The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 99: Freeze the ghost's past


After the golden tortoise became Earth Immortal, the day gradually disappeared, the dim sky gradually became brighter, and the rain finally became smaller and smaller.

During this period of time, I heard Master Liu and Sima Jie talk about the reason why the frozen ghost became a red liar. In fact, it was a complete coincidence. Although the frozen ghost itself is a filthy thing, it is the Tang Dynasty. The direct descendants of the younger brother, although it has been thousands of years, still retains some of the aura of the national teacher family, so the barrier set up by the national teacher will not harm the frozen ghost, but will help his practice.

In addition, the golden tortoise was close to the cultivation of the Earth Immortal, and the aura emanating from the invisible led to the advancement of the frozen ghost.

It's just why he pestered Zhao Yuan, he had to wait for the rain to stop, and then find out the frozen ghost and ask what happened.

It didn't take long for the rain to become very small, almost a drizzle, but it still did not stop. It seemed that it would continue to rain for a while. The flood in Luolonggou will not weaken, so we will pass it for a while. Without the ditch, there is no way to return to the village.

The rain was light, so we headed towards the village, waiting for the flood to subside, and then find a narrow area to forcibly cross the river. It would take at least half a day for the torrent to subside, so it would take at least half a day for the torrent to subside. After disappearing, we waited until it was dark to have a chance to cross the river, and at this time the drizzle in the sky was still falling.

At night, it was still raining, and there was no chance of a rainbow in the sky.

After crossing the river and returning home, my father and mother looked at the embarrassment of the three of us, and hurriedly found us dry clothes to change, and at the same time started to make ginger soup for us.

I changed into clean clothes, ate some food, and drank a few mouthfuls of sugar water and ginger soup, and my body suddenly felt a lot warmer. Master Liu first asked me to wash the jade doll with the talisman water, and then asked me to pick up the dragon that I picked up today. The scales were handed over to Sima Jie.

Sima Jie took the dragon scale into his hands without hesitation, and after reading it several times, he said, "This dragon scale is really useless. When I refine it with talisman water for Xiaoyong, I will let him take it with me later. For self-defense, forget it."

When I heard that this dragon scale was to be returned to me, I couldn't help but get excited. I wore a dragon scale on my body. If I told Zhao Jie, Shang Haoming, and the trousers about this, wouldn't they be envious

Before I was beautiful for five seconds, Sima Jie added: "You have dragon scales on your body, don't wait to tell anyone, including your best friends, otherwise it will bring destruction to you and them. Calamity, I didn't scare you, you have to remember it clearly."

Immediately I was stunned, I was so scared, it seemed that I couldn't show off.

After eating, we went to Zhao Jie's house in the face of the light rain. Zhao Yuan was still lying on the bed, but her face had improved a lot. I heard that she went down to the toilet a few times in the middle, and it was no problem to walk or something. .

Seeing Zhao Yuan getting better, I felt relieved.

Zhao Laohei and his daughter-in-law asked us to freeze to death as soon as we entered the door. Master Liu and Sima Jie didn't speak, so I couldn't speak.

After waiting for Master Liu to check Zhao Yuan's pulse, he said: "Old Hei, don't worry, your daughter is all right, the frozen ghost was also taken away by me, and temporarily put in this Qiankun bag, but it's night. , the yin is too heavy, plus it is a red li, your master and I also consume too much during the day, so it is still a little troublesome to call it out at night, so the origin of Zhao Yuan girl and the frozen ghost, we can only wait. I'll figure it out tomorrow."

Hearing what Master Liu said, Zhao Laohei was inconvenient to ask more, especially why Master Liu and Sima Jie consumed so much, he didn't dare to ask a word.

The light rain kept falling that night, and it didn't stop at all, and the floodwaters that had receded suddenly became bigger again. Although the momentum was not as big as yesterday, it was almost the same.

Because of the rain, I did a set of punches in the house. Master Liu looked at the sky outside and said, "It's almost sunny, and Sanhong should appear today."

Sima Jie also nodded beside him.

After getting up to eat, we went to Zhao Jie's house first, because the matter of freezing to death can no longer be delayed. If we don't solve it sooner, the knots in our hearts will not be solved, especially the Zhao Laohei family.

It has been almost seven or eight months since the Frozen Ghost appeared, and it has brought a lot of bad news and horror to the countryside. Now is the time to understand it.

When we arrived at Zhao Jie's house, Master Liu asked Zhao Laohei to prepare the offering table and incense candles. Zhao Laohei was our yin and yang laughter. This set of things is always available at home, so it is very convenient to take it whenever you need it. Not sure.

Because of the rain, the offering table was placed at the door of Zhao Yuan's room. After the incense and candles were lit, Master Liu said to Sima Jie, "Senior brother, then I'm welcome. This time I'll do it."

Sima Jie nodded and said nothing.

In fact, I still have some expectations in my heart that Sima Jie can do a Fa for me to see. I have never seen a Celestial Master open an altar. Although Master Liu is a supernatural power at the level of a Celestial Master, he has never opened an altar with a Celestial Master. name.

Master Liu took out the Qiankun bag and placed it on the offering table, then took out a meditation talisman and lit it, and recited the meditation mantra silently.

After that, he stepped up to seven stars and started French style.

With the French style, I felt that the surrounding agility was strengthened, and a strong aura of pure yang descended from the sky, wrapping dozens of meters around the altar.

The momentum this time was obviously different from when Master Liu sent ghosts in the past. I asked Sima Jie next to him why, and he said, "This is most likely because your foster father is contaminated with the golden tortoise immortal energy. Correspondingly improved, the momentum of the opening of the altar will be incomparable."

I nodded, seeming to understand.

Looking at Master Liu again, he lifted the Qiankun bag with one hand, and squeezed a soul talisman with the other hand. He squeezed the hand tactic with one hand, chanted the mantra silently, and then said that the Qiankun bag opened a mouth, and then with a shake, a red light jumped out. When he came out, before the red light could escape, a fire snake tied him back.

Master Liu glared at the red shadow and scolded: "Bastard, you are still stubborn and still thinking of running away. You really don't know what to do."

Master Liu said, his right hand was reversed, and the fire snake tied to the frozen ghost suddenly became tighter, and the frozen ghost also made a mournful begging sound.

But Master Liu didn't mean to forgive him at all, and asked him in a more severe voice: "I ask you, what is your surname, what is your name, why did you do this to Zhao Yuan girl?"

The Frozen Ghost looked at Zhao Yuan who was lying on the bed, and began to "woo woo", but unfortunately he couldn't understand half a sentence. Well, it seems that the Frozen Ghost still doesn't want more people to know about him.

Sima Jie laughed and said to me: "This frozen ghost named Yu, Ming Jinchao, is from the county seat, a transport driver, he was involved in a car accident a few years ago, his head was hit/hit, and the accident caused him to die. The mental stimulation made him go crazy, and then his wife divorced him and walked away with his only daughter."

Having said this, Sima Jie sighed and said, "This is also a hard worker for Jin Chao."

I also felt some sympathy for Jin Chao, so I asked Sima Jie to continue to translate the ghost's words, and Sima Jie also continued to say: "Yu Jin Chao was crazy before, but he never went home, but after his wife and daughter left, He started to run out. At first several times, his parents and brothers went to look for him, but after too many times, they got tired and tired, so they stopped looking for him and let him fend for himself, so Yu Jinchao Wandering around, he ended up in your village, and the reason why he settled here is because you were kind to him and gave him food to make him feel that you were his children."

"So after he froze to death and turned into a ghost, he went to find you first, not to scare you, but to protect you, to make you happy, but he is a ghost, or a ghost with a vague consciousness, so he is kind I did something bad and scared you all."

"Then he went to your school dormitory to make trouble, just because he was lonely and lonely, and he missed his daughter very much."

"As for frightening your teachers and principals, it's because he thinks they've been training you all the time, but you never appreciate it, which made him feel resentful. He was confused before he was alive, and he couldn't get much stronger when he died, so he became angry. , hit you students on the back of the head in the toilet of your school, but according to his ability, he didn't do it ruthlessly, he just made those people catch a cold and have a fever."

"Anyway, he doesn't care."

Hearing Sima Jie say this, I retorted: "Master, since that's the case, why did he attach himself to Zhao Yuan? If I arrive in time, I'm afraid that Sister Zhao Yuan will freeze to death."

As soon as I said this, Zhao Yuan shivered under the covers. Obviously, we were talking to a ghost they couldn't see, which made her very afraid.

Sima Jie didn't speak, but the frozen ghost turned his head to look at me, which shocked me. He didn't speak in a "woo woo" voice, but used a voice that all of us can hear. to and understand the voice.

"Your name is Shi Yong. I know your name. When you are with your friends, they often call you Xiaoyong. You are very nice. You were the first one to feed me among these children."

I was surprised when the frozen ghost spoke to me, and he spoke in a normal tone, without the slightest bit of madness, Master Liu said: "He stayed in my Qiankun bag for a day, plus my altar's Maintain, his consciousness has returned to normal, and he will no longer be crazy, otherwise your uncle would not be able to understand what he said just now."

I nodded, and the frozen ghost continued: "You ask me why I want to hurt that girl, I'll tell you, because that girl smells like my daughter and is very heavy, I thought she was me at that time. The unsympathetic wife of my wife, she hid my daughter, so I…”

I just added: "So you want to kill her?"

The frozen ghost nodded.

Before we could continue to ask, Zhao Yuan sat up from the bed and asked, "You, is your daughter Yu Doudou!"