The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!

Chapter 60: Scheming Little White Lotus 15-16


There is no harm if there is no comparison. After being entangled by Chang Yuchi for nearly a semester, Shen Ze deeply found that his cheap little brother who was a little cautious was much cuter because of the same entanglement.

The fly in the ointment is that the cheap brother doesn't like to pester him very much recently, instead he often observes Chang Yuchi secretly. Only when Chang Yuchi was with him, he occasionally looked over.

Shen Ze was very uncomfortable, and felt dazzling every time he saw it, so he called Chang Yuchi away. Chang Yuchi is now like a follower, he is very obedient, and he obediently follows him every time.

Xiang Han looked dumbfounded, a little confused about what was going on. Judging from Shen Ze's usual attitude, he really doesn't like Chang Yuchi. But once Xiang Han was present, he would definitely leave with Chang Yuchi frowning.

Chang Yuchi often went to Shen Ze's side. If nine out of ten times he was ignored, the rest of the time must be because of Xiang Han's presence.

Xiang Han couldn't help guessing, could it be that Shen Ze is a coquettish person who said he didn't like it, but his heart had already been shaken

Otherwise, why would Shen Ze have a cold face every time he was present? Wasn't it because he kept observing Chang Yuchi that the other party misunderstood him

This is not very good, Xiang Han was a little worried, and hurriedly asked the system to pay attention to Chang Yuchi's recent movements.

This is a master of meat and vegetables, regardless of his young age, but he has rich experience in night shows. Although I have been a lot more honest recently, how can a cat not be fishy? What's more, it's still puberty, when it's hard to hide restlessness.

In a blink of an eye, at the end of the first semester, the homeroom teacher issued a letter of intent for class placement, and then propped up the podium and said, "After one semester, you should know which subjects you are good at and which subjects you like. This form includes Go back and study carefully, and discuss it with your family. Classes will be divided next semester, so you should be more careful in choosing essays and theories."

After class, Chang Yuchi hurriedly walked to Shen Ze's seat and asked, "Ah Ze, do you plan to choose liberal arts or science?"

"Whatever." Shen Ze ignored it, picked up his bag and left straight away.

However, when we got home, when we were having dinner, everyone was discussing their vacation travel plans enthusiastically, when he suddenly asked, "Are you going to choose liberal arts or science?"

This question was asked without thinking, Xiang Han froze for a moment before saying: "Whatever."

"Are you going to be divided into classes?" Shen Zhengduo was surprised, and then said: "This can't be done casually, it needs to be carefully considered."

"That's right." Zhu Jingyi patted Xiang Han and said angrily, "Get out all your exam papers for this semester later, and Mom will give you the details."

"No need, I'll choose liberal arts." Xiang Han burst into a cold sweat, the papers are basically done by the system, what is there to refer to

Before he even entered high school, he decided to choose liberal arts. With the system, you can recite everything quickly. For science subjects, formula dictation is too troublesome.

Seeing this, Shen Zhengduo was not to be outdone, turned his head and said to Shen Ze: "What are your plans? Tell me, and I will help you with the details..."

"No need, I'm studying literature." Shen Ze interrupted directly.

Shen Zhengduo was choked for a moment, Xiang Han was a little surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, aren't you better at science?"

Shen Ze paused for a moment, then said nonchalantly, "Liberal arts is more interesting."

Shen Zhengduo couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help persuading him: "Xiao Ze, I haven't read your Chinese test paper. You only get 30 or 40 points for the composition of 60 points. What kind of writing are you studying like this? Now Many majors in arts and sciences are recruited, such as business administration, you can apply for science as well... "

He painstakingly tried to persuade him for a long time, but when he saw Shen Ze bowed his head and said nothing, as if he was thinking about something, he felt relieved for a while, thinking that the other party should have listened.

But only Shen Ze knew that he wasn't thinking about the 'future, profession' at all, but was secretly puzzled.

At the moment when Xiang Han mentioned Xuewen, he blurted out the same choice without even thinking about it, and he still had a vague expectation in his heart that it would be best if he could be in the same class as the other party, or even the same university and major...

Obviously when he first entered high school, in order to avoid the other party, he deliberately asked the teacher to put them in different classes. Why was it so abnormal just now

But looking back, in the past six months, when he faced Xiang Han, he seemed to have been abnormal frequently.

The more Shen Ze thought about it, the more frightened he became. He wondered to himself, could it be that he had already been crushed and fell in love with her before he knew it

He shook his hand, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Xiang Han in disbelief.

Xiang Han's hair stood on end when he saw him, and asked nervously, "What, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Shen Ze bowed his head hastily, covering up his emotions with food.

Lying on the bed at night, he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, his mind was full of Xiang Han's innocent looking face, but in reality he was so rotten.

Moreover, after realizing that he might like the other party, he suddenly found that Xiang Han's expression became very funny when he played tricks. Obviously at this time last year, he really hated the other party's tricks.

Shen Ze felt that he was probably seriously ill. He couldn't bear it until one o'clock in the morning, so he got up suddenly and turned on the computer to search for various information. As a result, the more information he read, the more certain he was about his previous thoughts.

Finally, when he was browsing the forum, he couldn't help but posted a post, the content of which was roughly: Help! How about a friend of the landlord... May I ask if my friend is bent

In the middle of the night, the forum was almost deserted. Shen Ze lay back on the bed and swiped it several times, and finally came up with a reply.

Floor 1: Damn it! orthopedics

orthopedics? Shen Ze frowned slightly, searched the Internet, and finally found a post: What is German orthopedics

After poking it in, before he finished watching it, his face turned half dark, and he hurriedly replied: It was brought by his stepbrother and stepmother, there is no blood relationship.

Floor 3: Pseudo-orthopedics? Brother, I didn't say that your friend... is actually yourself, right

Shen Ze's hands trembled slightly, and he hurriedly replied: No!

In the next room, Xiang Han couldn't sleep because he slept too much during the day, so he was browsing the forum with his mobile phone. After seeing the latest reply, he couldn't help being amused, and muttered: "I want to cover it up."

Then he couldn't help but replied: "Brother, this is a simple matter. Ask your friend to push your brother down and kiss him, and see if his face is red, breathless, and heartbeat is accelerating?" You know there is no bend.

After returning, he threw the phone aside, and then said with emotion: "I was so pure in the past, but now I am an old driver."

The system is as quiet as a chicken, wanting to tell him the truth very much.

After Shen Ze saw the reply, he subconsciously thought of it, and then his ears turned red, and his heart beat faster.

He hurriedly recited the text silently to dispel the haunting thoughts in his heart. After calming down, he politely replied with a thank you, then turned off the phone and went to sleep.

Xiang Han swiped it a few more times, and seeing no new reply, he stopped paying attention.

Because it is an anonymous forum, the next morning, the post was quickly suppressed, and it was not until a long time later that the troublemaker came up again.

Floor 11: When I was bored, I checked the ip, and found that the main building to the sixth floor are exactly the same. If it is not a fine score... Then I really want to ask, how are you and your brother, the landlord

Floor 12: Damn it!

Floor 13: Damn it!

Floor 28: Damn it! Give my brother some wax [Yun Bei]

Floor 29: Damn it! Destroy the formation upstairs!

Floor 30: Damn it! I also destroyed one, what kind of wax? Congratulations, my brother also likes the landlord

Floor 31: Damn it! But the younger brother can't court him, so he seems to have fallen in love with someone else

Floor 32: Damn it! What a great show, how is it going now? Call the landlord!

Xiang Han and Shen Ze didn't know about these follow-ups, they went to bed late and woke up late. Xiang Han was first woken up by Zhu Jingyi's phone call, and when he learned that the part-time worker had asked for leave, Zhu Jingyi ordered a hotel delivery for them.

He got up in a daze, then knocked on Shen Ze's door, yawned and said, "Brother, wake up. Mom ordered takeaway, which seems to be wontons, soup dumplings, etc. Let's get up quickly and eat while it's hot."

Shen Ze opened the door, and at a glance he found that the buttons of his pajamas were misplaced, and his hair was messed up like a chicken coop, which looked a little funny.

He couldn't help chuckling, and the irritability caused by lack of sleep was swept away.

Only then did Xiang Han wake up, and when he opened his eyes, he finally realized that the buttons were fastened wrongly, so he hurriedly fastened them again, and muttered, "What's so funny?"

After tying it up, he raised his head again and told him, "Brush your teeth and wash your face quickly, the takeaway will be here soon."

Shen Ze's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered the reply from last night. After staring at it for a long time, he suddenly leaned over and lowered his head.

Xiang Han turned around after finishing speaking, leaving only the back of his head. Shen Ze did enough mental construction before he finally lowered his head. He didn't expect this to be the result, and suddenly he was depressed, and couldn't help but stare at the whirlpool in the opponent's head.

"correct… "

Xiang Han seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned around again. Shen Ze still maintained the original posture, their faces brushed together immediately, Shen Ze's lips were sticking to the corners of Xiang Han's lips.

The two froze at the same time, staring at each other. After a while, Shen Ze pursed his lips and felt soft. His heart beat faster and faster, and there was a ringing in his ears.

Xiang Han finally came back to his senses, took a step back, his face was a little flushed, and his tone was slightly annoyed: "What are you doing here?"

Shen Ze also straightened up at this time, his expression returned to normal, he coughed lightly, and said nonchalantly, "You... have a white hair, I just want to pull it out for you."

"Really?" Xiang Han was suspicious, why didn't he tell him if he was just pulling out his hair. And just leaning over, not raising your hand, and pulling it out with your mouth

"En." Shen Ze nodded quickly, and then shifted his attention: "By the way, what did you want to say just now?"

"Oh, yes, yes..." Xiang Han thought for a long time, and finally said helplessly, "Whenever you interrupt me, I forget about it."

"Oh, then I'll go wash up first." Shen Ze left in a hurry, his steps even a little unsteady.

Looking at his back, Xiang Han couldn't help being puzzled. Shen Ze has always disliked being in contact with people, but the situation just now... didn't make him angry

The system that knows the truth about the forum continues to be as quiet as a chicken.

Xiang Han shook his head to dispel his doubts. Remembering what the system said to him just now, he suddenly asked again: "By the way, Xiao Jiu, what did I want to say just now?"

"Ah?" The system suddenly came back to its senses, and hurriedly said: "Just now I checked the records, and Chang Yuchi went to Zero Degree last night."

Zero Degree is another high-end club in Anshi after Bihuang. Students are generally not accepted, but if you are rich and powerful, that's another story.

Xiang Han thought for a while, and said, "It's fine if you don't say anything, you keep an eye on Zero Degree, and when Chang Yuchi goes again, notify me immediately."

"Chang Yuchi hasn't left yet." The system said softly.

Xiang Han: "...that's amazing, you're not afraid of hypocrisy at such a young age?"

Big A: "Well, don't say such things in front of the parties, it might come true."

Xiang Han thought for a while and said, "If it's Chang Yuchi, there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Big A couldn't help but be thankful that Xiang Han couldn't see him.

At night, Chang Yuchi still hasn't left.

Xiang Han was bored, Shen Zhengduo and Zhu Jingyi had to work overtime, and they didn't come back. It was only him and Shen Ze at home.

Shen Ze was sitting on the sofa watching TV, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood. He kept changing channels, and none of them could watch for five minutes.

Xiang Han thought about it, and hurriedly sat beside him, glanced at him first, then coughed lightly, and said, "Brother, do you want to go out for a walk?"

When Shen Ze saw him sitting over, he was startled, thinking that he had been caught peeping. After listening to his words, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said reservedly, "Where are you going?"

"How about zero degree?" Xiang Han's eyes were bright, and he felt that as long as Shen Ze saw Chang Yuchi's wandering appearance, no amount of goodwill could be extinguished.

Where did Shen Ze not go when he was with Gu Haisheng? As soon as I heard the name, I knew where it was, and immediately refused: "No."

"Why?" Xiang Han asked urgently.

"Students are not allowed in there." Shen Ze put on a wooden face, and his tone was a little unhappy.

"But... don't you have a card?" Xiang Han glanced at him, then lowered his head and pointed at his fingers.

Don't think he doesn't know, Shen Ze has been to this kind of place more than ten times.

Shen Ze put down the remote control, frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Just... want to see and see."

"Then there's no need, it's not as good as Bihuang." Shen Ze continued to switch channels.

Xiang Han gritted his teeth, stood up and said, "Forget it, then I'll go by myself."

The doorman or something, spiritual hints can be taken care of. At worst, he went to take a few photos, and if he couldn't take them, he could synthesize them together, and then pretended to discover it by accident, and told Shen Ze about it as something new, and the effect would definitely be the same.

Seeing that he really planned to go by himself, Shen Ze's face darkened, and he hurriedly turned off the TV and got up.

Seeing this, Xiang Han let out a 'huh', and Shen Ze had no expression on his face. When he passed by him, he said, "Huh, what's the matter, aren't you going? Why don't you keep up?"

Xiang Han hurriedly followed, but he was a little suspicious in his heart, Shen Ze today... has been very strange since the morning.

At zero degrees, Shen Ze originally wanted to find a private room, drink some fruit wine with Xiang Han, and then leave. But Xiang Hanfei wanted to go to the dance hall, and he reluctantly agreed in the end.

The dance hall is usually normal, but there are a few days a month that are closed. In fact, only diamond card members are accepted.

After Shen Ze entered, he found demons dancing everywhere, only then did he realize that today is the closing day, and he immediately wanted to pull Xiang Han away.

Xiang Han shrugged off, "It's already here, just take a look."

After speaking, his eyes lit up, and he swept around like a radar. It didn't take long before he found Chang Yuchi, who was kissing a hot blonde.

Xiang Han suddenly became excited, and hurriedly tugged Shen Ze, pretending to be surprised: "Hey, isn't that Chang Yuchi from your class?"

Shen Ze said with a dark face, "You dragged the wrong person."

Xiang Han hurriedly let go, turned around in embarrassment: "I'm sorry..."

Before the word 'ah' was finished, Xiang Han became embarrassed again. Because he not only caught the wrong person, but also arrested a plainclothes person—Lin Ruiqing.

Why do I meet him every time I go to this kind of place? Xiang Han wailed inwardly, but obediently admitted his mistake on the surface: "Lin, Lin..."

"It's Xiaohan, why are you here? Don't run around later, Brother Lin will take you home." Lin Ruiqing raised the corners of his lips, patted him on the head, and said the word 'Brother Lin' At this time, the strength can't help but increase a bit.

Xiang Han instantly understood that Lin Ruiqing was probably looking for something and didn't want to reveal his identity. Thinking about it, he has already transferred to criminal investigation, how could he still be in charge of anti-pornography.

Lin Ruiqing was very satisfied, dragged him to the side of Shen Ze and pressed him, and whispered: "You two sit here obediently, and return to the police station with the car later."

Xiang Han shivered, and said pitifully, "Brother Lin, my mother will kill me? Besides, don't you...don't care about this?"

Lin Ruiqing patted his head, "Lovely" said: "Hey, the group of people in the security department have been a little busy recently and need to be active."

Xiang Han burst into tears, Shen Ze pulled him away from Lin Ruiqing, and said with a cold face, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Who knew we would meet him?" Xiang Han's eyes were full of tears, thinking of business, he hurriedly looked at Chang Yuchi. Seeing that the other party was still hugging the blonde girl, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, quickly tugged Shen Ze, and said, "Brother, look, that's Chang Yuchi from your class."

"I've seen it a long time ago." Shen Ze looked away with some disgust, and by the way raised his hand to pinch the back of Xiang Han's neck, and looked away from him too. After a while, seeing that Xiang Han wasn't sad, he asked again: " are you feeling now?"

"How about what?" Xiang Han wondered.

Shen Ze pursed his thin lips, hesitated for a moment and said, "Didn't you like him before?"

"When did I ever like him?" Xiang Han looked shocked, and when he came back to his senses, he was afraid that he might misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained: "I never liked him. Although I stared at him occasionally, it was to observe his character."

Observe character? Are you going to investigate

Shen Ze asked again: "What about the observation results?"

"Extremely bad, not worthy of brother at all." Xiang Han was heartbroken.

Shen Ze's eyes widened in an instant, with an unprecedented astonishment on his expression.

Xiang Han was still persuading him there: "Brother, you also saw that he just went to high school, and he is just like a fish in water in the night market, and his private life must be even more chaotic. Oh, by the way, I heard that his grandfather and father are very caring." , inherited from the ancestors, cannot be changed..."

Shen Ze felt as disgusted as swallowing a fly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Where do you see that I like him, I"


Before the words fell, there was a sudden gunshot, and the word "you" was immediately covered by the gunshot, and then there were screams everywhere. Shen Ze's eyes turned cold, he hurriedly pushed Xiang Han down, and whispered: "Don't move around, follow me closely."

After speaking, he observed the situation and looked for the source.

Before taking two steps, a tall man suddenly grabbed them and said in a low voice, "Follow me."

Shen Ze's eyes were alert, his right hand moved slightly, and a slender, narrow knife suddenly slipped out of his cuff, and was placed on the man's neck in an instant.

The man felt a chill, and then smiled wryly: "It was Team Lin who asked me to protect you."

Seeing that Shen Ze was still skeptical after speaking, he took out his ID with awkward movements.

Only then did Shen Ze believe it. He retracted the knife first, then grabbed Xiang Han tightly, and asked, "Why didn't you let us go before?"

The man said helplessly: "You guys have been in contact with Team Lin. If you go out immediately, you might startle the snake. We misjudged the situation and didn't expect the other party to be robbed."

The three squeezed out in the chaos, and finally retreated to a safe area, and saw the gangsters holding hostages, and they were in a stalemate with Lin Ruiqing and the others. And that hostage happened to be Chang Yuchi.

Chang Yuchi's legs were trembling with fright at this time, his trousers were stained with a suspicious dark color, and he kept asking Lin Ruiqing for help.

Shen Ze frowned, checked the direction and distance with his eyes, and suddenly lifted his right hand slightly, and the silver bright blade flew out instantly, directly piercing the gangster's wrist.

The gangster snorted in pain, and the gun fell in response. Lin Ruiqing and others rushed forward in an instant and quickly subdued him.

Chang Yuchi sat slumped on the ground, unable to even stand up. When he turned around and saw that it was Shen Ze who was saving him, his eyes lit up, but when he looked down and saw his pants, he felt ashamed again.

The plainclothes man who came out with Shen Ze was stunned for a moment, and immediately said angrily after regaining his senses, "You shoot without saying hello, what if the shot misses and hurts the hostage?"

"Impossible." Shen Ze snorted coldly, he really wanted to hurt the hostage.

"Brother, don't talk too much." Xiang Han couldn't help reminding, that is to say, he didn't use his skills, and if he did, he might not know what the result would be.

Shen Ze took a deep look at him and said, "I wish you could say something just now."

Xiang Han: "Uh..."

"Okay, it has nothing to do with us, let's go." Shen Ze suddenly pulled him away, turned back halfway, and reminded the man: "By the way, the knife...can you..."

The man's face darkened, and he said, "Control knives, confiscate them."

Shen Ze frowned: "It's not as long as a fruit knife."

"I see that in your hands, all knives have to be controlled." The man said angrily. Seeing that Shen Ze was about to leave again, he stepped forward to stop him: "Don't worry, just contact your family and go to the bureau to make a record."

This time, before Shen Ze could speak, Xiang Han turned his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Police, we are assisting in the arrest of criminals."

Shen Ze turned his head in surprise, glanced at him and emphasized: "It's me."

"Every family is the same." Xiang Han hurriedly stroked his hair.

Shen Ze was very satisfied with this sentence, so he didn't say anything more.

But the plainclothes man said: "Then I have to make a record, and I didn't mention punishment. Why are you nervous? Don't worry, maybe there will be rewards."

"There's no need for rewards. Let's learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds without leaving names." Xiang Han's eyes turned, and he pulled Shen Ze away immediately after speaking.

The man was stunned for a moment, but he nodded and agreed without any hindrance. When Lin Ruiqing came over and asked 'Where is the person', he still looked blank and asked, "Who?"

After leaving the clubhouse, Shen Ze immediately put on a stiff face, and said solemnly: "You are not allowed to look at people like that in the future." Then he added in his heart, just look at me.

"Oh." Xiang Han was a little guilty, afraid of being noticed, so he quickly changed the topic: "By the way, brother, who did you say you liked at the dance floor just now?"

Shen Ze: "..."