The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 236: Who will be spared in the extra-fourth path of reincarnation?


As mudslides poured down from the sky, I ran down the cliff with others.

In the flooded stream on the cliff, there is a large steel net that I have set up in advance. As long as it is there, the car can be stopped, and there will be enough time to pull Lin Ziwei and Hongxuan out. There was enough time to stuff Lin Ziwei into the car and let the car roll down.

What I want is Lin Ziwei's life, not Hongxuan's.

But God helped me and saved me a lot of trouble.

Hongxuan jumped out of the rolling car, but fell seriously injured. Lin Ziwei came with the car and got stuck at the steel net. I asked the brothers to remove the net. The car followed the flood all the way down. This The instigator was finally killed

I sent Hongxuan to a high-end clinic of an acquaintance for treatment. His injuries were serious, but he could still be saved. His vitality is very strong. I believe that all his thoughts after jumping out of the car window were to avenge Lin Ziwei. I believe that the target he pointed at was Chen Tianjiao. As long as Chen Tianjiao dies again, my goal, Mo Qian, will be achieved. At that time, with Mo Shi, I still had enough ability to send Hongxuan abroad before Mo Shi fell. He didn't even need to go abroad. I could plan and prepare well. Maybe he would just be sentenced. A few years, and I can stay for a few years without being implicated. When we are released from prison, we who have passed our destiny, even in our sixtieth year, can live a carefree life in the world as before.

Life spans seventy years. I don’t ask for eternity. I just hope that the only person who will be by his side for the rest of my life is me.

All my people have been arranged by me to go away from afar. Some of them have gone abroad, and some of them can't make a sound.

Hongxuan was quickly arranged to the place I had prepared. That place in the countryside had enough medical equipment for care. He was sleeping soundly now, and it was said that he was about to regain consciousness.

Her skin is still that dark, not very dark, just a little darker than wheat, but very shiny. He has a broad nose and big ears, and is naturally rude. I work as a clerk in the army. I heard that Hongxuan was selected from the Green Field Military Academy and received formal training in the army. I don’t know how cruelly he was trained. He is so skilled that he is in his forties. , there is no problem in taking on seven or eight rough guys.

Do you remember the street bullies we met when we were drinking together? That street where An An's mother lived, I asked you to help me fight alone. After cleaning up, you rushed back overnight. She is a girl who has never seen the world. When I saw a bunch of people lying on the ground, I actually thought that I had brought a group of people here. Who knew that you were the only one, a heroic and mighty person

You have always been a fierce person, how could you live such a cautious life with Lin Ziwei. My wife has been bullied, my daughter has been bullied, and they have to slowly go through the judicial process. If I hadn't directly taken action to remove the gangster's legs, would he have been able to let it go so easily

Sometimes, I envy Lin Wenxi.

I didn't know at first that you cared so much about this child. I didn't send someone to pay attention until that boy Zhang Dong told me about it in a righteous manner.

You did not hesitate to betray Lin Ziwei's orders and obey this boy. You often ran back to Jifu University from Tianfu Township late at night and wandered around, for fear that someone would hurt him. Whenever you were free, you went to Jifu University to get to know him and Zhao Yuan. He often goes to the places where he likes to order takeaways to check the food hygiene. . . Are you raising him as your biological son or as your daughter

It would be great if I were Lin Wenxi. If I were Lin Wenxi, when I could act like a spoiled child when I was a child, I would act like a spoiled child in your arms. In the eyes of others, I, Mo Qian, am a fierce and ruthless leader of Mo Shi. I am domineering and domineering, but my biggest wish in this life is to lie in your arms, looking through your eyes from bottom to top. , look at the stars in the sky.

I said I wanted to drink, smoke, and sing famous songs with you all my life. That was just a lie. It was just a lie. I could only comfort myself. What I wanted the most was to be with you, forever and ever.

When you are seriously injured, it is the cutest time in your life

I held your hand tightly, and I kissed your eyes deeply. You were so obedient. Unlike before, I pretended to fall and held your hand. You told me seriously that as a soldier, you should What's going on bbb. . .

I finally plucked up the courage to kiss your lips deeply, and finally leaned gently on your heaving chest. The time when I was closest to you in my life was when you didn’t know anything.

I really hate myself, why I didn’t dare to tell you directly before, I didn’t dare to tell you directly, but I was afraid of affecting your future. There was an incident in the army before. The one who couldn't bear it was sent back to his hometown. The one who was confessed was not promoted anymore. He was discharged and became a professional. I heard that the one who was sent back to his hometown couldn't bear the humiliation afterwards. , just drink a bullet and commit suicide, Ah Xuan, I can only endure it, hold it in, be patient, sometimes I can’t bear it, so I write slowly in the letter, but I have only sent you one letter in my life. , all cut off by Lin Ziwei. I just said that I miss you. I just said that I miss you and want to be your brother for life. Ah Xuan, do you know that I am depressed

How much in this life can't help it

Day one, day two, day three. . .

You are about to wake up, but I am so afraid of you waking up.

If you wake up and the person in front of you is me, will you just raise your gun at me? Sometimes, I really would rather die in front of you to end this long night of pain.

The moment you opened your eyes, I looked at you from the window, looking at your strong chest, which is the hotbed that I can never get close to in this life. I looked at your confused and alert eyes, which is where I linger in this life. Your strong arms are a harbor where I can't anchor.

Xuan, sometimes I think, just live like this, don't seek revenge from Chen Tianjiao, and don't come to me. I'll help you take care of it all.

When I went back to resume my life, I found that Lin Wenxi had become Chen Tianjiao's son. Xuan, do you know that even if Lin Ziwei treats you like a brother, he will not dare to confess to you the bad things he has done in the past, right? The child you have loved all your life is Chen Tianjiao's biological son. I, Mo Qian, am so slow. Look slowly and see if Lin Wenxi's surname is Chen or Lin. I want Chen Tianjiao to die at the hands of his own son. Wouldn’t such revenge be heart-wrenching

After Zhang Chengli hypnotized you, I discovered that the person I had commanded for six years, killing people and selling goods for me, was actually you. How could you torture yourself for Lin Ziwei and Lin Wenxi until you become a ghost? The scar on your face, you owe a big case, I know. . . You can't live anymore. . .

I want to keep you by my side, but I know that you want to eat my flesh and drink my blood every second. If people can eat people, if you can eat me, I can cook myself. , watching you eat me bite by bite with my own eyes. Hongxuan, my life is mine and yours.

I can't keep you by my side, I can only let you go. I asked Boss Zhang to keep you under surveillance, even if I let you be hypnotized for the rest of your life. When I destroy the evidence you obtained, I will surrender in peace and safety. I have the ability to clean everything up, and I will find you when I come out. I will imprison you for the rest of your life. . . Keep you by my side forever, forever. . .

The reincarnation of heaven, who will be spared by heaven

So, when I went to destroy the evidence, I saw with my own eyes that girl who was tortured and insulted. An An is my biological daughter. Fortunately, I, Mo Qian, am too young to be passionate about a girl. Otherwise, even if I die a thousand times, , is not enough to make up for the sins I owe

Therefore, Boss Zhang only raised his daughter to guard against me. He brought you out and released you just to use your hand to deal with the crumbling Mo Shi. Apart from Luo Yang, there is no other person I trust more than him in my life. He is the only person in the Mo world whose hands I have not stained with blood.

An'an is my daughter, born to avenge me, and Shuilian is my unmarried wife. She got pregnant twice for me, barely kept her alive, and has hated me all her life.

Everyone I was supposed to love hates me, including you.

You just left without leaving a single word.

Xuan, before you left, did you ever think of this evil-doing me

Have you ever thought about having something to say to me

You have it, you tell everything you did in Mo Shi with your own words. You accurately stated the time, place, and method of dumping the body. For such a long time, I have repeatedly confirmed the cases you committed and recalled some cases that I cannot remember clearly. these six years. . . If I had known it was you. . .

Xuan, if I had known that it was you who had become like this, if I had known that you would be so cruel to yourself, I would have turned myself in immediately and sent the Chen family and myself into the bottomless abyss, so that you could have a good time. , I thought for a moment that you disappeared and just went to organize Lin Ziwei’s old department. I thought that I had been dragging it on. Lin Wenxi couldn’t find any obvious evidence. I can still be with you more than ten or twenty years after I was released from prison. In a short period of time, I didn't know that you were the tiger, leopard and wolf in the past, but you were temporarily tamed by Lin Ziwei. Once Lin Ziwei dies, you will still be the same person, the evil god that no one is afraid of. . .

Xuan, the glasses are broken. After all, there is no way to repair them. That year I had astigmatism in my glasses. I never knew how gentle you were, but you actually helped me get a pair of astigmatism glasses when I went on a business trip to a small town.

In this life, you have given me the only tenderness.

Let me finally fulfill your wish.

Mo Qian will die, all the evidence will be supplemented, and you will get everything that is innocent and not innocent. . .

I only hope that my daughter An An can live well, that your son Lin Wenxi can be reunited with the person he loves, and that your daughter Hongyan can have a good husband in the future.

Those people I have harmed will be in the next life, if so, there will be. . .

Xuan, I really, really miss you, very, very much, miss you, miss you.