The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 4: 4 (Why are you twisting your butt?) Fighting openly and secretly without giving up


Next, they have to train to walk in unison. Those who perform well will be selected into the military parade square. Those who do not walk well will be selected into the military physical boxing square. They must be brought to the center of the playground every day to practice military physical boxing. The problem is that in the center of the playground is the school's newly renovated playground, with the turf removed. It is really a loess plateau, with strong winds and dust flying.

It is hard for Wang Xiang to imagine how there was no record in the history books of how many people died from coughing during the autumn battle on the ancient battlefield.

The boys and girls trained separately, with Zhao Yuan at the vanguard and Lin Wenxi beside him. Ever since the last time Zhao Yuan took a sip of Lin Wenxi's secret "Lin's Dehydrated Soup", he had no taste for it, and he was determined to fight with him. He looked at it coldly and discovered that Lin Wenxi had a weakness.

Therefore, often when Zhang Dong shouted "One, two, one" in front of him, Zhao Yuan did it very standardly, silently chanting "One, one, two, one, one, two" to Lin Wenxi. The cycle repeated.

Lin Wenxi tried his best to do it, but when he heard Zhao Yuan's constant chattering, he turned around several times in a row, causing chaos.

"Lin Wenxi, come out," Zhang Dong commanded majestically. Lin Wenxi stepped forward without hesitation.

"Walk it again."

Zhang Dong helped Lin Wenxi set the rhythm while frowning and watching Lin Wenxi's steps carefully.

"One two one, one two one..." Lin Wenxi behaved very naturally at first, and Wang Xiang also naturally thought of "Ying Ying Gong's house steps, Ran Ran's house moves." He felt that this child's posture was really graceful. After walking back and forth twice, the whole class watched helplessly as Lin Wenxi walked smoothly, swinging his left arm when his left foot came out, and his right arm when his right foot came out. The whole class was like a duck learning to walk, and they couldn't stop laughing. But he was so handsome and unique, just like a piece of flawless jade. If there was a black spot on it, the flaw would be very obvious.

Lin Wenxi was extremely upset. He had just walked for a moment when the sound of "one, one, two" came from somewhere in the sky. It was faint at first, but then occupied his entire mind, causing him to lose all reason. He glared angrily at Zhao Yuan, the only one who stood there with an unchanging expression. He knew very clearly that if Zhao Yuan's face was exposed, the pile of flesh would not be able to hide and turned into a huge smiling face.

"You, go aside and train by yourself." Zhang Dong nonchalantly guided other students to practice the goose step.

"Report, ask the platoon leader for help." Lin Wenxi unprecedentedly stopped being mute.

Zhao Yuan was secretly alarmed. Such a request would delay his training and hinder his role as a vanguard. The instructor would not agree.

Zhang Dong nodded and ordered Zhao Yuan to come out. Zhao Yuan and Lin Wenxi stood facing each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"You came to the door yourself." Zhao Yuan said with a smile.

Lin Wenxi gave him a cold look and walked directly to the center of the training ground. It was noon and the sun was blazing in the sky. The scorching sun was dazzling and dizzying. Even the most stern Zhang Dong chose to train on the side of the track. Some instructors even moved the students to the shade of a tree.

"Lin Wenxi, don't expose yourself to the sun...Lin Wenxi, why are you so angry?" Zhao Yuan was shocked and depressed.

Lin Wenxi was slightly confused when she heard Zhao Yuan's inconsistent words, but she walked calmly and carefully step by step in the center of the playground. Zhao Yuan naturally repeated his old tricks, but Lin Wenxi remained calm. For two consecutive days, Zhao Yuan was exposed to the sun and his skin peeled off a bit, but Lin Wenxi acted as if nothing had happened. His skin was still smooth and tender, and could be broken by a blow. Zhao Yuan was also very thirsty, but his eyes widened when he saw the four bottles of water hanging on Lin Wenxi's waist.

Zhao Yuan was not very disciplined, so he took a bottle of water from Lin Wenxi three times, and said happily: "Let me teach for you, and you will have to pay some tuition fees." Chen Yuanxi did not expect Zhao Yuan to be so shameless that he even robbed him of water. Two bottles of water, so he pretended to be dizzy, and Zhao Yuancai returned one bottle to him angrily. The two formed a tacit understanding, and they were in peace for a while.

The next day, the two were still having fun in the middle of the playground, but Zhang Dong couldn't stand it anymore and came to check on the situation.

"He's a little less talented. I don't think I can train him well." Zhao Yuan spread his hands, looking helpless.

Lin Wenxi took out a player from his belt without saying a word, and clicked it on. Zhao Yuan's gloating voice came from inside: "One, one, two, one, one, two, so good, they cooperate so well." Those two The following was Zhao Yuan's excited applause and cheers. At this moment, it was like two slaps on Zhao Yuan's face.

Zhang Dong's face suddenly darkened, and he stared at Zhao Yuan with a pair of sharp eyes, as if there was a bright lightning among the dark clouds. Zhao Yuan couldn't help but tremble in his heart, but he quickly calmed down. He stood in a military posture and looked at Zhang Dong intently. The more obedient you are now, the smaller the punishment will be. Zhao Yuan knows this well.

"Lin Wenxi, what do you think of the punishment?" Zhang Dong looked at Lin Wenxi. Lin Wenxi had an illusion in a trance. The way Zhang Dong looked at him suddenly seemed like the warm sunshine coming from the eaves in winter, or like a ray of moonlight carried by the little wings of a firefly on a midsummer night. He had never felt someone's eyes so closely, and he had never seen such a gentle look in a man's eyes.

"Lin Wenxi." Zhang Dong scolded, and the gentleness on his face suddenly turned into a majestic look. Lin Wenxi couldn't help being startled, and said without thinking: "Let him teach me."

"This is also considered punishment" Zhang Dong couldn't help but wonder.

Lin Wenxi only smiled and said nothing, but Zhao Yuan felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.


p;Seeing that Zhao Yuan was getting tanned day by day, and his entire face seemed to be peeling off a layer of skin, but Lin Wenxi only had a layer of drunken sunset color on his face, which naturally added a charm, but this time, But over and over again, I couldn't get it back. Zheng Kai and Wang Xiang were puzzled. Wang Xiang asked repeatedly, but Lin Wenxi just ignored them. Zhang Anan saw that Wang Xiang was confused and poked his temple heavily: "You don't understand this. He must have applied good quality sunscreen. How could a little Shou who cares about his face like this not have some skin care?" of"

Next day, Lin Wenxi opened the skin cream as usual and applied it on his face. A spicy and pungent smell came out, and his face suddenly felt hot.

Lin Wenxi rinsed himself off in a hurry and caught a glimpse of Zhao Yuan who had just stopped smiling and buried his head in the pillow.

On the way to the military training, Zheng Kai felt something was wrong with Zhao Yuan.

"What are you doing there with your butt twisted?" Zheng Kai asked gruffly.

"Why are you staring at someone's butt?" Wang Xiang came over and asked. Zheng Kai had already pinched her butt hard.

Zhao Yuan patted Lin Wenxi on the shoulder: "What...have you done?"

Lin Wenxi walked away without saying a word. Zhao Yuan couldn't stand the painful and hot feeling there, so he ran back to the dormitory and saw a ball of moisture in his underwear. . .

As the platoon leader, Zhao Yuan was late.

After ten penalty laps on the playground, when he returned to the team, he requested that Lin Wenxi be replaced as his assistant coach, but Lin Wenxi refused. Zhang Dong thought for a while and smiled coldly. On that day, Zhao Yuan and Lin Wenxi were kicked out in disgrace and were directly invited to the military boxing square. At that time, only a few dozen students were eliminated one after another. They could only form a square team. They ate dust and dirt in the playground every day, shouting "First position, protect the crotch".

Lin Wenxi and Zhao Yuan turned into a pair of clay dolls together and were invited back to their class after a long journey.

"What, are they going to leave in unison?" Zhang Dong asked without raising his head.

"Okay." Lin Wenxi and Zhao Yuan said listlessly.

"Can't you hear me?" Zhang Dong shouted, and the two of them suddenly perked up, straightened their chests and abdomen, stood up straight, and responded loudly: "It's time for the report."

"Show me," Zhang Dong ordered, asking the two of them to walk back and forth in the aisle to demonstrate, while the rest went to enjoy the shade under the trees. At this moment, the sky suddenly became overcast with clouds, and then there seemed to be a hole, and a cool breeze came unexpectedly, bringing the water leaking from the Milky Way, turning into thousands of ladles and pouring over them. Zhao Yuan secretly complained, and saw that Lin Wenxi didn't look motionless, just going back and forth, demonstrating step by step, and there was nothing wrong with it. The two turned into a pair of drowned rats again, and returned to the team in dismay under the laughter of their classmates.

In order to catch up with the progress, the two of them suspended their internal fighting and trained extra hard. With a wave of his hand, Zhang Dong often asked the two of them to leave the team alone for special training. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuan's talent in this area is truly astonishing. Not only can he learn the essentials of movements in one go, but he can also master them comprehensively. He can unite his mind and body and learn extremely quickly. On the other hand, Lin Wenxi's memory is indeed outstanding, but his movement coordination seems to be naturally inconsistent. Much behind.

"Let's watch you together." Zhao Yuan said to Lin Wenxi, and satisfiedly applied to Zhang Dong to return to the team for training. Then a wonderful scene appeared in our platoon. Everyone was training in a square formation, and Lin Wenxi was alone on one side, training repeatedly.

At about nine o'clock, the chorus of military songs ended and they dispersed. However, Zhao Yuan had not known Lin Wenxi's whereabouts for several nights in a row. Only when the clock turned, he tiptoed back from outside, went to the bathroom to take a shower and other trivial matters, and returned. Go to the bunk and sleep, get closer. The uniform bedtime required by military training is before 10:30. After 10:30, the instructor will come to check the ward from time to time, because at 5:30 the next day, you have to get up to clean up the house and meet the inspection. Zhang Dong is not concerned about this matter. He only demands results, not being late and leaving early, training strictly and observing discipline. It doesn't matter if he goes to bed earlier or later. Therefore, he has only checked the room twice since the military training. .

Lin Wenxi returned home late that night. As soon as he came back, he used a small flashlight to look for his cell phone. Zhao Yuan put his head out of the upper bunk and said happily: "Instructor Zhang came to check the ward today. Oh, you didn't bring your mobile phone with you. When we called you, it just moaned helplessly on the table, moaned... "

Lin Wenxi said coldly: "Thief"

Zhao Yuan couldn't help but became anxious: "You dropped it yourself, not me."

Lin Wenxi snorted coldly: "You won't admit it if you do it, you villain."

Zhao Yuan saw that his reputation had been damaged and said loudly: "Don't accuse me wrongly. It's not my fault to say what you say."

Lin Wenxi said: "It's up to you to argue."

Zhao Yuan was so angry and anxious that he couldn't help but slap the bed board and hit the edge of the bed. The bed couldn't bear the pain and shook. Zhao Yuan felt the pain in his bones and took a breath. Zheng Kai and Wang Xiang both woke up and vaguely heard the argument. Zheng Kai said impatiently: "If it's not you, it's not you. What nonsense are you talking about?" Wang Xiang defended seriously: "It's really not Zhao Yuan. I found your mobile phone. ." Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuan felt relieved knowing that his grievances had been washed away, and proudly wanted to hear Lin Wenxi apologize to him.

"Oh, of course I know." Lin Wenxi said lightly and then fell silent.

You, Zhao Yuan, were so angry that your lungs were about to explode. You wanted to explode, but you didn't want to disturb the other roommates anymore. You were lying on the bed and you were just struggling. How could you be provoked into such a state by Lin Wenxi with just a few words? Lin Wenxi is so hateful