The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 222: 222 (Finally, I don’t have to wait for you) I have no chance of a beauty riding a bamboo


Two months later, Beijing.

The heat is coming.

Zhang Dong dragged an air cushion water tank and set up a small swimming pool in the house. Chen Yuanxi was naked to the waist and soaked in the water. He remembered that Officer Cao in the small town kept reporting that people in Mo Shi were arrested one after another, but the person who often provided clues or provided arrests was a wanted fugitive who killed three people a few years ago. He Fu .

Officer Cao asked about He Fu's identity several times, but Chen Yuanxi said nothing.

"Okay, you're so tired, you can come down too." Chen Yuanxi said.

Zhang Dong took off his vest and rolled over. The two of them played in the water for a while, but they didn't notice the sound of the door lock opening.

When Hongxuan walked in, Chen Yuanxi was lying on Zhang Dong, pouring water on his head and helping him wash his hair. When they saw Hongxuan, the two of them immediately looked like children who had done something wrong.

Hongxuan came here to discuss Chen Yuanxi's marriage.

However, Chen Yuanxi plausibly stated General Zhao Ming's last words.

"The man is gone." Hongxuan sighed and said, "Wen Xi, I never thought that there was any affection or love between you and Zhao Yuan. He and you, maybe just like your father and I, are brothers in life and death. Just take care of yourself. .”

"What is the right path?" Zhang Dong asked: "Uncle Xuan, you can't see the whole world even if you travel all over the country."

"Everyone has their own laws, and nature has its own laws. You are so old and you still don't understand," Hongxuan asked.

"You are so kind to Uncle Lin, that's you. Zhao Yuan and him are affectionate and righteous, that's them." Zhang Dong answered loudly.

"What about you and him?" Hongxuan grabbed Zhang Dong's collar with his hands, his eyes widened angrily: "I have looked at you coldly for so long, what about you and him?"

"It's because Wen Xi and I are both mature men and know better how to judge the world." Zhang Dong looked calm, his eyes clear and calm.

"How can he understand that Zhao Yuan is married?" Hongxuan asked sharply.

Chen Yuanxi's face suddenly turned pale.

Only then did he know that during the past two months when he had not heard anything outside the window, Zhao Yuan had already held a wedding ceremony with Shu Xiaoman in G City.

"Someone else gave birth to a pair of twins and had a successful career. You are already twenty-seven, Zhang Dong. If I remember correctly, you are thirty-one and two people sitting here all day long, doing some improper things. Let me ask you "Have Luo Yang surrendered and Mo Qian been shot? Do you have any thoughts?" Hongxuan couldn't help but sound stern.

Zhang Dong couldn't help but laugh secretly when he saw that Hongxuan had suddenly become the father of a son who usually pushed for marriage.

"I didn't do anything improper. What I did was not serious. I was tired and wanted to rest. That's all." Chen Yuanxi's face suddenly turned red at this moment and he said angrily, but Hongxuan hit his head with a chestnut chisel.

"I didn't do anything wrong, please leave me alone." Chen Yuanxi sat on the chair angrily and turned his face away without speaking.

"He's the same kid again." Hongxuan hadn't seen Chen Yuanxi like this in many years, and he couldn't help but feel angry and amused.

"I was originally a child. Now I only have you as my father. I will always be a child in front of you." Chen Yuanxi turned away and said.

"I can't talk to you." Hongxuan seemed angry.

"Then let's not talk about it. If you are angry, lock yourself in the room and hold it in. Don't do it in front of me," Chen Yuanxi said simply.

Although Hongxuan was in good health, after so many years of hard work and being halfway through his destiny, Chen Yuanxi was very angry and felt quite unwell, so he went to the inner bedroom to rest.

"He is really married this time." When Hongxuan entered, Chen Yuanxi sat in a daze. Zhang Dong saw that his left index finger seemed to be bleeding from being pinched by his right hand.

Zhang Dong knew that he had no reason to speak at this moment, but when the night wind blew up, he put a coat on Chen Yuanxi, who had been standing by the independent window for more than two hours.

Zhao Yuan's wedding was grand and extravagant, as if he wanted everyone to know that he, Mr. Zhao, the president of YH Company, married a beautiful girl. The twins were both good-looking. The couple loved each other at the wedding and treated each other as guests. They drank and drank each other at the banquet. They were so happy.

The bride wore a bright red evening dress, with a long skirt that was as beautiful as the red sunset, as bright as the sunset.

But the hem of the skirt suddenly began to twist, and gradually, as if it came alive, it became a blood-red scar on Hong Xuan's face, a scar on Gu Xi's forehead that has not faded, and then a scar appeared on the hem of the skirt. His face turned out to be that of the late Wang Xiang. He was smiling, but also seemed to be crying.

Chen Yuanxi suddenly woke up from his nightmare, and Zhang Dongyi sat up next to him.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Dong hugged Chen Yuanxi into his arms, patted his arm gently, placed his chin on Chen Yuanxi's forehead, and said softly.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Hongxuan turned on the light with a puzzled look. When he saw this situation, his face immediately turned livid. When he saw Chen Yuanxi sweating profusely and his face was pale, his face gradually softened.

Chen Yuanxi broke away from Zhang Dong and smiled at Hongxuan: "It's okay."

"You never have nightmares." Hongxuan said.

"Probably, I have done too many things that I feel guilty about." Chen Yuanxi smiled and wiped his sweat with a pillow towel.

Before closing the door, Hongxuan added: "Did you set an alarm clock on that pillow? It suddenly kept shaking."

Zhang Dong smiled bitterly: "Yes, I'll transfer him over later."

That night, Zhang Dong kept pressing the pillow and did not dare to get up. Chen Yuanxi rested on his arm and gradually became quiet.

The three of them lived together for a few days, and Hongxuan's mood became increasingly unhappy. Finally, at Zhang Dong's suggestion, the three of them decided to return to the small town together to meet Hongxuan's daughter, Hongyan.

As they approached Ziyun Piano Shop, Hongxuan handed a pinhole camera to Chen Yuanxi.

"Uncle Hongxuan, are you...really not going?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

Hongxuan shook his head.

Hongxuan must have thought before he made that decision that he might never see her again in this life. Hongxuan has passed by her countless times, and even once sneaked into Ziyun Piano Store, hiding to watch his daughter playing the piano in the house, but he was never able to recognize her again. He was not sure what Hongyan should think when she saw Hongxuan like this. Instead of doing this, it would be better to say that she had gradually accepted that her father had actually passed away eight years ago.

Chen Yuanxi counted the numbers and found that it had been more than eight years since he had seen his childhood playmate again, even though he had lived in the small town for so long and passed by Ziyun Piano Shop several times.

The two met face to face and almost didn't recognize each other.

After not seeing each other for many years, Chen Yuanxi wanted to search for some childhood topics, but in the end he couldn't find the point, so he briefly asked about her situation in the past few years. After knowing that she had graduated, Chen Yuanxi transferred Ziyun Piano Store to her and has been running it here, even opening two small branches in the small town.

Soon, Chen Yuanxi went straight to the point. He was eager to hear Hongyan say that she already had a sweetheart.

But Hongyan is single.

"I'm waiting for you to come back." Hongyan said with a smile.

"Wait for me" Chen Yuanxi asked.

"If you don't come back and tell me clearly, I won't be able to get married. It's taken me so many years," Hongyan said with a smile.

Only then did Chen Yuanxi know that when Hongxuan's accident happened, he contacted two people, one was his mother Huang Xiya, and the other was his wife, and they all conveyed Lin Ziwei's last orders.

Hongxuan regarded Lin Ziwei's order as a belief and naturally hoped that Hongyan would marry Chen Yuanxi. Moreover, Hongyan had arranged a baby marriage with Chen Yuanxi since she was a child. This was known to both parties. He thought that Hongyan would definitely marry. He couldn't believe it when he heard his daughter say such a thing.

"We haven't seen each other for more than eight years and three months. Over the years, we have been far apart. Even if you returned to the small town, we finally could not look back and see each other among the people coming and going. You don't know me, and I don't know you. Especially you have changed so much. I can only read everything about you from the news and newspapers. How could there be such feelings between us?" Hongyan smiled lightly, with a slight smile on his face. One red.

"I have always respected Uncle Lin, and I also regret his passing. After so many years, I won't say more about these things. But his will is only valid for you, but it cannot bind me. Although my mother told me , Dad wants me to marry you. Even if I want to obey Dad's wishes, I still have to respect your wishes, right? You see, for so many years, you haven't come to explain earlier. As for me, I can't marry anyone I want. "Brother Wenxi, how can you make it up to me?" Hongyan said playfully, with two shallow dimples appearing on her face.

Chen Yuanxi's eyes turned red and she hugged Hongyan tightly: "Sister, Uncle Hongxuan is my father. You are not my childhood friend or my adopted sister. You are my biological sister."

"I really have two good relatives. One is my biological father. He survived the catastrophe, but now Chen Tianjiao has been shot. He doesn't know where he has fled to. One biological brother who has not been home for more than eight years ran away to Chen Tianjiao. Family, staged Infernal Affairs, ruined the Chen family, and avenged Uncle Lin. I haven’t seen him for more than eight years, really..." After Hongyan said this, his eye circles turned red at first, and then he whispered softly in Chen Yuanxi's arms. Sob.

Chen Yuanxi suddenly felt that something in his heart had melted, turning into a pool of spring water, singing softly in the warm sunlight.

"Yan Yan, I'm sorry. It's not good to be a big brother. What I did before was too dangerous. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you." Chen Yuanxi recalled scenes after scenes in Hongxuan's home when he was a child, and recalled that he was severely trained by Hongxuan. When he was sick, there was always a sister who wiped his wounds. When he thought of being sick, there was always a sweet and greasy voice that haunted him. The excuse has been that for many years, because of all this, I have been so cold-hearted and cold-hearted that I have not taken care of her for a minute, leaving her with a seemingly profitable Ziyun Piano Shop.

"Brother, you once told me that I could open the letters and photos sent back by Brother Yun Che and Sister Ziping. You knew your intention from the first letter. I read every one of them. Yes, really, I know every story, I remember it, I feel the same way, I cried with them, I was happy with them, Brother Xi, I sincerely hope that you and Brother Yuan can go well all the way, the world is a big place , It’s still early, from now on, it’s our younger generation’s world, isn’t it?” Hongyan said with a smile.

"How are they?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

"They have children. They are currently living in the prairie of Latin America. They said they would like to go to Antarctica in the near future. They said they would take many photos of Antarctica. They said they would take photos of the aurora. They said there are only the ends of the earth and the ends of the earth." Hugging Chen Yuanxi tightly.

"Sister, thank you, you understand all this." Chen Yuanxi felt peaceful.

After Chen Yuanxi and Zhang Dong left, Hongyan stood at the door of Ziyun Qin Store, tightly holding the recovered half of the pendant, and tears came to her eyes again.

Brother Xi, I can finally do it, I don’t have to wait for you anymore.