The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 229: 229 The green mountains are still there, and the sunset turns red several times


Small town jail.

Chen Yuanxi and Mo Qian were arranged to visit in separate rooms.

"Unexpectedly, even if Uncle Hongxuan and Zhang Dong testified together, they could only sentence Luo Yang to death. You can still continue to investigate the case." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile: "Old friend, long time no see."

The Mo Qian in front of him was once rich and prosperous. He still wore his silver-framed glasses, but the sides were badly worn. In prison, he had no chance to silver-plate them.

"Are you here to give me a ride?" Mo Qian asked.

"No, I'm just here to let you give it to yourself." Chen Yuanxi said.

"How should I call you?" Mo Qian asked.

"Chen Yuanxi."

"They are all people who can't go back. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I'll give you a chance to hear the story of you and Uncle Hongxuan. I'm afraid no one will listen to it again in the future. If you don't need this opportunity, that's for the best." Chen Yuanxi said with a smile.

Mo Qian looked him up and down for a long time and nodded thoughtfully.

Mo Qian supported his cheeks with his hands, and suddenly turned into a teenage girl at this moment, quietly looking out the window, the spring light falling into the summer night, and the autumn wind blowing up the winter snow.

"I don't have a long story. Hongxuan and I met in the army. He was an engineer and I was a civilian. Both of us like to drink very much and have a lot of alcohol. We often fight to the death in our spare time. Hongxuan has always been He thinks I'm a strange person, but he is still worthy of my brother." A smile appeared on Mo Qian's face.

"Hongxuan was later selected into the special service team and went to the mountainous area to provide support. Once he was gone, it took him half a year. I waited and waited. I couldn't bear the wait anymore, so I wrote him a letter. I probably said it by accident. Something that shouldn't be said. It's ridiculous that Hongxuan, who was on a mission, didn't even have the right to check his own letter. The letter fell into Lin Ziwei's hands and I was transferred to another county by Lin Ziwei." Mo Qian's expression continued gloomy.

Chen Yuanxi had never seen Mo Qian like this before. His face looked like the changing seasons.

"I can only know how much effort I put into it. The remaining year or so was like a nightmare. I was finally assigned to Tianfu Township, and I could finally get close to Hongxuan again. But Lin Ziwei, put me and Hongxuan Xuan is located in different villages... Every time I invite Hongxuan for a drink, I have to walk thirty kilometers of mountain roads. I work hard and I am desperate. Finally, I am only ten kilometers away from Hongxuan. Although Hongxuan is busy , as a brother, he would come to my place from time to time."

"The two of us were in the wild rainstorm together, roaring and singing red songs. The two of us drank together in front of the sunset and discussed life plans. Chen Yuanxi, you know what it means to drink and sing, the geometry of life, and you know what it means to be like the morning dew, go With each passing day, I got closer and closer to him, and I finally officially went to work in the countryside. Your father transferred me away again..."

"Almost no one knows about the infighting between Lin Ziwei and Chen Tianjiao over a woman. Deng Yifei is my cousin, so I naturally know the whole story. I know that my chance has come. I surrender to Chen Tianjiao, After officially entering the countryside to work, Lin Ziwei no longer had the ability to transfer me away. But Chen Tianjiao... took a different path from Lin Ziwei... Hongxuan and I can no longer treat each other as honestly as before. Tell your heart. Chen Tianjiao secretly found someone to persuade Hongxuan's parents to arrange the marriage between Hongxuan and his wife. How could a person like his wife be worthy of Hongxuan? But Hongxuan was a filial son, so he agreed to marry his wife. For Hongxuan, after giving birth to Hongyan, I will no longer help Chen Tianjiao, and I... will no longer have any reason to get close to him..."

"The last time Hongxuan and I had a drink, he persuaded me to leave Chen Tianjiao, and I agreed."

"I resigned and went to work, but Chen Tianjiao found a way to get Deng Yifei's brother to marry my sister. I only have one sister like this in my life, and her happiness is all in my hands."

"Chen Tianjiao later supported me with policies, and I secretly set up my own organization. I hate Chen Yuanxi, Lin Ziwei and Chen Tianjiao, but I hated them first. Lin Ziwei, I will destroy both of you. I will never have a day." Night after night, I wanted to kill them both with my own hands. What did I do wrong? I, Mo Qian, am not sneaky or obscene. I, Mo Qian, work diligently and dedicatedly. I just accidentally revealed it in the letter that I like Hongxuan, so I was raped by your father. Again and again, I don’t expect too much. It doesn’t matter to me whether Hongxuan gets married or not. I just hope that I can have the same courage with him, drink wine for a lifetime, brag for a lifetime, and sing famous songs for a lifetime. Did I do something wrong? I promised Hongxuan to resign and go to work. I wanted to be a clean businessman. I thought I could still... get close to him again... But could I still do it? From the first thing Chen Tianjiao asked me to do, I would never do it again. Dare to face Hongxuan, I no longer dare to listen to him talk about his ideals, and I no longer dare to listen to him sing about his ambitions. It has been more than 20 years... Chen Tianjiao and Lin Ziwei have been fighting secretly for more than 20 years, and my hands are full of blood. When I saw him and Lin Ziwei helping farmers in the countryside plant rice, I didn't even dare to look at him again..."

"Now that I know him, he has already betrayed me in those three days and decades. I have never had the opportunity to have those three days. I was in the same room with him, but he, the person I wanted to kill the most, it's me..."

Chen Yuanxi smiled silently, her voice dry and hoarse.

"Chen Yuanxi, if Hongxuan didn't treat you as his own son, if he didn't love you so much that it hurts your bones and flesh, you would have died countless times in my hands and you would still be alive to return to the Chen family. To establish your own power overseas, if you find me, Mo Qian, I will naturally fight back. If you find Chen Tianjiao, I will help you. Otherwise, that Zhu Hui,

She should have died a long time ago. Do you think that based on my ability, I would keep her until you investigate?" Mo Qianrou smiled miserably with tears in his eyes.

"Even if this is the case, does my father have to die? How can my mother not deserve Zhao Yuan...his father and mother should not deserve those who died for them?" Chen Yuanxi couldn't help but burst into tears.

"So, Wanxin, who was just a little pampered at first, was brought into contact with Mo Shi by you since high school, and she became arrogant and arrogant. Therefore, my two fathers clearly have the opportunity to reconcile and prevent each other from participating in their next life. You provoke me and Wanxin at the right time, so why did you leave me, Chen Yuanxi, with my life? Why don't you take it with me?" Chen Yuanxi cried loudly.

"If Hongxuan wants to protect it, I will naturally protect it." Mo Qian said coldly.

"Hongxuan wants to love you. Do you love me? He respects my adoptive father and went to death for him. He respects my biological mother and raised me with her since childhood. One was killed by you and the other is unknown. He loves his career. He loves the people whom my adoptive father regards as his faith. You have destroyed the village and done many evil things to the wife and daughter he loves..."

"I haven't touched a hair on his wife or daughter. Even if Chen Tianjiao did have thoughts, I would stop them," Mo Qian said angrily.

"Yes, even if a woman in her fifties is left a widow and a daughter in her twenties loses her father, it won't even bother her." Chen Yuanxi sneered.

"What did you say?" When Mo Qian heard this, he felt as if he was struck by lightning, his face changed drastically, and he looked straight at Chen Yuanxi with his eyes wide open.

"He committed suicide." Chen Yuanxi said.

"Don't try to lie to me." Mo Qian stood up excitedly, and two prison guards rushed up and pushed him down.

"You should have seen the video and blood letter that Uncle Hongxuan recorded to report you. Do you think that if he does this, it means that he did not surrender and wanted to get away with it? Do you think that Uncle Hongxuan has done so many things? If your conscience is at ease, it is ridiculous that you, the most damned person, are still alive." Chen Yuanxi smiled coldly and threw a copy of the local newspaper on the table where He Fu was brought to justice.

Mo Qian suddenly seemed to have aged countless years. He arched his back, took off his glasses, and stroked them slowly.

The muscles on Chen Yuanxi's face twitched slightly, and then he slowly squeezed out a smile.

"Mo Qian, you love your family very much, right? That's why you helped Chen Tianjiao do all the evil things for your sister, but you also love your daughter?" Chen Yuanxi smiled.

"how do you know"

"In your story just now, it seems that there was no dancer in the bar. You played with her for half a year and then abandoned her. You didn't know until she got pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, but she took your daughter away. Even you Mo Qian is so capable that he can't find her, but you don't know that your daughter is far away and right in front of you." Following Chen Yuanxi's sharp shout, a DNA identification document appeared in front of him.

The above shows the gender: female, Zhang Anan. Gender: Male, Mo Qian. Cumulative parent-child relationship probability rcp99.999.

"Zhang An'an, who is my daughter Zhang An'an?" Mo Qian asked in a trembling voice.

A few photos were thrown out immediately, showing that crazy and helpless night. Thrown next to him were several newspapers from more than a year ago, with all the insults against the female star clearly printed in large characters.

"How does it feel? For more than twenty years, you failed to fulfill your responsibilities as a father. You allowed your only biological daughter to wander around with your mother. You allowed her to be adopted by Boss Zhang and become a tool to take revenge on you. In the end, you witnessed it with your own eyes. Look at her, let several men insult Mo Qian at the same time, poor An Antian wants to punish you, but it falls on her head. The only man she loves most also died because Luo Yang went to harm Zheng Kai. She is holding your My granddaughter lives alone in a strange countryside, Mo Qian, may I ask, is An An innocent?"

Mo Qian suddenly remembered that when he went to Boss Zhang's house, he once saw a little girl looking at him intently and asking her father: "Dad, who is this?"

"This is your Uncle Mo."

The little girl suddenly cried and ran into the house.

At that time, he felt that the little girl was familiar. It turned out that he saw part of his own shadow.

What would have happened if we had taken a closer look at that time. . .

There are no more ifs. We have only met twice in this life. . .

"That bar girl has hated you all her life, Zhang An'an has hated you all her life, Boss Zhang has hated you all his life because you tried your best to join Moshi, and even Hongxuan has hated you all his life until his death." Chen Yuanxi said calmly.

Mo Qian suddenly hugged his head and cried until his mouth could only grow wide and he could no longer make any sound.

"I, Mo Qian, only ask you one thing. Don't let anyone know that I am An An's father." Mo Qian said softly at the end.

Hongxuan, my heart in this life, this life. . .

A month later, there was news from the prison that Mo Qian had confessed all his crimes. The numerous cases and details he had committed were printed out on hundreds of sheets of paper and sealed forever.

Half a month later, there was a rumor in the prison that Mo Qian committed suicide in prison. He left a suicide note before his death, donated his body, and asked someone to transfer several videos to Chen Yuanxi.