The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 109: 109 (Zheng Kai is very troubled) We both face the east wind and have our own worries


Zheng Kai has been very troubled recently.

His father asked him to give up the award for first place in the cross-country training competition at Norio University and exchange it for a scholarship, but he never mentioned the urgent use of the money. Zheng Kai originally planned that after his sophomore year, if he and Chen Wanxin really had no hope, it would be a good choice to send him abroad. When he returns one day and becomes famous, maybe things will be different.

As for the mother, she said with snot and tears on the phone that her father might have caused trouble outside and had already spent all the money saved at home to marry Zheng Kai. He also borrowed money here and there, and even I came up with the idea of selling my house in the county.

Zheng Kai had to take leave and go home.

"This is life-saving emergency money for my brother. How many times do I have to tell you this?" Facing his father who was yelling so much that he almost lost his mind, Zheng Kai could only hug his mother Guo Ciyun and gently pat her thin shoulder. . Since he was a child, he had spent less time together at home, but Zheng Kai still remembered how his strict father treated him. What he enjoyed most was the tenderness of a loving mother, even though he no longer needed such maternal care since he was a child. Thoughts and comfort.

Zheng Kai compromised.

"He has never seen us two in his eyes. He is so cold to you that you don't look like his own son. He only has his brother in his eyes. After so many years, Akai, my mother has been feeling miserable. It's been miserable waiting for you to get married and start a family. I'll just... I'll tell you properly... Wuwuwu..." But Zheng Kai firmly remembered his mother's cries before leaving. In Zheng Kai's memory, his mother had never cried so hysterically, as if years of grievances and bitterness were all erupting at this moment.

Maybe Wang Xiang was right, energy is conserved, so no one is always unlucky. After Zheng Kai solemnly confirmed that he had given up his qualification for recommendation, he transferred all the money to his father. One night when he was drunk, a pair of gentle hands held him in his arms. This was the first time in his life that he lay in the arms of another woman besides his mother. The soft, bulging chest and smooth skin awakened Zheng Kai's passionate desire that had been accumulated for many years. That night, he was extremely lingering. , deeply immersed in the carnival of the flesh.

Zheng Kai originally just had a night of fun, but when he saw that the girl was also in love with her, he stopped thinking about it. Suddenly he thought of the warmth Gu Xi left on his lips that night. Since then, Zheng Kai has a new girlfriend, Lu Sisi.

On this day, dormitory 216 was finally empty. Zheng Kai went to play basketball early, Wang Xiang wandered to an unknown corner, Lin Wenxi went to study at night, and Zhao Yuan took a few days off. Gu Xi took the rag and cleaning ball, opened the door with the key, and thought about starting with Zheng Kai Start cleaning under the bed.

Gu Xi has often come to 216 dormitory to clean the house. This has always been his habit. In his eyes, although the four boys in 216 dormitory are tidy, it does not mean it is clean. For example, there is occasionally some toothpaste in the wash basin. The socks hanging on the windowsill are sometimes blown to the ground. These are all reasons for Gu Xi, a Virgo, to frown.

Not to mention that now, he is already a member of the dormitory.

Recently, Gu Xi saw some spider webs piled up in the corners of the dormitory, and some vague shoe prints on the ground. The floor in the bathroom didn't seem to be very clean. He planned to take this opportunity to surprise the entire dormitory.

The door opened, and a girl inside stopped and looked at Gu Xi in surprise. It was Zheng Kai's new girlfriend, Lu Sisi. This girl has a rag in her hand, and she must also want to help.

Zheng Kai does the cleaning.

Gu Xi took a lot of cleaning supplies in her left hand, her face turned slightly red, and she said, "It's sister-in-law. I just returned the things I borrowed from Wenxi."

Lu Sisi smiled coldly and said, "It's not like I haven't heard about you always bringing breakfast to this dormitory. I also know that you often come to clean this place. It's strange. A boy should think more about boy things. , instead of worrying about what we girls have to worry about."

Gu Xi opened her mouth, swallowed the words that came to her lips, turned around and left, and bumped into Zheng Kai, who was sweating and coming back shirtless.

"Get me some hot water and take a shower." Zheng Kai said casually. Seeing Gu Xi, he was slightly startled. At this time, shouldn't he and Lin Wenxi be studying in the evening together

"I...won't disturb you." Gu Xi said, lowered his head slightly, and walked out of the dormitory silently.

It was a moonless night, and the sky was completely dark, like a thick black coffin board blocking the usually clear and clear Milky Way. Gu Xi felt that he had nowhere to go, so he went to the study room to find Lin Wenxi. There, the two of them had their own fixed seats, and they usually took many books and occupied them there. This is a privilege that Zhao Yuan helped Lin Wenxi and Gu Xi occupy by virtue of his status as the chairman of the student union. Even Chen Wanxin did not enjoy it.

Lin Wenxi is not here.

Obviously, I said I was studying in the evening, so where did I go? Where should I go

Gu Xi felt that there was really no need to enter this dormitory again.

The girl who brought food for Zheng Kai was very attentive, and almost everyone in the dormitory benefited a lot. Wang Xiang called her "sister-in-law" to the left and "sister-in-law to the right" very sweetly. She was bullied by Zheng Kai, so she had someone to protect her.

Zhao Yuan and Lin Wenxi naturally had no reason to stop Zheng Kaizheng'er from falling in love, and they were very polite to the girl. The girl had become a part of dormitory 216. Although Chen Wanxin may occasionally appear inexplicably and embarrass her, she can justifiably appear at any party that Zheng Kai participates in, and help Zheng Kai drink at the right time. She can help Zheng Kai deliver water and pick up clothes when he plays basketball. What kind of woman can hold hands with Zheng Kai and walk on the playground, proudly greeting all the envious looks, and win the first place in cross-country training.

Gu Xi thought that she would help clean her dormitory and pay special attention to Zheng Kai's desk and bed. This extremely humble wish to do something for Zheng Kai was ruthlessly replaced. Gu Xi knew that he no longer had any reason to pester Zheng Kai. In fact, he had not made any noise around Zheng Kai for a long time because Zheng Kai was completely occupied by her.

If there is one reason to stay, it is Lin Wenxi. Gu Xi always believed that she and Lin Wenxi were the same people, and they were both people who would fall in love with boys. Gu Xi has always been grateful that Lin Wenxi said many things to herself that she didn't want to say to Zhao Yuan.

Even Wenxi must be hiding something from him. If he refuses to go to self-study, he will tell him the reason and even discuss it with himself.

Gu Xi didn't know that Lin Wenxi was in as complicated a mood as he was at this moment.

On the way to self-study, Chen Wanxin only said lightly: "Something happened to Zhao Yuan." Then she left calmly. Lin Wenxi had to follow her closely.