the eighth precept is extravagance; the ninth precept is to compare friends with rape;

After Master Ge finished talking about the ten precepts, he looked at me and said, "Xiaoyong, you are the person chosen by Liu Chunan. You are excellent in all aspects, but you are too young to be independent, and you will be hesitant when things go wrong. Don't bring it to the talisman. In addition, I will teach you the art of drawing talismans. You can only use it yourself, and you can't teach it to others, even when you die. At this point, you must send it to me. I swear to take the name of the Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty."

I nodded and did as Master Ge said.

Afterwards, Master Ge said again: "Besides, there are eight taboos for drawing talismans..."

The eight taboos are: 1. Avoid women's scriptures; 2. Avoid seeing sex, use talismans to control people's minds, so as to do cowardly things; ; Five taboos to protect the family with a talisman of great merit, so that the rich and one party will offend the gods; six taboos to see death without saving; seven taboos to draw talismans for people with ulterior motives;

After talking about these, Master Ge said to me: "You have memorized these first, and when you have memorized these, I will start teaching you how to draw talismans."

In order to start learning to draw talismans as soon as possible, I worked extra hard on memorization, even harder than when I memorized texts.

So that night, I thoroughly mastered the ten precepts and the eight taboos, and was able to tell the general meaning of each day.

As a result, I was almost late for school the next day. Even when I went to school, I was severely criticized by the teacher for dozing off several times. Shang Haoming and Zhao Jie joked that I was punished by Master Ge for being too late yesterday.

And this day at school, we once again became famous people. Because of the famous "ghost removal" incident in the countryside, we were all involved, and even the bottom of our pants came to express our envy, and only regretted not going with us.

However, these people always pass quickly, and I believe that it will not be long before everyone will leave this matter behind.

When I came home from school in the evening, I pestered Master Ge and asked him to teach me how to draw talismans, but Master Ge asked me to do Hongquan first, do my homework, and then tell me after dinner: "Drawing talismans is not an overnight thing, you need to first Rest for some time, after all, you have just used the magic technique, and the spiritual energy in your body is not enough."

He's meow, can't I tell you earlier!

Just like this, the weekend came, Master Ge eats and drinks at my house every day, and he also has a problem, that is, he sleeps late. According to my mother, Master Ge sleeps until almost noon every day before getting up at twelve o'clock, and he doesn't even have breakfast. food.

I woke up early on Saturday, and I called Master Ge up early. He said that he would teach me how to draw talismans today, but Master Ge didn’t deny it. He went to the room and found a few stacks of yellow paper left by Yantai and Master Liu.

Seeing that I was done with my work, Master Ge said, "These, you won't be able to use them for the time being. Let's start with the preparations."


The so-called preparatory work is "bathing". Master Ge used our big pot to boil a pot of boiling water, then found a water urn and put it in the side room, adjusted the water to the right temperature, and let me strip. Put on your clothes and go to take a bath.

I hesitated, but Master Ge said, "Drawing a talisman is a sacred thing. Before you draw a talisman for the first time, you need to clear the dirt on your body. He said that he took out a few packets of medicinal powder from his pocket and poured it into a water urn. inside."

When I saw these powders, I subconsciously wanted to get up, and Master Ge held me down and said, "Don't worry, these are not poisons, they are to help you get rid of evil spirits, these medicines are very precious, if you want to soak them again in the future, I will Not even for you."

I just sat back honestly.

While I was soaking, Master Ge said to me: "The bathing before drawing the talisman is not necessary every time the talisman is drawn, because most Taoists have righteous qi, and evil and dirty qi cannot invade the body at all, so this bathing only It's suitable for a novice like you, if you get better in the future, you can naturally skip this bathing session before drawing the talisman."

I nodded to show that I understood.

This soaking lasted for more than an hour. After the bath, I felt a lot lighter. When I told Master Ge about this feeling, he said something that almost made me angry: "Easy? Well, you are indeed light, look at how much dirt has been washed from your body."

In fact, at that time, I did not take a bath for a long time.

After taking a shower, I thought that Master Ge was going to officially teach me to draw talismans, but I was still wrong. Master Ge just let me familiarize myself with the process of drawing soul talismans, but did not let me actually draw them. First, before drawing talismans, I needed to Rinse mouth, apply nine incense, and make mudra; secondly, recite the incense mantra, the mantra for cleansing the mouth, the mantra for cleansing the body, the mantra for pacifying the earth, and the mantra for purifying the heavens and the earth; step on the gang cloth again to mobilize the spiritual energy; Instruct the water mantra, instruct the ink and inkstone mantra, instruct the danzhu mantra, instruct the paper mantra, instruct the pen mantra, write the pen mantra, collect the pen mantra,‖ the mantra of the talisman, and the mantra to send the gods.

Fucheng in the back.

In these links, there are two most difficult ones. The first is to ask for divine spells. In the early days of Taoists, they did not have enough spiritual energy to draw talismans. They needed to ask for the power of gods and gods to draw functional talismans. , you can also use your own spiritual power to form a talisman, but for a beginner like me, it is better to ask God honestly; the second talisman, which is also the "knot" of the talisman, is lost, if this link fails The problem is that if you can't stabilize the spiritual energy into the talisman, everything you have done before is wasted. At the same time, how much spiritual energy can be stabilized into the talisman in this link also determines the level of the talisman.

As for the last step to send the divine spell, the great supernatural power does not need to invite the gods, so naturally there is no need to send the gods, which can save two links.

However, Master Ge also told me that when the Daoist has reached the highest level of drawing talismans, when his mind and heart are in one, he can even directly write the talisman, use the water to move the talisman, and draw the talisman with his fingers. Haven't seen the second one.

Master Ge's master! ? That said, he must be an amazing person, so I asked Master Ge's master where he went, and Master Ge said, "He's been dead for many years."

Well, I seem to have asked something I shouldn't have asked again.

This talisman is just a spell that needs to be recited, enough for me to carry a week on my back. If I draw a talisman, I estimated that it will definitely be impossible to complete within an hour. This is still under the premise that everything goes well, so In addition to the time for eating and sleeping, I draw a day's talisman, and every talisman is successful, but I can only draw seven or eight pieces, which is really too few.

However, this number is still too high for me.

Master Ge taught me my skills, and I didn’t mean to leave soon, so whenever I encountered something I didn’t understand, I could ask him for advice in a timely manner. It took about a week, and I was basically familiar with everything. The talisman used, and the next process of acting can be smoothly.

Then Master Ge smiled and said: "I'll teach you the direction of the strokes of the soul talisman, you are good, I will draw it again, and you will draw it again according to what I drew, and when I think you draw it to my satisfaction, you Only in line with those steps can we write characters.”

I nodded and took out the pen and paper to practice. When Master Ge drew it, it looked very simple, flowing smoothly and in one go. I drew it crookedly and even made a few mistakes.

Master Ge shook his head and said, "You idiot, that's how it is."

Master Ge drew it again, and then threw the pen to me. In this way, I worked hard to draw the soul-binding amulet for a day, and then I reluctantly asked Master Ge to nod. Start writing early in the morning.

Early the next morning, Master Ge boiled a pot of boiled water for me as usual, but when I washed this time, Master Ge didn't put any more powder on me. , you wash once is enough, you are Liu Chun'an's adopted son, not mine, why should I let you wash every time?"

After Master Ge finished speaking, I made a face at Master Ge, stuck out my tongue and said, "Stingy."

After taking a bath and getting the table and chairs ready, I started to follow the steps, gargling, incense, chanting mantras, stepping on the gangway, chanting mantras again, starting a pen, reciting a mantra, writing a pen, knotting evil spirits, sending gods…

After everything was done, I proudly asked Master Ge, "Master Ge, how is my painting!?"

Master Ge shook his head and said, "What's up? You have scrapped this paper and cinnabar. It's a waste talisman. After that, Master Ge tore up the talisman I drew!"

He meows, it's abolished, why do you tear it up? I can't keep it as a souvenir. Anyway, this is the first work in my life.

Master Ge went on to say, "There is nothing wrong with what you did before, but when you invited God, you didn't ask for it at all, and the next steps would naturally be forfeited."

God please? No, I have used it in Huaishu Ridge, and there is no reason why I can't use it at this time.

But having said that, the spell to draw the talisman is a little different from the spell that Master Liu taught me to invite the god to the upper body. Could it be because of this reason

So I said this to Master Ge, Master Ge nodded and said, "Perhaps so, so, when you ask God, you can try again according to what Liu Chunan taught you, but remember, after you ask for something, Tell him directly, draw the talisman with the help of his spiritual energy, don't say too much, it is better to delay the time to draw the talisman, even if you ask the gods to succeed, it will be difficult to get the talisman."

I quickly nodded and said I got it, so I took a deep breath and prepared to start all over again.