The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 32: 32 (My destination is you) Whose destination will I reach?


On the way, I received calls from Wang Xiang, Zhang Anan and Shu Xiaoman one after another. Some asked him whether he had recovered from the cold, some asked him what ranking he was sure of, and some Wang Xiang laughed and asked if he had fallen down.

Zhang Anan kept asking whether he and Zhao Yuan were still living in the same tent, and loudly expressed his disbelief that Zhao Yuan left alone. Lin Wenxi also learned from the chattering Shu Xiaoman that they had returned to Kifou University and had continued military training for several days, but it was just that there was a lot less fun and a lot less fun. Shu Xiaoman added that he would play with them when Lin Wenxi returned. Lin Wenxi was so frightened that he hung up the phone. Before hanging up, he heard Shu Xiaoman's devilish laughter coming from the phone. He almost felt the phone and his own heartbeat. Trembling together.

On the third night, Zhang Dong was awakened by a loud thud nearby. He climbed out of the tent and saw Lin Wenxi, who was curled up on the ground and unable to get up for a long time. He had obviously just fallen from a tree. Fortunately, his backpack offset part of the impact, and he only had some back. Angry, but not hurt.

Lin Wenxi was kicked so hard in the back by Zhang Dong that she choked and felt extremely painful. She stood up and looked at him slightly angrily, then lowered her head in obedience, turned around and tried to climb up the tree again.

"In a real battlefield, you have to sleep even in a grave. If you sleep with skeletons and ghosts, the dust on your body is cleaner than my clothes." Zhang Dong moved. Lin Wenxi only felt a pain in his knees. He was already kneeling on the ground, his head full of dust. The quilt was doused with mud. Lin Wenxi hurriedly stood up, but was kicked down by Zhang Dong. He lay on the ground unable to get up, so he had to protect his head, grit his teeth and let the mud pour on him. It wasn't until Lin Wenxi turned into a clay figure that Zhang Dong stopped and picked up Lin Wenxi, almost hanging him by the neck and dragging him into the tent.

Lin Wenxi turned sideways silently, and his shoulders couldn't stop shaking. Zhang Dong propped his head and stared at him for a moment, closed his eyes, and clenched his fists. He looked like this, this look seemed familiar, and the memory washed over him. If it's wrong, just make it wrong to the end

"I'm not afraid of getting dirty, because you are never dirty." Zhang Dong said warmly, hugging Lin Wenxi from behind. It took a long time before the person in his arms stopped trembling. Zhang Dong had many thoughts all night, but he didn't know if he fell asleep.

Lin Wenxi completely got rid of his unwillingness to sleep with others. He knew that he had never been as dirty as that night, but some people said that he was never dirty.

I don't know what day it was, but Lin Wenxi barely slept for less than three hours every night. During the day, she ran as fast as she could, climbing mountains and wading in rivers. She no longer had any caution, and no longer worried about getting muddy or dirtying her body. He even dared to take off his shirt in front of Zhang Dong, washed his clothes under the running water, and dried them in the sun.

Zhang Dong squinted his eyes slightly and smiled, "You are so white." Lin Wenxi responded: "You are so dark."

Zhang Dong approached Lin Wenxi, held Lin Wenxi's hand, put it against his tight chest, and said, "It used to be dark here, but it won't be dark anymore." Lin Wenxi didn't understand what he heard, and looked at a very large section of Zhang Dong's waist and abdomen. The long scars were cruelly attached to the tight muscles all over his body. Zhang Dong is very thin, but his body is covered with veins and almost no fat can be seen. This kind of physique is different from that of Zhao Yuan and Zheng Kai. It is truly a masterpiece of swordsmanship and ruthless tempering. Except for this scar, there were hideous wounds everywhere else on his body. Lin Wenxi took a breath, turned around and said, "How do you live in the army?"

"Don't look at these scars, each one has been replaced with a medal." Zhang Dong said proudly. Because I was hurt in the past, I risked my life to make up for it, but I didn’t know if I could make it in time.

"Alas..." Lin Wenxi sighed: "My father has a driver who used to be a soldier. There are scars all over his arms. Thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Dong's chest suddenly felt warm and he patted Lin with a smile.

Wenxi's back left a patch of mud on his back. Lin Wenxi frowned and twisted his body, trying to get rid of the sticky discomfort on his back, but his hands could not catch the patch of mud. His movements were very ridiculous. Zhang Dong couldn't help laughing.

Lin Wenxi's eyes suddenly lit up. He rushed to a nearby stove and looked at the fish bones near the stove. He stretched out his hand and pinched the stove. There was a trace of warmth. He grinned: "Instructor, hurry up. Hurry, hurry up, we’re almost there.”

"What's coming soon?" Zhang Dong was very confused. If he said he had reached the end, it would still take nearly two days. How could it be so easy? Lin Wenxi had already put on his clothes, picked up his bag and ran away.

Zhang Dong quickly understood that Lin Wenxi had arrived very quickly.

Not far away, Lin Wenxi looked there sadly, stopped, half-sat on the ground, looking confused, like a person who had not had a good rest for more than a week. Zhang Dong followed his eyes and saw Zhao Yuan and Chen Wanxin talking and laughing while eating grilled fish on the rocks in the forest.

Lin Wenxi felt as if her head was about to explode. Zhao Yuan and Chen Wanxin gathered together with their eyebrows lowered, chatting and laughing, just like a couple of gods. Why did you catch up with me

But Chen Wanxin, why did she and Zhang Dong arrive so early, run around at starry night, and only sleep for a small amount of time every night

A series of doubts made Lin Wenxi scratch his head in pain. He was confused and he didn't understand.

Like a flash of lightning, the roaring helicopter that night roared past the sky overlooking everything, deeply piercing Lin Wenxi's chaotic thoughts. Lin Wenxi couldn't help being surprised and stared blankly at Chen Wanxin, whose smile was frozen on her face.

"It seems that I am so greedy that I even let Wanxin and Wenxi follow me." Zhao Yuan spread his hands and looked at Zhang Dong suspiciously, looked at Lin Wenxi's complexion, and couldn't help but take a closer look at Chen Wanxin , a moment of confusion flashed across his face, and then he said with a smile: "Different paths lead to the same destination, different paths lead to the same destination, come and eat fish."

Zhang Dong winked at Lin Wenxi, and Lin Wenxi stepped forward, took the fried fish, and stuffed it into his mouth, but it tasted like nothing. I thought about how I met Zhao Yuan several times on the way, either when he was catching fish and I would scare his fish away, or when he was frying fish, I would hide behind and cover his eyes to scare him, or because It was so dark that the two of them suddenly bumped into each other while walking. But why do you want to see Zhao Yuan? Lin Wenxi suddenly remembered the scene of a carrot on a fishing rod, luring a donkey forward, and couldn't help but say: "I am a donkey."

Zhao Yuan was puzzled.

Lin Wenxi took out the green medicine bottle, Zhao Yuan took it and smiled knowingly: "I got them all."

Lin Wenxi shook his head, and Chen Wanxin looked away deliberately.

"How many can I get?" Zhao Yuan smiled nonchalantly.

"only one."

"Then it will be easier for the people behind."

"Thank you." Lin Wenxi said with a smile. It turned out that this was what she wanted to say to Zhao Yuan most during the journey.

"Please chat privately, please don't show affection in public." Chen Wanxin coughed and laughed at the same time.

"Come on, there are only one or two days left, let's work hard." Zhao Yuan stretched out his hand to Lin Wenxi and said with a smile.

Lin Wenxi shook his head and suddenly felt that all the strength in his body had been relieved. "I'm tired and want to rest." Lin Wenxi looked up at the sky. The dusk was dim, and the tired birds returned to the forest. It seemed that all the competitions were over for him, and the end point was no longer important, because his end point had been reached.