The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 86: spiritualism


Although my heart felt empty, I insisted and said, "Brother Zuo, shall we go to the ditch, or the dormitory?"

Zuo Qingmu thought for a while and then said, "Go to the ditch first, I'll recruit the soul, and see if I can recruit him. If not, let's think of other ways?"

Soon we arrived at the ditch. Zuo Qingmu took a compass from his bag and started jumping into the ditch. Shang Haoming and I stopped a few steps away from the ditch.

The moon was very full that night, and the bright moonlight scattered on the ground, allowing us to clearly see everything in the ditch, except for the frozen soil and some rotten grass.

Zuo Qingmu jumped into the ditch, took the ditch and swayed around the place where the lunatic was frozen to death a few times, and then the pointer on the compass in his hand swayed frantically. When I asked what was wrong, he said: "It seems that The frozen ghost has been staying here these days, so strong and agile, it means that he is still here just now."

just walked away! Are you deliberately avoiding us

Zuo Qingmu put away the compass in his hand, and took out a red thread from the pocket he was carrying. I asked him what he was doing, and he said that drawing a circle for a while would attract ghosts and prevent him from running around.

He took out the red thread and called me and Shang Haoming to help. The two of us were also extremely reluctant to go down the ditch. Then one person pulled the thread, the other fixed the red thread with a rock or a small stick, and soon we were in Zuoqingmu. Guided to fix an oval circle in the gutter.

After fixing it, I asked Zuo Qingmu: "Brother Zuo, what do you do next?"

Zuo Qingmu rubbed his hands and said, "I'm starting spiritualism now. You two stand on the side and don't move around. If you hear or see anything, treat it as if it never happened."

My monk Haoming also nodded.

Zuo Qingmu then did a very simple thing. He took out a yellow talisman from his pocket. With my current talisman drawing skills, I could see at a glance that it was an ordinary soul-calling talisman. It is Huangjie, which is smaller than the talisman that I drew.

So I couldn't help but say, "Brother Zuo, why don't you use a better talisman?"

Zuo Qingmu was stunned for a moment and then said, "Do you understand the talisman?"

I nodded and said, "Understand, the yellow talisman in your hand is an ordinary yellow rank, with half the effect. If there is no stable French style, the summoning may still fail."

These are all recorded in the talisman Daquan that Master Ge gave me. I have been reading them for the past two years, so they seem to be eloquent.

Zuo Qingmu smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so young to be able to see through the grades and flaws of my talisman at a glance. You have such talent, so it's no wonder that my uncle would accept you as his adopted son."

Zuo Qingmu paused for a while and then continued: "I can't do anything with this yellow talisman, because with my ability, I can only turn it into a yellow-level talisman, and if I use the good talisman that I borrowed or exchanged for. , I am reluctant to bear it, after all, we are not in any big/trouble, and the summoning fails, I will recruit again, if you use the talisman well, you will not be able to use it the next time."

I nodded and said nothing.

Then, when Zuo Qingmu sacrificed the yellow talisman, he began to recite the soul-calling spell. In a moment, the talisman ignited in his hand. Then, with a wave of his big hand, the talisman was replaced by the stars and the sparks of light scattered in the sky. In the air, and then I saw a black shadow in the distance swaying towards us.

That figure was none other than a madman in a military coat with loose hair who froze to death in a ditch.

In this way, Zuo Qingmu's summoning of the soul was a success, and the ghost came over smelling the smell of his talisman.

Then Zuo Qingmu pointed his finger, and his finger also lit up a little, as if a lighthouse guided the frozen ghost to go this way, Zuo Qingmu seemed to be struggling, but the frozen ghost walked very slowly, as if he was about to go. Break free from the shackles of the spirit charm.

Shang Haoming had no spiritual eyes and couldn't see the frozen ghost, so he asked me, "What is he gesturing?"

I swallowed and said, "He's leading the way to the ghost, to us..."

After I finished speaking, I also shivered, watching the ghost walk towards me step by step, it felt really scary.

Hearing my words, Shang Haoming hid behind me, and Zuo Qingmu said: "Shang Haoming, don't be afraid, you are born with a very yang constitution, and evil and poison do not invade. It still won't hurt you, you go and untie the end of the red thread, then pull it to the side for about a meter, and when I ask you to tie it, you will tie it again."

Shang Haoming hesitated for a while, he looked at it and didn't dare to go over, so I boldly said, "I'll do it for him."

After all, I have a lot of amulets, and I have followed Master Liu to see a lot of terrible things. Although the things in front of me are also very terrifying, they are still within the range that I can accept.

As soon as I finished speaking, Zuo Qingmu said: "Shi Yong, you can't do it, you are the body of the Yin spirit of the day after tomorrow, the breath of ghosts will only become stronger when they meet you, and now I can only barely hold the spirit charm. Mighty, if you untie the rope, the frozen ghost will definitely break free from my control, and my summoning will be a failure."

Hearing what Zuo Qingmu said, I couldn't help, so I said to Shang Haoming, "I'll give you the little compass, you can take it, I'll watch you from a distance, if the ghost wants to eat you, I'll ask God drive him away."

Shang Haoming had seen how powerful I was to ask God, and he also took the small compass and nodded reluctantly, then jumped into the ditch timidly, and then scrambled to untangle the opening at the end of the red circle.

Looking at Zuo Qingmu again, it was already difficult to control the freezing ghost that was getting closer and closer, and I couldn't say a word. I also sweated for him, and secretly cheered for him.

The closer the frozen ghost got closer, the clearer I could see. The pale face was covered with snow stubble, the lips were purple from the cold, the eyes were sunken as deep as a finger, and the black eyeballs looked extraordinarily absent-minded.

When I got closer, I found that the ghost's mouth opened and closed, as if talking, but there was no sound, but soon three words could not help but sound in my heart: "cold-death-!"

These three words made me shiver involuntarily. I took a step back and took a deep breath. I didn't dare to look directly at the frozen ghost. I was afraid that he would entangle me.

Shang Haoming couldn't see the ghost and didn't know if the ghost was coming, but he seemed more frightened than me, so he asked me, "Xiaoyong, that frozen ghost, have you come, did you come?"

I shook my head and said, "A little bit."

This point is only four or five steps, but the shadow didn't move. Zuo Qingmu gritted his teeth and tried his best, but he couldn't let the frozen ghost go a step further. I think Zuo Qingmu is about to persevere to the limit. The spiritual ceremony was about to fail, and Zuo Qingmu's plan to trap the frozen ghost was about to fail.

But at this time, Zuo Qingmu's left hand also moved, he picked up another talisman, I glanced at it, and found that it was a talisman that invites ghosts or gods to quickly get on the body, Master Liu. It has been said that although this kind of talisman is simple, it cannot be used for many purposes, because the ghosts and gods attracted by the talisman have no rituals to invite gods and are not bound by Taoism. invading body.

Although the ghosts and gods will disperse as soon as the talisman time is up, during this period of time, there is no guarantee that those unconstrained ghosts and gods will do anything that will make you regret.

Of course, some people with great supernatural powers draw an exception to the talisman. Those talismans are of high rank, and the summoned ghosts are generally ghosts with a destiny, and they will not hurt the main body.

But the talisman in Zuo Qingmu's hand is just an ordinary talisman, which is far worse than the few cards that Master Liu gave us for self-defense, so will he go wrong because of this

Before I could organize Zuo Qingmu, he had finished reciting the divine talisman, and a red light descended from the sky, covering his entire body along his heavenly cover.

Zuo Qingmu's body trembled, and then his eyes became cloudy, and then he laughed twice "haha".

I know he has asked God to succeed.

Zuo Qingmu's smile frightened Shang Haoming, he asked me tremblingly, "Xiaoyong, what's wrong with Big Brother Zuo?"

I swallowed and said, "He hired a Li Gui to be on his body, but I don't know if he can control it."

Zuo Qingmu's voice was very cold: "Shi Yong, don't worry, I have the meditation amulet that Master left me on me, so this specter can't occupy my body, my consciousness still dominates."

Sure enough, Zuo Qingmu's expression became more and more normal, and then he pointed a finger, and the frozen ghost who had stopped moving took a few steps forward, and then stepped into the red circle.

Zuo Qingmu took a deep breath and said, "Shang Haoming, fasten your mouth."

Shang Haoming also hurriedly followed suit.

After waiting for the mouth to be tied, Zuo Qingmu let out a loud voice: "Dismiss!"

Immediately, the red light on his body dissipated completely, and he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, it's finally done."

Although Zuo Qingmu's approach took a lot of troubles, it was finally successful, and then Master Liu's evaluation of Zuo Qingmu also made me realize that my brother's future is limitless.

As for Master Liu's evaluation of Zuo Qingmu, I only heard it a few years later when Master Liu took me to the deserted village, so I won't disclose it here.

Speaking of the moment, Zuo Qingmu dispersed and asked for the magic, and the frozen ghost immediately regained consciousness and began to jump and jump in the red circle, trying to break through the restrictions of the red circle, but was surrounded by red circles. Huo Lei called back.

I have seen the power of the red thread, Master Liu, when he was cleaning up the paper figures, so I was very relieved, and felt that the frozen ghost couldn't get out of it.

Although Shang Haoming couldn't see the ghost and the red fire thunder several times, he could see the traces of the red line bouncing. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said, "Brother Zuo, that ghost was caught by you?"

Zuo Qingmu took a few deep breaths and said, "Forget it, but it's still a hassle to send him away. I have to figure out what caused his grievances. If the root of his grievances is nearby, maybe I can help him. Eliminated, but if not, then I can't help him, I'm afraid I can only disperse it, and he will no longer be reincarnated."

Originally, I thought that the matter of freezing the ghost was over, but who would have thought that an accident happened next that none of us expected.