The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 209: 209 (His daughter?) An An’s mysterious life experience


When Hongxuan heard the news about Zhang Anan, his eyes were filled with hatred.

"Mo Qian discovered the signs recently. He used an extreme guess. From the time you designed and asked Zhang Dong to fake the video to the time you used Mo Shi's people to make a fuss about the entrepreneur, you were in the Chen family. Even the company's status has reached its peak." Hongxuan said approvingly.

"In the company, you eroded Chen Wanxin's shares step by step. Then Chen Wanxin was taught a lesson by Chen Tianjiao. Chen Tianjiao doubted Mo Qian and trusted you more. The most important thing is to let Zhang Dong free his hands and not have to report your whereabouts to Mo Qian at any time. . This plan of yours can be said to be very wise and courageous, but it is too smooth."

Zhao Yuan's expression became a little complicated when he looked at Chen Yuanxi.

"Mo Qian may not have been able to guess with all the methods that the video he forwarded to Chen Tianjiao came from the first half of your edit, but he can directly guess based on the simplest result-oriented method because it was Zhang Dong who gave it to You got that video, so Wenxi you began to have a great advantage, so Zhang Dong betrayed him, so there was a problem in Inner Mongolia. Zhao Yuan's strategy was also very clever, but once Mo Qian started to doubt Zhang Dong, he still A problem was found in the video. The explanation I gave was that the subordinates over there might be lazy. I was going to replace them and notify you at the same time, but he had already sent someone over in advance. You and Zhao Yuan adopted a delaying policy, but Mo Qian People are always fast. He has already suspected me. However, he is not sure. "

Chen Yuanxi nodded. It was indeed a matter of time before Mo Qian saw through the video, but he did not expect that Mo Qian, who seemed to be losing ground, could actually interpret his plan in this way.

"What he can be sure of is that I did not kill that person in City A. That person was too important. He was directly related to the Wang family in City A. Our family, the Wang family, owed them several years," Hongxuan said.

"Yes, we are a family." Chen Yuanxi lowered his head slightly, and Zhao Yuan took his hand.

"I took the risk and left evidence and sent the person to Captain Cao in Nancheng on the spot. That subordinate of Captain Cao, whose surname was Tan, was a fucking traitor. He was from Mo Shi. By that time, I had already been exposed. "

"Mo Qian wanted to press for my identity. He thought I was the third-in-command and didn't dare to touch me in public. After spending three days with me in private in the room, he actually determined my identity. Then he sent someone to hypnotize me. The one who hypnotized me was Boss Zhang."

"Speaking of Boss Zhang, let's talk about that girl An An. I only went to Boss Zhang's house once, and a little girl followed me all the time. I couldn't get rid of her. Later, she followed me into the men's room. She said she put a tracker in my shoe and criticized me for not being cautious enough. Then, she listed the tasks I had received in Moshi and the things I had done. It seemed that Boss Zhang was all the same as this daughter. said."

"She said at the time that Mo Qian only cared about whether you could do what he asked you to do. But I care about all traces of your behavior. Everything you do only revolves around Yangzi County, even if the target is in Yangzi County , you have to wait until the target leaves the county before taking action. What are you afraid of? Is there a wife and children? I heard that the famous Lin Ziwei of Yangzi County died for some reason a few years ago, and his driver, the personal bodyguard, disappeared , body shape, and body shape, almost the same as you."

Chen Yuanxi and Zhao Yuan looked at each other. Zhang Anan was too bold and too smart.


"I didn't show any flaws at the time, or I thought I didn't show any flaws, but she called out my name, Hongxuan. At that time, I had murderous intentions towards her and covered her mouth, but her eyes were like She can talk and tell me that she still has something to say. I let go of her, and she actually told me that Lin Wenxi was dead. No matter what I did at the time, I had to panic, so she said it was a joke, and then she said her own Identity, and everything about you in school, including how you suspected Chen Wanxin at the time, how you searched City A, how you fell into Wanxin's hands, and how she informed Zhang Dong to rescue you, all the details are clear."

"I didn't believe her at first, but she told me that if I don't forget everything about Yangzi County, if I don't forget Lin Wenxi, everything I did in Mo Shi will be exposed sooner or later. She also listed the crimes she collected about Mo Qian She also told me how to store the evidence and gave me a hidden camera that cannot be detected by ordinary metal detectors. It can record the video of Mo Qian giving orders directly and the video of me committing the crime on the spot. It will be automatically sent to her and stored in the sky. In the lock. On that day, she took away my fingerprints and recording, which were used to unlock the sky lock."

Hongxuan closed his eyes slightly: "Without her, maybe I could only be a tool for killing people in Mo Shi. To win Mo Qian's trust, it would be difficult for me to keep so much evidence. Over the years, her Heavenly Lock, and Wen Xi, you are all that supports my survival."

"But why... the lock was last that day..." Chen Yuanxi asked with red eyes. As Hongxuan said, Zhang Anan knew everything about Mo Shi from the beginning, but she had been carefully using her method to help herself, Zhang Dong, and Hongxuan.

"Mo Qian refused to do anything to me. He just kept me locked in the room and refused to let me sleep. I lasted for two days and two nights, and then he asked Boss Zhang to come over and hypnotize me. Boss Zhang spent a whole day dealing with me. , I really couldn’t stand it. After I fell asleep, I didn’t know anything. When I woke up again, Boss Zhang dragged me here and said that I was useless to Mo Shi. In fact, it was Mo Qian who let me go and I stole I got Boss Zhang’s cell phone and sent you a Weibo message. After Boss Zhang saw it, he sent out the photos taken by the paparazzi on the Internet. I asked Boss Zhang to save Miss Anna..." Hongxuan was a little excited, and Chen Yuanxi hurriedly went Pour a cup of hot water.

"Zhang Anan is not Boss Zhang's biological son." Zhao Yuan said, "So, he refused to save him."

"Not only is she not Boss Zhang's biological child, Boss Zhang also said that Zhang An'an is Mo Qian's biological daughter. Boss Zhang has been in Mo Qian for many years, how could he not consider the future? I can see that he only uses Zhang An'an as a bargaining chip. In case he might escape from Mo Shi, Mo Qian had no time to take care of himself, so he naturally chose the opportunity to escape quickly and spared my life, perhaps to check Mo Qian and give him a chance to escape," Hongxuan said.

"Mo Qian doesn't know why he would do such a vicious thing?" Zhao Yuan asked in a trembling voice.

"Zhang Anan was adopted by Boss Zhang, right? Moreover, it may not be Mo Qian himself who went to destroy the evidence." Chen Yuanxi said: "Boss Zhang, it seems that he adopted An An deliberately, and I believe there must be something between him and An An Some kind of agreement.”

Zhao Yuan couldn't help but sigh slightly when he saw Chen Yuanxi's expressionless face.

When the three of them were discussing what to do next, Team Cao called Mo Qian to surrender.