The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 227: 227 (he is already dead) went to jail several times to seek the truth


When the two of them walked out of the door together, Chen Yuanxi suddenly asked: "Do you think I really love Zhao Yuan?"

"Why do you ask so suddenly?" Gu Xi said, "You have experienced so much together, everyone can see it."

"What about Uncle Hongxuan and my father?"

Gu Xi shook his head and said: "He and your father are brothers, with a smile that can lead to life and death, and a heroic spirit that soars into the sky. But you and Zhao Yuan..."

"He can die for my father, and I can do anything for Zhao Yuan. Then doesn't he fall in love with my father?" Chen Yuanxi asked.

"There are many feelings in this world that can live and die together, not just love." Gu Xi said.

"Then Zhao Yuan and I may not be in love." Chen Yuanxi said thoughtfully.

"Wen Xi, you are just making excuses for yourself. Do you have someone else in your heart?" Gu Xi asked.

"I don't know, everything is just like a dream." Chen Yuanxi smiled faintly and shed tears. He really missed Hongxuan very much.

Small town male prison.

"Brother, you come here four times a month. I have told you clearly every week that since he is a special prisoner, no one is allowed to visit him while he is in custody." The officer said to Chen Yuanxi helplessly and seriously.

"He was sentenced to eight years, and it's only been half a year. Even the most serious serious criminals in the U.S. federal prison, California's Clinton Prison, must have the right to visit relatives," Chen Yuanxi said.

"Are you considered his family member?"

"Have his family members been here?"

"No comment."

"That means you haven't allowed his parents to see him even though he has been here and was rejected by you," Chen Yuanxi said sternly.

The officer remained silent and signaled for Chen Yuanxi to go out.

Another month passed, as if he had experienced spring breezes, summer nights, autumn evenings and winter snows. With his face covered in dust, Chen Yuanxi stood firmly in the prison reception room again. This time, he brought Zhang Dong's parents.

"Zhang Dong was secretly transferred recently. We don't know the specific movements. I'm sorry, we can only wait for him to be released from prison." The officer looked at the IDs of Zhang Dong's parents and said with a guilty conscience.

Chen Yuanxi picked up the inkstone on the table and hit the officer's head hard. The officer fell on the chair without saying a word, his head bruised and bleeding.

Chen Yuanxi was sentenced to fifteen days of detention. However, during the detention, he still heard nothing about Zhang Dong.

On the day when Zheng Kai and Gu Xi went to pick up Chen Yuanxi from prison, they saw with their own eyes that Chen Yuanxi used the same tool again to knock the officer unconscious in the reception room.

"Wenxi and Wanxin have had their sentences commuted for more than half a year. Don't wait for her to come out together." Zheng Kai shouted helplessly inside.

This time, Chen Yuanxi was sentenced to three months.

While eating in prison, Chen Yuanxi introduced the outside world to the inmates and the earth-shaking changes. He spoke vividly and brilliantly, and all the inmates became his friends. But none of the inmates had ever heard of a man named Zhang Dong.

By the second month, he finally heard that prisoners had been transferred in the prison. Somehow, there seemed to be a prison van robbery. The inmate almost described the person who hijacked the prison car as having three heads and six arms, and Spider-Man suddenly came to Chen Yuanxi's mind. The man also described the prisoner car hijacker as having sharp ears, black armor, and seemed to be driving a black, particularly stylish Lamborghini. Chen Yuanxi thought of Batman. The man then said that the man was wearing his underwear inside out. Chen Yuanxi smiled helplessly and took back the cigarette in his hand.

The man's eyes were shining brightly, he quickly grabbed the cigarette and said, "That man has scars all over his face." Chen Yuanxi's heart suddenly shuddered.

Chen Yuanxi sorted out all the information collected in his mind several times, and An An was studying in prison. He became particularly obedient, so he was politely sent out half a month early.

The prison officer looked at Chen Yuanxi alertly, his eyes wandering around every corner of the room.

I wanted to see if I had forgotten anything sharp.

Chen Yuanxi had a long talk with his superior and informed him of all his relationship with Zhang Dong.

This officer knew where Chen Yuanxi came from and attacked the investigators twice. The original sentence was not more than three months, but someone from above took special care of him. Moreover, Chen Yuanxi was the son of the former deputy secretary who died, and he was a citizen who had made great achievements in reporting his biological father. , In any case, the commander knew that he had nothing to do with Chen Yuanxi.

But he couldn't believe Chen Yuanxi's story. He shook his head in surprise and said, "Mr. Chen, you can't make up such a story just because you want to find out about a person's whereabouts. You are so outstanding." He saw Chen Yuanxi looking around. Hesitantly, as if he was looking for something again, he was so frightened that he hurriedly told Chen Yuanxi the truth.

Zhang Dong was kidnapped and disappeared. Finally, a pistol and a bullet were found in a suburban wilderness. Zhang Dong's footprints were found on the edge of the swamp not far away. There was a large amount of blood stains in the swamp mud. The DNA of the blood stains was completely consistent with Zhang Dong's. It was speculated that Zhang Dong was dead.

"Why do you think Zhang Dong is dead?" Chen Yuanxi couldn't help but roar loudly.

"You... old man, please be quiet for now... These things cannot be told outside because of your special status..." The officer was so frightened that he wiped his sweat with a tissue and asked someone to get something.

"The person who killed Zhang Dong was identified as Hongxuan. Hongxuan, you must know who it is." The officer said, handing over a recording: "Then Hongxuan is brave enough to record the whole process. No more doubts left."

"Uncle Xuan, how could you break the law to save me? Are you making it impossible for me to make meritorious deeds?"

"I want to marry Wenxi... Hey, what are you doing with a gun pointed at me? Is this a lie?"

"I promised him that I would accompany him for 360 years."


There was a loud gunshot, and Chen Yuanxi couldn't help but tremble, and the recorder fell to the ground along with the evidence bag.

Chen Yuanxi scratched his head in pain and asked sharply: "Where is the body?"

"After Hongxuan committed suicide, we found this recorder and quickly found the swamp. The body was dug out and an autopsy was performed. He was shot in the back of the head and died on the spot. You know Hongxuan's marksmanship better than me," the man said. : "Some of the deceased's belongings were also found at the scene. Since they were given by you, Zhang Dong's parents did not take them away, and we did not deal with them either." As he said that, he took out a gold ring. Chen Yuanxi recognized it at a glance, that was one of them.

"Is there another one that has been swallowed up?" Chen Yuanxi asked sharply with tears streaming down his face and his eyes swollen.

"Only one was found at the scene, and they are all registered. You can check. And, this."

The chief handed over another envelope, with only one photo on it. Dongchuan is a dream, and a dream lasts for years.

You are really good at hiding, Zhang Dong. . .

"Where are the ashes buried? Have you notified relatives?" Chen Yuanxi asked while choking.

"The ashes were naturally taken back by relatives. They signed a confidentiality agreement with the prison, accepted compensation, and agreed not to tell anyone about it," the chief said.

"Then how dare you tell me? How dare you tell me?" Chen Yuanxi's tears fell on the back of the officer's hand.

"You are the son of Lin Ziwei, the murderer Hongxuan, a family friend of your Lin family, your father's lifelong bodyguard, the deceased Zhang Dong, you said... um... fiancé... this confidentiality agreement... for sure. I can't sign it with you, but I think, little brother, you still have the right to know... I... have good intentions... Don't spread the word..." The officer was frightened by Chen Yuanxi's ferocious face. Qian, as if Chen Yuanxi was pointing a pistol at this moment.

"So, you lied to me and said he was prohibited from visiting. Then I ask you, how will you explain to me when he is released from prison in a few years?" Chen Yuanxi asked angrily.

"In prison, there are actually many deaths due to fights. We call them violent deaths," the chief said.

Chen Yuanxi walked away with a puff of sleeves.