The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 200: 200 Each of us feels cold when we uncover the scars


After receiving Wang Zhengjuan's wedding invitation, Chen Yuanxi met Wang Wankun and his wife again and only showed the video on his laptop, which showed Wang Zhengjuan and Zhou Nannan's life in Shanghai.

"Are you sure that you will destroy your daughter's happiness with your own hands?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

Wang Wankun and Rao Yu looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "The two girls have made enough jokes. When Juaner gets married and has children, we will know that everything we do is for her own good."

"Well, I won't say much more. Where are the things?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

"Juan'er isn't married yet, she hasn't received the certificate yet," Rao Yu said.

"The fate of the grass on the wall is usually that both families want to pull it out. I can record a video of Wang Zhengjuan. You think I can't do anything to her." Chen Yuanxi slapped the table heavily.

"Give me what I want within three days, otherwise your daughter will wait for a ghost marriage. By the way, there is no need to give me Wang Chang's address. He is already dead. Mo Qian did it." Chen Yuanxi said, stood up and Leave.

Two days later, Chen Yuanxi received a package at his residence.

Zhang Dong scanned the package from beginning to end, but still felt uneasy, so he asked Chen Yuanxi to retreat to his bedroom, and then he opened the package in the explosion-proof box.

Inside are the confessions and drawings of Wang Wankun and Rao Yu, as well as audio and video materials of various cases.

"Zhengjuan, postpone the wedding for half a month, and then contact me when you encounter something big soon." Chen Yuanxi immediately called Wang Zhengjuan.

Wang Zhengjuan agreed immediately. The most difficult time has passed, and the rest is no longer important to her. But she was still confused about the so-called big event for a while, but when the "big event" really came, she was caught off guard. Obviously, Chen Yuanxi knew all this.

Within a few days, Wang Zhengjuan yelled angrily on the phone: "Chen Yuanxi, didn't you say you were trying to keep my parents safe, why would they be kidnapped?"

"The kidnapper said he wanted you to get married, right? He also sent you a video of the couple, right? He also threatened you not to call the police. Isn't that what Mo Shi used." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile.

"You can still laugh"

"Thankfully you didn't call the police. You can get married now. Your parents will be fine. Don't worry." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile.

"Chen Yuanxi, how can I trust you?" Wang Zhengjuan asked.

"You have to believe me whether you should or not. The wedding has been held in the past few days. Didn't you prepare it before? Otherwise, you should try calling the police." There was no emotion in Chen Yuanxi's voice. Wang Zhengjuan slammed the phone down. For the first time in her life, she leaned on the table, holding the photos of herself and Zhou Nannan in the past, and cried bitterly.

Wang Zhengjuan's wedding was extremely grand.

Xu Shi's husband's family spent more than ten years pursuing her, and finally they finally got the beauty back, and they wanted to tell the whole world about it.

Many students were unable to attend due to the unexpected invitation, but Zhao Yuan wanted to take this opportunity to invite Chen Yuanxi to accompany him.

"I still have something to do. Please bless them for me. Also, send more people to look after Nannan." Chen Yuanxi said.

"Nan Nan, I will go to Zhengjuan's wedding and... be the bridesmaid." Zhao Yuan looked very heavy.

"Yeah, it's just like their own wedding, isn't it?" Chen Yuanxi said with a smile.

Chen Yuanxi stared blankly at the live broadcast of the wedding. By accident, she zoomed in on Zhou Nannan's facial expression and immediately closed the video.

"Wenxi" Zhang Dong stepped forward: "You..."

"It's okay," Chen Yuanxi said, looking at the tissue handed over by Zhang Dong in panic. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at it. Unexpectedly, big tears had flowed to his cheeks.

"Zhang Dong, I have a better way, right?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

"If there is any." Zhang Dong said, he couldn't help but get close to Chen Yuanxi and help him dry the tears in his eyes: "I cried, and I didn't even know it. Wen Xi, I really hope that one day, you can cry at any time, at any time You can laugh, this makes me see..." Zhang Dong said, suddenly feeling sour in his heart, and immediately turned around: "Wenxi, besides being by your side, is there anything else I can do?"

"No, nothing." Chen Yuanxi regained his composure, and his cell phone rang again. It was Wang Wankun calling.

"You said you wanted to keep us safe." Wang Wankun said.

"Aren't you safe?"

"But it was because Master Mo knew that my daughter was married that he let me go."

"That also means you are safer and can continue to work for Mo Shi in the future."

"You said you could let me and my wife go to the United States."

"There are so many lists of people going to the United States, but you are not included in the plan for the time being."

"Chen Yuanxi you"

"Be obedient and do the task Mo Shi gives you next. Remember not to see blood. In the decisive battle in the future, I will naturally help you apply for a commutation of your sentence because of your contribution." Chen Yuanxi hung up the phone.

"Are you... empty handed?" Zhang Dong asked curiously.

may be.

Chen Yuanxi said and deleted the Weibo posts posted a few days ago.

A few days ago, on Qingming Festival, Chen Yuanxi asked Zheng Kai to do something. He knew that Hongxuan would definitely appear there. There were only a few words written on the envelope: "Do your best to delay the kidnapping of Wang Wankun. I posted three words on Weibo that it's OK and then let go."

There are two pieces of evidence, but based on Chen Tianjiao’s evidence, there is almost no evidence. I wonder if Uncle Hongxuan has found any clues in the past few years, and who did he put it in

Chen Yuanxi thought hard for a long time, and it suddenly dawned on her heart that Mo Qian seemed to be at odds with Chen Tianjiao. What would happen if the target of the attack turned against Chen Tianjiao

That night, Zhao Yuan asked Chen Yuanxi to go to his residence.

"Don't say any more questions or anything like that. I understand." Chen Yuanxi said.

"I'm afraid you not only deceived Wang Zhengjuan, you also deceived her parents, right?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"So what? It's her parents' fault. From now on, they will fend for themselves in the Mo world and don't care about my affairs. Okay, don't bother me with these little things. Let me ask you, I can't think of any other way to deal with Chen now." What do you think about the evidence of Tianjiao?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

"Yuan Xi, they are the same people as us. Is there no other way? At least, let's discuss it first. Maybe there is a better way," Zhao Yuan said.

Chen Yuanxi was silent.

"Can't you just work harder and put them..." At today's wedding, he really couldn't bear to see Zhou Nannan's eyes.

Lin Wenxi didn't know how difficult it was for the former college friends in the past six years, but Zhao Yuan felt the same way.

How Zhou Nannan wanted to accompany Wang Zhengjuan to study abroad, and how her parents strongly opposed it.

How Zhengjuan ignored all the pressure, gave up the escort, and stayed with her. Even though both families cut off their financial resources, they supported each other and worked hard to run part-time jobs, and they stayed together through thick and thin until they graduated.

But after graduation, they realized that the outside world was not as gentle and non-confrontational as the university, where their ideals and dreams were like horses. They entered a world of traffickers and pawns, where Wang Zhengjuan could no longer assert her sovereignty over anyone. , the two girls are too good, but often face the boys pursuing them, each of them is troubled and heartbroken. Instead, due to their own insecurities and misunderstandings, many discords arise. Seeing that they are drifting apart, in the end the two of them unanimously choose to give up. They coexisted in groups and gave up their jobs. From then on, Zhou Nannan worked from home. Wang Zhengjuan opened a Taekwondo gym with the support of Zhao Yuan and Chen Wanxin. After painstaking management, she opened a coffee shop that Zhou Nannan most wanted to own.

During that period, it was the day when men's dormitory 216 and women's dormitory 419 were assembled. The store was decorated. Zheng Kai was responsible for the fire safety inspection. Zhou Nannan and Wang Xiang worked together on the overall decoration design and layout of the store. Zhao Yuan and Shu Xiaoman and Chen Wanxin each tried their best to help attract customers and find employees. Zhang Anan assisted in advertising.

Since Lin Wenxi left, Chen Wanxin, in addition to working hard for BC Company, has also tried her best to repair the rift with her college classmates. Although Zhao Yuan and Shu Xiaoman hated Chen Wanxin because of their previous affairs at that time, and Wang Xiang and Zhou Nannan also treated Chen Wanxin coldly, in the end they still put their face aside. Over the years, they went their separate ways, making their four-year college classmates It is difficult to get together, and when walking in society, people are like the moving wind, forever helpless. Because of that opportunity, everyone felt the friendship between classmates that they had not experienced for many years, and many things gradually faded away.

In the eyes of others, they may have become one of the few financially free elites. Only Zhao Yuan knows their joys and sorrows, their pain and difficulties, and has kept them in mind and taken pride in them. He believed that when he and Lin Wenxi reunited, it would be time for the old grudge to be avenged. At that time, he and he could also have a good drink, in a certain countryside mountain village, under a certain starry sky and moon, just talking about everything in the past years. The running water is silent and does not complain about separation.

Zhou Nannan and Wang Zhengjuan can be said to carry all Zhao Yuan's yearning for future life. No matter how things change, Zhao Yuan always has such hope in his heart. He is grateful for them, thinking of Lin Wenxi, and bearing in mind the deep hatred, which is why he walks on. So far, not crazy.

If Wang Zhengjuan hadn't bitten her tongue in pain and bled when drinking, and if Wang Zhengjuan hadn't been unable to control herself when she saw Zhao Yuan, this strong female man would have cried like a man in tears and told Zhao Yuan everything in private, and Zhao Yuan would not have known it at all. You will know that the person who ruined all of this is Lin Wenxi himself, the person he regards as his last ideal hometown.

"Wen Xi had other options, so it wouldn't be like this. He is also very sad today." Zhang Dong finally couldn't help but say.

"Stop talking." Chen Yuanxi frowned and waved his hand to stop: "Tell me, how to check Chen Tianjiao..."

"You know how to care about Zhang Dong, isn't he alive?" Zhao Yuan said angrily,

"Zhao Yuan, you shouldn't lose your temper with Wen Xi," Zhang Dong said slowly.

"Are you, Zhang Dong, qualified to speak?" Zhao Yuanhu asked sharply: "In order to fix your trouble, I have spent so much time that I can't even take care of Wenxi. What are you doing by staying with him?"

Chen Yuanxi looked at Zhao Yuan in disbelief: "Zhao Yuan, who are you insulting?"

"I've seen it all," Zhao Yuan said coldly.

"That's because I was too happy and was rude to Wenxi. I admit that I couldn't control it. If my brother has anything to say, come on to me. Wenxi is innocent." Zhang Dong was a little anxious.

"Zhao Yuan, when you wholeheartedly joined Mo Shi, how many people did you cause trouble to? How many girls did you take advantage of? When you swung the knife at me, did you ever think about how I felt? Even if you weren't really You want to hurt me?" Chen Yuanxi said coldly: "I'm afraid you and Chen Wanxin have played with each other from the inside out."

"You... But what you are doing now is harming others for the rest of their lives. Yuan Xi, you didn't go to the scene. You were afraid, right?" Zhao Yuan couldn't help but feel faintly angry.

"What did you call me?" Chen Yuanxi couldn't help but stand up, picked up the book on the table and smashed it down at Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan stood up suddenly, kept dodging, and said: "You have changed your name a long time ago, why can't I call you that?"

"Zhao Yuan, get out of here!" Chen Yuanxi pointed at the door and shouted.

"I won't get out, I'm not like you," Zhao Yuan said.

"Okay, I'll get out!" Chen Yuanxi was so angry that his whole body was shaking, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Lin Wenxi, run away again," Zhao Yuan roared, rushing up and hugging Chen Yuanxi.

Where are you going? Every fucking time you leave me and run away to teach during the earthquake. When we go out together, you leave me behind. . . Finally, I ran for another six years.

"If you run away again, I will run away too."

Zhao Yuan hugged Chen Yuanxi tightly and burst into tears unexpectedly.

Zhang Dong turned his back and closed the door.

"When did I leave, it wasn't because of you, Zhao Yuan... Let me go." When Chen Yuanxi thought about the past, he couldn't help crying: "I was originally Chen Yuanxi. As you said, I was originally Chen Yuanxi."

Chen Yuanxi bit Zhao Yuan's chest fiercely. Zhao Yuan suddenly shuddered and suddenly let go of his hand: "You did the same to me back then..."

Chen Yuanxi unscrewed the hand that opened the door and relaxed: "Probably, we have never been able to walk together."

"First comes the moon, right next to the water. Why can't you keep the person who did that to you twice..." Zhao Yuan suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart and couldn't help but shout out.

"Zhao Yuan, aren't you going to marry Chen Wanxin? You two made another oath in front of your father's grave. Hurry up and get the certificate. It's none of my business who you marry." Chen Yuanxi sneered. A sound. On the night of Qingming Festival, when Chen Yuanxi was on the phone with Zheng Kai, she realized that his mood was wrong. However, Chen Yuanxi did not dare to go into details as to why Zheng Kai went to pay homage to General Zhao Ming in private.

"Wen Xi, I was wrong, I'm sorry..." Zhao Yuan softened as if a snake had been hit seven inches.

"I don't want to hear it anymore. Anyway, it's the best thing for you to sleep with a woman, so you don't have to be with me later..." Chen Yuanxi seemed to be crazy at this moment. He didn't understand why he was so angry. As if he was out of control, he screamed at Zhang Dong to come in, rushed towards him, kissed him on the mouth, and shouted to Zhao Yuan with tears in his eyes: "Get married as soon as possible, and I will play with him like a mandarin duck."

Seeing that Zhao Yuan didn't respond, Chen Yuanxi suddenly stamped his feet, threw himself on Zhao Yuan and beat him again, then threw things hysterically and ran away crying.

Zhao Yuan stood in the middle of the house, clenched his fists, and finally hit the wall hard. After a while, he ran to Chen Yuanxi's house like crazy.

Zhao Yuan waited downstairs for a long time, but Chen Yuanxi didn't come back. He squatted at the door and sat for most of the night. Shu Xiaoman left a message on WeChat about the listing. Zhao Yuan couldn't care less and bought a ticket back to G City that night.

Chen Yuanxi was sitting side by side with Zhang Dong on Linjiang Avenue, already completely drunk.

Zhang Dong hugged Chen Yuanxi into his coat. He finally had no more nightmares and slept soundly all night. The other person sat facing the river all night.