The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!

Chapter 44: Faint Lord and Little Emperor 16


When the courtiers heard that King Liang had rebelled, they all looked blank.

King Liang? Didn't he die a year ago

And this proclamation, what is it about

The rebellious minister Zhao Ze, flattering the lord with sex, obscene the palace, causing chaos in the court, doing nothing to the country, rebelling against the loyal and good, luring His Majesty to kill his brother... The Southwest Conquest, laboring the people and money, draining the treasury...

Everything else is easy to say, this is a seductive and obscene palace... All the ministers used their peripheral vision to sneak around between Zhao Ze and Xiang Han, and then thought to themselves, it is obvious that His Majesty looks better? cough cough.

Hou Yan, the servant of the Ministry of War, came out with his wat and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, King Liang has long passed away. I am afraid that this is a group of rebellious people who used the name of King Liang to commit rebellion. The government conspired to confuse the false with the true, and disrupt the imperial government. It is truly despicable. I implore Your Majesty to issue an order immediately to send troops to suppress these rebels."

The Minister of the Ministry of Households disagreed: "Your Majesty, this is a natural disaster that triggered civil uprisings, and most of the responders were refugees. Nowadays, disasters are frequent and people are struggling to live. I am afraid that reckless suppression will arouse public anger. At that time, not only the Northwest, but refugees in other regions may also respond. .According to the opinion of the veteran, appeasement and disaster relief should be the first priority, and suppression should be supplemented."

Xiang Han pressed his temples, motioning for Zhao Ze. Zhao Ze hurriedly came out, his tone was clear, and he said in an orderly manner: "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, I think that the rebels can unite with the Northwest armies in a short period of time, and even get the response of the garrisons in various states. It is by no means an ordinary civil uprising. The king's ability to call on the armies of the Northwest, I'm afraid... is not a puppet."

Xiang Han sat up straight suddenly, and said in astonishment, "What Zhao Qing means is... the emperor is still alive?"

When the officials heard this, they wished they could catch Zhao Ze and beat him violently. You don't know that His Majesty has such a deep affection for King Liang's brotherhood that he doesn't even care about such things as assassination? What if it is really King Liang, and His Majesty becomes soft-hearted when he finds out

No, no matter whether he is right or not, he has to be turned into not!

The Minister of the Ministry of War immediately came out and advised: "Your Majesty, everyone knows that King Liang is dead. I'm afraid this man in the army was deliberately manipulated by someone with a heart. Your Majesty must not be soft-hearted and fall for their tricks."

All the ministers agreed and echoed, "Even if the real King Liang cannot forgive you for committing such a serious crime of treason, let alone a fake one."

Xiang Han was in a dilemma for a while, and finally, at the request of the officials, he ordered Zhao Ze to lead the imperial guards to suppress it, and at the same time sent reinforcements from the southwest.

The Forbidden Army is under the direct control of the emperor, and it is a great trust to be able to hand it over to Zhao Ze. Zhao Ze immediately knelt down and accepted the order excitedly. The Minister of the Ministry of War was a little dissatisfied, and asked Mr. Zhao to lead the army. Is there no one in the Ministry of War

In fact, what was transferred to the southwest was not soldiers, but food. When Zhao Ze went to the northwest, his main task was not to suppress, but to provide disaster relief and promote crops by the way.

On the occasion of parting, Xiang Han personally sent him outside the city, earnestly confessing: "If it's really the emperor's brother, don't hurt his life."

The hearts of several important ministers tightened, and while Xiang Han wasn't paying attention, they secretly pulled Zhao Ze to confess in private: "Whether it's true or not, we can't let him come back alive."

Zhao Ze smiled knowingly. In fact, as soon as the imperial army was drawn out, civil strife broke out among the rebels.

After Xiang Han saw that almost all the people from King Liang's family had appeared, he directly ordered Wang Jun to do it.

On the night of the mutiny, King Liang didn't even have time to wear his trousers, so he was rescued from the tent by the dark guards with his bare legs.

After Wang Jun got the news, he felt dark hatred. He wanted to capture Liang Wang to show his merits to Xiang Han, but he didn't expect that the cooked duck could still fly, so he had to order people to chase him urgently.

Wang Jun led the main force of the Northwest Army. Once he defected, Liang Wang's subordinates had almost no generals available. It’s okay for the state capitals to garrison troops, but the gathered rioters are basically scattered, and it’s just hard to give orders, and they have to waste food and grass to support them.

Liang Wang has been imprisoned in Chang'an by Xiang Han in recent years. He doesn't know how hard it is to save this little food and grass, and he is reluctant to use it to support those militiamen. In most cases, the regular army eats well, the militia eats less, the regular army eats well, and the militia eats poorly.

Those rioters couldn't survive, so they went to the army to make a living, so they didn't necessarily support King Liang much. In addition, after Wang Jun's defection, food was not as good as every day, and he was often hungry and full. When fighting, he had to rush to the front for the regular army to die. scattered.

Zhao Ze helped Xiang Han to shape the image of a benevolent king all the way to disaster relief and recruitment. When he arrived in the northwest slowly, Wang Jun had almost dealt with the remnants of King Liang.

After Zhao Ze arrived, he reaped the fruits without guilt, and surrounded King Liang and the remaining troops in a small city, only besieging but not fighting. In the end, King Liang was starved to death, and the remnant army guarding the city beheaded him and opened the city gate to surrender.

Zhao Ze left some people behind to deal with the aftermath, and escorted the surrendered army back to Chang'an by himself, making Wang Jun's stomach ache from anger. As for the refugees who participated in the rebellion, they were all assigned to reclaim wasteland and grow sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are easy to grow and have high yields.

Due to the disaster, seedlings in many fields were destroyed, and it was too late to replant at this time. Furthermore, every family ate everything they could eat, and the bark was almost gone, so where would they get the seeds to plant again? Therefore, planting some sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes during this gap period is really suitable. Anyway, the government provides seeds and seedlings.

Zhao Ze has been running around in the northwest for the past few months, and he has lost a lot of weight. After finally returning to Chang'an, he found that Xiang Han brought Luo Bai and the little prince to eat, drink and have fun in the palace all day, so life was not too comfortable.

They were relieved, but Zhao Ze felt very uncomfortable. Within two days after returning, he kicked Luo Bai to the south of the Yangtze River to promote crops, and then took the little prince to Chongwen Hall to attend classes.

Although Xiang Han was reluctant to part with Luo Bai, it could be seen that Zhao Ze had lost weight and darkened after going out for a hard trip, so he couldn't help feeling a little distressed, so he simply followed his wish.

The little prince felt depressed for a while, he was fine without the company of his father, and without the snacks made by Luo Bai. He secretly made another note to Zhao Taifu, and felt that what King Liang said was correct. Taifu Zhao was just flattering the bewitching master, bewitching his father and ignoring him, and even sent Master Xiaobai away.

After Xiang Han learned that King Liang among the rebels was not a fake, and had been killed by the rebels, he felt "sad" again and stayed away for several days.

But the actual situation is that he was pressed on the dragon bed by someone on the grounds of compensation, and he couldn't get up at all.

Xiang Han was "sad" for a few days before he was persuaded by the officials kneeling outside the Zichen Hall to reconsider the government affairs.

King Liang is dead, and all his cronies who followed him to the last moment surrendered. It was soon revealed that he framed the three auxiliary ministers. After Xiang Han was "shocked and distressed", he was removed from the royal family status and was not allowed to be buried in the imperial tomb.

After dealing with the matter of King Liang, he began to appease the families of the three auxiliary ministers. First, he raised Zhao Ze to the position of Zhongshuling and became a veritable prime minister.

I heard that after Wang Jun was sentenced to death that year, he was quietly rescued by Zhao Ze, changed his name and surname to join the Northwest Army. In this rebellion of King Liang, he made great contributions to annihilating the main force of King Liang.

Xiang Han said generously that Wang Jun was also deceived by King Liang back then. Since he was Zhongliang, he made more contributions this time, so the merits and demerits were equalized, and the title of Marquis of Weiyuan was returned to the Wang family.

As for Zhao Ze's disobedience to the king's order and saving people in private, it is understandable. A little punishment, meaning meaning on the line.

Wang Jun was so overjoyed that he sent his family back to Chang'an the next year. Since then, the royal family has guarded the northwest for generations and has been loyal to the royal family.

Luo Bai stayed in Jiangnan for only two years, and then came back. Xiang Han and the little prince were very happy, and invited him to cook in the palace from time to time.

Zhao Ze was feeling unwell again, and he couldn't wait to have a meal with Xiang Han when he had time, but every time Luo Bai stood by and obstructed his eyes.

So after the incident at night, he started blowing on the pillow again: "Your Majesty, as an important minister of the imperial court, it is inappropriate for you to announce you to cook in the palace all day long."

"It's okay, Xiaobai doesn't mind, he likes to cook." Xiang Han said in a daze.

Still noob? Zhao Ze gritted his teeth for a while, and couldn't help leaning over. While groping for Xiang Han, he coaxed: "Your Majesty, didn't you want to build a navy before? The treasury has been full in the past two years..."

Fried small crabs

Xiang Han regained his energy in an instant, quickly patted his hand away, and asked excitedly, "Zhao Qing thinks it's feasible?"

"Of course it's possible." Zhao Ze said vaguely with his lips in his mouth, "Master Luo is familiar with the sea climate, and he often fought against pirates during the voyage, so he has rich experience. According to Yichen, if you build a navy, send him to Supervision is the most suitable!"

As he said that, he sank down, entering an unprecedented depth. Xiang Han couldn't help groaning, panting and clutching the sheets tightly, he didn't have time to think about it, he just felt that what Zhao Ze said...seemed to have some truth.

So within half a year after Luo Bai came back, he was bitterly driven to the coastal state capital again.

On the day before leaving, the little prince went to see him off in person, took Luo Bai's hand and felt empathy for a while, choked up and said: "Master Xiaobai, you have worked hard again. Don't worry, when I grow up, I will definitely drive that troublesome Taifu Zhao out of the palace." Go, and then I will pick you up. By the way, when you are free, don’t forget to bake some biscuits and ask the post station to deliver them quickly... "

Luo Bai: "..." The feeling of emotion disappeared in an instant.

Ten years later, the crown prince was sixteen years old and could finally enter the court to discuss politics. One of his favorite things to do was to crowd out Mr. Zhongshu Ling Zhao.

When he finally squeezed Mr. Zhao into the letter to become an official, he felt elation in his heart, and privately asked Han Jin, "Father, Xiaobai...cough, Mr. Luo has been in the army for so many years, should he be transferred back?" Are you short of talent?"

Xiang Han closed the court yellow mosquito, shook his head and said, "No, I have other arrangements for him."

The little prince frowned, feeling that this matter needs to be done step by step, so he asked again: "Father, have you seen the record of the Taifu becoming an official?"