The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 233: Extra A thousand changes in life, only you blossom in my heart


When I came out of prison, it was a rare sunny day.

Unexpectedly, after two years of punishment, one year and two months later, I was released.

Of course, my own hard work and diligence, as well as my brother Wenxi, even though I don’t know where he is, always helped me care about my safety in prison and reduced my sentence, which finally allowed me to spend this long period of time peacefully and peacefully. The days are like rebirth.

He is the only one of my closest relatives in the world. No, there is also the man in front of me who came to pick me up from prison. Wherever he is, there is my home.

He held my hand tightly, and at that moment, my heart gradually stabilized in his hands. It became quiet, my body was supported, and my heart was at ease. The warmth and coldness of the world, and the myriad of tastes, could not compete with his low-brow smile. "Let's go, I'll take you home."

The first place I went to was not the future home of Zheng Kai and I, or to pay homage to my biological parents, but to Wang Xiang.

Without him, my life must have been sealed that day. If Brother Kai woke up and didn't see me, I don't know what he would have done. I can't say all the words of gratitude and regret at this moment. I can only ask Wang Xiang to know that in this life, the second half of my life, at least I, my descendants, and all my friends will treat you the same if I meet someone like you again. You extend our arms and ask you to pursue it boldly and speak out boldly, instead of finally using such blood to say to everyone, especially to yourself, what you have never said to Zheng Kai Spoken vows.

In fact, when my father, Uncle Zheng, passed away, I had many emotions. At that time, I could not see the end of the world. I made mistakes again and again, which eventually led to the deeper and deeper rift between my brother Wenxi and Zhao Yuan. , I wonder if there is still a chance to make up for it.

It wasn't until that day when I saw Uncle Zhao's letter with my own eyes that I realized that love in the world is not exclusive to men and women. It's just that I fell in love with it.

I hope that my awakening can play a small role in the irreparable loss of your death.

But not far from Wang Xiang’s cemetery, I saw Xiaoman’s resting place.

I know that no amount of tears can bring back the life that once was like a flower, and no amount of guilt can make time go back.

What kind of helplessness and confusion caused her postpartum depression to eventually turn into severe depression. In the end, even her two lovely children could not become her last attachment in the world.

Even Xiaoman must have been harmed by my own hands in the end. If it hadn't been for me, nothing would have happened to her and Zhao Yuan there. It all started with me.

And why, the best ending is me

It seems that everyone is blessing us. I had just been released from prison not long ago. An An’s phone number, Zhengjuan’s phone number, Nan Nan who had disappeared for a long time, relatives and friends I still had some contact with, some boys from Jifu University, subordinates that my father had treated tenderly, many of Akai’s Relatives and friends, they all bless me, comfort me and encourage me in their own way.

Akai also said to me that everything in the past can never be undone. He hoped that I would cherish life and the present, and try my best to make up for it. Those who have been kind to us hope the most. It’s me who lives a good life, even if I’m carrying a burden, I have to live well instead of being crushed.

But I can no longer hear Xiaoman's voice. That girl who was once as persistent as me, but confused, did not use any despicable means. The only time she acted for the selfishness of the two children and because of my selfishness. He paid for his life. Does the word love really allow the living to die? But how can the dead live? I knelt down in front of Xiaoman's epitaph and burst into tears. I suddenly knew that the world I lived in was not a fairy tale, but a fairy tale. The bloody reality.

"This feeling can be recalled later, but it was already at a loss at the time."

Is Xiaoman's love for Wenxi or Zhao Yuan, whom she has been with day and night for more than eight years

I firmly believe that she used to love Wenxi, but she often struggled with wanting Wenxi to be with Zhao Yuan, and wanting Wenxi to see herself. She loved Wenxi for his talent, cold face, and her whole life. Persistence. I also firmly believe that she still loves Zhao Yuan, otherwise how could anyone take such good care of Wenxi's food, clothing, housing, transportation, and everything else during the more than six years that Wenxi was not with Zhao Yuan. In the past, I always thought that Xiaoman was in love with Wujiwu and was very good to Zhao Yuan just because she was in love with Wenxi, but she didn't know that after six years of being together day and night, many things would change. What she loves is Zhao Yuan's strength and intelligence, his tenacity in waiting, and his wisdom and calmness as an entrepreneur.

I don't understand. I hope that she can finally understand at the last moment.

And I struggled with it for so long, but it was only later that I realized that my feelings for Zhao Yuan had already quietly transferred, turned into tortured hatred, turned into delusion and stubbornness, and the word delusion, My heart and eyes were covered with dust, making it impossible for me to see the people around me anymore. I remember An An once said: "You have Zheng Kai in your heart." I even remember that earlier, she said that it is better to take pity on the people in front of you than to take pity on the people in front of you. Yes, mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, and life is changing, but Akai has always been there for me.

He hates tactics and scheming. He is upright and upright, but he is not stupid, but kind, a kind-hearted big man. He always wants to use his own strength to protect all the people he wants to protect. He uses his own way to love all the people he wants to love, so no matter how Uncle Zheng instilled in him the shame of same-sex love in the past, , he finally gave Gu Xi the most romantic kiss goodbye at the end. Even if he felt awkward, he still supported Wenxi and Zhao Yuan’s elopement. He finally went to Shanghai to help Nannan and Zhengjuan, and did everything he could to do it in a timely manner. , to publish Uncle Zhao’s will.

Fortunately, it's not too late.

I hugged the man in front of me and kissed him deeply on the lips.

I then asked Akai where my poor brother was, and there was a knock on the door.

At the time agreed upon by Akai and Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan appeared. With him were two children who had already cried.

When Zhao Yuan left, I turned my back and cried.

Ever since they learned about the relationship between Zhao Yuan and Wen Xi, they have always been in a state of gathering less and leaving more. Wenxi went to teach, and after being gone for three months, Wenxi was forced to go home. It was another month of separation. Wenxi eloped with him, but had to return home. This separation lasted six years. Even if the two reunited after a long absence, , working together to bring down their own families, one is often in Inner Mongolia, or City G, and the other is in a small town, and they don’t really spend much time together. Then, they finally got what they wanted, but because of the twins and all the misunderstandings, they were once again separated from each other.

They are destined, right? Otherwise, why would they have known each other since they were young and protected each other

How could they meet again at Kifu University? Otherwise, Wenxi would be a teaching fellow, which happens to be Zhao Yuan's hometown. Otherwise, the two of them would always have a tacit understanding about many things. Otherwise, why would they be able to bump into each other even when they were looking for a part-time job

They are so unlucky

Gu Xi said in the letter that he left not because he didn’t want to stand between Akai and I. Please don’t think otherwise. He just wanted to accompany my brother. No word on where they were going, no plans.

He said: "The small boat will pass away from now on, and the river and sea will leave the rest of my life."

I was glad that Gu Xi was with me in that small boat, and that Gu Xi was cared for by Wen Xi. Such a simple and mellow friendship is something that a cruel person like me can never have again. But I hope that A Yuan can find him and be able to get together without any barriers from now on. . .

In the remaining days, I found a part-time job in Soho, which didn't take long every day. The rest of the time, I focused on taking care of Mengyuan and Mengxi. Zhao Yuan said that I was their aunt , I should indeed be their aunt, a close relative in this world in another sense.

Mengyuan and Mengxi were not very close to me at first. They always felt that my aunt was fake. As for me, I show them the photos of Zhao Yuan and Wen Xi when they were in college from time to time. Of course, except for the part that is not suitable for children. Gradually, they could vaguely see the shadow of their father Wenxi in my eyes. Their father Wenxi is very mysterious to them. From their mouths, I know that father Wenxi is the most talented person. He can write many beautiful poems and he can play the most beautiful music. piano music, his smile is the most beautiful angel in the world, they only met Wenxi’s father once and thought he was very good-looking.

"Is Wenxi's father like my uncle, busy every day?" Meng Yuanhui said.

Akai is really busy.

At around six o'clock in the morning, he would get up to exercise. What annoyed me was that he also asked me to get up and resume physical exercise. Because I have been used to being a CEO over the years and also worked as a clerk in prison, my body is a bit bloated. He always said that people who exercise will be healthier physically and happier mentally.

I didn't find it very pleasurable, but lying on my body like a sloth and practicing boxing, leg whipping, and weight training with him in the small gym at home was quite childish. Akai always said that he felt like he raised three children by himself. Because these three children always like to cause trouble for him when he exercises.

I would take the two children to make breakfast in advance and leave Akai alone in the small room, or he would go running directly with a towel.

Around eight o'clock, breakfast was ready. The two little guys can already pour their own milk, cut their own pastries, and stretch out their little claws on their uncle's fruit salad, broccoli and skimmed oats.

As soon as he finished breakfast, Akai rushed to the juvenile military management training school he co-founded. Akai rarely comes back at noon. He is both the principal and an instructor, so his responsibilities are not unimportant. Originally, I also hoped to go to his place to help him, but we were of the same mind and we must raise A Yuan's two children well. I had to collect all his school online materials and help him as much as possible. Financial consultants, management research, and home visits will be done for him from time to time.

At night, Akai almost never returns home until after ten o'clock, and sometimes he won't rest until the clock turns at night. Days like this keep repeating themselves in a cycle.

I taught myself the piano and performed for my two children every day. From time to time, I would wear awkward ribbons around my body and dance with my two children. I also picked up poetry books and read them to them. "The sun sets over the mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea." I also learned some basic basketball, football and volleyball skills, and played with the two children in their small rooms from time to time.

I became what they call an all-powerful aunt, listening to them shouting one after another on Zhao Yuan's phone, listening to their vocabulary becoming more and more, and knowing what it means to miss their father, what responsibility and love are.

On weekends, Akai can finally rest. But on one week we rest and spend time with the children, and on two weeks, we either go to visit Shixiang, Shixiang and Mengyuan at the adoptive father and stepmother. Mengxi is having a great time. . An An always said that her own biological daughters were not as good as the nieces I brought up. An An often asked me for tips on raising children, and often came to our house in the small town to stay temporarily, watching the three children playing together. At that time, as long as An An, who had always been unsmiling, could smile, that day would be the best sunny day.

Finally, three years after Wang Xiang left, for the sake of better education for their children, An An took over Wang Xiang's parents and moved the family back to a small town, near where I live.

We will also visit Gu Xi’s parents and Xiaoman’s parents, bring a pair of children to visit Zhao Yuan’s aunt Liu Lanhua, and we will also go to some orphanages to visit the children we rescued. When Zhengjuan, who can't find Nannan, comes back, she will stay here to rest. In her rare free time, she can get together a mahjong table.

As for the money Akai earns, part of it is used to pay off the mortgage, and part of it is used to pay for the car and provide for our daily necessities. Every month, he regularly sends thousands to my adoptive father and stepmother, and part of the balance is used for small investments by myself. , and the remainder will be donated to the welfare home. I am also using my own way to help Zhao Yuan find Wenxi. I run my own public account, and often go deep into the same groups as Gu Xi and Wenxi, and write different stories, hoping to be read by more people. arrive.

I also contacted Hongyan and learned about the frequently changing contact information of Yun Che and Sister Ziping, asking them to send us a story every other month.

It's just that Wenxi, who had previously said that he wanted to find Yun Che and his wife, had never heard any information from Wenxi from Yun Che.

In a flash, the three children were about to go to kindergarten. I enrolled them in the best school in the small town. The three children who actually had to take the exam were very smart and loved by everyone, especially Mengyuan who became more lively. He was a troublemaker. Excellent, extremely smart and clever. People asked him why he went to kindergarten, and he actually said: "To protect my two younger sisters from being bullied." Asked two little girls why they came to kindergarten, they said, "Because my brother is here to protect us." People clapped their hands and laughed.

After all, there is still no news about Wen Xi.

But I finally knew that he must have information about Zhao Yuan, because in addition to sending many gifts to Mengyuan and Mengxi, he also sent back a box of ice that was said to have been frozen for thousands of years from the snowy plateau. , there is a thousand-year-old undefeated lotus frozen inside.

When I saw the flowers, I looked at Zheng Kai and shed tears.

In this life, I wish to be the only flower that blooms undefeated flowers for him.

I gently caressed his swollen belly, hugged his waist and abdomen tightly from behind, and sank in deeply.