The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 62: 62 (Mother is crazy) Zhao Yuan’s bitter memories make him hateful


After moving from the countryside to a small county town, his father Zhao Mingjiang's business was out of control. Just as a new town was being built in Yangzi County, he set his sights on real estate and began bidding, building houses, taking loans, and selling houses, becoming the richest man in the county in one fell swoop.

The business grew bigger and bigger, and he became more and more courageous. Zhao Mingjiang actually contracted to build the tallest building in the county. It was planned to be a thirty-story building. This was unimaginable in a small town where the tallest building only had ten floors. Zhao Yuan was only twelve years old at that time, and Zhao Ming would often pull him and his mother to the construction site where construction was going on, and talk grandly about his plans. At that time, Zhao Yuan still had a mother.

Things are unpredictable. Due to obstacles in the construction, the real estate construction came to a halt. Zhao Mingjiang's face became more and more serious, and the living expenses of Zhao Yuan and his mother became more and more tense. Until one day, a debt collector forced his way to the door and dragged Zhao Yuan's mother into another room. Zhao Yuan heard his mother's pitiful call and his father's screams and fights, and the whole world went dark from then on.

Zhao Yuan's mother went crazy. One snowy night two years later, she rushed out of the house and never came back. Zhao Ming searched for several days following the shoe prints where his wife ran out, reported the crime, and posted a missing person notice, but to no avail. Some people say that they once saw a mad woman fall into someone's well. Zhao Ming drained the water and found no one alive or dead body. Someone else said that they saw a crazy woman falling into the Yangtze River. Zhao Mingjiang was unable to drain the Yangtze River, so he had people fishing along the river for several days, but to no avail. The creditor knocked Zhao Mingjiang unconscious by the river. , sent home.

That year, Zhao Yuan was thirteen years old.

Seeing that his new home was sealed, everything in the home being emptied, and his father being arrested in a police car, Zhao Yuan lived with his uncle in the countryside for a year. When his father was released, he saw that building start over again. Construction has nothing to do with my father anymore.

From then on, he kept avoiding creditors and kept moving here and there to borrow money. It was not so much that Zhao Yuan was interested in Sanda, but to guard against the sneak attacks of creditors. Before he graduated from Chengnan Junior High School, he studied under a teacher. For five years, In the cold winter and hot weather, I have been practicing Sanda hard. General Zhao Ming lived near Zhao Yuan's master's home. Over the years, he and Zhao Yuan often made a living by hunting in the mountains, and only occasionally went back to deal with debt matters.

Zhao Yuan was used to hanging out with a group of senior fellow apprentices for a long time, and he had developed a free-spirited knight-errant aura. It is true that in the eyes of others, he was just a ruffian. Hanging around with the young people in society, making friends in various places, discussing martial arts in the underworld, and discussing skills in the white way. I have sharpened my head and learned how to behave, and my heart has long been polished to perfection.

Sometimes Zhao Yuan would laugh at himself, living like a sword-wielding knight who was forced into the rivers and lakes in feudal society. But what are rivers and lakes? Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, whether it was in the past or now.

Fortunately, there were many relatives and friends who helped. Year by year, Zhao Yuan gradually grew up and the family's debts were gradually cleared. Asking people everywhere, looking for help, giving gifts and favors, Zhao Yuan knew that he had survived, but not lived. It was not until his father opened this store two years ago that all the turmoil ended.

I remember that when my father hung up the lantern, he, who was not good at words, said the most romantic words: "24 hours a day, we must ensure that this lantern will stay lit until death. Your mother will definitely remember the way home."

Zhao Yuan remembered it, but couldn't say it. He could only nod and answer with a smile: "She divorced my dad and they are in another city." When he said this, Zhao Yuan was praying with all his heart. He hoped that his mother really was Live in another city, live well.

"Feel sorry.

"Lin Wenxi's expression was a little sad.

"It's okay, isn't everything fine?" Zhao Yuan smiled, took out the reed broom next to him, and cleaned the remaining dust on the surface of the lantern. His father must have been too busy and forgot to clean it, but the amount of dust was indeed Of course it's a bit much. . .

Zhao Mingjiang had an agreement with Zhao Yuan that if he wasn't going home to celebrate the New Year this year, he would be away managing business. Although Zhao Yuan was surprised that for the past two years he had been selling firecrackers during the New Year and usually selling wild game, his father actually had the idea of doing business outside, but he didn't think much about it.

Lin Wenxi smiled sadly, and Zhao Yuan pinched his cheek. Seeing that he was being teased, Lin Wenxi turned away in anger.

Zhao Yuan burst out laughing: "It's probably because you look good when you smile. Good-looking things don't come around often, so you don't smile often."

Lin Wenxi's eyes flickered and she smiled sweetly. Zhao Yuan felt very satisfied and went to the inner room to carry firecrackers to replenish the shelves. Today's harvest was good. When the store opens tomorrow morning, the shelves will be dazzling. Lin Wenxi wanted to help, but he didn't know where to start. Instead, Zhao Yuan persuaded him to go to the bedroom to rest.

Lin Wenxi then took a closer look at Zhao Yuan's bedroom. It was really simple. Forget about the hard bed, the bedside table is just a small box with a lamp and an alarm clock on it. The curtains were black at night, with a few orange fireworks on them, making them look very lonely and distant. There was a pile of straw randomly spread on the window sill below, and there was still the lingering fragrance of going to sleep on it. Further to the left is a wardrobe with a matte black background and a mix of red. There are only a few simple clothes in it, either red or black. As for winter clothes, they are nothing more than a red cloak, black woolen fabrics, and dark gray denim. Further to the left is a desk with a folding desk lamp whose lines resemble simple drawings. The orange light turns the desk into the warm color of dusk. There are several books on the desk that are slightly older, such as Houhei Xue, Principles of Economics and other business and economic books. It is hard to believe that such a book can be as boring as Zhao Yuan's. young guys get in touch. Further to the left are two supporting iron frames, a sandbag, two sets of dumbbells, grippers and other ordinary fitness equipment that Hongxuan once took Lin Wenxi to experience.

"Have you finished reading?" Zhao Yuan walked in with a smile, holding a plate with two fried fish on it, steaming hot, and the oil foam on it was still rolling slightly. Lin Wenxi was so happy that he picked up the fish and hurriedly picked out the bones. He was surprised to find that the fish had very few bones, and the few bones were as soft as men's eyebrows.

Lin Wenxi finished eating the first fish, chewing the head and tail cleanly, and looked at the second fish with a smile.

"It's all yours." Zhao Yuan said.

"No, I can't hold it anymore, so I can only eat some more. Give me the fish head and tail." Lin Wenxi smacked her mouth. Zhao Yuan happily cut the fish head and tail into pieces and ate the meat in several bites. Lin Wenxi also quickly settled the proceeds and rushed to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Zhao Yuan saw that Lin Wenxi had been washing dishes for a long time, so he went down to take a look. When he entered the kitchen, he was stunned. Although Zhao Yuan usually cleans up, he is not good at handling delicate tasks such as kitchen garbage and stains, but Lin Wenxi has taken care of every corner of the kitchen and is washing his hands in the sink.

Zhao Yuan grabbed Lin Wenxi's hand. His slender hand was as bright as the bright moon, his fingers were like peeling onions, and his armor was like cicada wings. It was hard to put it down.

Lin Wenxi waited wholeheartedly for Zhao Yuan's praise. Zhao Yuan said with a smile: "The front yard, the backyard, the living room, and the bedroom are all left to you."

Lin Wenxi stared and raised her nose, but she was already in Zhao Yuan's arms.