The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 189: Extra Story (3)


The first time Yan Fei saw Sheng Xi was when he was ten years old. He held his grandfather's hand and looked up at Sheng Xi who was sitting in a wheelchair. He thought he was really good-looking.

At that time, grandpa asked him to call Sheng Xi 'sister-in-law', but he didn't call him, his brother was not worthy of Sheng Xi at all.

Sheng Xi looked so beautiful, Yan Fei never knew there would be such a beautiful person in this world, Sheng Xi was like the first ray of sunshine in the morning, directly shining into his heart.

Grandpa smiled at Sheng Xi embarrassedly at that time, saying that the child is still young and ignorant.

Sheng Xi said it was okay, then reached out and touched his head with a gentle smile.

His eyes straightened, and he rubbed against Sheng Xi's palm unconsciously. This was a coquettish act he had never done in front of his mother, and the grandfather on the side was amazed.

Although Sheng Xi's leg was injured and he could only sit in a wheelchair, he looked like an angel with broken wings, with an indescribably fragile beauty on his body. knock him down.

Yan Fei couldn't help approaching Sheng Xi cautiously, full of longing and yearning, Sheng Xi did not disappoint him, Sheng Xi's character was as beautiful as he imagined, Sheng Xi accepted his existence gently, and treated him very well, but that A good portion is like treating a younger brother.

When he was in China, whenever he had time, he would go to Langong, but the longer he was in contact with Sheng Xi, the more unwilling he was. They were both children of the Yan family, so why was his brother born earlier than him? After a few years, can you easily get such a good Shengxi

However, Yanfeng still doesn't know how to be content, and even despises Sheng Xi's leg injury, and his relatives, they don't like Sheng Xi either, and they think that Sheng Xi is not good enough for Yanfeng.

Whenever he heard them slander Sheng Xi, he would be furious, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of happiness in his heart. Since they don't understand how to appreciate it, it's good that only he knows the goodness of Sheng Xi.

As he got older, he heard his grandfather's proposal to get Yanfeng and Sheng Xi to get married several times at the dinner table. Although Yanfeng refused every time, he couldn't help but start to feel anxious, and every day was frightening. Secretly annoyed in my heart, why can't he grow faster, and faster.

He can't let Yan Feng and Sheng Xi get married, and he can't make Sheng Xi his sister-in-law, otherwise it will be the source of nightmare and pain for his whole life.

He waited patiently, and finally he got an opportunity. His dear brother made a woman's stomach big. Yanfeng originally wanted to hide the truth from everyone and let the woman secretly abort the child in her stomach.

Naturally, he would not allow Yanfeng to do this. He secretly thought of a way to pass the news to his grandfather, and then deliberately provoked Yanfeng with the incident of Sheng Xi. As expected, Yanfeng was enraged by him, and became hysterical in front of his grandfather. He refused to marry Sheng Xi and insisted on marrying that woman.

After a few days of quarreling, grandpa finally couldn't bear to part with the great-grandson in the woman's belly, and finally compromised under Yanfeng and the woman's crying.

When Grandpa decided to break off the engagement between Sheng Xi and Yan Feng, Yan Fei couldn't help showing a smile.

Yanfeng can't blame him, whoever let Yanfeng get the treasure that he has dreamed about for many years easily, but doesn't know how to cherish it, then don't blame him for taking the treasure away from his hands.

He was afraid that Yanfeng would go back on his word, so when he broke off the engagement, he offered to accompany his grandfather to the Orchid Palace instead of Yanfeng. Naturally, Yanfeng was happy and ran away immediately. He never liked to take responsibility, and Yan Fei was willing to help him deal with the aftermath. happy.

Yan Fei couldn't help chuckling. In fact, Yan Feng hadn't had a good look at Sheng Xi when he grew up. If he saw Sheng Xi, he would find that Sheng Xi was much better than his woman, but he had no chance to find out. up.

When Sheng Xi heard the news of the dissolution of the engagement, although he acted indifferently, there was still a bit of sadness in his brows and eyes. Yan Fei saw it in his eyes, and his heart ached following Sheng Xi, but he still reluctantly helped them resolve the marriage contract. got married.

If Sheng Xi marries Yan Feng, that would be Sheng Xi's nightmare. He knows his elder brother best, and he knows that Yan Feng is definitely not a good man, so he can't just watch Sheng Xi fall into the fire pit, but can only be cruel. this heart.

He originally thought that the relationship between Yanfeng and Sheng Xi would be broken after the engagement was terminated, but he didn't expect Yanfeng to get divorced. What surprised him even more was that his grandfather wanted to bring Sheng Xi and Yanfeng together again. as a pair.

When he heard the news, it was like a bolt from the blue. He hated his family's selfishness towards Sheng Xi, hated himself for being helpless, and hated all these years, even without Yanfeng, Sheng Xi still only regarded him as a younger brother. , Looking at him has never been mixed with the slightest love.

All this made him unacceptable, so he ran out in a daze, not daring to look into Sheng Xi's eyes for the time being.

Fortunately, he calmed down quickly, and after thinking about the countermeasures, he reached an agreement with Sheng Cen. He used the strategy to replace Sheng Xi's marriage partner with him, and he wanted to marry Sheng Xi and go home.

Yanfeng has been incompetent and stupid for so many years, it is too easy for him to catch Yanfeng's handle, Yanfeng is not his opponent at all, so he easily beat Yanfeng so that he has no power to fight back.

He successfully became the head of the Yan family and held the power of the Yan family in his own hands. He also successfully married Sheng Xi back. From now on, no one in the Yan family can despise Sheng Xi, and no one dares to Let Sheng Xi and Yan Feng make a pair.

On the day of the wedding, he arranged a long-awaited wedding according to Sheng Xi's preferences. From then on, Sheng Xi was no longer his sister-in-law, but his legitimate partner.

Yanfeng was driven abroad by him. On the day Yanfeng left, he allowed Yanfeng to go back to Yan's house to say goodbye. After Yanfeng accidentally saw Sheng Xi, he was stunned in shock. She was willing to leave Sheng Xi's body.

Yan Fei could tell from Yanfeng's expression that he regretted it, but Yanfeng regretted it too late, Sheng Xi is his now, and he will not let Yanfeng see his Omega again in the future.

He hooked his lips slightly, and pushed Sheng Xi upstairs, followed by Yanfeng's unwilling growl, but so what? The deal is done.

After getting married, he personally took care of Sheng Xi and gave him the best. He almost exhausted all his strength to send the best of the world to Sheng Xi.

It is his greatest satisfaction to be able to see the smile on Sheng Xi's face every day. He is full of motivation every day, and he is always smiling when he goes home.

Everyone saw his kindness to Sheng Xi, and gradually there were voices of opposition in the family. They said that Sheng Xi didn't deserve such precious treatment from him. They said that Sheng Xi's legs were disabled. His elder brother had a marriage contract, which made him lose face.

But they didn't know that Sheng Xi was the treasure he had longed for for many years, the softness he had hidden in his heart, so everyone he heard saying such things was severely punished by him.

But unfortunately, these words still reached Sheng Xi's ears. From that day on, the smile on Sheng Xi's face became less and less, and he became more and more alienated from him.

He knew that Sheng Xi wanted to leave him, but he had a premonition but was unwilling to admit it. He could only wait for that day as if he was waiting for the verdict.

Sure enough, after Sheng Cen became emperor, Sheng Xi finally filed for a divorce from him.

This is what he promised Sheng Xi when he and Sheng Xi got married. After everything passed, he would let Sheng Xi be free, but at this moment, how could he be willing, how could he be willing to let Sheng Xi go like this? It is the person he has guarded for many years and worked so hard to get.

At a loss, he asked Sheng Xi why, Sheng Xi tilted his head slightly, avoiding his eyes, and said, "I only regard you as my younger brother."'s brother again... Sheng Xi almost yelled at that moment, the days of being together day and night, and Jane's love seemed to have become a joke. He originally thought that Sheng Xi's feelings for him had changed, at least no longer only his As a younger brother, he didn't expect everything to return to the original point now.

He was already close at hand, but his previous efforts were in vain. Let him watch Sheng Xi leave, it was tantamount to cutting his heart with a knife.

His heart was so sad that it was about to explode, his mind went blank, and he kissed Sheng Xi forcefully out of control, and he almost raped Sheng Xi, until Sheng Xi cried out in fear, and he stopped suddenly Hand, after realizing it, he regretted helping Sheng Xi tidy up his clothes, and then sent Sheng Xi back to Lan Palace in embarrassment.

He faced Sheng Xi with no face, returned to Yan's house alone, lost Sheng Xi's smile in the empty house, and everything became lifeless, he tried his best to get everything, but in the final analysis, it was just to get one person, Without that person, everything would be meaningless.

It was as if the light of his life had been suddenly taken away from him, and he lived in a daze every day, relying on alcohol to barely fall asleep at night.

He knew that he made a mistake that day, so he didn't dare to disturb Sheng Xi. He was also afraid that he would lose control again after seeing Sheng Xi. Let something like that happen again, he promised to set Sheng Xi free.

Sheng Xi is so good, he can't hurt him.

He didn't bother Sheng Xi for a whole month, and then he couldn't bear the torment of longing, so he walked into the Lan Palace. He thought that Sheng Xi would not want to see him, but he didn't expect that Sheng Xi's eyes were red when he saw him .

He stretched out his hand and touched his cheek, knowing that he looked a bit embarrassed now, he forgot to shave his beard, and he didn't have time to change his clothes, he had never appeared in front of Sheng Xi in such a mess.

He couldn't help being a little embarrassed, lowered his head and straightened his clothes, and when he looked up, he accidentally met Sheng Xi's eyes, and couldn't help being stunned. He seemed to see a different look in Sheng Xi's eyes, which was no longer just pure. Look at my brother's eyes.

A great excitement welled up in his heart, and when Sheng Xi's heart softened, he pushed him into the room.

This time, he squatted beside Sheng Xi and told his love for many years without any concealment. He knelt on the ground and begged Sheng Xi to give him a little love, even a little is enough.

Sheng Xi was shocked at first, but when he knelt down, he finally helped him up softly.

He lay on Sheng Xi's lap and refused to get up, he put his head on Sheng Xi's lap and rubbed helplessly, he had exhausted all means, if Sheng Xi still wanted to divorce him, he really wouldn't Know what to do.

Sheng Xi looked at the soft hair on his head, hesitated for a while, stretched out his hand, stroked his head lightly like when he was a child, and said, "Xiao Fei, if you really want to be with me, we will Be together."

Yan Fei raised her head in an instant, with tears in her eyes.

Sheng Xi lowered his head, looked at the corners of his red eyes, smiled and said, "He's such a big man, how come he still looks like a child."

He stared blankly at Sheng Xi, looking at the love that finally appeared in Sheng Xi's eyes, it was not for his younger brother, but for a man.

He suppressed his excitement, raised his body slightly, and kissed Sheng Xi's lips reverently.

He finally got the treasure he had dreamed of for many years.

This time, he was not in a hurry to bring Sheng Xi home, but only after cleaning up the messy people in the Yan family, he brought Sheng Xi back.

This time, he will definitely give Sheng Xi a stable and happy environment, so that Sheng Xi can live a carefree life.

And he, with Sheng Xi by his side, would be happy.

The author has something to say:

After reading everyone’s comments tonight, I temporarily wrote the story of Yan Fei and Sheng Xi. I hope you like it. I’ll see you again this time, Mua~Thank you!

Every baby who insists on reading the last chapter must be hugged and held high! Love you guys!

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