The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 240: My son Wenxi, why is the end of the world so vast? Let’s go home


Wen Xi should never come back. He can run as far as he wants with that Zhao Yuan. I just hope he never comes back.

He returned in the end, and lost to the family relationship between father and son. In the past, I would have felt relieved, but now, I have lost all my courage.

I don’t know what crazy idea I had at that time, to beat Wen Xi so severely and then send him back to Chen Tianjiao.

After Ziwei left, I didn't know what to do with these two words left behind. They dared to kill Ziwei, how could they know that they would let my son go? I have already lost my husband, and I cannot lose this son again. If Chen Tianjiao knew that his son was his biological son, at least, the poison of a tiger would not eat its son. . . Maybe. . . I still have some feelings for him.

Hongxuan asked me to run away quickly and arranged a plan for me to leave the province. I thought I must be being targeted. I didn't want to trouble Hongxuan anymore, so I chose to leave alone. The only thing I regret is telling Wen Xi that I don’t want him to live well. This sentence may have ruined the nineteen-year mother-son relationship between him and me. Even Ziwei just wants Wenxi to live well. . . But I am not willing to give him up. If I hand him over to Chen Tianjiao, he will really consider the thief as his father. I am not willing to let the son that Ziwei and I have worked hard to raise for nineteen years fall into that deep pool like this. I only briefly told Wenxi everything and told him who must have killed Ziwei.

Over the years, I have been missing my husband and my children day and night. Even though my husband knew that Wenxi was not my biological son, he always treated him as if he were his own son. My husband had been diligent in serving the people all his life, but he ended up like this.

I can't see through it, I can't figure it out. I hate this barren human world. I hate that I don't have the skills to repay heaven, which makes the rivers and seas pour back and the storms turn upside down. Only, I hate that I am powerless and can't tell my husband's injustice to the kingdom of heaven. I hate I couldn't protect Wenxi well, so he lost two fathers and a mother overnight. As you can imagine, it was not easy for him to enter the Chen family with such an identity.

Only here, the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng silently prays for Wenxi, praying day and night for his safety and survival. . .

Zhao Yuan found me.

I haven’t seen him for many years. He is no longer the down-and-out young man who knelt in front of me and asked me to help save his father. He has grown up, completely grown up. From a boy to a man, I am afraid that most women can fall in love with him at this time. handsome man. Even though he was tired from the journey, the dusty aura could not hide his extraordinary magnanimity. The tenacity and confidence in his eyes made one can see the turbulent storms he had experienced and his commanding demeanor.

What will my son look like? I only surf the Internet occasionally, and in the local news in a small town, I saw the child standing alone in the smoke and dust, in the dusk, the child who personally demolished Norio University. I know he must be helpless, and I know he must be very heartbroken.

Since Chen Tianjiao and his wife committed suicide, and Mo Qian confessed and committed suicide, I have never paid attention to the news in the small town. But for me, I just want my Wenxi to be safe, no matter where he is in the world. I have never returned to the small town. I only know that he is well and everything is enough.

When Zhao Yuan found me, he must have believed that I could get out of the Buddhist hall and help find Wenxi. If Wenxi wants to go back, no matter how far the distance is, it is still within a stone's throw. If Wenxi doesn't want to go back, no matter how close the distance is, it is still a world away. What role can I, an irresponsible mother, play

He has such confidence that I will definitely go down the mountain.

Regarding the relationship between Zhao Yuan and Wen Xi, I never approved of it before, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t matter. There is a business CEO who has experienced many battles, and the other is a returnee from the highly developed society of the United States for six years. With their vision and status, if they can still persist in this relationship, then this kind of relationship must have its own rationality. After entering Buddhism, I realized that the world is vast and the existence of everything is far beyond my imagination. There are so many unknowns to me. I choose to understand all the unknowns.

I won’t make any more excuses. I still need to ask Zhao Yuan to do a Q&A with the Buddhists to see what his character is.

Zhao Yuan readily agreed.

Master Xincheng is an accomplished monk in the temple where I live. He usually meditates with his eyes closed and does not see outsiders. Knowing that I was about to go out and perhaps return to the world of mortals, he made an exception and met with Zhao Yuan and me.

"What is fate?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"All things have a predestined dharma, and all things have thousands of faces of Buddha. Therefore, all things have Buddha nature, and all things have a predestined relationship with Buddha." Master Xincheng said.

"Master, I just want to ask about love at the source of all fate." Zhao Yuan replied. I was a little surprised at the moment. Regarding Buddhism, Wen Xi had only read some books and studied it a little when he was young. I never knew that Zhao Yuan had such an awareness.

"In love, I only ask for one fate." Zhao Yuan said again.

"The star of ginseng and the flowers and leaves of the other shore are not my own, and there is nothing I can do to help them." Master Xincheng replied.

"The destiny of Ginseng cannot be violated, and it has been like this forever. When it comes to Ginshang, it is just like someone in ancient times and someone now. Even if their divine relationship spans thousands of years, they will never be destined to meet each other. This is time in the laws of nature. All things are irreversible. Time cannot be turned back. From the beginning of his life, a businessman has decided to have one in the south and one in the north. But fate does not have to be like this. If we take the flower of the other shore as an example, there may be some truth to it.

reason. "Zhao Yuan answered loudly.

I am silent. The destiny of all things is destined from the beginning of creation. It is indeed inappropriate to compare it with a small fate in the mortal world such as Jie Yuan. It is incomparable to compare a love relationship with the other side flower, one of all things in Meson.

"There are flowers and leaves on the other side. The flowers have bloomed but no leaves are visible. The leaves have emerged and the flowers have withered. This kind of fate is the law of nature." The master said.

Zhao Yuan pondered slightly: "Master, what if this fate is between Ye Zi and Ye Zi?"

The master clasped his hands together and smiled slightly: "Since what you want is like this, it is outside the law. Even if it is destined to happen, it can be done by human power. It is like the leaves on the other side, like the stream in the abyss, the water will eventually dissolve in the water."

Water will dissolve in water.

The spiritual platform suddenly became clear and bright. All water is one, all emotions are one, men and women are like mountains and rivers, water surrounds green mountains, the same thing in the world, water dissolves in water, no matter how it dissolves, it cannot be stopped by human power.

What I said to Wen Xi and Zhao Yuan before was wrong.

After Zhao Yuan heard this, he laughed loudly and spent a lot of money on the merit box: "Master is really an outsider. He does not seek fame and wealth. He only discusses things and proves cause and effect. As the master said, I will definitely rebuild the Golden Buddha here in the future. Return your wishes sincerely”

After Zhao Yuan finished speaking, he turned back and held my hand: "Mom, do you think I am qualified to be your son?"

I heard his call and looked at him suspiciously. I remembered that it had been more than ten years since I heard this word that represented the most important responsibility and identity of a woman in the world. I was so unfamiliar with it and couldn't believe it. I forgot that my identity is still the mother of Wen Xi, or the godmother of Zhao Yuanzhi.

"Mom, I've accepted you as my godmother, so there's no problem calling you mom. When Wenxi and I get married, it's only natural that I'll call you mom. I just moved the time forward." Zhao Yuan said with a smile.

I held his hand and went down the mountain without packing up my clothes. I believed that this child would arrange everything well.

"Mom, I'll carry you on my back." Zhao Yuan said, picking me up and moving down the mountain step by step.

My tears suddenly fell: "I shouldn't be the one to decide whether it's suitable or not. Fate is determined by fate, and it's up to you to take care of yourself. Since the master also said that water dissolves in water, then I will help you make it."

"Wen Xi has grown taller and handsome again." Zhao Yuan said excitedly, wiping his sweat.

"That's ridiculous, Wenxi, how can you still grow taller?" I couldn't help scolding him. He was so mature just now, but now he looks like a child.

"When you left, he was only nineteen years old. Boys don't grow long until they are twenty-two. Wenxi is only three centimeters shorter than me now." Zhao Yuan said.

I lay on Zhao Yuan's thick back, and my heart was suddenly filled with the urge to see my son. In the past ten years, the so-called longing has never gone away, it has just been forcibly suppressed. He was three centimeters shorter than Zhao Yuan, so he was just over 1.8 meters tall. I remember, he was only 1.78 meters tall at the time.

I held back my tears, smiled, and gently stroked the stubbled black hair on Zhao Yuan's head. Such a talent would be great if I, Wen Xi, were a girl. But now, what's the point of thinking about this? Wen Xi Once Xi comes back, as long as he knows clearly where the wedding will be held, I, a mother, will definitely give him my strongest support.

Ziwei, you cannot let Wenxi fail to abide by your last words and be called unfilial, so let me help him clarify the misunderstandings of our older generation.

Along the way, Zhao Yuan told me various stories about Wenxi after he returned to China, which were full of ups and downs and extremely dangerous.

I am very happy that Chen Tianjiao was finally kind to my son and did not hesitate to surrender for his son. I am very sad that Hongxuan abandoned himself, his family, and everything, and used the worst in the world to defend the justice he once defended with Ziwei. But what words can I say to him? I just miss the lotus and hope that Hongxuan can be reborn as soon as possible and live happily and healthily in an ordinary world in the next life.

Zhao Yuan added that he heard from Gu Xi what Chen Tianjiao said to Wen Xi before his death.

At that time, I was sitting in my hometown in Tianfu Township. Here, Zhao Yuan had already helped clean up everything. Suddenly, it was still the same as it was more than ten years ago, but those who left would never come back.

Zhao Yuan didn't want me to feel sad, so he only said a few words, but I already understood that it would not be an exaggeration to describe my past with beauty. If I could have had more trust in Chen Tianjiao at that time, if I had even married Ziwei, I would have given Tianjiao even one chance, and things would not have been like this. . .

"Mom, I just hope you can tell Wen Xi and ask him to give me a chance just this once." Zhao Yuan couldn't help but kneel down, holding my hand, crying.

I held Zhao Yuan's big hands tightly: "A Yuan, son, your father has approved it, let alone me."

Love can no longer be broken.

If you make a mistake once, don't miss it again.

My son Wenxi, the world is so vast, go home