The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 224: 224 (Don’t you want to say goodbye?) He went to jail alone to prove his crime


Chen Yuanxi and Zhang Dong were about to go back, but Zhang Dong stood still, and several police officers followed them.

Chen Yuanxi turned around and looked at Zhang Dong strangely, among a group of armed police. Chen Yuanxi looked at Zhang Dong with a smile. He was tall and mighty, and he stood out among the armed police. His military temperament was not lost at all, but why didn't he come over

Zhang Dong smiled and said: "Yuan Xi, I can only accompany you until this point."

Chen Yuanxi looked at him in disbelief. He stood alone at the huge and solemn main entrance of the prison. Dusk fell and the lights were first turned on. His face was full of colors, covering up his true expression.

"Why?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

Zhang Dong said with a smile: "I surrendered, and I can get a lighter sentence. If I have to judge the sentence in the future, you have to help me bear witness."

"Zhang Dong..." Chen Yuanxi said.

Zhang Dong lowered his head slightly, then raised his head and smiled: "Actually, this is what I should do. During this period, I was too selfish and wanted to be with you..."

Chen Yuanxi looked at the calm smile of the man in front of her, still standing stupidly as if she didn't know what was going on.

"Why don't you say goodbye?" Zhang Dong walked towards Chen Yuanxi, opened his arms and embraced him.

"Go find him." Zhang Dong said in Chen Yuanxi's ear: "The person you called in your dream was him."

Yes, you didn't know, he is already married.

Chen Yuanxi left Zhang Dong's arms and woke up feeling a strong cold wind as if it was poured into his mind. He subconsciously ran forward a few steps.

"Zhang Dong." Chen Yuanxi called in a low voice.

"That incident with Zhang Dong..." Chen Yuanxi suddenly felt that it seemed a bit redundant to ask such questions again. That day, he deliberately provoked Zhang Dong in Beijing to surrender and confess Luo Yang and Mo Qian, so that the crimes of those two people could be deepened. Those days, he was in Beijing and had a deep relationship with Zhang Dong, more or less sincerely. More importantly, it was his own loneliness and even trying to please Zhang Dong that prompted him to surrender. He did not dare to speak directly. That day, the only time he and Zhang Dong had done something serious, but it was also in a dream that they deliberately called Zhao Yuan.

But after Zhang Dongfang was imprisoned, Chen Yuanxi suddenly realized that he seemed to be the only one left in the vast world.

Zhang Dong waved with a smile, and his smile turned into the clouds in the sky, which became clear and then disappeared.

Chen Yuanxi lowered his head and looked at the dirt floor. Big raindrops fell down, splashing dust all over the ground. The dust filled the sky and the earth. There seemed to be two silhouettes running forward between the sky and the earth. Chen Yuanxi wanted to catch up, but she didn't know. Should I go left or right

Two months later, Inner Mongolia. It's snowing heavily.

Zhang Dong's biological mother and adoptive father and Lin Wenxi gathered around the stove and talked about the past.

Zhang Dong's parents were threatened to return to the small town, and were placed under surveillance in Inner Mongolia. They were ordered to do nothing every day, and were finally escorted abroad to live a comfortable life for a while. Then they were asked to return to China to assist in the investigation of Mo Qian. Once everything and all the sufferings were resolved, Chen Yuanxi would be very welcome.

Chen Yuanxi knew that Zhang's parents came to Inner Mongolia to work with the army during construction. He knew that for Zhang Dong's education, he was asked to go back to live with his grandparents in Yangzi County when Zhang Dong was in the first grade of junior high school.

Zhang Dong has a strong personality since he was a child and is very independent, but he doesn't like to study. He longs to be a soldier and make achievements in the army.

Chen Yuanxi knew that Zhang Dong once met a classmate who was beaten to death on the street. Without saying a word, he rushed to help. The man was a head taller than him at the time. Zhang Dong waved his fist and beat him desperately. beat back.

Chen Yuanxi knew that Zhang Dong had been in pain for a long time

, and finally ran away to join the army for some reason, and lost contact with him after that. The Zhang family later moved back to Inner Mongolia.

Chen Yuanxi knew that there could be a row of girls chasing Zhang Dong.

Chen Yuanxi saw Zhang Dong's photos of various honors. At that time, Zhang Dong had a somewhat raw, pure and serious smile, instead of now, his face showed the maturity and vicissitudes of a man in his 30s, and the corners of his eyes had also There are some crow's feet and there seem to be a few forehead wrinkles.

"I don't know what I committed, but I was wanted at that time, but every year we receive a lot of gifts, New Year's goods, New Year's red envelopes. We all know that the child is worried about it."

Chen Yuanxi lives in the guest room where Zhang Dong has lived since he was a child.

Still unable to fall asleep late at night, he turned on the stereo, and the sound coming from it was vast and distant.

"Drink up the wine, then refill it. I won't return it until I'm drunk tonight..." Repeat, play.

That night when I listened to this song for the first time, my feeling was not so clear. When Lin Ziwei's case was not clear, Chen Yuanxi's people in his hometown had long regarded him as a treacherous and unfilial son who abandoned his son. After that, I received countless anonymous letters from my hometown. What I received was nothing but contempt and abuse, and I couldn't return home. Even if he could go back, so what, Chen Yuanxi knew that he no longer had a hometown. Those fragments of memories in my hometown exist only for the existence of one person. Zhang Dong was alone outside. He had been wandering for so long and never came home. It seems that he once mentioned that as a wanted criminal, the streets and alleys of his hometown had spared no effort to plaster his photos.

"The sky is vast, where are the geese going? In my heart is my hometown in the north."

There was another song later, and a line in it made Chen Yuanxi's nose sore and sad.

"Whatever you can't reach is called a distant place, and what you can't go back to is called hometown." Zhang Dong did not mention any of these parting emotions to himself. Zhang Dong almost only has two expressions on himself, laughter and sadness. He laughs about his own affairs and worries about his own affairs. It seems that he himself has never had any problems. Now, the person he revolves around has gone into prison in order to prove Luo Yang and Mo Qian.

Chen Yuanxi couldn't help but slapped her ear hard. In the past two years, everything she had gained was a huge loss.

Zhou Nannan left in seclusion and has not been heard from since. Wang Zhengjuan married into a wealthy family. Although she was grateful for her husband's loving care for her and gave birth to a son, she began to believe in Buddhism from then on. During this period, he lost two relatives again, and how much suffering he experienced, Zhao Yuan did not say, but when they saw each other again, his messy beard and slender body all tortured Chen Yuanxi. Zhang Anan, who only thought about himself, had his own goals, but he was humiliated because of his incompetence. Later, he lost Wang Xiang sadly. After giving birth to his daughter, he was able to comfort Gu Xi all his life. He devoted himself to arresting Luo Yang and interrupted the rescue plan of Captain Cao, who fully trusted him. He changed from a beautiful young man to a scarred patient. Moreover, due to his own incompetence, he failed to arrest Luo Yang in time, causing Zheng Kai to be seriously injured. The sequelae left behind will make Wang Xiang more painful and intensify in order to save Chen Wanxin. . . At that time, he was even present. He was only rushing inside, but he didn't notice that he had already rushed downstairs. . .

Once Hongxuan captures all the people in Mo Shi, he will probably surrender. With several lives in his hands, the death penalty is probably inevitable.

Zhang Dong will be sentenced to several more years

The biological father Chen Tianjiao whom he hated the most, knowingly knowing that if he didn't go abroad, would be a dead end, he just walked off the plane.

My most respected adoptive father, Lin Ziwei, raised me for nineteen years, but he was the instigator of everything back then. He framed me and took away his wife and children. . .

Life is like a joke.

Chen Yuanxi walked slowly into the snow. The heavy snow quickly covered his back, and the sky and the earth were completely white.