The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 59: 59 (My nose suddenly became sore) The northern wild geese flew alone to the south of the city


When Lin Wenxi returned home, his father Lin Ziwei did not show any intention of welcoming him. He told him that his performance in the freshman league of the university was too strong.

"I got the first place by virtue of my own ability. Every parent wants their children to be excellent. Why do you always feel dissatisfied with what I get?" Lin Wenxi was a little annoyed. She walked back to her room and closed the door. .

"The judges of the competition all know your father more or less. Your father is worried that because of his relationship, the judges will deliberately judge you. I also took a look at your competition works. To be fair, the first place is given to you. , although it is worthy of the name, it is somewhat compromised. Your father is worried that firstly, it will affect your own judgment, and secondly, it may..." Huang Xiya pulled Lin Wenxi and talked sincerely.

"Isn't it because he is afraid that someone will make a fuss for him politically and say that his son is enjoying privileges? Why not just send me to another city, even outside the province or even abroad to study, and everything will be solved," Lin Wenxi asked rhetorically. .

"Child, you are still young and you don't understand yet." Huang Xiya was a little sad.

"I don't understand, I don't understand anything. You will always treat me as a child, so I don't understand anything. But do you treat me as a child? You have let me know who I am since elementary school, but you don't let me be who I am. Am I your biological child?" Lin Wenxi felt aggrieved.

"Wenxi" Huang Xiya gently stroked her forehead, looking very anxious. She was silent for a moment, and suddenly two lines of tears rolled down her face.

In Lin Wenxi's eyes, Huang Xiya was not a fragile person. How could she shed tears because of what she said? What did she say wrong? Lin Wenxi thought about it again and again, unable to figure out the reason, so she fell silent. Returning to this home, he seemed to be unable to breathe.

Huang Xiya didn't know when she left, and Lin Wenxi didn't know how he fell asleep in bed. On the first day back home, he was thinking about it in a daze, and suddenly felt that he was carrying his backpack again, covered in mud, and there was a person in front of him. Call him from afar to stand at attention and take a rest.

After only a few days at home, Lin Wenxi's parents discussed returning to their hometown to celebrate the New Year.

Lin Wenxi has been naughty since he was a child and has not been very lovable. Although his relatives and friends at home have treated him with courtesy and care, Lin Wenxi has been able to sense what is true love and what is false love too early, so he treats his hometown Relatives have no intention of getting close to each other. In junior high school and high school, Lin Wenxi did not return to his hometown for six years. The reason was that he was busy with schoolwork. Lin Ziwei and his wife could only leave Lin Wenxi at home and find Hongxuan and his wife who were celebrating the New Year in the county to stay at home, or simply let Lin Wenxi live at Hongxuan's house. , regarded as taking care of.

It was now the seventh year of college, and Lin Wenxi was worried about what excuses he could give for not returning to his hometown. A report card made Lin Wenxi feel mixed. He actually failed two subjects.

Because of failing the exam, Lin Wenxi had to review his homework anyway, and Lin Ziwei and his wife went back to their hometown for the New Year for more than a week, which naturally delayed Lin Wenxi's review. Lin Ziwei hated that iron could not become steel, and wanted to punish Lin Wenxi. He was concerned that his wife had been crying silently these nights, so he had to scold his son and asked Hongxuan for help before leaving uneasily.

Lin Wenxi really saw his parents' uneasiness.

In the refrigerator are various milk, bread and other nutritional supplements prepared by Huang Xiya. They are all cheap and beautiful. Huang Xiya finally selected them after going to the supermarket many times. And in his room, there was a slogan posted: "Heaven will give great responsibility to this people." Lin Wenxi looked up, feeling that his father was really unnecessary, so he was about to take it off. Thinking of Zhao Yuan's description in the psychology class, he smiled again and was stunned for a while.

Hongxuan came back from the army with Lin Ziwei and was originally Lin Ziwei's subordinate. He was born with a broad forehead and broad nose, thick eyebrows, and a stern face that showed no anger or authority. He was thin, but Lin Wenxi had played basketball with him and knew that when his two long arms were stretched out, they were covered with tendons and veins that had long been cherished. When they both came out of the army, Lin Ziwei was too busy exercising and gradually gained weight. However, Hong Xuan, a driver and security guard, practiced martial arts all the time in addition to his official duties. He went through life and death for Lin Ziwei and frightened many rural gangsters. When Lin Ziwei and his wife had no time to take care of Lin Wenxi, they often put him in Hongxuan's home for foster care, or Hongxuan took him to exercise. After more than ten years, Hongxuan had already become Lin Wenxi's relative, even half-father. Lin Wenxi was very fond of Lin Wenxi. He respected him very much, but he was also respectful and afraid.

Fortunately, this "sub-father" treated him quite indulgently. Things that he usually didn't dare to do in front of his father were often very easy to do in front of Hongxuan, but once he went out of his way, he would often get physical rewards. punish. In this case, although Lin Wenxi's body is quite weak for a student at Kiuo University, his physique is still pretty good.

Hongxuan came over on time to supervise Lin Wenxi's homework. As in previous years, he only cooked for Lin Wenxi, watched TV, and then practiced martial arts in the yard. Hongxuan didn't know anything about schoolwork, and he often asked Lin Wenxi to help his daughter Hongyan.

On this day, his wife was ill and his daughter had just entered her third year of high school and was busy with studies. So he and Lin Wenxi secretly asked for a leave, asking Lin Wenxi to perform well and not cause any trouble, and then left in a hurry.

Lin Wenxi stayed alone in the room and rolled on the bed with joy.

I rolled around a few times, but I didn’t know what to do. In junior high school and even high school, he was almost isolated from the circle of classmates and friends. Among his peers, the only one he could talk to was Hongyan. The name was very interesting, so he usually called Hongyan as his confidant. Lin Ziwei and Huang Xiya sometimes looked at Lin Wenxi who was growing up, and gradually thought about helping him find a partner in the future, so that they could marry Hongyan, who was beautiful, sensible, generous and decent. Naturally, these thoughts were not revealed to Lin Wenxi at all. , everything depends on Lin Wenxi's success in learning.

Lin Wenxi contacted Hongyan on the phone and went to Hongxuan's house. Although Hongxuan's wife was ill, she insisted on cooking a sumptuous lunch for Lin Wenxi and called Lin Ziwei to express her gratitude. Lin Wenxi suddenly felt that his visit out of concern had diplomatic and political significance. He felt that it was quite boring. He tutored Hongyan in his homework for a while and then went home alone.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Lin Wenxi searched all over his body and couldn't find his key. After thinking about it, it seemed that Uncle Hongxuan didn't take the key with him when he left.

Lin Wenxi's family lives in an old-fashioned compound. They moved into the small town from the countryside seven years ago and were purchased by Lin Ziwei's employer. Although it is located in the prosperous east of the small town, all the facilities are simple. It is surrounded by many ordinary people. It is almost unimaginable for Lingyoushe that this is the residence of Lin Ziwei, the director of education who has jurisdiction over hundreds of villages and towns in the small town.

Yangzi County is located on the edge of a small town. Lin Ziwei usually leaves early in the morning and returns home late, and is picked up by driver Hongxuan. If he works overtime late, he rests at his workplace, so it does not hinder his normal commuting. The reason why I would rather live here is that Lin Ziwei's hometown is in Yangzi County, and secondly, although Yangzi County is small, the education industry has become particularly developed because of such a director. The junior high schools include Zhenbei Junior High School, Senior High School, Chengnan Junior High School, Senior High School, Xicheng High School, Dongcheng High School, etc. Even if you look at the entire small town, they are all famous schools.

For the sake of Lin Wenxi's studies, Lin Ziwei did not move his family to the center of the small town, but continued to live in the place where he made his fortune, Yangzi County.

The facilities in the compound are simple, and anti-theft equipment has been carefully protected by relevant departments since Lin Ziwei was promoted five years ago. Therefore, the idea of climbing over the wall through the back door only passed through Lin Wenxi's mind for a moment.

On the way back to Hongxuan's residence, Lin Wenxi turned back again. After thinking about it, he decided to go to the Xuezi Bridge. It used to be the only way home from Zhenbei Middle School where he studied. It was full of dew and stars, going back and forth every day, and the New Year was approaching. , the usually bustling vendors were nowhere to be seen. Due to the light rain some time ago, there was only mud on the ground.

Lin Wenxi leaned against the bridge and looked at the Yangzi River flowing quietly below, blowing the clear river breeze, and suddenly felt an indescribable joy and joy. Today, he was completely free, and he suddenly wanted to make this a small town. Walked all the bridges.

After walking for more than an hour, we found the Zhegui Bridge in the south of the city. Going south from here is the rural part of the town, so there are many indigenous residents here, and there are frequent trade exchanges between urban and rural areas. Therefore, on the Zhegui Bridge There are also many small vendors waiting for customers who are preparing for the New Year and want to save some New Year money for themselves to spend the New Year.

Lin Wenxi bought a mountain apple from one of the old men, and gave the two candies he brought with him to the old man's grandson. The grandson smiled happily, so the old man gave Lin Wenxi an orange crab apple as a gift. Lin Wenxi gnawed on it. It feels sweet and sour.

But those nights of ruthless training on me vaguely appeared in front of my eyes, those days when I really made myself laugh out loud.

"Kill me." His words were loud and clear. Every scar on his body is a piece of meritorious service. Zhang Dong, why did you break into my life like this? Cruelly recalling all the sins and gently stroking his neck, feeling disgusted with himself. The hatred hasn't left yet, but it has actually lightened a lot. Who said, you are not dirty, I am the one who is dirty.

For the first time in more than six years, Lin Wenxi walked through that alley, crossed to Binhe Road, and looked at his home in the distance. When he looked up, it was snowing.

The snowflakes are falling one after another, and soon the world will be sorted out into a pure and innocent place. On those days when the snowflakes fell, my childhood hometown suddenly reminded me of that smiling face, but everything was blurred and could not be found. Where will he be doing at the moment? At the same time and in a different space, is it snowing there? He will also think of a playmate who used to stick to him when he was a child. In terms of age, he should be in his early twenties. Well, are you going to college, or are you

Then we walked past the Zhegui Bridge and the Lin Wenxi Independent Bridge. For a while, the flying snow in the sky was like a turbulent mind, lingering around the whole world.

"There's a buddy here. You don't want to jump into the river. If you jump, you won't drown, you will freeze to death." Someone laughed and pointed here. Lin Wenxi turned his back to them and made no move.

"Hey, what about you? You can't think about it, right?" Someone approached, trying to stop something. Lin Wenxi didn't want the quiet night of being alone like this to be broken, so she turned around and thanked him with a smile, and was about to leave.

"Wenxi" someone in the crowd shouted, and ran forward to hold Lin Wenxi's hand somewhat unsteadily, smelling of alcohol. Then he shuddered and seemed to be completely awake again. The drunkenness in his eyes dissipated and was filled with layers of joy.

"Zhao Yuan" Lin Wenxi turned around, the tip of his nose suddenly sore.