The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 9: 9 (Pressing on Lin Wenxi) Adding fuel to the flames of the farce


Zhao Yuan was anxious and suddenly pulled down the curtain of the tent. It was dark inside, so he turned on the light.

People outside couldn't wait to squeeze into the tent to see what was going on, but they were afraid that Lin Wenxi's delicate gadget would easily collapse. For a moment, they all turned into Ming Dynasty royal guards, looking for gaps in the tent, or slightly opening the curtain door. Unexpectedly, although Wang Xiang helped build Lin Wenxi's tent, he himself had all kinds of workmanship to make it, so that it was glued together tightly and airtight.

Lin Wenxi also heard the noise inside and didn't say anything anymore, but kept covering his eyes.

"Hey, even if a girl saw it, she wouldn't react as much as you, right? You haven't been naked yourself," Zhao Yuan asked eloquently.

Lin Wenxi covered her eyes and ignored it.

"If you don't open your eyes, I'll take off my clothes." Zhao Yuan grinned and leaned forward to try to pull off Lin Wenxi's hand that was blocking his eyes. Lin Wenxi screamed again and yelled: "Get out!" A burst of laughter.

"Hey, are you still reasonable? Do you know what this is? The rabbit you gave birth to just now pooped on me. I didn't come to your tent to stink you up. I...I wronged me." Zhao Yuan As he spoke, he put his chest close to Lin Wenxi. Lin Wenxi felt anxious when she smelled this unusual smell. She didn't dare to yell anymore, so she could only ask with hatred: "What do you want to do before you are willing to go out?"

"Please wipe it clean for me. I missed a meal of rabbit meat and I'm embarrassed. You should be responsible for something." Zhao Yuan's chest was closer to Chen Yuanxi.

Lin Wenxi just refused.

There was already a roar of people outside the tent. Wang Xiang was elected as the representative. He opened the tent he had built by himself from the outside. He was surrounded by the crowd, and he stumbled forward with an exclamation. At that time, Zhao Yuan was putting his hands on the ground in a push-up position, controlling his body to get closer but not close to Lin Wenxi. He was accidentally pressed down by the weight of several people, and with a muffled groan, he lay on Lin Wenxi's body.

Lin Wenxi felt that it was getting dark.

When everyone realized and dispersed, Zhao Yuan struggled to get up from the ground. Lin Wenxi was already so depressed that he almost choked. When he saw the gray mud-like mass on his white clothes, , silently invited everyone out, and closed the air door of the tent alone.

Outside the door, everyone was attracted by Zhao Yuan's muscular body. But you can see the two rib-knotted chest muscles, which are like iron armor, the six bulging abdominal muscles, the lines are like carvings, the muscles on the arms are bulging, the body is not too big, it can be compared with Michelangelo's David body The sculpture is masculine from the inside out, as straight as a warrior, with bronzed skin standing against the scorching sun. The girls exclaimed and salivated for a moment, unable to restrain themselves. During military training, it was strictly forbidden to go shirtless in the dormitory. Therefore, even Wang Xiang had not seen Zhao Yuan's pure and strong beauty, so he couldn't help but punch Zhao Yuan in the chest: "You still have such talent?"

Under the scorching gazes of everyone, Chen Wanxin stepped forward and casually wiped the stains on Zhao Yuan's chest, leaving some tissue for him to relieve himself, and then came back with a graceful figure amidst envy. Zheng Kai's eyes turned green. He took off his shirt on the spot, stood in front of Zhao Yuan, took off his shirt, showed off his biceps, and said in a rough voice: "I'm no worse than you."

Zheng Kai's figure is even more excellent, and every muscle is like a carefully crafted aesthetic work. However, he is a bit big, and the girls feel a little awkward when they see it. Although there are voices of appreciation, it is not as good as A confused heart towards Zhao Yuan.

"Okay, okay, like a shaved orangutan, fine.

"Look?" Chen Wanxin pouted. Zheng Kai immediately became dejected, put on his clothes, and went to peel off Wang Xiang. Wang Xiang relied on his flexible body to shuttle left and right, leaving Zheng Kai chasing around. In the midst of the commotion, Lin Wenxi's curtain door Opening it, he had already changed into a beige top. He handed the dirty one to Zhao Yuan and only whispered: "Wash it clean."

Wash it, how to wash it. Zhao Yuan felt deeply embarrassed and didn't bring much water with him. It was said that his clothes were washed at the supply station and could be dried on the spot. Zhao Yuan thought for a while, said nothing more, looked for the map and ran away in a hurry.

"I said to Lin Wenxi, isn't it the same as washing at the supply station? Why let him wash it now? It won't dry even after washing." Chen Wanxin was slightly angry.

Lin Wenxi didn't even look at her and went back to the tent.

"What a freak." Chen Wanxin was a little angry.

"Maybe this is the only piece of clothing he wears. You see, he changes into one piece of clothing every day." Shu Xiaoman said with a smile.

"Show me your elbow." Chen Wanxin said.

Shu Xiaoman raised his hand in confusion, and Zhang Anan had already covered his mouth and smiled.

"You didn't turn away, why are you saying something so unpleasant?" Chen Wanxin said coldly. Shu Xiaoman couldn't help but laugh.

Several leaders of the girls' team have already set off, while Chen Wanxin and others are still waiting anxiously. When the tent was almost dismantled and the sun was already high, Zhao Yuan ran back from a distance in high spirits, holding Lin Wenxi's clean clothes in his hands. Lin Wenxi already regretted forcing Zhao Yuan to leave and wasting everyone's time. Seeing that he was out of breath from running tired, he lowered his head slightly and silently looked at Zhao Yuan's body, which was soaked by the mist and dew in the mountains. There are also many bloodstains from scratches, old wounds and new wounds. It must have taken a lot of effort to catch rabbits last night. He returned to the tent and handed a piece of styptic grass to Zhao Yuan when he came out.

"You actually recognize styptic grass?" Zhao Yuan was surprised.

"Yeah." Lin Wenxi looked a little depressed. In his memory, there seemed to be a childhood playmate who taught him how to recognize hemostatic grass. He could also catch rabbits, but the world was far away and time was long. Everything worth remembering ended up being parted. A carving knife that will never be seen again.

"Then I'll enjoy the blessing. Help me apply it." He said and raised his ankle.

"You are really itchy." Lin Wenxi couldn't help but say.

Zhao Yuanfang laughed and urged everyone to get on the road quickly. He pointed at the map and said that he found a stream that could lead directly to the bottom of the mountain.

The girls' dormitory hurriedly studied countermeasures. Zhao Yuan's outstanding performance will definitely make Lin Wenxi greatly appreciate it. What will be the next step

Shu Xiaoman suddenly raised his head: "Sister Wanxin, why do you seem a little unhappy?"

Zhang Anan smiled evilly: "It seems that someone is comparing their feelings to others."

Chen Wanxin grabbed the two girls and beat them up. She looked again and saw that the boy from 216 had packed up the tent, but he didn't know where he had gone. Several instructors were carefully checking whether the bonfire they had left was extinguished, in case something unexpected happened.

Since the boys and girls competed for rankings separately, Chen Wanxin and the others were taken care of all the way and were already far ahead of the other girls. However, Zhao Yuan and the others had to delay a lot of distance due to eating problems. No wonder they ran far away in such a hurry.

It turns out that 216 boys are not just good at catching rabbits.