The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 24: 24 (You are really amazing!) Show your talents and worry about success or failure


The first question is about the plastic gun of AK47, simulated use, the distance is fifty meters, ten rounds of rubber bullets, 7 rounds hitting 10 rings will get one point. Zhao Yuan's eyes widened and he began to speculate about the subject he had chosen and how the topic should be abnormal. One hand was still stroking Lin Wenxi's forehead to feel the body temperature. When Zheng Kai saw the simulated weapon, his expression suddenly turned grim. He observed it casually for a moment, loaded the weapon, loaded the gun, raised the gun, and fired ten bullets in a row. Nine of them hit the bullseye, easily scoring a point. Zhao Yuan couldn't help but cheer.

The second question is to disassemble and assemble a sniper model. Zheng Kai's movements were neat, quick and clean. Zhao Yuan was so impressed that he fell to the ground and Lin Wenxi was also quite shocked.

At the end of the four practical questions, Zheng Kai got four points and became more confident. When it came to the fifth question, he was dumbfounded.

"What was the battle that determined the final turning point in the history of the Warring States Period, and in which two countries did it take place?"

"This..." Zheng Kai wanted to argue, but this was obviously a military issue, so he had nothing to say.

"The Battle of Changping, Qin and Zhao." Lin Wenxi said, coughing violently. The green light came on, it was the fifth point. Zheng Kai couldn't help but give Lin Wenxi a thumbs up.

Question 6: What was the turning point in the victory of the anti-fascist war in World War II? Which countries participated, what were their respective troop strength, and what was the most widely used individual firearm of that era

Zheng Kai was speechless. Lin Wenxi couldn't help but lean closer to Zhao Yuan's arms, which felt warm and comfortable.

Zheng Kai was speechless for the remaining fourteen questions, and gave Zhao Yuan a heavy blow on the shoulder: "It's up to you."

Zhao Yuan nodded: "Then it's up to you."

Lin Wenxi immediately leaned over the table on the other side. Zheng Kai smiled knowingly, took off his coat and covered Lin Wenxi, sitting far away.

"Shang Yang's reform in ancient China played a role in the transition of Chinese society from slavery to feudalism. What happened in Japan's similar reform from feudal society to capitalist society? Who are the outstanding important figures?"

"Is this a question?" Zhao Yuan couldn't help but change his face and was about to give up.

"Meiji Restoration, the characters are: Sakamoto Ryoma... Takasugi Shinsaku..." Lin Wenxi hesitated and finally said it slowly. Zhao Yuan couldn't wait to rush up and kiss Lin Wenxi hard on the mouth. At the same time, he clenched his fists and asked the next question.

"What are the levers of national macro-market economic regulation, and which functional departments are responsible for them. Please give examples of economic regulation in recent years and try to analyze their effects." Zheng Kai took a breath of air, and Lin Wenxi frowned slightly.

"Price, tax rate, exchange rate, interest rate, wages. Commodity prices are determined by the market. Price control is divided into national and local levels. It is planned by the price department and handled by local finance through injection, recycling, etc. Exchange rate and interest rate are controlled by the Central Bank. Macroeconomic control, tax rates are coordinated and revised by multiple functional departments such as national and local taxation, finance, and civil affairs... Recent cases..."

For several minutes, Zhao Yuan talked eloquently, which lifted Lin Wenxi's spirits. He had never seen Zhao Yuan conduct research in this area, which was impressive.

"Try to analyze the pros and cons of this approach, as well as the democratic significance of it."

"The vast majority of the people don't have much idea about political, economic, and diplomatic decisions. Most of them are influenced by the leader's words and deeds, moral character, background, and so-called people-benefiting policies. They decide whether to vote. And the people are It is impossible to get in touch with the candidate's own life. We can only learn relevant information from on-site speeches, media publicity and even the suggestions of spiritual leaders. The content reported by the media and the words of spiritual leaders are often deliberately one-sided. As for deliberate One-sidedness, how one-sided, and how influential it is can all be resolved using financial resources. Therefore, without the support of powerful financial groups, the United States can actually

Without positive news for candidates, the so-called democracy is just a pseudo-democracy guided by external public opinion. "

Zhao Yuan was already struggling to answer two questions. Lin Wenxi looked at Zheng Kai and motioned to the luggage bag. Zheng Kai was puzzled. Lin Wenxi said: "Water."

"You want to drink water?" Zheng Kai said and took out an unopened bottle of mineral water. Lin Wenxi sighed slightly and handed the water to Zhao Yuan.

Zheng Kai touched his head and smiled innocently.

Zhao Yuan answered two more questions correctly. Fortunately, these two questions only required reporting the answers.

"Since the reform and opening up, the gross national GDP has increased from the original amount to how much, how has the number of Chinese enterprises increased, what kind of distribution is it, and what are the representative enterprises?"

"From...from negative infinity to positive infinity, from a few to countless...distributed in the north and south of the country, representative enterprises include, state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises..." Zhao Yuan really had nothing to say and made it up in one breath. This made Zheng Kai laugh.

Zhao Yuan did not expect that he would answer fourteen questions randomly. He returned to his seat with a gloomy face. Zheng Kai and Zhao Yuan each answered five questions correctly. Lin Wenxi needed to answer twenty questions correctly. That is, twenty questions. He had to get full marks on all twenty questions. Seeing how difficult it was, it was impossible to complete the task.

"Let's go, Wenxi, go to the hospital first, you can't delay any longer." Zhao Yuan said and wanted to help Lin Wenxi up.

"No, it won't work without even trying. And I think he can definitely handle it." Zheng Kai stood up and stopped Zhao Yuan.

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I chose to go to the Tiger Mountains because I was confident that I could defeat the tigers. Now that I know the outcome clearly, and I still have Wen Xi to hold on, that's just not crying until I see the coffin." Zhao Yuan suddenly became angry.

"Brother Yuan, it's better if you don't give up until you see the Yellow River. I can hold on, don't worry." Lin Wenxi started to speak, but his eyes were already so burned that he couldn't open them. Zhao Yuan was silent for a moment, then took Lin Wenxi into his arms. Lin Wenxi rested her head on Zhao Yuan's broad chest and could feel the rise and fall of his chest, his breathing rate, and his violently trembling heart.

The first question, fill in the blank: Du Fu has a poem, and we talk about it at dusk. Please recite the poem that fills in the blanks and indicate the genre of the poem.

"Liang Fu Yin, a Yuefu poem. Stepping out of the strange door, you can see the Dangyin Lane in the distance. There are three tombs in it..."

The green light is on.

The second question lists the historical dynasties of China for five thousand years, as well as the time and monarch names of each dynasty.

Lin Wenxi answered one by one, but in the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms, he choked slightly for a moment, but in the end he answered exactly the same.

The third question is "During the Tang Dynasty of China, what countries were there in the world and what kind of social forms were they in?"

Perverted Zhao Yuan almost cursed.

Lin Wenxi thought for a moment, answered most of the questions, and then said: "The official history records of other countries are incomplete, and the unofficial history is insufficient to provide evidence. There are disputes among various families, and there is no conclusion yet."

green light

Zheng Kai and Zhao Yuan were stunned at the same time.

Lin Wenxi responded inconceivably one by one and scored the 19th point. The three of them held their breath in unison as they were still short of the last point.

Write any word containing the name of the person who answered the question, and only write poems containing this word. Fifty sentences will be scored.

"Always remember the sunset in the Xi Pavilion... The clouds in the stream first rise and the sun sets in the pavilion... There are no boats in the shallows of Peach Brook..."

Lin Wenxi answered more than forty sentences. His intestines were dry, and his mind was dizzy due to illness. In desperation, he had no choice but to wave his hand and ask Zhao Yuan to help him up.

The red light is on. Lin Wenxi gasped heavily and fell down on the chair. Zheng Kai suddenly stood up and clenched his fists loudly. Is it over? Is it really over