The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 241: Past and present life, he has his own way to guard the stream


A gunshot in the wilderness was particularly harsh and ferocious.

I pulled myself together and started preparing the medicines needed for trauma treatment in my mobile clinic. A group of bold people near the slums were already shouting and running towards the sound of gunshots to see what happened.

My name is Wei Zhangchao, I am a doctor, and my gender is male. After graduation, I worked in the provincial capital for seven years. The past seven years have been like a nightmare.

Starting from my internship as a pharmacist, I relived the oath I made when I entered college: "I volunteer to devote myself to medicine... I am determined to do my best to eliminate human suffering, promote the perfection of health, safeguard the sanctity and honor of medical skills, save lives and heal the wounded, He will spare no effort and persevere in pursuit, and strive for the development of the medical and health industry of the motherland and the physical and mental health of mankind throughout his life." My ideal is to become a doctor who can save all sentient beings and help the world. The ideal may be too big, but I have never stopped pursuing it.

Two years later, due to a difficult illness, I became a veritable chief surgeon, and a few years later, I became the deputy chief surgeon. In the process, I was pleased with the recovery of each patient under my hands, and the care they gave them. The banners I sent and the thumbs up given to me also reflected the pain and sadness of the departure of some patients whom I had no way to save.

During this period, what made me exhausted was the various qualification examinations, papers, medical conferences, etc. in pursuit of fame and fortune.

And these are not all.

A doctor's income is closely related to the price of drugs and examinations prescribed to patients, but I have become an outlier in the hospital, a doctor with a high reputation but the lowest income.

After all, I couldn't help the patients to pay the high fees and the tedious registration process. As I walked, I found that I had walked very, very far. . .

I had already broken the oath and promise I made at that time.

With everyone looking at me and my family objecting, I accepted a donation from a certain foundation and started to open an independent clinic on my own to provide all the people with the best possible medical care at the lowest price. I have walked through many cities, walking in the shadows at the edge, treating the poorest people. Recently, I returned to a small town and not long ago, I settled in a slum here and opened a mobile clinic.

The injured was quickly brought back by them, saying that he was pulled out from the swamp to the west. He was a man whose whole body exuded the stench of rotting mud. His body was covered with mud and rotten grass, and a few leeches stayed peacefully on his face, sucking it until it swelled.

I frowned and moved the injured person without authorization, not knowing whether secondary injuries were caused.

A full body examination showed that the bullet penetrated the wound, entering from the right side of the skull and exiting from the right side near the temple. This man's luck is really very good. I heard that if the bullet is left in the skull, it will continue to rotate before stopping, looking like a small hole, and a huge collapse space will be formed inside. At that time, he should be He died on the spot.

Fortunately, small clinics still have certain conditions. I turned away the curious crowd. Such bullet wounds really require extreme concentration and patience. Subcutaneous blood, intracranial bone fragments, and skull fixation all require a large operating room and testing. As a last resort, I had to temporarily disinfect and clean all areas around his wounds, stop the bleeding, and put on an oxygen mask. The nearby hospital was not ideal, so I immediately called someone to take him directly to the central hospital in a small town that was far away overnight.

You still have time.

A series of operations such as brain CT were performed, and a large-scale craniotomy operation to remove bone fragments began in the emergency room. After an overnight operation, the patient's vital signs gradually stabilized.

The doctor asked me to contact the patient's family. Since the bullet injury was indeed suspicious, they called the police.

This man's identity seems to be very mysterious. He only has an ID card on him, Zhang Shouxi. No contact details for relatives could be provided.

The patient's vitality was very strong, so he was shot in a coma, but he could still survive until the operation. The operation went smoothly and he was stabilized quickly. However, the patient's desire to live did not seem to be ideal. More than a week later, he still failed to wake up.

Several groups of police officers came one after another to take photos and collect evidence, but in the end they paid the medical expenses in advance and requested that Zhang Shouxi be sent to a hospital in another province. A car was soon sent to pick him up.

I don't agree with sending him away. Why should he be sent far away when he can get effective treatment here

I am not a family member, I am not familiar with him at all, and I am not even qualified to follow him in the car.

Until the end, I was anxious to tell the visitor that I was Zhang Shouxi's friend, and made up a few words casually, but those people actually asked me to take notes and let me follow the car. Only now did I realize that he must be someone who cannot exist here in the small town. All they need is a transcript I wrote based on Zhang Shouxi. As for why, I don’t understand.

For me, this should have been over.

Before I saw Zhang Shouxi being transported away, the shocking scars on his neck and all over his body made me feel like I had seen the smoke of many battlefields, that heroic man who risked everything and risked everything.

Injuries can be healed, but scars cannot be healed.

I suddenly had a momentary desire to heal the scars all over his body. I got on a vehicle heading to another province.

That day I was resting in front of Zhang Dong's hospital bed when I suddenly felt itching in my ears. When I woke up, I saw Zhang Shouxi's big hand caressing my ears repeatedly, and the calluses in his hands touched my skin. , warm and cool, slightly painful.

"Are you awake?" I asked.

Zhang Shouxi nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

"Wei Zhangchao."

"It sounds good." He said, looking blankly across the white ward.

I was suddenly alert.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Zhang Shouxi." He said.

I was a little relieved, smiled and asked again: "What happened?"

If I heard correctly, Zhang Shouxi and I said the same thing.

Zhang Shouxi has lost his memory.

All his body functions are present, he can still recognize words, and can speak and think fluently, but he can only remember one name, Zhang Shouxi.

How I discovered him, how he was transferred here, is explained, and he and I are sincerely grateful. According to the age on his ID card, he must be thirty-one this year. I have met people of this age, and even if they express their gratitude with great enthusiasm, they still have some reservations. Zhang Shouxi's sincerity makes him look very honest and simple. , I believe that before he lost his memory, he was a very honest and honest man.

According to Zhang Shouxi's ID card, the registered address is a certain city or county in Jiangxi Province. I plan to wait for him to fully recover and be discharged from the hospital, and then take him back there to find his relatives.

But most of the time he could speak Mandarin, and sometimes he would mutter a few words in a language that I couldn't understand. Later, a nurse in the hospital said that he spoke Mongolian. He would also speak some dialect, but no one could understand it. I thought it was the dialect of his hometown where his ID card is from.

He was finally discharged from the hospital. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear.

The first thing I did after I was discharged from the hospital was not a worry, but it also opened my eyes. He saw someone driving a motorcycle snatching a woman's backpack on the road. He took three steps at a time and then two steps at a time.

, ran wildly for a while, caught up with the motorcycle that had not fully accelerated, and knocked the two gangsters to the ground with one fist and one punch. The two gangsters took out daggers. I was getting worried when Zhang Shouxi removed them with three or two blows. The murder weapon was used to tie the two people together with a rope tied to the back of the motorcycle, and then he kicked them until they rolled around several times, howling like ghosts.

This series of movements was crisp and neat, and the body skills were excellent. The passers-by applauded for a while. Zhang Shouxi smiled and held my hand, and walked a little dazedly.

"Where did you learn that?" I asked.

He shook his head and looked at his hands, as if he didn't believe it. He suddenly smiled happily and said: "In this way, I will be your bodyguard from now on, and I can protect you for the rest of my life." After he said that, he suddenly thought about something, but couldn't remember it, and frowned.

But I was stunned on the spot.

As a man, I know very well why I haven't been married yet, and I don't have anyone yet.

In this life, he has never been the only one to say such things to me.

He asked me why I was crying.

I said I don't know.

He said he always felt like I was alone.

I shook my head: "If I can't remember, forget it."

Even if he has lost his memory, it seems that it is his instinct to punish evil and promote good. I believe that before he lost his memory, he must have been a very brave soldier or a very professionally trained bodyguard. As for the scars on his body, they must have been caused while performing tasks.

Now I can suddenly speculate why the people in the small town asked Zhang Shouxi to leave. Whether it was to protect him or whether the mission failed was irrelevant. I wanted to take him home.

He seemed very excited knowing that he was going back to his hometown. It seemed that there were still some unfinished matters in his hometown.

But he has no memory of anything about this county, and the people in that village have no impression of him. I asked people in the village to speak in dialect, but the dialect was completely different from what he spoke.

He knows this is not his hometown.

He would sing a song: "Swan geese, pairs in a row in the sky..."

Yes, he should be from Inner Mongolia.

It’s just that Inner Mongolia is so big.

I still want to take him back to the small town quietly to have a look.

Along the way, he would say: "My surname is Zhang, arrogant Zhang."

There is a platinum diamond ring on his hand, which he will treasure very much and will not let anyone touch it.

He would sometimes say sorry to me, but I could tell that he was not saying it to me. Maybe, it's a girl who looks a bit like me. I think that girl should be happy.

We returned to the small town and lived near where I found him, and then quietly asked around. Later, I found out that there was a shooting case in the place where he was killed, but this case seemed to be sealed very tightly, and I couldn't find out anywhere. to any message.

I still run a clinic, but not only do I serve poor people, I also rely on my hard power to receive assistance from some people with status. I want to know, I want to know everything about Shouxi

It's much more difficult than imagined.

. . .

Two years passed in a blink of an eye.

Shouxi seems to have been forgotten by the people in the small town. No one knew him, no one was curious about him. He became the most capable assistant around me, and gradually he was also called Dr. Zhang.

But I am not willing to accept that he is Dr. Zhang, the doctor is me, and he is my patient. He has scars all over his body. The wounds on his body have healed, but I want to heal his scars.

He seems to have become accustomed to being by my side and helping me with anything he can. He learned medical skills from me and learned them very well. He taught me grappling moves and worked out with me.

At night, he would hold me to sleep, but occasionally when I woke up in the middle of the night, I saw the skylight outside the window shining in his eyes. He stared at me so intently. That look in his eyes was enough to make me blush and my heart beat.

What is he thinking about

One day we saw a wedding on a TV screen on the street.

This wedding, for me, is probably a dream. The wedding was grand and luxurious, packed with guests and reporters. During the ceremony, the flashbulbs continued to emit dazzling light. How could such an event not cause a sensation

The protagonists are two mature men, looking at their age, they are in their early thirties. One has a long body and mature eyebrows, exuding a sense of heroism and awe-inspiring nobility. The other, I have never seen such a handsome and handsome man in my life. Any male star who has ever comforted himself.

I remember that Zhang Shouxi stood under the big screen and watched for a long time. He didn’t know that he was crying, and I didn’t know that I was crying.

Zhang Shouxi turned around, wiped away my tears, and said, "I really hope that one day, you can cry and laugh at any time..."

Zhang Shouxi then left this small town.

I haven't figured out his identity yet, and I'm not willing to accept his memories.

But if he wants to leave, I have to follow him.

However, I had clearly found a screenshot of a wanted poster at that time on a website in the small town. The photo of Zhang Dong was exactly what he looked like more than ten years ago. He was so young and resolute. It was impossible to match him. The wanted criminals were linked together. However, the wanted warrant had been cancelled, and came with a note confirming that the murderer was not him.

Zhang Dong, his original name is Zhang Dong

Why is he crying under that screen

Who is he for

Zhang Dong seemed to understand what I was thinking.

"Some scars are left willingly and do not require treatment, right?" Zhang Dong said with a smile.

"Zhang Dong, I know your name is Zhang Dong. What do you remember, right?" I suddenly burst into tears.

He shook his head slowly: "I remember you saved me, and I remember you were very kind. My name is Zhang Shouxi."

"Shouxi, who and which clear stream are you guarding?" I murmured and asked.

"Maybe it's from my hometown. Come and find it with me. Isn't that good?" Zhang Dong smiled and lit a cigarette. As I recall, he didn't smoke.

I followed him, or rather, he followed me, all the way north.

I plan to start searching from the easternmost part of Inner Mongolia, and I will be able to find his home in my lifetime.

The so-called answer to the mystery, sometimes giving up only for a moment, when he said, isn't this good

Admittedly, it's pretty good.

There is a companion in the mountains and rivers, and there is such a person in the misty world. . .