The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 226: 226 A single thought of life and death leads to a lasting end


Hongxuan walked in the wilderness feeling a little lost. He thought that maybe he had killed the wrong person this time.

In the video sent by the liaison officer, Zhang Dong and Wen Xi were kissing through bulletproof glass, which really made him furious. What made him even more angry was that he heard that Zhang Dong wore a ring on his left and right hands all day long, and that The ring was given by Wen Xi, who had already warned him not to try to corrupt my son, my only son.

The moonlight was fresh, but there was blood in his eyes. He knew that Zhang Dong was a bloody man and was not afraid of death, but he didn't expect that what Zhang Dong said before he died made him lose his mind for a moment.

He knew that the prisoners in the prison sometimes had to go out to perform tasks and pay for their crimes. Among that group of people, there must be Zhang Dong.

He recorded the video of himself accusing Mo Qian, as well as some evidence that could be searched, the burial place, etc., and sent the email to the liaison officer who surrendered, and then waited.

The grass was miserable and the moonlight was cold. He lay motionless on the ground.

In a county like this, the vehicles used to transport prisoners are often poorly equipped. He knows this better than anyone else. And transporting a car containing only a few prisoners was no problem for him.

It took him a lot of effort to kidnap Zhang Dong alone. However, Zhang Dong still stood in front of him, standing under the black hole of his gun.

"Before I died, the person I worried about the most was Wen Xi, and the thing I worried about the most was that you would harm him after you got out," Hongxuan said in a conspiratorial tone.

"I won't harm him." Zhang Dong said calmly.

"You don't have to die, but you have to promise me that you will never see him after you are released from prison," Hongxuan said.

"I promised him that I would stay with him for 360 years." Zhang Dong said nonchalantly.

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Hongxuan asked sharply.

"Afraid." Zhang Dong replied.

"I'll give you one last chance. Do you agree or not?" Hongxuan hit Zhang Dong's head hard with the butt of his gun.

"Impossible." Zhang Dong said loudly.

Hongxuan asked Zhang Dong to walk forward. Behind him, the pistol clicked and the bullet was loaded.

"Zhang Dong will give you one last chance."

Zhang Dong walked leisurely under the moonlight in the wilderness. His expression was calm and peaceful in the moonlight.

He took off his shoes, his feet sank in the mud, and the weeds in the wilderness kissed his toes, as cold as that night, Lin Wenxi's lips, like that night, and his tears.

He saw the lights of fireflies among the shades of grass, just like the flashlight the child held more than ten years ago.

He enjoyed the breeze blowing against his cheek, just like the child's whisper a few months ago. In those few months, you were actually lying to me. . . Those two rings, you are comforting me, hoping that I will be released from prison soon. Wenxi, others may not be able to tell the truth of everything you do, but in the two years we have been together, how could I not know it

Thank you for giving me the opportunity for two years.

If I had not committed such a thing, if I had been protecting you at that time, would the outcome have been different? . .

He looked up at the floating clouds and the gray dog, and at the sultry moonlight. At that moment, he felt that ten thousand years had passed in this world, and the person who should leave might have turned into withered bones in the tomb, or maybe the person with his name was engraved on it. The tombstone has been corroded cleanly, this world

, from the past to the future, no one like him will be found again.

He slowly walked towards a swamp. Perhaps, it would be better to rest there permanently than to be bullied by those snakes and insects in the wilderness. If he wanted to die, he should die quietly without leaving any trace.

"Do you have anything else to explain?" Hongxuan asked in a deep voice.

"I broke the appointment. Please don't tell him that I'm dead." Zhang Dong said with a smile.

A dull gunshot resounded through the sky. A lonely figure threw himself into the clear swamp in front of him, and was then mercilessly swallowed up by the swamp. The moon in the swamp was shattered to pieces. It seemed that it could never be sewn back together. It has always been Twisted fragments, from these fragments, a stream of black blood spurted out.

Hongxuan walked in despair, Zhang Dong said: "You and the Lin Bureau are just like each other, but Yuan Xi and I are about your love."

Zhang Dong said: "Impossible."

Zhang Dong's last wish before his death was not to let Wen Xi know that he was dead.

How could such a person cause harm to Wenxi

No, no, he seems to have said that he wants to marry Wen Xi

How could a man marry a man named Wenxi? Hongxuan recalled that night when Lin Wenxi and Lin Ziwei had a falling out. Lin Wenxi cried and pointed at Lin Ziwei and said: "How can you be so despicable that you threaten him with investigating his father?" Come to me and I'll tell you, Lin Ziwei, he will be your son from now on. When you die, he will help you die."

Wenxi's words have become a prophecy. Brother, when you leave, the one who sees you off is not Wenxi but Zhao Yuan.

Wenxi's expression was spinning rapidly in front of Hongxuan's eyes. He was extremely scared, afraid of the child's crying, afraid of him hugging him and calling him daddy. He seemed to see Wenxi looking at him with his face covered in blood.

Hongxuan came to the door of his courtyard. He had approached this place many times, but he had never gone in once.

Since his disappearance, plainclothes officers arranged by Chen Tianjiao have been roaming around here for many years. There must be surveillance cameras everywhere. When Chen Tianjiao was arrested, he was already wanted by He Fu. . .

Every time he kills someone, he is one step further away from here.

Hongxuan saw his daughter coming out and poured the remaining medicine dregs in the corner. Is my wife sick? In the strong wind, the courtyard made a crackling sound and was crumbling in the wind. Hongxuan put the laundered money in a bank card. The account name was not his own, and the password was his wife's birthday. The end of the bank card number happens to be Hongyan's birthday. I believe this smart daughter will know who left it to them.

Hongxuan walked by the river in his hometown and squatted until early morning. It seemed that he was still thinking about someone in his heart. After he was seriously injured and fell into coma that year, who was the person who saved him with such a warm kiss on the lips, and who was it? He and his wife had an arranged marriage. It seemed that his wife had never kissed him so crazily, hard, and deeply. . And in that blurry and dark moment, the belief that I persisted in my heart was no longer to seek revenge, but to instinctively want to see who gave such a deep kiss.

Everything is too late.

Until a cleaner came to ask in surprise because he saw a strange man by the river. He had remained motionless for at least two hours.

The cleaner shook Hongxuan, and Hongxuan's body collapsed.

The cleaner discovered that there was blood all over the floor in front of the man, and the blood had dried. On his left side were cigarette butts on the ground, and on his right side was a bloody pistol.