The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 216: 216 (This is the real will) A real will touches the heart


When Zhao Yuan saw the familiar handwriting, his hands couldn't help but tremble violently.

"Wanxin, since you got the video of the funeral home, you should know what my father's next words were. He left two letters to me back then. My awkward father asked me to keep the first letter. Good Uncle Zhao's real last words in his handwriting at that time. The second letter was what he left for me. He did not allow me to open the first letter. He asked me to either wait until you two have children, or... Zhao Yuan and Wen Xi, are really together, definitely together, and then leave it to Zhao Yuan." Zheng Kai said.

Chen Wanxin fell heavily on the chair, and Chen Yuanxi couldn't help but sit up.

"Wenxi didn't let me go to pay homage to Uncle Zhao during the Tomb Sweeping Day. The reason why I went privately was because Yuanxi was ill at the time and seemed to be a bit seriously ill. I was afraid that he would open the letter just in case." Zheng Kai said .

"He's just pretending, don't you know? He... He's just pretending." Chen Wanxin said, "Zheng Kai, you have only one brain in your life."

"So, he will only love one person in his life." Chen Yuanxi said seriously.

Chen Wanxin's brows suddenly moved, and she sat down with an uncertain expression: "Chen Yuanxi, you are so pretending... even I..."

Zhao Yuan read the letter very carefully, and his eyes became moist as soon as the affectionate address came into his eyes.

"My son Zhao Yuan:

If you don’t believe me, my father should be alive, so don’t be too sad, my son. Life and death are fateful. After my father passes away, he deserves a long sleep, and my son can be relieved.

My father's life has been full of ups and downs. He believes that he is worthy of heaven and humble to others. Giving birth to my son Zhao Yuan is the pride and glory of my father's life. However, it is difficult to repay the great kindness I owe to the Forestry Bureau and Zi Heng. After I leave, my son should regard Ziheng as his father. He will support him for life and will not be disobedient.

My poor child has always been waiting for me. Since the age of Dancing Elephant, I have never known his thoughts. When I have doubts in my heart, I can only hide them blindly, for fear that my thoughts will be exposed to the world and only cause ridicule, which will end up in different parts of the world. If I had not suffered this great calamity, I would have never seen you again. Ziheng works hard and sleeps at night. He wears clothes at night and eats at night. His sincere heart can illuminate the sun and the moon, and we can solve the doubts. As I reach the age of destiny, between life and death, although I don't follow it, I suddenly believe it, but I can't repay my love for the rest of my life, which is actually shameful.

In front of your bed, you repeatedly recounted everything about He Linju's son and Wenxi. Although it was based on the deep brotherhood, I believed in Zi Heng's heart and observed and observed, and I also understand your intentions. I only hope that you can find someone who understands your heart and be safe. If Wenxi really has his heart, even if his father is under Jiuquan, he will not drink wine to celebrate him, but he will definitely be happy. He is willing to have a person who is of the same heart, and they will never be separated from each other forever. Only in the shortest time can his father get this. reason. If Wenxi doesn't have this intention, be careful not to speak lightly, and don't get trapped. Remember, remember

In the end, although my father is deeply grudged and regretful, he knows that there is no way to save his life. If Guo Lin Bureau can help my father to wash away his grievances, I will bow nine times in succession on my father's behalf, kneel and kowtow nine times, remembering that if there is nothing I can do in this life, you will be safe and sound. In this life, never take revenge, remember

Recently, I always dream about your mother's snowflakes. She is still in her youth, talking and laughing, because your mother is probably sleeping under the Nine Springs. If this is the case, I will have no regrets in my life if I can continue my relationship in the next life.

Don't miss my son, cherish it

My father is really reluctant to leave my son alone in this world. I hope that my son will remember your father’s wishes and look forward to peace.”

Zhao Yuan couldn't help crying, and read it several times before passing it on to Chen Wanxin and Chen Yuanxi from Zheng Kai.

After the two of them finished reading, one burst into tears, the other had red eyes, and raised his head and sighed. When Zhao Mingjiang wrote this letter, he did not know that before his soul returned to his hometown, Zheng Ziheng had already decided to follow him through life and death. He also did not know that only

In just half a year, Lin Ziwei died in a foreign country.

Chen Wanxin raised her head and let her tears smear her makeup, her eyes widened. She wished she could go to Beijing to find her parents and scream for clarity.

She finally smiled miserably: "Zhao Yuan, I already know. We, the Chen family, are sorry for your family. I, Chen Wanxin, have no face to do such a thing anymore. I just want to ask you, if it is like what my uncle said, will you... Are Yuan Xi together? This answer has nothing to do with me, but I just want to know, will you be with Chen Yuan Xi?"

"Chen Wanxin, please leave. Don't force him anymore. You don't deserve him and neither do I." Chen Yuanxi cried bitterly: "My fucking surname is Chen. Leave."

Zhao Yuan picked up the suicide note and went out without saying a word.

Chen Yuanxi looked at Zhao Yuan's unstoppable back and almost cried to death. Zhang Dong sat next to him, wondering what he was thinking.

"Chen Yuanxi, after all, I have not lost to you." Chen Wanxin suddenly burst into shrill laughter and walked out without stopping.

"Stop Chen Wanxin, she might... be with Luo Yang... When you see Luo Yang, catch him... Please, catch him." Although Chen Yuanxi couldn't help crying, she was very wide awake.

Zheng Kai hurriedly chased after him.

Gu Xi woke up at some point and came to his ward. As soon as she saw Chen Yuanxi crying, she rushed up to hold his head and kept being intimate with him. Chen Yuanxi carefully found a piece of clean gauze to cover Gu Xi's face. The two hugged each other tightly, leaning on each other's remaining warmth.

Chen Yuanxi and Wang Xiang stayed in the hospital and took turns taking care of Gu Xi. Although Wang Xiang was running between Gu Xi and Zhang Anan, he was still willing to do so. Gu Xi only looked miserable all day long. Only Zheng Kai locked Chen Wanxin at home after being kidnapped on the street. When he had time to visit Gu Xi, Gu Xi barely smiled. At that time, Wang Xiang was dancing and full of energy. , Chen Yuanxi could only sigh slightly.

After the second phase of skin grafting surgery, Zheng Kai took Gu Xi home.

"I locked Wanxin in a room where nothing was thrown. She was noisy every day, but once Gu Xi talked to her, she would calm down. Don't worry." Zheng Kai said.

"The money I transferred to your account is treated as a loan to you. Don't shirk it anymore. You have to take care of Gu Xi, appease Wanxin, and be wary of Luo Yang. You can't go out and find a job. Well." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile: "Although Gu Xi has always wanted to go home, you and I both know that the one who can really cure him is not his family, not me, only you. I hope that next time I see Gu Xi, he You are still that lively child, okay?" Chen Yuanxi smiled and pushed Zheng Kai's shoulder.

Zheng Kai grunted and agreed, then asked: "That scar-faced guy who appears around from time to time is really the handsome Uncle Hongxuan." Zheng Kai kept calling him because he was knocked down by Hongxuan in school. Handsome Uncle Hongxuan.

"I'll help you keep an eye on Luo Yang. I guess when Luo Yang deceived you, in addition to wanting to kill me, he probably also wanted to get rid of you too. After all, the hatred of three fingers is quite big. Besides, don't you think Does he regard you as a love rival? Kai, you have upgraded, seize the opportunity?" Chen Yuanxi said with a smile.

"If it doesn't work, the overlord will go ahead and cook the rice first," Zhang Dong said.

Zheng Kai and Zhang Dong high-fived each other and felt deeply that they had to meet their confidants in their lives.

Zheng Kai asked Chen Yuanxi whereabouts again.

"Beijing hasn't decided yet, so I'm worried something might go wrong. Let's go to Beijing with Zhang Dong to prepare." Chen Yuanxi said.

The three of them parted on the spot.