The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 71


When Tang Sanyuan went downstairs, Yan Qinye sat on the sofa and drank tea with Tom Bott. His posture of pouring tea was very standard, as meticulous as he was, and his demeanor was cold and alienated, but he was very cold and distant to Tom Bott. Respectfully.

In the past few years, although Yan Qinye and Tang Siyuan have been in a nurturing relationship, they often come and go to the Tang family. Although he seems to be not easy to get close to, he has a good relationship with the Tang family. If everyone knows that he and Tang Siyuan Yuan's real relationship would almost treat him as Tang Siyuan's partner.

When Tom Bote knew that Tang Siyuan had been taking care of Yan Qinye since high school, he was so angry that he almost beat a child for the first time in his life.

At that time, there was a lot of trouble, and it was Yan Qinye who stood in front of Tang Siyuan to stop the angry Tom Bott. Even now, Tang Bott often reprimands Tang Siyuan for ruining other people's children.

Tang Bote gets angry when he mentions this matter, every time he sees Yan Qinye, he feels guilty, wishing to love Yan Qinye as his own child.

But Tang Siyuan's words to Tang Bote always went in one ear and out the other, and he never took it seriously, and continued to maintain a nurturing relationship with Yan Qinye in his own way.

After Tang Sanyuan went downstairs, she greeted Yan Qinye briefly, then sat down beside him, and said a few words with him.

Yan Qinye came here often, no one in the Tang family treated him as an outsider, everyone was very casual, and often had the illusion that he was already a member of the Tang family.

It's a pity that Tang Siyuan has repeatedly emphasized that they are just a nurturing relationship, so everyone should not think too much.

Yan Qinye looked at him and asked: "I watched the entertainment news recently. There is a celebrity named Cai Keke who always uses you to stir up news. Do you want me to send him a lawyer's letter to warn him?"

Tang Sanyuan quickly waved her hand, "No need, I have already thought of a solution."

Yan Qinye usually dealt with big cases, so he didn't have the nerve to bother him with such a trivial matter.

Yan Qinye took a sip of tea and said, "If you need anything, please contact me again."

Tang Sanyuan nodded quickly, "Okay."

He couldn't help thinking, if it wasn't for Tang Siyuan, why would Yan Qinye treat the Tang family so well, he sighed silently, stood up and went out to find Tang Siyuan.

Tang Siyuan was watering the flowers in the yard, humming leisurely, she didn't seem to feel anything unusual about Yan Qinye's presence in the Tang family, it seemed that everyone was used to his presence.

Tang Sanyuan walked over. This flower garden was planted by their family together. There are all kinds of flowers in it. Basically, there will be flowers blooming in it every season. The Tang family attaches great importance to it. , As long as I have time, I will often take care of this flower garden myself.

Tang Sanyuan walked over to pick up the watering can, watered the flowers with Tang Siyuan, and picked off the dried flowers by the way.

While pouring water, he casually asked, "Why don't you accompany Yan Qinye?"

Tang Siyuan pouted lightly, and said, "He was talking with Daddy, either about politics or the case. Not only would I not be able to intervene there, but Daddy would also take the opportunity to reprimand me. I'm not going there."

Every time Tang Bote saw Yan Qinye and Tang Siyuan, he would reprimand them for their relationship.

Tang Sanyuan frowned slightly, and couldn't help but said: "With Yan Qinye's current status, is he still willing to maintain a nurturing relationship with you?"

"Why don't you want to?" Tang Siyuan asked without any hesitation, as if she didn't think there was any problem at all.

Tang Sanyuan was silent for a while, and asked him: "But what is the difference between you and married couples?"

Tang Siyuan stopped watering when he heard the words, lowered his head and thought about it, and then said indifferently: "The difference is that I won't give birth to him."

Tang Sanyuan was speechless for a moment, really confused about the relationship between these two people. He took the watering can and turned around to water the flower garden behind, but when he turned around, he saw Yan Qinye standing behind them with a cold face. Not far away, they clearly heard their conversation just now.

Tang Sanyuan opened her mouth, and just about to remind Tang Siyuan, she saw Yan Qinye turn around and leave without saying a word, the aura around him seemed a bit colder than usual.

Tang Sanyuan couldn't help shivering, he turned his head to look at Tang Siyuan who still knew nothing about all this, and silently gave him a self-seeking look.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost time to go to Gu An's house. Tang Sanyuan felt that he couldn't go empty-handed. After all, it was the first time we met, so he should pay more attention to it. But he thought about it and didn't think of a good gift for Gu An's grandfather, so he had to go to ask Yuan Qiu, ask for his opinion.

Yuan Qiu and Tom Bote were researching the places to travel next, each holding a travel magazine in his hand, and chatting a few words from time to time.

Tang Sanyuan moved over, sat down beside Yuan Qiu, and asked, "Father, if you need to visit the elders, what gift should you give?"

Yuan Qiu put down the travel magazine in his hand, seriously thought about it and said, "Give me some tea, it just so happens that your dad recently got a new batch of good tea, it's just right for you to take some as a gift."

Tang Sanyuan's eyes lit up. Tom Bot has always liked to drink tea. His former subordinates now work in various places. They know that he loves tea, and they always help him choose some good tea leaves, so Tang Bo It must be better than buying it outside.

Tang Sanyuan looked at Tom Bote and asked, "Is that okay, Daddy? If I give away the tea, is your tea enough?"

His own son was in need, and Tombert was naturally willing to give it to him, and immediately waved his hand cheerfully: "Take it, I still have a lot of tea, I can't finish it."

Tang Sanyuan laughed happily, and thanked her sweetly: "Thank you dad and dad."

Tombot patted his son's head lovingly, and asked softly, "Which elder do you want to give it to?"

Tang Sanyuan said indifferently: "Give it to Gu An's grandfather, I will go to his house to visit Grandpa Gu tomorrow."

"..." Tombert's movements froze, and his face instantly became miserable.

Are you going to meet your parents

Is that far from getting married

Tang Sanyuan didn't notice that Tombert's face changed again and again, and finally turned into a dish. He stood up happily. Although he had decided that the more formal gift was to give tea, these gifts were taken out from home after all. Yes, not sincere enough, he felt that he should choose another gift himself, which would be more sincere.

He said goodbye to the two dads and walked out with the car keys.

Tombot looked at his back, and leaned on Yuan Qiu's shoulder, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Yuan Qiu patted his face, and said mercilessly: "If you want to be more open, the cabbage will always be pushed."

"But my heart hurts when I'm pushed!" Tombert was very aggrieved.

Yuan Qiu: "You are already a mature father, you have to be stronger."

Tombert: "..." No, I'm going to be naive all my life when it comes to being a father.

Tang Sanyuan, wearing a mask and a hat, carefully selected a circle in an art gallery for sale, and finally stood in front of a white porcelain artwork in the shape of a rabbit. The rabbit was white and very beautiful. Glowing warmly under the light.

Tang Sanyuan really wanted to buy it as a gift to Grandpa Gu, but he felt that it was not good to give this as a gift, and he should choose a more formal artwork as a gift.

He struggled for a while, and couldn't help but send a message to Gu An, "Do you think I should choose the gift I like for Grandpa Gu, or should I choose something more commemorative?"

Gu An replied quickly, "You don't need to buy gifts, just go and have a simple meal with grandpa."

Tang Sanyuan insisted, "I want to give it to you, you help me choose."

Gu An paused for a while, didn't try to persuade him any more, just replied: "Just choose what you like. If you really like something, I believe Grandpa will like it too."

Tang Sanyuan immediately replied with the word 'good', and bought the rabbit without hesitation. He felt that what Gu An said was right. He didn't know what Grandpa Gu liked. Since he couldn't choose Grandpa Gu If you like something, then choose what he likes. This is his heart. I believe Grandpa Gu will feel his heart. After he knows what Grandpa Gu likes, he will give him something he likes.

... Tang Sanyuan hurriedly put an end to this thought. He and Gu An were just speculating on CP, and it was not certain whether he would see Grandpa Gu again. After all, he and Gu An were deceiving Grandpa Gu. Grandpa Gu should be very disappointed when he knew the truth Very angry.

Tang Sanyuan touched the white porcelain rabbit in his hand, for some reason, thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The phone rang, which interrupted his thoughts at the right time. He took out the phone and looked at it. It was Gu An who sent another message, "I will pick you up by car tomorrow morning, and send me the address when I have time."

Tang Sanyuan's mood immediately improved, and she replied with the word "yes", and sent him her home address by the way.

The next morning, Tang Sanyuan got up energetically. After packing up, he took his things and went downstairs. His clothes were neat and clean, his cheeks were white and bright, and there was a cheerful smile on his mouth. Very light.

Tombote's eyes hurt from looking at it, and after looking away, he held the tea in his hand tightly.

Yuan Qiu stared at him helplessly, lowered his voice and said: "Hurry up and take out the tea leaves."

"No, just don't give!" Tom Bote held the tea leaves in his hand tightly and refused to let go, that Gu An not only wanted to push his family's cabbage, but even took away his tea leaves too! He wants to take back what he said before, and he doesn't want to give him a piece of tea.

Yuan Qiu stepped forward, snatched the tea out of his arms, turned around and handed it to Tang Sanyuan, "Go, don't let Gu An wait for you."

Tang Sanyuan glanced at the miserable Tom Bote, and asked hesitantly, "Is Daddy alright?"

Yuan Qiu waved his hand, "It's okay, just ignore him."

The butler walked in and said, "There is a young master surnamed Gu who wants to come in. He said he is a friend of the third young master. Do you want to invite him in?"

"Gu An?" Tang Sanyuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Let him in quickly."

Tombert had a dark face, but he didn't object aloud. After all, his son-in-law would come to the door sooner or later, and he couldn't stop him.


Gu An was wearing a neat suit, with a tall and straight figure and a calm and handsome face. After he walked in, he first smiled at Tang Sanyuan, and then came to say hello to Tang Bote and Yuan Qiu, holding two Gift box, I don't know what's in it.

Tang Sanyuan waited for them to say hello, walked up to him, and asked with a smile on her face, "Why did you come so early?"

"I want to see you soon." Gu An brushed away a strand of hair covering his eyes, and replied in a gentle voice, the affection between his actions was self-evident.

Seeing it in his eyes, Tombot couldn't help but snorted softly, and muttered softly, "Smart words."

Yuan Qiu twisted his ears, lowered his voice and said, "When you were courting me back then, you talked even more sweetly than this."

Mentioning the love affair back then, Tom Bote couldn't help laughing, his complexion softened, and there was an instant appreciation in the eyes of Gu An, the young man has his demeanor back then, it's okay.

But his smile didn't last long, and he immediately restrained himself. When the future son-in-law came to the door for the first time, he had to maintain his majesty.

Gu An handed the gifts in his hands to Tom Bot and Yuan Qiu respectively, and said respectfully: "This is a gift from the younger generation to the two uncles, I hope you like it."

"Hmm..." Tombert responded lightly, took the gift box and opened it in a leisurely manner.

Inside the gift box was a set of exquisite and beautiful purple sand teapots, and Tom Bote couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He had wanted this set of purple sand teapots for a long time, but Yuan Qiu despised him for having too many teapots, so he never let him buy it.

Now that he has a good heart in front of him, he wished he could make a pot of tea and try it immediately, but he resisted the urgency in his heart, coughed lowly, and put away the gift box pretending to be calm, "It's not bad. "

What Gu An gave Yuan Qiu was a painting, and Yuan Qiu laughed when he saw it. This painting was made by the painter he likes.

Tom Bote looked up at Gu An, it seemed that he had come prepared, and had already found out their preferences.

But... this intention is still sincere, it seems that he should be serious about his stupid son.

He stood up, raised his chin towards Gu An, and walked towards the study, "Come with me."

Gu An looked calm and calm, nodded respectfully, and followed.

Tang Sanyuan also wanted to follow, but Yuan Qiu stopped him after taking a step. Yuan Qiu smiled and said, "Come here and help me hang up the painting."

Tang Sanyuan had no choice but to agree, but she was still a little worried about Gu An, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of the study.

Yuan Qiu saw that he looked out of place, couldn't help but patted his hand with a smile, and comforted him: "It's okay, your dad has a sense of propriety."

"But Gu An and I are just speculating on CP, we're not really together, did Dad misunderstand?" Tang Sanyuan looked in the direction of the study and said anxiously.

"..." Yuan Qiu looked at the painting in his hand, he felt that his son had misunderstood something.

Not to mention the set of purple clay teapots that Gu An gave to Tom Bote, the painting in his hand alone is already worth a lot, not to mention that these two things are not commodities that can be bought casually on the street, if it is not for Gu An It is impossible to buy it so quickly if you have prepared for a long time.

Yuan Qiu glanced at his son silently, and decided to buy some love books for his son to read when he had time.

When Gu An and Tom Bott came out of the study, Tom Bott finally felt a little better, his face was not as serious as before, and he seemed to be satisfied with Gu An, he waved his hand and told them to go to Gu's house quickly Visit, don't go too late, and then you can't wait to run to make tea.

Yuan Qiu added a few more valuable things to Tang Sanyuan's gift. After all, the Gu family is so sincere, they can't fall behind. Before, he thought that Tang Sanyuan was simply visiting the elderly, but now the Gu family should be very happy with this meeting. Pay attention, only Tang Sanyuan is still ignorant and thinks she is acting.

After Tang Sanyuan and Gu An got into the car, they couldn't help but ask, "What did Daddy tell you?"

"Uncle told me to take good care of you." Gu An leaned over and fastened his seat belt.

"What did you say?"

Gu An paused, looked up at him, "I said I will take good care of you for the rest of my life."

The two looked at each other, Tang Sanyuan's cheeks were slightly red, and she looked out of the window unnaturally, "Next time my dad comes to see you, just tell the truth, although we want to fire CP, there is no need to lie to the family. "He was worried that it would cause some inconvenience to Gu An.

Gu An fastened his seat belt, smiled noncommittally, returned to his seat and started the car.

The two talked and laughed all the way, time passed quickly, and Tang Sanyuan felt that he had arrived at Gu's house in just a blink of an eye.

Tang Sanyuan saw that the villa he entered was very large, and it looked solemn and luxurious, like an ancient castle with a long history, and the guards at the gate were very strict.

Gu An drove the car all the way inside, the butler opened the car door respectfully, smiled at Tang Sanyuan and said, "Welcome Master Tang."

Tang Sanyuan nodded to him, and involuntarily looked at the castle, and became a little curious about the identity of Grandpa Gu An, but he only took one look, then politely withdrew his gaze, and didn't look any further.

Gu An parked the car, and led him in together. The interior of the castle is very ornately decorated, and everywhere is magnificent, but it reveals a sense of austerity. There is a painting hanging in the hall opposite the door. A family portrait.

Seeing Tang Sanyuan staring at the painting, Gu An was silent for a moment, "My mother painted this painting by herself."

Tang Sanyuan nodded lightly, and her eyes still fell on the painting. An old man was sitting in the middle of the painting. Although there were many wrinkles between the brows of this old man, he was very energetic, and his eyes were full of determination and kindness. rigorous.

Tang Sanyuan recognized at a glance that the person in the painting had often appeared in political news in the past. Although the old man gradually disappeared from people's sight because of his retirement these years, but because of his great contribution to the empire, he Even Tombert mentioned him with respect.

Tang Sanyuan didn't expect that he would be Gu An's grandfather, so he couldn't help feeling a little nervous for a moment, but his eyes were gradually attracted by the child in the painting. That child had similar eyebrows and eyes as Gu An, but looked very immature , who was only a few years old, was held in the arms of Grandpa Gu, and his baby fat face was already handsome for the first time. It should be Gu An when he was a child.

Tang Sanyuan's eyes lingered on little Gu An's face for a while, and then turned his eyes to a man and a woman in the painting. They should be Gu An's parents. The man looks gentle and elegant, and the woman looks gentle and kind. , should be very easy to get along with people.

Tang Sanyuan couldn't help but asked Gu An: "Are your parents here today?" He didn't prepare any gifts for them, so he couldn't help being a little nervous, hesitating whether to go out quickly and buy some gifts back.

Hearing his question, the housekeeper's expression froze, he glanced nervously at Gu An, frowned, held his breath, and stood aside with downcast eyes.

Gu An's face didn't change much, but his eyes dimmed a bit, and he said in a flat voice: "My parents have passed away for many years."

Tang Sanyuan froze for a moment, then quickly turned to apologize to him, "I'm sorry, I don't know..."

Gu An shook his head, and said softly: "It doesn't matter, my parents have passed away for many years, and I was basically raised by my grandfather."