The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 223: 223 Explore the endless youth of your life


Chen Yuanxi saw Hongxuan's red and swollen eyes.

"I won't interfere in the matter between you and Yan Yan, but I hope you will at least abide by Ziwei's second will and live well. Live in peace. As for you, Zhang Dong, if I know that you didn't treat Wenxi to the right On the way to Yin, no matter what you have done to help me, I will never let you go."

Chen Yuanxi heard that there was something in Hongxuan's words and hurriedly asked him what he was going to do.

"There are still a few little thieves that I haven't caught yet. I'm feeling itchy. After I've scratched them, I'll go back to where I came from." Hongxuan laughed and strode away.

Chen Yuanxi rushed forward and hugged Hongxuan suddenly.

"Dad, please, please don't leave... Stay somewhere and stay alive... You have the ability to live, right?" Chen Yuanxi burst into tears.

"I died more than eight years ago, Wenxi. Your father and I were close friends, sharing life and death..." Hongxuan said tremblingly.

"But Mo Qian is not dead yet, not dead." Chen Yuanxi kept sobbing, and for a moment he felt breathless. Even Zhang Dong couldn't help but shed tears.

"I'm just going to let him die..." Hongxuan sighed slightly.

"Dad" Chen Yuanxi hugged Hongxuan and called him repeatedly.

"Kid, protect yourself." Hongxuan said with a smile, grabbed Chen Yuanxi's wrist hard, looked at Zhang Dong coldly, and left without looking back.

Zhang Dong helped Chen Yuanxi, who had collapsed from crying, and looked at Hongxuan's retreating back. He stood at attention with a standard military salute, standing like a bloody flag in the sunset.

When the two returned to Chen Yuanxi's original residence, Zhang Dong saw Chen Yuanxi silently putting a small statue in the mezzanine of the door and gently taking it back into the house.

Chen Yuanxi silently wiped the dust off the statue one by one. The missing corner was like a bloody mouth, trying to swallow him whole.

Zhang Dong heard the story of the statue.

At some point, Zhang Dong noticed that Chen Yuanxi seemed to be crying more than before.

He didn't know what Chen Yuanxi sent in the text message. He only saw that he deleted all the communication methods of a person. He saw Chen Yuanxi again, silently taking out a faded red jersey from the house and cutting it up one by one with scissors.

"As husband and wife, we have no doubts about our love." Chen Yuanxi murmured silently.

"We are husband and wife, and there is no doubt about our love." Chen Yuanxi shouted loudly.

Laughing like crazy.

Chen Yuanxi then searched frantically for something, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and even asked Zhang Dong to dismantle the bed boards, but he still couldn't find it. Zhang Dong silently hid something in the deepest crevice of his backpack.

After Chen Yuanxi went crazy, tired, and collapsed on the ground, Zhang Dong dared to walk over and carry Chen Yuanxi into the bedroom.

"I'm sorry, every time you feel uncomfortable, I can't say anything or do anything." Zhang Dong said guiltily.

"Who said you can't do anything?" Chen Yuanxi suddenly smiled brightly at Zhang Dong and looked up and down his body: "Didn't you do it more than once before..."

Zhang Dong felt that his blood had solidified.

That night, Chen Yuanxi rushed towards Zhang Dong crazily, tearing almost all his clothes to pieces.

After a night of fun, Chen Yuanxi fell into a deep sleep. When she shed tears, the person who vaguely shouted in her mouth was Zhao Yuan.

Zhang Dong sat next to him and stared at the statue silently, his heart filled with bruises.

After staying for another day, the two went to visit Zheng Kai and Gu Xi.

Gu Xi simply moved back to Zheng Kai's house.

"There's no way we can get rid of him now." Zheng Kai said with a smile.

"Auntie, you can trust me to take care of you. If you are still dissatisfied, I will naturally move in as soon as auntie leaves." Gu Xi said with a smile. At that time, Gu Xi had undergone three skin grafting surgeries and was recovering well. She no longer looked as devastated as before. However, compared to her world-famous face, which was as white as snow, it was like cracks in white jade, and it was no longer the same. It can be seen that Gu Xi is really happy.

Seeing that Zheng Kai's face was glowing and his energy was strong, he knew that Gu Xi had put in so much effort in and outside the kitchen.

But Chen Wanxin was not there.

Chen Wanxin suddenly disappeared more than a week after Zheng Kai was discharged from the hospital. Zheng Kai thought that Chen Wanxin left him in the end. Regardless of the physical pain, he drank at home to drown his sorrows. Gu Xi stayed with him all day and night, and finally got drunk with him.

When I learned about Chen Wanxin again, I was invited to participate in the investigation.

Chen Wanxin asked herself to be imprisoned and listed various crimes for herself. After investigation, it was confirmed that she had bribed relevant officials when her parents were arrested, and had threatened an official to falsely accuse Chen Yuanxi of using forced mental treatment on Zhu Hui, which indirectly caused Zhu Hui died. The two charges were stacked, and Chen Wanxin was eventually sentenced to two years in prison. As for the other cases she gave evidence for, such as her secretly taking photos of Chen Yuanxi and exposing them, and her cooperation with Mo Qian to trick Zhao Yuan out of the dormitory.

Because there was no plaintiff to sue or report the case, and the case was too far away in time or did not constitute a criminal offense, the case would not be merged.

Two months later, I heard that Chen Wanxin won the championship of the women's dance competition in the prison and was the chief director. Not long after she was imprisoned, she proposed a better prison management model. Now she is a woman there. The captain of a certain team in the prison is also responsible for managing the library and has made very good achievements. If he continues to do so, it is said that after four months, his sentence can be reduced by one year.

In a short time, he will be able to visit the prison again, and Zheng Kai seems very happy.

Chen Yuanxi looked at Zheng Kai's itinerary and finally smiled with relief.

Zheng Kai found a few security guards who used to work at BC Company, and got an investment from the shareholders of the original BC Company. He was excitedly preparing to set up a small studio for children's military training. He was worried about contacting the location of the studio. As well as the rental of training venues and arrangements for corresponding facilities. For this, Chen Yuanxi contacted Lin Ziwei's old department with just a few phone calls, and was willing to act as a guarantor. As long as the funds are in place, corresponding solutions can be obtained.

Zheng Kai would visit Wang Xiang's parents once a month and recognized them as his father-in-law and mother-in-law. In the months after Wang Xiang's death, Chen Wanxin, in addition to taking care of Zheng Kai, also comforted and filial piety to Wang Xiang's parents. Although Xiang's parents resented and blamed him, they repeatedly read his diary and Weibo. Finally, they were grateful for Chen Wanxin's sincerity and recognized her as their adopted daughter. They were also deeply satisfied with this heroic and courageous adopted son-in-law, but a little bit disappointed. Ease their old pain of losing a child. After Zhang Anan gave birth to their granddaughter, who was originally from Hunan, and named her Wang Shixiang, they put a lot of energy into taking care of her granddaughter, and the two elders' spirits finally improved.

The national debt owed by Chen Wanxin was fully repaid by Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan's reason for repaying Zheng Kai couldn't be refused. When Zhao's father fell ill and was hospitalized for the second time, Chen Wanxin helped a lot financially, and Zheng Kai gave up his recommendation for a degree. Zhao Yuan explained all this in a very emotional email. Originally it could not be repaid with money, but now it will be paid with funds.

Chen Yuanxi and Zhang Dong stayed in the small town for a few more days. They arranged to help Lin Ziwei, Zhao Mingjiang, Zheng Ziheng and Chen Tianjiao repair the tombs. They went back to Tianfu Township together to eliminate people and things that Zhang Dong should avoid. It can be regarded as walking the same path as Chen Yuanxi.

Only in front of Chen Tianjiao's tombstone, Zhang Dong asked: "Are you going to change your name back?"

Chen Yuanxi smiled: "Don't change it."

He was not a qualified official, but he tried his best to be a qualified father.

When it came time to visit prisoner Chen Wanxin, Zhang Dong avoided it.

Zheng Kai was silent for a while and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"Without going through these things and accepting this kind of punishment, I wouldn't be able to live a peaceful life. Just think that I have found a chance to atone for my past sins." Chen Wanxin smiled with tears in her eyes. She looked particularly simple and delicate at the moment without makeup, even if she was wearing Even the prison uniform could not conceal her beauty as a flower.

"I'm worried if you're still sick. When you're well, you've become a yak again. It's time for me to repay you properly." Chen Wanxin said, turning to Chen Yuanxi: "Brother...can I call you that?"

"Sister, the past is like a dream, and the blood relationship is unbreakable." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile.

"I know that Zhao Yuan is married. I have written all the things I have done into a letter and sent it to him with red palm prints. Also, Xiaoman is pregnant and I really don't do Zhao Yuan's business. , I drugged him and put it in the room... Wen Xi... I really have no shame to say this... When he got up in the morning, he kept calling your name. He thought that that night It was you who was always with him...I don't know how Xiaoman got in..." Chen Wanxin said crying.

"Sister, these... are not important anymore. He is married and has two children. What can I do? The children are innocent." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile. He thought about the fate of three lives again. The fate of the disaster was probably the fate between him and Shu Xiaoman. In fact, he was the one who accidentally broke into Wulingyuan, and that place was not his ideal place. Township.

The three of them warned each other for a while, then the bell rang and it was time to visit the prison. Chen Wanxin stood up, turned around reluctantly and left, and the corner of her eye fell on Zheng Kai's pupils.

At that moment, Chen Wanxin suddenly remembered that during her wedding to Zhao Yuan that year, Zhang Anan said: "You have Zheng Kai in your heart."

When Zheng Kai blocked the knife for herself that year, she scolded Lu Sisi regardless of her appearance. At that time, there was a deep shadow in her eyes.

During the earthquake that year, this man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and stubble on his face jumped into the swimming pool with his arms around him. During that time, he had already recorded his heartbeat.

It was raining that year, and Zheng Kai, who had just graduated, was soaked in the rain. When she entered BC Company from downstairs for an interview, she was stunned for a while and unconsciously switched the lamp on the table from blue to orange.

All of that is just my own unwillingness. . .

Chen Wanxin stood still for a long time, her shoulders shaking slightly.

"Zheng Kai, I love you" Chen Wanxin suddenly turned around with tears streaming down her face, and shouted into the microphone, her smile like a blooming lotus blooming with endless youthfulness in the mottled iron windows.

When I looked at Zheng Kai again, he was an out-and-out strong man, and he cried bitterly, with tears like a river.