The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!

Chapter 27: The villain protagonist is a pro 9-11


After Xiang Han made up his plan, he sent someone to invite Ji Wei to drink tea the next day.

Jiang Wuye personally invited him to drink tea. Ji Wei was quite frightened, but dared not refuse. After discussing with Zhou Chengxi, he still came here out of fear.

After entering the tea room, she asked cautiously: "Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I don't know why you invited me over?"

Xiang Han didn't answer, raised his hand as a 'please' gesture, and said softly, "Drink tea."

How dare Ji Wei not drink? It is said that Jiang Wuye is a character who kills without blood, and can even kill a brother of a compatriot. So she held up the teacup tremblingly.

After drinking tea, Ji Wei's expression gradually relaxed, and she only remembered that at the last moment, Xiang Han warned herself lightly: "Don't bother Zhou Yueze in the future."

When she left the tea room, she was still a little strange. Does Jiang Wuye need to warn himself in person

But before she had time to think about it, she received a piece of news that broke her heart: Zhou Yueqing's condition deteriorated, and she was about to die.

After getting off the car, Ji Wei stumbled into the hospital, grabbed a doctor and asked, "Which ward is Zhou Yueqing in?"

The doctor's face was expressionless, and his voice was a little weird: "Who are you? Zhou Yueqing's condition has deteriorated very seriously. If he can't find a donor..."

Ji Wei blurted out: "Give him my heart. I am his mother, his biological mother. It will definitely be possible. Please, I must save him..."

After saying this, Ji Wei was stunned. She really felt sorry for Zhou Yueqing, but she never thought of exchanging her life for another. She didn't know why she said such a thing.

The doctor's reaction was also a little strange, as if he had just recovered, he asked suspiciously: "Madam, what were you talking about just now?"

At the same time, Lu Wan who stumbled upon this scene by accident, as well as Zhou Chengxi and Zhou's old couple who were traveling with her were also stunned.

Lu Wan didn't know how she got here, she grabbed Ji Wei's collar tightly, trembling all over: "What did you just say? Whose son do you think Zhou Yueqing is?"

Only then did Ji Wei realize that they were there, her face turned pale, and she looked at Zhou Chengxi begging for help. At this time, she was still worried about Zhou Yueqing, and couldn't help asking: "Chengxi, how is Yue and Master Zhou?"

Zhou Chengxi's face turned black, and he said angrily, "It's out of danger."

Seeing this scene, what else does Lu Wan not understand? She suddenly shuddered, and quickly remembered what she said to Zhou Yueze yesterday, as well as Zhou Yueze's reaction at that time, and immediately guessed some possibility.

She suddenly grabbed her hair, shook her head in despair and said, "No, it's impossible, it's not true, I don't believe it..."

Zhou Chengxi's mother also looked anxious, and couldn't help asking: "Chengxi, what's going on? Tell me quickly."

Zhou Chengxi looked at the crowd in embarrassment, and tried to get on with it, but Lu Wan suddenly got up and said nervously: "I don't believe it, it's impossible, I'm going to do a paternity test..."

Seeing that the paper could not contain the anger, Zhou Chengxi finally admitted: "Yueqing was born in poor health, and I couldn't bear to let him live outside, so just, just..." At this point, he gritted his teeth, and then continued: "Just put He switched with Koshizawa."

Mrs. Zhou almost fainted when she heard the words. Mr. Zhou picked up his crutches and beat and scolded: "You scoundrel, why are you so confused? Can the children born outside be compared with Lu Wan's children? You actually dropped them, and even put , and gave Yue Ze to that kind of person... Are you confused?"

Thinking that Zhou Yueze was sent to Jiang's house by their own hands, Mr. Zhou didn't come up in one breath, and he fainted out of anger.

Lu Wan soon thought of this, and her face turned pale. She was so happy at the beginning, but now she feels so distressed and regretful. She pointed at Zhou Chengxi tremblingly, trying to scold him, but couldn't say a word. She even wanted to tear the pair of sluts apart, but found that she had no strength at all.

She once spoke badly to her child, and even sent him to the fire pit with her own hands. As long as Lu Wan thinks of these things, her heart hurts, and she can't even stand still. The reality was too cruel, she even hoped that it was fake, but Zhou Chengxi himself admitted it, could it still be fake

Even Zhou Yueze... her child might know about it, otherwise why would he ask those words yesterday? But how did I answer, did she say those vicious words? She scolded her child for being mean, dark and shameless, and even said that he gave men...

Lu Wan trembled uncontrollably, as if the sky had fallen, making her breathless. The doctor who was rescuing Mr. Zhou noticed the abnormality, and asked someone to lift her into the cart as well.

Only when all the panic ceased did Ji Wei dare to step forward and whispered, "Chengxi, I want to see Yueqing."

Zhou Chengxi didn't even think about it, turned around and slapped him, and said angrily: "Bitch, who sent you to the hospital? Do you want the Lu family to turn against the Zhou family, so that you can be satisfied?"

Ji Wei was beaten so hard that she almost hit the wall, her face swelled up quickly, the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes. But when she stood firm, she looked weak again, and said with tears and grievances: "Chengxi, I didn't do it on purpose, I never thought of saying those words, it''s Jiang Wuye, yes, it's him!"

In an instant, she seemed to be grabbing at straws to save her life, and desperately said: "He invited me to drink tea, you know this, there must be something wrong with the tea..."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chengxi raised his hand and slapped her again, and said angrily: "You are sure that I dare not trouble Jiang Han, so you say that on purpose, right? Get out! Get out now, and you will never see her again in this life." Zhou Yueqing is gone!"

Ji Wei stared at him in disbelief, with tears in her eyes, looking very pitiful. If it was at peace, Zhou Chengxi would definitely step forward and hug her to comfort her. But now, he just feels extremely irritable, thinking of the Lu family's reaction, he even has the urge to kick Ji Wei.

Ji Wei was frightened by his gaze, she didn't dare to say anything, almost left in despair.

After listening to his subordinates' report, Xiang Han was satisfied and asked the kitchen to add a few more dishes.

During dinner, he was expressionless, but said cheerfully: "The Zhou family already knows about your life experience, including Lu Wan."

Zhou Yueze paused for a moment, then said nonchalantly, "Oh."

Just such a reaction? Xiang Han gritted his teeth secretly, it was really useless for him to waste so much energy.

Zhou Yueze's heart is actually not calm, not because of the people of the Zhou family, but because he is guessing who exposed the incident.

Will it be Jiang Han? Except for him, Zhou Yueze couldn't guess anyone else. But why did he do this? Take it out on yourself

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiang Han spoke again: "I said this to inform you that starting tomorrow, you must clean yourself up before going out in the morning."

"..." Zhou Yueze's face turned dark suddenly, what does this mean, when did he become unclean? Also, how did this topic get here

Seeing that he was puzzled, Xiang Han calmly explained: "There will be more people looking for you recently. In order not to affect your studies, you will start to take my car to school tomorrow."

As the patriarch, you have to be so arbitrary and so expert.

Zhou Yueze was taken aback for a moment, and a warm feeling flashed in his heart inexplicably. In order not to be noticed by the other party, he hastily lowered his head to cover up.

Seeing this kind of reaction, Xiang Han felt uneasy. This... Is he too assertive

After hesitating for a moment, he pretended to be reserved and said, "If you don't want to, forget it."

When Zhou Yueze raised his head again, he was in an inexplicably happy mood, and the corners of his mouth even turned up slightly. He shook his head and said, "Please trouble Mr. Jiang."

Xiang Han felt that he was becoming more and more like a father. He not only provided for food and shelter, solved the child's psychological problems, but also picked him up early. Still, raising a child was a novelty, and he thought he seemed to be enjoying it.

After the truth was revealed, the Lu family quickly took action, and the first ones to find the door were Lu Wan and her parents.

Xiang Han didn't see him, and seeing Zhou Yueze didn't intend to see him either, so he just sent him away.

Regarding whether to take Zhou Yueze back, Zhou and Lu have different opinions. According to Lu's family, it was their grandson and must be taken back.

But after Mr. Zhou got angry, he calmed down again, and after careful consideration, he said to Zhou Chengxi: "This matter has to be cautious, firstly, Yue Ze has already made an enmity with us, secondly, Jiang Han is not easy to mess with, and thirdly... The Lu family is too involved in our business, if Yue Ze comes back, he will also turn to them... "

In the end, only the Lu family came to negotiate with Xiang Han.

After driving away his family, Xiang Han asked Zhou Yueze about his future plans.

Zhou Yueze was brushing up on the questions. Hearing this, he thought for a while and said, "Didn't I already sell myself to you? I will do whatever Mr. Jiang needs in the future."

Xiang Han choked for a moment, but the other party still had a serious face. He was suddenly a little upset, and deliberately said: "Oh, it's okay to go to bed?"

The tips of Zhou Yueze's ears turned red, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Mr. Jiang was joking."

Having said that, I thought in my heart, Jiang Han really hasn't given up on this idea, but the strange thing is, he doesn't feel angry

Zhou Yueze suddenly felt a little upset, and couldn't continue with the topic.

Seeing that he was suddenly stuck, Xiang Han's eyes lit up, and he thought: It's finally my turn to play.

After adjusting a self-confessed majestic expression, he raised his head and asked, "Can't do it? Show me."

Zhou Yueze: "..." He lowered his head and glanced at the question again. He thought he should be able to solve it, but somehow, he still handed the question set to the other party.

Xiang Han looked at the question from a long distance, and then calmly asked the system: "Xiao Jiu, how do you solve this question?"

system:"… "

After the system finished speaking, Xiang Han was still a little dizzy, and asked, "Can you... tell me again?"

System: " about letting me control my vocal cords and tongue."

"No, no, what if you say the wrong thing?" Xiang Han immediately refused, and then suggested: "Why don't you say something, and I'll say something?"

"Okay." The system agreed.

Then Xiang Han searched around, but couldn't find a clean piece of paper, and finally took out a tissue, and explained the steps one by one while writing the steps.

But in Zhou Yueze's eyes, this kind of explanation is very serious. The speed of speech is neither too fast nor too slow, because he is afraid that he will not understand. Pause after each sentence to give him room to think.

But his mood was even more chaotic, and he didn't listen to a word. When Xiang Han asked "Do you understand?", he subconsciously said, "No."

Xiang Han felt overwhelmed. What he said was so difficult, should he do it again

After this experience, Xiang Han never volunteered again. Repeaters and other things are not what people should do.


After Lu Wan left Jiang's house, she felt a little discouraged. After knowing the truth, she actually didn't dare to see Zhou Yueze, but thinking that this was her biological son, she still mustered up the courage to come.

Not being able to see anyone, she was both lost and uneasy, and couldn't help crying to Lu's mother: "He must hate me so much..."

After returning to Lu's house, I didn't expect Zhou Yueqing to be there.

Seeing his pale face, Lu Wan subconsciously stepped forward again, but thinking that this was Ji Wei's son, she stopped immediately.

Zhou Yueqing watched her silent, and suddenly cried after a while, and asked hoarsely: "Mom, am I really not your son? You don't want me anymore, do you?"

Lu Wan felt a little pain in her heart. After all, she had been raised for so many years. She habitually wanted to go forward to comfort her, but she was grabbed by Lu Mu.

"Master Zhou, you are not in good health. You should go back to the hospital." After Lu's mother finished speaking, she asked someone to send him away, and then began to criticize Lu Wan: "Why are you so close? He is Ji Wei's son. Wei made your son fall into Jiang Han's hands, and now you can't even see him, you still have the mood to care about that bastard, are you stupid?"

Lu Wan said in a muffled voice: "It's just that I got used to it and didn't change it for a while. Besides, Yueqing doesn't know anything, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"He's right. Could it be that Yue Ze is wrong? What does Yue Ze think when you do this?" Lu Mu poked her a few times angrily, and said, "I think Yue Ze should hate you, Zhou Yueqing There are parents and mothers, so it's your turn to care about them?"

Lu Wan felt depressed for a while, and after being told by her mother, she began to think about how to ease the relationship with Zhou Yueze.

After school the next day, Zhou Yueze met Lu Wan at the school gate.

Lu Wan has lost a lot of weight now, her gaze is no longer domineering, she even smiled flatteringly when she saw him, and said cautiously: "Yue Ze, I..."

Zhou Yueze ignored it, looked away a little coldly, and walked directly to a limousine next to him.

Lu Wan was stunned for a moment, her face gradually paled.

When Zhou Yueze was about to get into the car, she rushed over suddenly, grabbed him, and said in a panic: "Yueze, mother is wrong, I, I shouldn't have said that about you before. But I didn't know you were my son at the time, you Can you forgive mom?"

Zhou Yueze frowned, slowly but firmly opened her hand.

Lu Wan was stunned for a moment, and when she saw Xiang Han sitting in the car, her face turned pale again, and she excitedly said to Zhou Yueze: "It doesn't matter if you don't forgive me, why don't you come home with me first? I hurt you before." You, you are still young, you don't understand these things, mother can't let you stay by his side..."

Zhou Yueze raised his lips slightly, smiled coldly, and said sarcastically, "I'm sorry, I'm an illegitimate child who can't be seen, how can I be your son?"

Lu Wan was stunned for a moment, her face turned blue and white for a while, her lips trembled, and she couldn't say a word anymore.

Zhou Yueze sneered, so what if he doesn't know, can everything be erased? Should he have endured those insults and then graciously forgiven them? But what if he feels uncomfortable? Isn't he human, without consciousness and emotion, and won't be sad and sad after being hurt

He got into the car directly, slammed the door, and told the driver: "Drive."

Seeing the car leave in the dust, Lu Wan finally couldn't bear it anymore, squatting on the side of the road and crying bitterly.

Inside the car, Xiang Han couldn't help sighing: Oh, my son is so tempered again, he dares to give orders for himself.

But seeing that the other party was depressed, he just didn't say anything, and even comforted him: "From now on, you will be my son."

Be good, if you have a father who loves you, it doesn't matter if you don't want those worst relatives.

Xiang Han just said that casually, but Zhou Yueze actually said 'hmm'. He was taken aback immediately, but when he subconsciously looked over, the other party still had a face that was about to die. It seemed that he had heard it wrong.

What Xiang Han didn't know was that as soon as he looked away, Zhou Yueze smiled silently. He found it interesting to tease Mr. Jiang once in a while.

Xiang Han always thought that he heard it wrong, but the reality soon gave him a slap in the face.

A few days later, when he was finishing his meal, Zhou Yueze suddenly announced: "I changed my name to Jiang Ze from now on."

He really didn't want to have anything to do with the Zhou family, including surname and seniority. If possible, he would probably even want to change his body.

Xiang Han was stunned for a moment, then heartbroken. If you want to change your name, tell me earlier, and he promises to help you change it right away. Why do you have to change your surname to Jiang, your father and my surname are Xiang.

Xiang Han was very frustrated. For the first time, he lost his desire for food and didn't even want to eat. Xiang Xiaoze turned into Jiang Xiaoze, and he lost a lot. Even if it's changed to Lu... Cough, Lu is not good.

After Lu Wan knew about the name change, she understood Zhou Yueze's determination and knew that everything was irreversible. Desperate, she went to the hospital to ask Zhou Chengxi to sign the divorce agreement. She didn't expect to overhear Zhou Yueqing complaining that Ji Wei had spoiled his plan, and she also learned that the other party actually knew who her biological mother was, and she only wanted to please her to inherit the Zhou family.

Lu Wan's hands and feet were suddenly cold. It turned out that she had been played around for so many years. The so-called nourishment turned out to be nothing in his eyes. By the way, he also deceived himself with Ji Wei and Zhou Chengxi, causing him to send his own son to Jiang's house.

Lu Wan was trembling with anger, wishing she could rush in and kill those two people. But she calmed down quickly and left with a sneer. She doesn't plan to divorce anymore, she wants to spend with them to the end. Doesn't Zhou Yueqing want the Zhou family? She refused to let him do so.

More than two months later, the college entrance examination was held as scheduled.

As the head of the family, Xiang Han also experienced the feeling of sending the exam, and then stopped going the next day. Not to mention nowhere to park, it was still hot, and there was noise everywhere. Stay a little longer and he'll almost be mentally weak.

It's not that he's too squeamish, it's that the body's instinctive reaction is too deceitful.

After Zhou Yueze came back, he was still a little unhappy, and ignored him until the end of the college entrance examination.

Xiang Han felt that the child was spoiled, if he didn't educate him, he would have to go to the house sooner or later. Taking advantage of the summer vacation, I just happened to train.

"Take a good rest these few days, and start next week, learn to deal with some simple things with me first." During dinner, the parents ordered lightly, with a tone that could not be refused.

Zhou Yueze shook his head and said, "No, let's start tomorrow."

Xiang Han: "..." Young man, after finally passing the college entrance examination, don't you want to indulge yourself

"Little Jiu, where are Big A and Little B?" It seemed that he needed to call in foreign aid and formulate a strict education plan.

System: "They have something to leave temporarily, and they said they would come back in a few minutes."

Xiang Han: "..." He actually forgot that these two people were never reliable at critical moments.

"Then...Xiao Jiu, what good education methods do you have?" It seems that we can only rely on the system.

The system quickly helped him find "Thirty Years of Ups and Downs in the Business Sea", "Workplace Situation", "The Days of My Boss", "The Marshal's Little Wife"... etc. In the end, he didn't need this book.

However, apart from "The Marshal's Little Wife", Xiang Han couldn't bear to read any of them.

"Don't you have any ready-made plans?" Xiang Han couldn't help asking.

System: "There is a physical training plan for mech operators."

"It's not difficult."

"For ordinary people, the difficulty is quite high."

"Then reduce the difficulty and give him a set."

system:"… "

"How should I teach the business?" Xiang Han continued to worry.

The system suggested: "Mr. Xiang, theory is not as good as practice. You will take him with you in everything you do in the future. Jiang Ze is so smart. After a long time, he will naturally learn it."

"Well, it makes sense." After settling the important matter on his mind, Xiang Han happily went back to wash and sleep.

The next day, Xiang Han brought Zhou Yueze to the company to familiarize himself with every department, and then caused a big commotion. Many people have speculated: The big boss personally brought people to the company and visited every department. Is it a lover or an heir

Some time ago, Xiang Han's daily routine was always: go to the company, deal with important matters, and leave work early.

Nowadays, teaching people can't be so leisurely. They have to go to auctions, private banquets, and economic forums. Fortunately, he and Lu Ze participated in a lot in the last world, and with the influence of the original owner's memory, it is easy to handle.

Back at the villa in the evening, there is also martial arts training. Because the training intensity of the system is too high, we can only let the bodyguards teach it first.

But Zhou Yueze's potential was too terrifying, and he was already on par with the other party in just half a month.

Xiang Han stood on the sidelines, his gaze condensed, and his heart was actually trembling: "Fuck, Xiao Jiu, few people in the Federation can achieve this speed of progress, right? When you design characters, do you set the parameters too high? "

"I didn't design it, and I don't have enough authority to see his parameters." The system was also at a loss.

Seeing the bodyguard being knocked down by a punch, Xiang Han shuddered fiercely and asked, "How many people in this world are as perverted as him?"

He was inexplicably worried about himself, and then saw Zhou Yueze approaching with wet hair, and asked pantingly, "How is your skill, sir?"

Feeling the heat emanating from his body, Xiang Han took a step back subconsciously. Before he had time to say anything, he heard the man who was beaten to the ground reply: "Mr. Jiang's skills are far better than yours and mine."

"Really?" Zhou Yueze was a little skeptical, because the other party looked fair and refined, and he was a little thin.

Xiang Han was very angry, and felt that the child was overbearing and looked down on him. So without thinking about it, he pushed his glasses and said, "I will practice with you tomorrow."

However, after boasting Haikou, he regretted it, turned around and shouted at the system: "Xiao Jiu, it's over, I'm going to lose face, will you save me?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiang, as the highest-level mecha combat system in the Federation, I will definitely not embarrass you."

Fortunately, the system is very interesting, and Xiang Han was so moved: "Xiao Jiu, I knew that you are the most reliable at critical moments."

So, after the system took action, Zhou Yueze was really abused, without any power to resist.

Just kidding, he used to be an armored machine. Coupled with the fact that the original owner's body was quite flexible, 009 got excited and even performed a few difficult moves, which directly shocked Zhou Yueze into a stunned state.

After the end, Zhou Yueze asked Xiang Han with a blushing face: "Sir, don't you feel back pain when you do that kind of movement?"

Xiang Han was reading manga, when he heard the words, he immediately took over his body, and asked strangely, "Why do you have a backache?"

"No, nothing." Zhou Yueze shook his head violently, then looked away.

Xiang Han realized that he was sweating all over, and felt very uncomfortable immediately. He wanted to go back to take a shower, so he didn't have time to ask any more questions, so he left a sentence of 'I'll be here first today', and turned around to leave.

Zhou Yueze was still thinking about the other party's actions just now, and couldn't help but think wildly: Jiang Han's waist looks so soft, he can't be a woman, right

Seeing that Xiang Han turned to leave, he subconsciously looked at the thin waist of the other party, and then attacked by a strange coincidence.

Xiang Han was unprepared, and was crushed under him almost instantly, and his glasses were thrown out, with a dazed expression on his face.

Zhou Yueze pressed his leg with one knee, held his right arm with one hand, and pressed his waist with the other. He exerted a little force on his palm, pressed it, and then squeezed it subconsciously. There was only one thought in his mind: it was really soft and thin.

Xiang Han was stunned again, only to feel a heat coming from his waist, accompanied by a slight itching. His ears turned red instantly, this, this, is this kid really teasing him

Moreover, his palms were covered with sweat, and he wiped it on himself. He even pushed himself to the ground. No matter how clean the floor was, it was trampled on by bare feet.

Xiang Han was about to collapse, wishing he could kick him away immediately and go back to take a quick shower. However, his leg was pinned down and he couldn't kick, so he could only yell in a cold voice: "Let go!"

Zhou Yueze hurriedly let go of him, and then thought in surprise that Jiang Han was unprepared against him.

After practicing for so many days, Zhou Yueze knows very well that most of the martial arts practitioners are more vigilant than ordinary people and are often on the defensive. In this way, once there is danger approaching, we can react quickly.

Jiang Han actually trusts himself so much? He suddenly remembered that when the company was handling some confidential documents, the other party seemed to never avoid him.

Zhou Yueze's heart was complicated for a while. He always thought that Jiang Han was just curious about him, and he was unwilling to give up because he couldn't get it. But in fact, Jiang Han's feelings for him seem to be deeper than he thought.

Should he respond? But what kind of feelings do I have for Jiang Han? Like it, or be grateful

No matter what, Xiang Han never imagined that Zhou Yueze's brain hole had almost broken through the sky in just such a short while. But at this moment, he just wanted to find the glasses as soon as possible and go back to take a shower.

He squinted and glanced around the floor, but he didn't see anything, so he asked Zhou Yueze in a cold voice, "Where are my glasses?"

Zhou Yueze finally came back to his senses, and finally helped him find it in the audience.

Thinking that the glasses had rolled around on the ground and might still be covered with dust, Xiang Han didn't pick it up immediately, and it didn't matter if he didn't pick it up.

Finally, he gave up and said, "Clean it up and send it to my room."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Zhou Yueze stood there for a moment, and couldn't help thinking: Did Jiang Han deliberately make an excuse to let me go to his room

Zhou Yueze was a little embarrassed at once. He felt that before he thought about his feelings for Jiang Han, he should not have too much contact with Jiang Han, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. At this time, he completely forgot about Xiang Han's obsession with cleanliness.

Two days later, the results of the college entrance examination came out. Xiang Han helped Zhou Yueze check it out, and found that it was the number one in the city, and couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Xiao Jiu, don't look for Xueba next time." Xuezhu looked uncomfortable.

system:"… "

Under the reminder of the housekeeper, Xiang Han symbolically helped Zhou Yueze set up a banquet, but all the business partners came.

Well, Xiang Han simply led him to get to know him. No one from the Zhou and Lu families came, the Zhou family didn't dare to come, and the Lu family couldn't get in.

Zhou Yueze also drank some wine, and when he walked out of the hotel, he felt a little dizzy.

Lu Wan suddenly appeared at this moment, startling him.

"Xiao, Ozawa, it's me." She hesitated in her voice, knowing that the other party had changed her name, she immediately changed her address.

Zhou Yueze frowned, turned around and left.

Lu Wan took small steps to catch up, but she didn't dare to stop her, so she followed him and said, "Xiao Ze, I heard that you got the first place in the city. Mom came here to congratulate you. I know you don't want to see me, but there are some things I still want to tell you that my mother will help you guard the foundation of the Zhou family. Jiang Han is used to flirtatious people, and he is hot with everyone for three minutes. You have to leave yourself a way out... "

"Have you said enough?" Zhou Yueze turned around suddenly, with a cold tone. For some reason, he suddenly couldn't hear others saying that Jiang Han was not good.

Lu Wan was taken aback by his aura, she suddenly discovered that the young man who had been bullied by others began to grow tall and inviolable at some point.

When she came back to her senses, the other party had already walked away, but she was stopped by the bodyguard.

She couldn't help shouting: "If you get tired of it someday, come back, and my mother will always help you guard the way out."

But Zhou Yueze acted as if he didn't hear him. He walked to Xiang Han's side, and his demeanor was much more intimate than usual. The two talked for a while, and then drove away together.

Lu Wan stood there in a daze, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

In the car, Xiang Han also drank a little too much, and asked with a bit of drunkenness: "Is she looking for you?"

"It's nothing, it's just boring." Zhou Yueze's voice was displeased, obviously he didn't want to talk about this topic.

Lu Wan has now taken over the Zhou family, and joined forces with the Lu family to force the Zhou family to send Zhou Yueqing away. Half a month ago, Zhou Yueqing went abroad in desperation, while Zhou Chengxi was in his own company, overwhelmed by the Lu family. As for Ji Wei being disgusted by her son and her lover, she has not been having a good time recently.

Xiang Han didn't expect that they would actually fight among themselves. If this continues, they probably will finish it themselves without waiting for Zhou Yueze to make a move.

"Hey, Xiao Jiu, this is not my revenge for the protagonist, right? I just did two trivial things, and they made it up to themselves."

System: "...let's talk about it when Mr. Dean comes back." What can it say, it's just a combat system.

Xiang Han muttered to the system for a while and then fell asleep. Zhou Yueze was drunk, and his eyes fell on his sleeping face, a little lost in thought. After a while, as if he had been bewitched, he suddenly leaned over slowly and pressed his lips to hers.

The other party's lips were as soft as imagined, with a hint of wine scent. He subconsciously stuck out the tip of his tongue, licked it lightly, and then enjoyed the slight numbness, closing his eyes and intoxicated.

The driver caught a glimpse of this scene from the rearview mirror, and suddenly his hands trembled in fright, and the car body shook slightly. Zhou Yueze woke up suddenly, and retreated like an electric shock. He touched his lips subconsciously, as if he couldn't believe that he would do such a thing.

After recovering, he immediately swept towards the driver and said coldly, "Keep your mouth shut."

The driver nodded hurriedly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

After returning, Zhou Yueze felt that something was wrong with his mentality, and began to subconsciously avoid Xiang Han.

Regarding this, Xiang Han couldn't help sighing: "I can't help my father."

As for the university, Zhou Yueze filled in A University nearby. At the end of the summer vacation, his internship in the company has also come to an end. In order to test the results, Xiang Han directly gave him a small company and asked him to toss slowly. The profit is the best, and it is not a pity to close down.

After taking over the company, Zhou Yueze seldom went back to Jiang's house, basically it was the school and the company.

A year later, this small company that was supposed to go bankrupt unexpectedly developed better and better, turning losses into profits for the first time in three years. Xiang Han has no doubt that if Zhou Yueze is given a few more years, this company will definitely become the most profitable branch of Jiang's.

But it's meaningless to do so, this kind of small pond is obviously not enough for Zhou Yueze to toss about. At the end of the year, he transferred the other party to the marketing department of the head office and asked him to start training at the grassroots level.

When Zhou Yueze went to the head office to report on his work, he happened to catch up with the year-end party and was left to join in the fun. He thought that Xiang Han was there, so he didn't leave, but at the end of the drink, he didn't see a shadow of Xiang Han, and he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Not counting those quick glances, he and Xiang Han hadn't seen each other for more than half a year.

After kissing Xiang Han that day, he once thought that he was just impulsive and subconsciously avoided him. But after hiding for a few months, he found that not only did he not forget Xiang Han, but he missed him even more.

At this point, he understood everything. Without so many reasons and excuses, he just fell in love with each other. Fortunately, the other party also likes him, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

After figuring this out, Zhou Yueze was very happy, and even couldn't wait to tell the other party that Xiang Han liked him so much, he would be very happy when he found out, right

But after calming down, he felt something was wrong again. Xiang Han had done so many things for him, but he didn't seem to have done a single thing for him. Zhou Yueze hopes that their feelings are equal, and he also wants to do something for each other.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to save the small company that was about to close down and give it to Xiang Han as it was doing well. Maybe the other party doesn't necessarily like it, but at least it's my own hard work and hard work.

Therefore, when he came to the head office to report, he was actually full of expectations, and even imagined that the person who would listen to his report was Xiang Han. But the reality is cruel, Xiang Han didn't come to the company at all that day. In the end, he was drunk and took a taxi back in a mess.

At this time, Xiang Han was eating hot pot with Steward Zhang. After more than a year, the influence brought by the original body has been reduced a lot. If you use public chopsticks to pick up vegetables, it is acceptable for two people to eat one pot.

When Zhou Yueze came back and saw this scene, jealousy flashed in his eyes: Jiang Han actually ate hot pot with the housekeeper, he had never eaten with me before, isn't he a clean freak

Seeing him coming back, the butler immediately got up and asked, "Master is back, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, I'll go to the kitchen to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks."

Zhou Yueze nodded hurriedly, and seeing that Xiang Han didn't say anything, he sat across from him. When the butler came over with the bowls and chopsticks, he picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables directly, and did not use the public chopsticks.

Xiang Han suddenly lost his appetite, put down his chopsticks disgruntledly, and after smelling the wine, he frowned and ordered the housekeeper: "Make a bowl of hangover soup."

Zhou Yueze's movements froze immediately, and after a while, he couldn't help thinking, Jiang Han should be the best person in the world to him, right? What's even more rare is that he likes Jiang Han, and Jiang Han also happens to like him.

Zhou Yueze was a little drunk. Seeing Xiang Han get up, he also stood up and walked over unsteadily. When he was about to walk in front of Xiang Han, he tripped over him.

Smelling the smell of alcohol on his body, Xiang Han didn't want to help him at first, but he couldn't just watch him slump on the stairs, so he finally held back his discomfort, stretched out his precious hand, and gave him a hand.

Zhou Yueze took advantage of the situation and fell over, hugged Xiang Han directly, and whispered on his neck: "...Jiang Han, I want to tell you something, I like you too, are you happy? I treat the company as a gift, How about I give it to you..."

The hot and humid breath constantly blows on the neck, penetrates into the collar, and also has a faint smell of alcohol. Xiang Han's scalp tingled instantly, and he felt countless bugs crawling around his neck. He couldn't bear it anymore, kicked Zhou Yueze away, wiped his neck vigorously, turned around and went to take a bath.

Moreover, because Zhou Yueze's voice was too low, it was still a little vague. In fact, Xiang Han didn't quite hear what he said. He only knew that he was confessing his love to someone, and he wanted to give the company as a gift to him.

That company belongs to him in name anyway, this kid just used it to curry favor with his target, which is really more generous than him.

Xiang Han was very distressed, thinking that this son was raised for nothing, and he would forget about his father when he had a wife.

Zhou Yueze was sober for a while after being kicked to the ground. Xiang Han didn't use too much force, he didn't feel the pain, so he soon became confused again: Doesn't Jiang Han like him? He confessed to the other party, why was the other party upset and kicked him