The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!

Chapter 50: Scheming little white lotus 5


Xiang Han angrily went to the supermarket, and found out embarrassingly that he didn't know what size Shen Ze was wearing.

Fortunately, Shen Ze gave enough money, so he simply took two of each size, and then went back with a bag of underwear.

The Shen family hadn't finished their torment at this time, Zhu Jingyi heard Shen Zhengduo's words, and said directly: "What are you waiting for tomorrow? Let her go now!"

She suddenly remembered that Xiang Han had just told her before dinner that Xue Ling was always staring at him secretly, and her eyes were not friendly. She didn't take it seriously before, but after seeing Xue Ling's crazy and vicious look, she couldn't help being afraid for a while. Who knows what she was thinking when she stared at Xiaohan

And Xue Ling's current state is obviously not normal. If she waits until tomorrow, what if she goes crazy at night and does something else

Shen Zhengduo didn't think of this at first, but when Zhu Jingyi whispered a few words, his face suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Xue Ling, you can go tonight."

Xue Ling trembled slightly, seeing that Shen Ze still did not look back, her eyes could not help but become desperate, and then looked at Shen Zhengduo and the two with resentment.

Startled by the hatred in her eyes, Zhu Jingyi unconsciously took a step back. Shen Zhengduo blocked her behind, frowned and said: "Xue Ling, if you continue to make trouble, I will call the police."

When Xiang Han came back, he just heard Zhu Jingyi's words, "Let her go now", and hurried upstairs with his underwear on. After he understood what was going on, his expression suddenly became a little indescribable.

You know, during the day, he was still thinking hard about how to get Xue Ling away. But if you buy a pair of underwear, your wish will come true

At this time, Xue Ling's heart was full of despair and resentment. After being reprimanded by Shen Zhengduo, she subconsciously looked away, and then saw Xiang Han going upstairs with his underwear, and his eyes instantly became more resentful.

Sure enough, it was him, this little bastard must have said something to Aze, and Aze would have the heart to drive her away.

"It's your fault, it's all your fault..." Xue Ling muttered to herself, her eyes becoming more and more crazy.

As soon as Xiang Han reached the second floor, before she could stand still, she rushed over suddenly, trying to grab Xiang Han's neck.

"Xiaohan!" Zhu Jingyi's eyes widened in an instant, throwing off Shen Zhengduo and rushing over, and Shen Zhengduo hurried to follow.

Shen Ze turned his head when he heard the voice, and was about to be thrown down the stairs when he saw Xiang Han, so he hurriedly rushed over.

But Xiang Han had practiced martial arts in the last world after all. Although the original owner was weak, his own instincts were still there. Seeing Xue Ling rushing towards him, he immediately grabbed the handrail and turned sideways to avoid it.

After Xue Ling flew into the air, she barely stopped in front of the steps, leaning forward, waving her hands wildly, trying to fall but not falling.

Just when she was about to stabilize her body, Xiang Han blurted out: "Be careful, don't fall."

When Shen Ze heard this sentence, he stopped immediately and subconsciously turned his face away.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiang Han finished speaking, Xue Ling threw her body forward, fell on the stairs with a 'boom', and then slid all the way down.

Shen Zhengduo & Zhu Jingyi: "..."

Xiang Han covered his eyes, and couldn't bear to look directly at him. After there was no movement, he opened his fingers and looked through the cracks of his fingers.

Xue Ling's face was bloodied from the fall, and she was half lying on the stairs, her body undulating slightly.

After learning from the system that the other party's life was not in danger, Xiang Han hurried upstairs, stood beside Zhu Jingyi and asked, "Should I... call 120?"

He didn't know his expression at this time, he looked scared, looked trembling, and seemed to be terrified. Seeing him, Zhu Jingyi felt distressed for a while, hugged him into her arms, comforted him and glared at Xue Ling angrily: "What's the name 120? She's going to kill you, call 110."

After finishing speaking, he continued to comfort Xiang Han: "Hey, don't be afraid."

Xiang Han: "..." I'm not afraid.

He struggled to break free from Zhu Jingyi's arms, and then saw Shen Ze looking at him with deep meaning.

What are you looking at? And it's not all for you.

Xiang Han walked over maliciously, with a pure expression, picked up the plastic bag and said, "Brother, your underwear."

Shen Ze's face darkened, he grabbed the bag and left.

Xiang Han curled his lips and didn't even say 'thank you', really rude.

Shen Zhengduo finally called the police, who called for emergency treatment. The two parties arrived at the same time, Xue Ling was picked up first, the police went over the scene and learned about the situation, and then asked Shen Zhengduo to make a record the next day.

Zhu Jingyi frowned: "When she wakes up, will she bite back and say that we pushed it?"

Shen Zhengduo also thought of this possibility, frowned and said, "In this case, we really can't tell."

Seeing Zhu Jingyi's worried face after speaking, she comforted: "Don't think about it yet, let's talk about it tomorrow. You rest first, I'll go and see Ozawa and the others."

Zhu Jingyi shook her head and said, "Xiao Han doesn't need it, I'll just go and have a look."

Xiang Han happened to hear it when closing the door, and when Zhu Jingyi came, he sent her away without saying a few words, and then said to the system: "Xiao Jiu, help me make a video."

On the other side, after Shen Ze returned to his room, he immediately turned out his underwear, picked out a pair that was the right size, washed it quickly, wrung it dry, and dried it with a hair dryer.

When Shen Zhengduo came, he was bragging about being bored.

After being disturbed, he was in a bad mood, blocked the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

When Shen Zhengduo thought that his son had been taken care of by a person with mental problems for so many years, he felt a burst of worry and fear in his heart. He said with some guilt: "Xiao Ze, can you go in first? Dad wants to tell you something in his heart."

Shen Ze was blowing on his underwear, how could he let him in, he directly frowned and said, "It's not convenient."

Shen Zhengduo choked for a moment, but he felt ashamed and didn't say anything. He only asked tentatively: "Xiao Ze, when did Xue Ling become abnormal? Over the years, has she..."

Shen Zhengduo didn't think of anything else, but felt that Xue Ling was so abnormal, maybe he went crazy before he knew it, and it was more likely that he beat, scolded and insulted Shen Ze. After all, she dared to scold Xiang Han and Zhu Jingyi in front of him just now.

Now Shen Ze is disgusted whenever he hears the word 'Xue Ling', and before he can finish speaking, he closes the door with a 'bang'.

Shen Zhengduo was taken aback by the shock, but at the same time became more worried.

Xue Ling left, and Zhu Jingyi made breakfast the next day.

Xiang Han took a sip and immediately frowned deeply. After traveling so many times, did he finally meet the dark cuisine

When Shen Ze went downstairs, the buttons were still unbuttoned.

Shen Zhengduo was a little uncomfortable with it, and wanted to reprimand him, but thinking about what happened last night, he forcibly held back, and said earnestly: "Don't always skip breakfast, it's not good for your health."

Xiang Han also said: "That's right, brother, if you don't eat breakfast, you won't grow taller."

Shen Ze paused and looked at him silently.

Seeing this, Shen Zhengduo hurriedly said: "Hurry up and sit down and eat something, all made by your aunt Zhu. After eating, I went to school with Xiaohan by car. Your bicycle fell badly, so I sent someone to repair it."

Shen Ze looked at Xiang Han for a long time before walking over and sitting beside him.

Zhu Jingyi helped him serve the porridge, and pushed the bun towards him.

Shen Ze said 'thank you' in a muffled voice, which stunned Zhu Jingyi.

Xiang Han also pushed the vegetables towards him, and said with a smile, "Brother, don't just eat the porridge and not eat the vegetables."

Shen Ze didn't think much about it, and took a chopstick directly, but as soon as he handed it to his mouth, his expression froze.

"What's wrong?" Shen Zhengduo looked puzzled.

Shen Ze glanced at Xiang Han, then swallowed the vegetables without chewing, and said with some difficulty, "It's nothing."

Xiang Han lowered his head guiltily and drank the porridge silently.

Seeing this, Shen Zhengduo took a sip suspiciously, and then discussed with Zhu Jingyi with a wrinkled face: "Jingyi, let's call it a part-time worker in the future."

Zhu Jingyi: "..." The enthusiasm was gone.

After eating, Xiang Han picked up his schoolbag and got into the car, then discussed with the system: "Xiao Jiu, would you like to learn how to cook?"

System: "..." I am a dignified combat system, do I want to switch to cooking

While discussing, the car door was suddenly opened again. It was midwinter at this time, and Shen Ze sat in the car with a chill in his body.

Xiang Han couldn't help looking over, he didn't expect that the other party would agree to ride with him in the car.

Shen Ze seemed to have sensed it, and looked at him as well. Xiang Han hurriedly looked away, but Shen Ze didn't move, his eyes still fell on him.

Xiang Han sat for a while, feeling a little uncomfortable, couldn't help turning around and asking, "What are you looking at?"

Shen Ze silently looked away, and after a while, he looked back again, and said with a blank expression: "The sentence you said during the meal, remove the word 'no', and say it again."

"Huh?" Xiang Han asked with a blank face, "Which sentence?"

Shen Ze turned his face away, with a strange expression on his face, he hesitated for a while before saying, "...that's the sentence 'not tall'."

Xiang Han: "..." What's the matter with suddenly wanting to laugh? So awkward, he looks like a fourteen-year-old boy, hahaha!

"Brother, you will definitely grow taller." Xiang Han said with a forced smile.

Shen Ze was a little annoyed, turned his head and saw that Xiang Han's mouth was almost grinning to the ear, so he couldn't help but said with a cold face: "Don't laugh."

"I'm not smiling." Xiang Han immediately restrained his expression, looking innocent.

Shen Ze was annoyed seeing his expression, so he simply turned his head to look out the window.

When we arrived in the classroom, Shen Ze sat down on the seat first, and Xiang Han was blocked in the aisle.

Xiang Han paused for a moment, and couldn't help thinking, the relationship should have been eased last night, why did it return to the original point? Could it be... because of breakfast and the car

"Brother, I haven't gone in yet." He first said nicely.

Shen Ze said without raising his head, "Go in from there."

Xiang Han couldn't help grinding his teeth, thinking to himself, with such a small mind, no wonder it's easy to blacken.

He glanced at the classmates around him, suddenly smiled maliciously, and then pretended to be wronged: "Brother, didn't you say that it was evened before? It's a pity that I went to buy it for you last night..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Ze got up abruptly, took Xiang Han in directly, and said with a dark face, "Sit down, shut up, and don't talk."

Xiang Han looked innocent: "..."