The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 237: Withered trees and new sprouts. The sunken boat is accompanied by thousands of sails


I heard that Zhao Yuan is back from Latin America. This time, someone on his Weibo reported that he had seen Wenxi's mother in a Buddhist temple in S City to the east, so he hurried back.

At that time, I took my children and I lived next to Zheng Kai and Wanxin, so I took my children to visit them.

As soon as I saw Zhao Yuan, Wanxin, Mengyuan and Mengxi and I cried together. Shixiang had never seen me cry before, and the little person could feel the sadness in my heart and burst into tears.

The two elders, Zhao Yuan and Zheng Kai, were at a loss as they looked at the house full of crying women and children, unable to come up with any ideas.

Until Zhao Yuan smiled and took out the gifts of the three children and coaxed them, and showed us the customs and customs taken in the prairie one by one with a smile, we saw that he was in good spirits and healthy, and finally stopped. Hold back tears.

It's not that I have to cry, but Zhao Yuan is really too thin. His big and bright starry eyes actually have slightly sunken eye sockets. The skin of his lips is already thin, and now his mouth is full of broken skin. Son, I must have missed my two children so much that I didn’t take care of myself outside, so I returned to my hometown with a full sense of prairie atmosphere.

"I'm really stupid. I finally got the contact information of Brother Yunche and Sister Ziping from Hongyan, so I kept forcing them to help me contact Wenxi. In the end, Wenxi contacted them, and they were anxious to help me. Ask, how come Wenxi, such a smart guy, can't understand the meaning behind their words, and no information can be revealed, and the original phone call can't be connected." Zhao Yuan smiled stupidly,

The usual shrewd and domineering CEO spirit was completely gone.

"Well, I've known you for so many years, and you spend most of your time looking for that brat. How could you not focus on not making him angry at the beginning? He would run away when he got angry, and he would run far away. You couldn't find him every time. Arrived." Zheng Kai was a little depressed.

I suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Wen Xi already knows from Nan Nan that you are looking for him, and should also know about Xiao Man. Your misunderstanding should be clarified. Logically speaking, there is really no need for him to drag Gu Xi around the world anymore." I said.

Wanxin nodded silently: "Now I want to blame him. What's the point of not being able to come back to discuss and solve anything together and always running so far outside? Now I'm worried about his health and Gu Xi's." I didn’t even write a letter or record a video about my situation, and I dragged you all over the world to search for it... It’s all my fault...” She said, unavoidably starting to cry with self-pity.

Zhao Yuan could not help but comfort Wanxin with a few words.

Wanxin's words gave me some enlightenment.

"Speaking of this, I think he is also escaping. Since there is no reason not to come back, then maybe it is not because of A Yuan at all, maybe it is because of other things. If there are other things that make him escape or unable to let go, then maybe Is it Uncle Hongxuan's only child, Hongyan, or... the Zhang Dong who died for him?" I said tentatively.

Everyone's heart suddenly became clear for a moment.

Wanxin pushed me and asked with a tearful smile: "What about you, who are you trying to escape by moving here?"

I was shocked.

"In fact, you have no reason to guard for whom. After all, Shixiang even calls him daddy." Wanxin said.

The person Wanxin was talking about was Xiang's cousin. It is strange to say that in Xiang's family, the cousins all have only two names. Wang Xiang is the youngest, the third brother is Wang Chuan, the eldest brother is Wang Nuo, and the cousin she is talking about is the second brother Wang Hui.

I met Wang Hui when I was temporarily staying at my husband’s house.

I have never performed the wedding ceremony with Wang Xiang, not even as a married woman. I just felt that his parents were grieving when they lost their son in old age, so I took Shixiang with me to let them think about each other.

But after all, my identity is embarrassing and I cannot officially live in their hometown. We are not even familiar with each other. They probably think that Xiang died for my friend, so it naturally has something to do with me. Although I have never been acquainted with each other. I have never heard Xiang say that he is very close to any sister-in-law, sister-in-law, or cousin or aunt. Maybe they all share the same hatred against me, this unknown woman, since the National People's Congress is here. Besides, I had been a star before and had done so many things that everyone would look down upon. Naturally, a fallen phoenix was worse than a chicken. No one there was willing to give me too much good looks.

I also have to find a job to support my family. As a citizen, under the sponsorship of the video that Uncle Hongxuan finally left behind, I received a small amount of compensation, including the savings I had saved from my days as a star. Most of it was spent on compensation for my adoptive father Zhang Chengli. Although he has never done anything bloody, he has participated in the planning of many things. He even hypnotized Uncle Hongxuan, causing him to expose information about me and was sentenced to more than ten years. I don’t have a lot of savings right now, so I still want to save some to be prepared for emergencies. Life is a bit tight.

If it comes to work, it is obviously not feasible for Shixiang to just leave it to his parents-in-law. At this time, Wang Hui, the second brother who returned from studying abroad, had already decided on work arrangements in the small town and planned to reunite at home for a few months before going to the small town to take up his post.

As soon as he walked in the door, he excitedly called me his younger brother and sister when he saw me.

I was stunned for a moment.

To be fair, among these cousins, Wang Hui and Xiang are the only ones who look very similar, but they have more of the toughness unique to men than Xiang.

After getting along with each other for a few days, I found that his temperament is quite similar to Wang Xiang's. He is a grown man who often intervenes in the affairs between his sisters-in-law, but he usually talks and laughs, making big things into trivial matters. He also likes cats. He picked up a civet cat outside and named him Xiaohan. It was very lively and active. Xiaohan said it was strange that he especially liked to cling to me.

My fate with him started with Xiaohan.

Although Xiaohan was raised by him, he would come to my house every two days. Wang Hui often came to my house to take care of the cat. At first, he always invited several younger siblings to come together, and later, he always came alone to see Shixiang. I would often move the stool outside so that he could come if he wanted. Outsiders would see everything we said and did, so we would avoid a lot of gossip.

So the rusty faucets in my room were always replaced, the brightness of the light bulbs was also improved a lot, and even the sofa was replaced with a Western style. Shixiang's small room was even taken care of by him. There are several more pots of narcissus in the room, and finally there is a hanging painting on the wall, which is also about narcissus. The couplet on both sides is: "It's good that the river is full of flowers, and the narcissus is wearing a light red shirt."

I asked him slightly angrily if Xiang had said anything to him.

He took out the paintings he and Xiang drew together when they were children. It turned out that he, like Xiang, also liked daffodils. But he didn't know that when I danced with Wanxin and the others at Kifu University and won second place in the freshman competition, Xiang gave me several pots of daffodils and chanted to my pink skirt: " It’s like the river is full of culverts, and the daffodils are all wearing pale red shirts.” Seeing things and thinking about people, thinking about people and seeing things always adds a bit of sadness.

I often don’t understand how a grown man can take care of so many things at home. Then one day Shixiang ran into his room. I chased after him and saw several books in his room. They were all about parenting experiences and household items. Electrical appliances warranty encyclopedia, etc. It turned out that he was cramming for it on his own after returning to China, and he was really serious about it.

I thought that the relationship between me and him was not about affection, but more about courtesy. Unexpectedly, Xiang'er, a devilish elf, had an inexplicable liking for Wang Hui. This little person would often fart when he heard Wang Hui's voice. She ran over, hugging either her toy or her fruit. She walked over and handed it to Wang Hui, giving him a big kiss.

Later, the eldest brother Wang Nuo once made a joke and told Xiang'er to call Wang Hui "dad". This would become a serious problem in the future.

They held my hands, shed tears, and said they hoped that one day I would truly become their family.

I didn't say anything on the spot, but the gossip was spread a lot.

He postponed his appointment for two months and stayed with us for more than four months. Finally, with Akai's help, I bought a second-hand house in the same building as his.

After Wang Hui’s invitation, I never went there again.

I don’t know either, Wanxin said that I don’t need to guard Xiang too much, it’s good to have her to guard me and remember her. But I didn't seem to be watching for him. During the process of running from the 19th floor to the 15th floor, he had enough time to consider what would happen to our mother and father if he did this. He was not impulsive, but Abandoning everything, he caught Wanxin falling from the sky. He chose to love and protect the person Akai loved deeply, but in the end he abandoned me. I just don’t seem to want to accept anyone’s company in my life anymore.

Zhao Yuan came back in a hurry, stayed with his children for a few days, and then left for S city.

At this time, all of us, both familiar and unfamiliar, were following his Weibo, and at the same time we saw a message and a photo of Wen Xi and Gu Xi sleeping side by side on the train.

All of our Kifu University classmates were excited, and we all wanted to run to the end of the train x

And go.

But the fan left another message, Lin Wenxi and Gu Xi got off the bus in n city. The fan said that he chased Wenxi out of the car and ran away, but was completely defeated by Wenxi, and the two of them disappeared in an instant.

Except for that time when Zhao Yuan and Wen Xi had an unexpected encounter at the end of the world, this was the time when Zhao Yuan was closest to Wen Xi.

Even a grown man like him couldn't help but break down and cry.

At this moment, Wanxin held my hand with tears in her eyes and said with a smile: "Look who is here."

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hui, who I hadn't seen for several months, appeared in front of me holding Xiaohan, who had gained some weight, in his hands.

"Wenxi and Ayuan have missed a lot, An'an, I really hope you don't miss it." Wanxin said with tears: "I heard that cats are spiritual. How could I know that cat was not brought from heaven by Wang Xiang?" Fate and blessing to you”

The civet cat seemed to understand Wanxin's words, and broke away from Wang Hui's arms and ran towards me happily. At the same time, Shixiang called her father loudly and ran towards Wang Hui.

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